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demyx18c Arc User



  • While I don't feel as limited as most people considering how I have 10 toons, I can see where you are coming from. I, like the OP, do go to other games when I am feeling story starved but I still prefer to play STO as I have a lot of friends here. Now if only I could find a way to way to get dilithium without having to do…
    in Limits! Comment by demyx18c January 2013
  • Thanks. Firefox's popup blocker was preventing me from finishing my purchase.
  • Quarks also works too. At least there both KDF and Feds can go there unlike K-7 or Ganalda (nobody is ever in Ganalda). That and it is surrounded by everything you need such as an exchange and a costume vendor.
  • I think that will solve most if not all the problems that are going on. Lets not continue discussing this situation though as it never goes anywhere besides becoming another closed thread. On topic: I wouldn't mind more social items being introduced as well but like others have said, they would have to limited to the more…
  • Lockbox wise, I have barely opened any to make it matter. Stf's are a different matter. On my main fed toon, I get proto shield tech all the time yet I rarely get common or rare (not complaining about that). My main kdf has only got one space tech piece in about 40 stf's yet she gets a proto armor tech on my first ever…
  • There have been times where I have seen even normal Infected Space's fail the optional generally because most of the puggers I have flown with recently have either mediocre dps or they lack any crowd control powers. I'm half tempt to switch back to my Kar'fi so I can at least handle crowds (though it lacks high enough dps…
  • Changing zones appears to work anyway as from what I have seen the harassers are in multiple instances doing their thing. And for the fleets that are being harassed, moving to starbases may not be viable as apparently the harassers have infiltrated their fleets. While these infiltrators are being dealt with by the…