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cranmerepsilon Arc User



  • It is a stretch of the imagination to envisage a civilization of beings with the intellect to accomplish interstellar travel and then consider that they would have any truck with the inhabitants of Earth. Consider what we have to offer a race of such advanced beings? Politics. War. Disease. Taxes. More Politics. To these…
  • In fact, how about this for a solution? You give cryptic back all the Zen etc you have earned, and dont log in for three weeks. Then you get the MOA weapons and every map you enter all enemies and bases implode in a miasma of fizzing microwave esq radiation., . You would rule the galaxy in 40 minutes and move on to…
  • I find this endless complaining its not fair from fellow free to play merchants quite at odds with reality. What exactly IS it you are unhappy about? Are you unhappy this free game makes you wait a bit longer for something somebody spent MONTHS programming? Are you unhappy people who have paid the wages of the game…
  • I started playing mid season 6; It was the first 'mmo' I had played,and I am middle aged. What an experience for an old treky! It took 6 months to get to V.A.,I did it in space encounters mostly. I didnt know about levelling missions. I joined fleets not knowing why or how to chat. The instructions didnt exist. I sacked…
  • wott a noice blohke you arrre. sorr'ed_
  • Anybody else now finding this 'Tedious' ? site goes down for patch at 3.00pm tues, just as I log on. Site goes down for patch 3 p.m. Thurs, ditto. Site crashes at 2.00 a.m. friday. Since the upgrade, there equipment just cant handle it. More than half shutdowns are no notice jobs. Presently I wouldnt want my c.v. to…
  • I have an engineer in a fhec, and the combo seems to work well; There will always be something that is 'unbalanced' at any point in time in this game, because unless you havent realised, its the way they keep you playing. They nerf it later so you want something else. Its a built in aspect mostly. . If it was 100 % level…
  • Taking into consideration the fact ONE mk V photon torpedo yields a rough equivalent to 3 dozen 'fat boy' nuclear weapons, the idea of looting anything from a defeated starship that is bigger than an atom is in itself quite funny. .
  • you buy them once. You put the fighters in the hangar section of the ship like a ship device. When you use them you can launch 3 fighters, but after a while you can launch 3 more. AS THEY GET DESTROYED YOU KEEP LAUNCHING 3 MORE. you dont have to buy them twice. You can have 6 out at a time and if they get destroyed you…
  • Because nothing is usually as powerful as is claimed. Except c0~r$@ir psu's.
  • In fact, make sure you get your commendation in the auditorium, and see the tailor before you go to get your new ship like quin says. They wont give starships out to any old officer. . :P
  • GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY! Yes, yes it bugged 6 months ago when I was younger. . I scratched scalp alot.. Cleared Quins mission, re visited him, saw the req officer and the free ones had a juicy (1) in red_ free DOOMSDAY DEVICE! No wait_ Advanced Escort! & to quote a certain native american on a space ship ; Oh, the POWER! but I…