Hi folks!
Looking to get some feedback / suggestions for my Mirror Ha'nom warbird and I'll give a brief outline on what I do and what I have equipped.
Firstly, I'm playing a Romulan science captain and mostly do PvE in elite missions etc. I've been running around with a polaron and using various debuff science skills and crowd control (works great in KVE) but I don't think I'm getting enough out of the ship.
So, here's what I have equipped:
Fore Weapons: 3x
Protonic Polaron Beam Array Mk XII [Dmg]x2Aft Weapons: 3x
Protonic Polaron Beam Array Mk XII [Dmg]x2Deflector: Solanae Deflector Array Mk XIIImpulse: Solanae Hyper-Efficient Impulse Engines Mk XIISingularity: Field Stabilising Singularity Core Mk XI [PG] [Jump] [WCap] [Trans]Shields: Solanae Resilient Shield Array Mk XIIEngineering Consoles: 2x
Energy Signature Dampener Mk XII [+Res4b] and 1x
Energy Signature Dampener Mk XII [+Turn]Tactical Consoles: 2x
Polaron Phase Modulator Mk XIIScience Consoles: 2x
Field Generators Mk XI, 1x
Emitter Array Mk X and 1x
Particle Generator Mk XIBoff Skills:
Tactical slot 1: Tactical Team I and Beam Array: Fire at Will II
Engineering slot 1: Engineering Team I and Emergency Power to Auxiliary II
Engineering slot 2: Emergency Power to Shields I
Science slot 1: Hazard Emitters I, Science Team II, Tractor Beam Repulsors II and Gravity Well III
Science slot 2: Tractor Beam I, Energy Siphon I and Tyken's Rift II (this boff also has Viral Matrix III which I can swap when needed)
I do have the JH MK XI set (not the MK XII) but even then it's a mixed bag. Personally I feel my damage is a bit low but then again I am in a science ship with more of an emphasis on crowd control and debuffs as well as healing others where possible (usually a thankless task!).
Even with the engineering consoles the ship sometimes can't hold itself together but this mainly happens against elite Undine ships otherwise I'll try and make a break for it with Brace for Impact, Hazard Emitters and then use battle cloak if I can.
I'm hopefully aiming towards the Fleet Ha'nom in future (a long way off) since it swaps an engineering boff slot for a tactical one that I think will be better.
Anyway, any comments/suggestions would be great, thanks!
For now, I will suggest a simple Support + CC build trying to utilize what you have to get you into back into the fight. You also didn't state what Reputation Tiers you have unlocked / maximized, so I'm working under the assumption they're not Tier4/5, nor your resources. So I'm working under the "cheap" label.
Simple Mirror Ha'nom CC & Support Build - Complete with Skill and very basic Trait selection.
I opted to get you back into your old Jem'Hadar Mk XI Set.
- Solanae Set had no bonus to Graviton Generators Skill nor Flow Capacitors.
- Jem'Hadar Deflector has a very strong Graviton Generators Skill bonus, crucial to almost all CC related Sci Skills.
- Jem'Hadar Deflector has a very strong Flow Capacitors Skill bonus, important to your very basic energy boost from Energy Siphon 1 to give you more power. Also, it improves the drain from your Polaron Proc if it goes off.
- 2 piece bonus brings a small Polaron weapon damage boost.
Duty Officers:
- 3 Deflector Officers to lessen the cooldown of Deflector abilities, which you have Energy Siphon and Gravity Well which counts.
- 2 Damage Control Engineers for a chance to lessen the cooldown of your Emergency Power abilities.
The build is about Support & CC. Most of the time you should be running with Aux Power as your #1 priority with Shield Power getting the #2 priority. The Jem'Hadar engine gives a moderate Weapons Power boost to help your weapons out a bit more than usual with no assist.
Gravity Well 3 will bunch targets up in the area for everyone's ease of killing. Tractor Beam 1 is available for snagging single targets down and does not conflict with other abilities for cooldowns.
You have ample healing abilities for yourself or for teammates.
- For Hull Repairs: Engineering Team 2, Hazard Emitters 3
- For Shield Repairs: Double Emergency Power to Shields 1 to cycle all the time, Transfer Shield Strength 2, Science Team 3
- If you wish, you could replace the Tractor Beam 1 or Energy Siphon 1 with another copy of Hazard Emitters and/or Transfer Shield Strength.
You have several abilities to grant you more resists on top of the armor I suggested. Polarize Hull, esp. with high Aux Power, grants tremendous resists as well as an escape from Tractor Beams. Hazard Emitters grants a HOT as well as a moderate resist bonus while active. Also, Transfer Shield Strength brings some shield heal as well as resists. Science Team 3 however brings a much larger, raw shield heal.
For Tactical abilities, Tactical Team 1 to use when under fire and very quick automatic shield adjustment. I also opted to have you use Attack Pattern Delta 1 instead of anything else for a few reasons.
- It can be used on yourself or another friendly target.
- The target gets a nice Resist Buff.
- Whatever shoots at the target gets a Resist Debuff.
- Great to use on a target the enemy is focused on, whether it be yourself or another teammate.
Also, I suggest when possible to work your Dyson & Omega Force Reputation Tiers ASAP.
- Omega Force has some great sets as well as Traits to use.
- Dyson for the Dyson Space Set, but more importantly is the 3 piece weapon set. This will grant you a beefed up Dyson Gravimetric Torpedo. With Gravity Well and Torpedo Spread 2, and high Particle Generators Skill (PG determines the damage of many Science abilities), you can wipe out a wave of NPCs with simply pressing GW3, TS2, fire Grav Torp, and watch them all die with their shields up. VERY good in clearing trash NPCs and in Crystalline Entity Elite.
I would not prioritize at all the 8472 rep for the time being. The equipment is terrible for any player that wants a heavy Science slant to their ships.
Romulan Rep would be the #3 priority to unlock. The main draw is the Romulan Plasma Weaponry and the weapons set that includes the Romulan Hyper Plasma Torpedo. The space set has uses, but a lot of people hate them, for good reason. The torp though is very good, and the 2 piece bonus from the Rom/Reman Space Set makes the plasma torps travel faster.
Nukara Rep for #4 priority. The space set isn't as useful to you since it's primarily for completely defensive builds relying on powerful shields and shield heals. The Nukara Space Weapon Set though features a Nukara Web Mine and a console that may be of some interest for later on.
My last suggestion is to really get into learning about what the skills/stats do in relation to the effectiveness of the various BOFF abilities, and how the different space sets reinforce or weaken that. Once you learn this, your ability to make and tweak an effective build will skyrocket. The STOwiki is the starting place, because frankly, the ingame tooltips are not useful or sometimes even outright WRONG.
If you want a hardcore Drain Build or something more exotic for Science, let me know. But a general supportive Science & CC build fits in well with any team out there.
Also, thanks for the link to the skill / ship builder, I have linked my current one here (wish I knew about it sooner!): http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=currentmirrorhanombuild_0
As for reputation, I have the following:
Undine: Tier 4
Dyson: Tier 4 (nearly 5)
Romulan: Tier 3
Nukara: Tier 4
Borg: Tier 4 (nearly 5)
I have included my current traits as well in the link, both personal ones and reputation space traits. Generally the reputation traits give extra damage through the shields (kinetic) which is useful but the proc doesn't trigger that often. I noticed on your list you didn't include any space reputation, what would you recommend for this?
I was looking at getting the Mk XII JH set (only a day or so left for it with discount so I better decide soon!). It does have quite significant bonuses over the Mk XI that's for sure, but of course need the Lobi Crystals for it...
As for remote support I'm usually between two minds in elite STF's that either the team/person does massive damage or just gets nuked regardless but obviously need to look out for myself too!
Regarding doffs, these are the ones I have currently assigned (not very good ones though):
1x Maintenance Engineer (reduce time for Engineering Team)
1x Deflector Officer (chance to reduce time for deflector abilities)
2x Development Lab Scientist (reduces time on Science Team)
1x Gravimetric Scientist (chance to create aftershock Tykens Rift - never seen it happen!)
So yeah you like you said (and now looking at it overall myself) there really is a lack of focus! I notice you have a Plasmonic Leech console; I was looking at it before until I saw the price tag! Perhaps something to save up for...
So there we have it, I've chucked in more details so should help a bit more too, but thanks again for your time!
I wasn't sure if you were Fed or KDF aligned.
You should have enough for the Dyson Protonic Arsenal. Here's a suggested tweak, this time with a bit more "luxury."
Switch out your Jem'Hadar Set for your Solanae Space Set. Solanae deflector has the highest Particle Generators Skill bonus of all the deflectors in the game. Easily. Dyson Deflector is 2nd closest but that is still in the 20's. The rifts from the Dyson Grav Torp go straight past the shields and to the hull for damage. Particle Generators Skill determines the damage by the rifts. Graviton Generators Skill determines the strength of the pull by the rifts to yank the ships back into the center for better damage.
Throw on the full Dyson Protonic Arsenal as the link suggests. This brings a massive Photon Torpedo boost, which the Dyson Grav Torp counts as, alongside good crit boosts.
The "luxury" items are Dil Mine Neutronium Alloy consoles (Engineering) and Romulan Embassy Consoles (Science). They're pricey, but for now, you can go for standard Particle Generator and Graviton Generator Science Consoles off the exchange. They should be cheap. The key is reinforcing Graviton Generator Skill since you will not have the Jem'Hadar Deflector anymore with the new build. You still need good Graviton Generators to have a good area of pull for your Gravity Well and the Dyson Torp "rifts."
The last set of "luxury" items are the Spire TAC Consoles, specifically going for CritH (higher critical chances) as well as Photon Projectiles. Your energy weapons are there for decoration, for most parts. Your real punch are from your CC (Gravity Wells), heals, and Torp Spread 2 with the Dyson Grav Torp. These tac consoles will reinforce the strength of your Dyson Grav Torp damage themselves (not the rifts... those are still Particle Generators).
**IF** you feel that luxurious, the 600 lobi Dyson Science Destroyer comes with the Solanae Warp / Singularity Core. That will make the Solanae Set complete with all 4 pieces. The Set 4 bonus ability is an emergency resist, shield heal if you're getting shot at a lot and shields are collapsing.
With Gravity Well, good Aux Power, good Particle Generators, good Graviton Generators, Torpedo Spread 2 with the Dyson Protonic Arsenal... I promise you, you will like the package your Science heavy ship can do. Even with a mere Torp Spread 2 with the Dyson Grav Torp into a a bunch of grouped up NPC ships due to Gravity Well will see them shredded apart. And you'll have good CC and healing abilities in abundance. The funny part is that you won't even have to bother with Weapons Power at all.
I was pretty close to the JH Mk XII set with crystals so I decided to get it in the end! Also, I'm Federation aligned.
Just wondering I see you put down 3x Graviton Generators as ultra-rare along with an ultra-rare Particle Generator; I thought there were no fleet versions of them? Or is this simply a mistake? Mk XII were pretty cheap anyway for the particle generators (very rare at about 1m credits) but could only bag rare graviton generators (extremely cheap at about ~50k credits, no sign of very rare ones).
Without re-speccing I don't have any points in any kind of projectile skill but that graviton torp setup sounds fun indeed!
The other fleet stuff I'm a long way off for now unfortunately.
Couple of points
- I personally prefer particle generators to graviton generators since graviton generators actually primarily increase the radius of the wells (the pull increase is negligible and mostly affected by aux power level), I don't see much of a use for bigger wells in pve as most enemies don't do a good job of escaping them. I would start with zero graviton generators and add them if you find ships wandering out of your wells until they stop, then use particle generators or flow capacitors based on your preference for the remaining open console slots
- The gravimetric scientist that creates aftershock gravity wells is imo a lot more useful than the one that creates aftershock tyken's rifts since the build focuses on GW3
- Not a big fan of using Deflector Officers with both GW and Tyken's because, unlike Technicians, their effect is a chance to set the CD of the affected ability to 50% of normal, so what I find happening is sometimes it'll reduce the CD of one ability and not the other and you'll have both coming off CD at the same time, wasting the proc
- I really like using photonic officer which gives a CD reduction to all your abilities (useful since you have limited tactical slots) without the CD desynching issue, and then use photonic scientist doffs or the elite fleet deflector to bring photonic officer down to the global CD, but it does cost a boff ability slot
As far as Graviton Generators vs Particle Gerators:
No matter how high Particle Generators you put in for Gravity Well, it will never, ever do meaningful damage. It will help in the rift damage from Dyson Grav Torps, though.
On the other hand, good Graviton Generators Skill with Gravity Well will basically suck in what seems to be every NPC on the screen, from distances that may surprise you. Very useful esp. in areas where combat seems to be more spread out. Crystalline Entity for example. The shards tend to get out of control at times chasing and scattering other players. But a strong Gravity Well back on the CE itself will literally bring everything, including the Tholian & Mirror ships, back to the CE from ridiculous distances.
With the last build I suggested, the Solanae Space Set and a Particle Gen or two, damage will be covered for the rifts. The extra Graviton Generator console is meant to compensate the loss of the Graviton Generator bonus from the Jem'Hadar Deflector. I wanted to strike a balance between the strength and area pull of Gravity Well 3 as well as ensuring the rifts from the Dyson Grav Torp has teeth.
You weren't kidding! Using the Mk XII JH set and upgrading the Graviton Generators seems to have a big impact on the 'pull' distance and even quite surprised it was happily pulling in larger ships (like battleships) in too compared to what i had before.
Yes I've ran into that as well; most of the time they both get the CD bonus but, like you said, it can also get a mixed result with one being 30s and the other remaining at 60s. Of course, Deflector doffs are significantly cheaper than Technicians but that's what you pay for I guess!
Never tried the Photonic Officer but, like warmaker said, seems to be marginally useful considering I only have two tac slots until I get round to getting the Fleet Ha'nom (which has two tac slots but loses one engi slot; no major loss).
Question - does the Plasmonic Leech console stack with the polaron proc? Looking at it on the STO Wiki it seems the drain is quite (very) low so does it really justify the price if I'm already using polaron, firing off energy siphon and tyken's rift? For PvP possibly (which I very rarely do) but indeed is a 'luxury' item.