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Neutronium Alloy MK X bugged

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited April 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
So i just noticed when i bought and equiped it, it claims 15% kenetic and Energy reduction. But my stats only say 13%. looks buged imo.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This has been covered in several other threads and generally brought up as a nuisance. Everything in this game is subject to diminishing returns. When something says it gives you a 100% bonus, or reduces damage by 15%, or whatever, that's not the true value you will see from it. I seem to recall a "100% bonus" is somewhere around 50% in actuality? Not a bug, it's just how the game was designed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How can you have a DR when you arent stacking? thats not a DR, thats a broken tooltip.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Considering that I have a completely different resist console that does the same thing (10% resist console, shows 9.1% actual resistance in my status window), this is either working as intended, or more than 1 console is bugged. I'm going to go with the former, seeing how I've read other reports of singular resistances not giving the tooltip value due to diminishing returns (otherwise Polarize Hull would make you nearly invincible to energy weapons for the duration if you had the right skill points).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rule of Acquisition #239, Never be afraid to mislabel a product. :D

    Nah I would say its a bug too.
    The way i understand it you only get a lower percentage if you stack consoles.
    Why would they even write 15% on it if you can never get that much.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OK, further evidence of either a MASSIVE calculation bug, or working as intended. Look at your resists on your character from your armor, or your resistance bonuses from bridge officer abilities.

    One of my bridge officers is wearing armor with 12% kinetic/12% physical resist. Looking at his status screen, display resist is 10.5% for each.

    My own character is wearing armor with 10% kinetic/10% physical resist, display is 9.4%. Equipped a different armor with 19% kinetic/physical resist (because I got it as a mission reward and forgot to equip it anyway), status screen showed 15.8%.
    Unequipped my armor to make sure there wasn't a mysterious second resist in place. No armor: status screen shows 0% resistance.

    Went into a system with my ship and started hitting my abilities that added resistance, one at a time, with no resistance console equipped.
    Hazard Emitters - Tooltip: 30% - Status screen: 22.9%.
    Engineering team - Tooltip: 22% - Status screen: 18.2%.
    Brace For Impact - Tooltip: 55% kinetic resist - Status screen: 34.8% kinetic resist.

    I'm pretty sure this is working as intended, but if it's not, it probably applies to every single resistance-granting ability and piece of equipment in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Even if the items are giving the proper resist values. the tool tips should reflect those values. Therefore either all resist items are bugged OR all tool tips are incorrect.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you advertise a specific number then we should get that number as shown before diminishing effects.

    If i stack two consoles fine, but if I use a console that shows 15% i want that 15% not 13%.

    If the Console shows 13% then give me 13&.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    There's a formula:

    Actual Buff = 100*(1 - (100/(100+(Sum of listed buffs))))

    So you lose even at 5%:

    5 4.76
    10 9.09
    15 13.04
    20 16.67
    25 20.00
    30 23.08
    35 25.93
    40 28.57
    45 31.03
    50 33.33
    55 35.48
    60 37.50
    65 39.39
    70 41.18
    75 42.86
    80 44.44
    85 45.95
    90 47.37
    95 48.72
    100 50.00
    105 51.22
    110 52.38
    115 53.49
    120 54.55
    125 55.56
    130 56.52
    135 57.45
    140 58.33
    145 59.18
    150 60.00
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As posted above. This is called "continuous diminishing returns" and works off the total value you're getting, not the number of stacked effects you have. Although the values I have don't quite match up with that formula (stacked 3 resistances up to about 107% and had an actual resistance of 49.5% iirc)

    A tooltip that reflected diminishing returns would be difficult, because the tooltip value would change based on your current resistance values. I.E. if you had no resistance console equipped before hand, your Neutronium Console would reflect an entirely different value than if you did have a resistance console equipped, and the value would be completely dependent on how much value was on the already-existing console.

    But what if you want to swap out consoles, rather than stack them? Then you get the issue of "well, my tooltip said I'd get x% resistance, but I got more than that." And THEN there's the fact that a lot of abilities further add resistance, which would further mess with tooltips.

    Better that item/ability tooltips have a static value (or semi-static, since abilities can be affected by skills and other abilities) than the chaos that would ensue if they reflected their actual value.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As posted above. This is called "continuous diminishing returns".

    No, this is called ********. I was pretty damn disappointed when I bought an Assault Cruiser and got me some Neutroniums. I find the first one gives only 11% despite saying 13 or 15% or some ****. Then the one after that only gives me like 6%, which is less than half. W-T-F am I going to do with 17% resists to phasers and disruptors? It's a stupid equation and needs to be removed.

    If they're worried about unlimited stacking, hardcap it at 50% or 70%, but don't have people buying **** that gives less than what you paid for.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As I said before, there's a lot of people who feel like you do that this system is flawed. But this is a bug report thread for what is apparently not a bug, but working as intended. If you don't like it, put in some constructive feedback in the proper area.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Anonelbe wrote:
    No, this is called ********. I was pretty damn disappointed when I bought an Assault Cruiser and got me some Neutroniums. I find the first one gives only 11% despite saying 13 or 15% or some ****. Then the one after that only gives me like 6%, which is less than half. W-T-F am I going to do with 17% resists to phasers and disruptors? It's a stupid equation and needs to be removed.

    If they're worried about unlimited stacking, hardcap it at 50% or 70%, but don't have people buying **** that gives less than what you paid for.
    Hardcaps are TRIBBLE ideas. They're stupid and arbitrary. At least with softcap systems it's up to individual players to choose where they want to stop fighting diminishing returns. And as far as I'm concerned, continuous diminishing returns is quite possibly the best system ever, since it doesn't heavily weight the necessity to have the absolute best in whatever slot the stat exists in.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you should also realise that the max resistance you can get is 39.5%. so by the calc above you can only use a max of about 65 total stacked. This holds up to use as I have stacked several consules to test what they gave. As of now I have 2 Neutronium Alloy MK X and 2 Mk IX's this gives me 35.8 total resistance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'll admit I haven't followed the multiple threads about diminishing returns and maximum theoretical resistance and the like, but I said just a few posts ago that I achieved a resistance value of 49.5% through abilities. Or were you saying the max resistance you can get via consoles is 39.5%
  • cranmerepsiloncranmerepsilon Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    OK, further evidence of either a MASSIVE calculation bug, or working as intended. Look at your resists on your character from your armor, or your resistance bonuses from bridge officer abilities.

    One of my bridge officers is wearing armor with 12% kinetic/12% physical resist. Looking at his status screen, display resist is 10.5% for each.

    My own character is wearing armor with 10% kinetic/10% physical resist, display is 9.4%. Equipped a different armor with 19% kinetic/physical resist (because I got it as a mission reward and forgot to equip it anyway), status screen showed 15.8%.
    Unequipped my armor to make sure there wasn't a mysterious second resist in place. No armor: status screen shows 0% resistance.

    Went into a system with my ship and started hitting my abilities that added resistance, one at a time, with no resistance console equipped.
    Hazard Emitters - Tooltip: 30% - Status screen: 22.9%.
    Engineering team - Tooltip: 22% - Status screen: 18.2%.
    Brace For Impact - Tooltip: 55% kinetic resist - Status screen: 34.8% kinetic resist.

    I'm pretty sure this is working as intended, but if it's not, it probably applies to every single resistance-granting ability and piece of equipment in the game.

    Because nothing is usually as powerful as is claimed. Except c0~r$@ir psu's.
  • eviaxeviax Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Guys, sorry but I think something is misunderstood here...They r claims ''points'' not ''%''...

    Points as just skill point amount.

    Please check them informations again.
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