Hello, Getting some fun in my Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer in that when I try and set the Commander science skill it gets permanently stuck on Tyken's Rift 3 no matter what you try and change it to even after taking out and putting back on the boff, swapping skills etc. This only seems to happen if the boff has…
Hello, Like generalklang I pretty much have the same problem. Unlocked the three ships on three different characters on this account today and only the carrier said I unlocked the account wide discount (and checked on other characters and was OK) but unfortunately did not apply for the Plesh Brek or Chel Grett which I have…
Thanks for the update Frost, I hope it's in todays patch! As westmetals said, what will happen with the broken ones? Any refunds/replacements? Anything would be preferable as right now they are basically junk items. Cheers.
Hello! Just had this happen to me right now. Bought a Console - Science - Graviton Generator Mk X [SHH] [-Th] and tried to upgrade it via the crafting to Mk XI and, like many others, it stripped the graviton generator bonus and renamed it completely. Right now it's become a "Console - Science - Shield-Repairing Weapon…
Thanks for the info :) Today I remembered I have both the Mk XII Jem'Hadar set and the Solanae set but wondering which one to pick to replace my current Counter-Command set... JH set improves Graviton Generators (the pull) and a host of other things to improve normal weapon damage (plus, I use polaron anyway) with the full…
Hi, thanks for the reply! Yes, I completely forgot to mention this is for PvE, sorry about that! Is this so? I always thought it helped a fair bit considering I'm using GW3. Now that I've actually re-read the description for GW3 it explicitly states that "... the damage inflicted by this effect is improved by your Particle…
I was looking for a T6 Romulan Intel-Science ship as well but oh well, just have to hope it may come out in a future update but I won't be holding my breath. For now, I'm still trundling about in my T5-U R'Mor Temporal Science Ship and is surprisingly decent for how I play; a few quirks here and there but otherwise good.…
This might be a little off topic to what the OP is asking but speaking of R&D doffs, any idea where to get more (and better) ones from? Maybe it's blatantly obvious but I can't seem to track any down...
Thanks for the heads up syndonai, didn't know you could get invites to other peoples facilities. Is the channel just called "NoP"? I can see one with that name but no idea if it's the right one!
Thanks for the replies! I'll keep both a single [Shield] and [Hull] threat console but to be honest not sure I've noticed the heals from them! I'll probably get at least one [Pla] console to replace my Particle Generator. Can only get a Mk X Ultra Rare one from our fleet but it's not that much lower than a Mk XII Very Rare…
You weren't kidding! Using the Mk XII JH set and upgrading the Graviton Generators seems to have a big impact on the 'pull' distance and even quite surprised it was happily pulling in larger ships (like battleships) in too compared to what i had before. Yes I've ran into that as well; most of the time they both get the CD…
Thanks for the update! I was pretty close to the JH Mk XII set with crystals so I decided to get it in the end! Also, I'm Federation aligned. Just wondering I see you put down 3x Graviton Generators as ultra-rare along with an ultra-rare Particle Generator; I thought there were no fleet versions of them? Or is this simply…
Wow, very informative post, thanks for the time making it warmaker! :) Also, thanks for the link to the skill / ship builder, I have linked my current one here (wish I knew about it sooner!): http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=currentmirrorhanombuild_0 As for reputation, I have the following: Undine: Tier 4 Dyson:…
Thanks for the reply. It still doesn't make much sense though. The way I see it is I deploy my normal turret from skillbar as usual and the DOff should always give me a bonus turret (so now two turrets) with a small chance of giving two bonus turrets (would then be three turrets). I did send a bug report yesterday anyway,…