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derekbenak Arc User



  • Yep can get in now Some PWE network tech is cackling while saying, JUST KIDDING
  • Probably should put that link on my speed dial favorites bar ;)
  • Seems worse than a DDos, at any rate I figured someone should let them know. Guess I won't be running the featured episode again tonight. Sad considering I just pumped out a complete set of gear for that toon.
  • yah, yah, Patience. How long will that take to get ;)
  • I have been running STO on Windows 10 since build 10049 without any (additional) problems. I can play using the highest video settings using the 353.30 driver for Nvidia.
  • I didn't get any for completing tier V rep. This is the only Rep grind that didn't reward a handful of rep items for completion. This is very disappointing. PWE completely dropped the ball. Overall, I think the rewards in Delta have all but vanished in lieu of paying for them. :(:(:(:(
  • I wasn't disagreeing with you or putting down your post. I actually wanted was hoping you would expound on your dissatisfaction and encouraging other to do the same in a meaningful way. If you have already presented your views elsewhere that is great. Perfect-world needs to hear from its player base. I did not recommend…
  • I encourage anyone with a valid gripe to post here as long as they don't engage in flaming or trolling Gripes should be accompanied with a proposed realistic fix. Problem with PVE, PVP, encounter difficulty or missing features. Let hear you speak. -Derek
  • If the freighter gets away, game over, you have to restart. Also your allies tend to get stuck on objects. You have to be careful to make sure they are still following you. This NEEDS to be FIXED. I don't understand why it has been a problem for this long.
  • Could be 900 day Veteran Material reward. I use it for most of my ships cause it give them dark look. Also the Reman zen pack will give you the option of making your Romulan ships a black coloration.