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  • Hell YEAH! Thanks PWE/Cryptic!! for making this awesome game better! Long Live and Prosper Star Trek Online!!!
  • Star Trek: Risian Shore 6 losers bunched in a cabin to act stupid, get drunk, TRIBBLE other species and fight each other. 2 male, 2 female, 1 alien with both genders and the original Snooki from Jersey Shore
  • Well at this point I think I've made up my mind and gonna follow this plan: 1) Not grind the Anni ship; 2) Do the episode and rinse, repeat for the free consoles and EV suit (meaning 3 times per character I will want to use it on) 3) Maybe in the future buy one 3-pack, the Rommulan looks best imo; 4) Still not sure on the…
  • Here I was hoping the new Dyson Hybrids were given as mission rewards on the new FE a la Obelisk Carrier, introducing a new set and with an advanced version available thru lobi store (C-Store preferable) given that the whole "system" of the free Obelisk giveaway really gave good results in the game as seen as so many…
  • I have been on the receiving end of a Fed Dread's Javelin on Kerrath, to be honest I was attacking on a B'Rel under cloak with zero shield powers and no Phaser resistance, I had MACO XII shields but I was torpedoeing under battle cloak so no shields. Damage was around 65k the 1st one shot and 55k the second one shot, yeah,…
  • I beg to differ on the premise that PWE is not interested on the exchange rate, on the contrary, I think they are very aware of how people spend they money according to changes they make that hit the Player Economy amd they have done stuff to affect it directly and indirectly. For example the Dilithium blackholes a.k.a.…
  • Recently sold a KDF aligned Romulan Engineer BOFF purple with Superior Operative and another Superior Ground Trait, also had the vr RSP 3 skill. So first I filtered for purple romulan engineer, then browsed for the superior traits and alignment, later searched the trait, finally got to find another one same BOFF offered…
  • You can join us at www.stoacademy.com, we are mostly an easygoing international fleet of gaming adults that love the Star Trek universe. We have experienced and new PvE and PvP players with private channel to ease the management of our 2 fed and 1 kdf fleets and also have a Voice server. We have a few rules you can find at…
  • Here comes the BOOM!!!! :D
  • What did the FED say?!?!
  • Well I for one want to say that I find these very exciting, freaking dynos with lasers! yes please. I found new romulues ground play boooooring and never repeated after the first try, but this is looking promising imo.
  • I played Elite CE today with 4 toons and it went smooth, totally rockin with my nutty Guramba build, after that on the 5th toon hell broke lose, started getting the systems jammed by the invisible nebula (didnt know atm and I run graphics pretty low) yet we managed and finished in around 15 minutes, after that on my 6th…
  • Suddenly I feel the urge to kick some leader's butt! http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/images/smilies/cool.gif
  • I have downloaded this autolauncher several days now and the version is allways the same: 2013.13.30.1350 , so the autoupdate to the link might be faulty since the game must have passed this autolauncher version long ago. BTW I did download a later version which didnt work but after that the link went back to the mentioned…
  • Busty Sexy Vulcan Girls have been in STO since the very beginning: http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Star-Trek-Online-PC-Gamer-Magazine-4-Special-Collectors-Cover-2009-UNOPENED-/00/s/NzI0WDkxMg==/z/hxMAAOxy44FRi-jV/$T2eC16h,!)0E9s37Id91BRi-jUyyFw~~60_57.JPG
  • Same problem here. I've contacted support and got 4 e-mails yet I'm unable to log in. Had this very same problem in May and was unable to log on for 3+ weeks. At this point it's obvious imo that it's not a PC or ISP problem but at cryptic's server... guess it's time to look for another game to play and give my money to.
  • You can try STO Academy, we are a fun first kind of fleet, with mature and helpful players, we run 24/7 and have 10+ people at all times, we have people from UK, USA, Australia, and some latinos we are trying to get rid of... Just kidding btw. Our SB is comming along real nice and we have Tier 3 Shiyards and Tier 2 eng and…
  • I PUG everyday, on 4 toons (their whole Dil cap worth) I get 90% success rate on mission, about 60%+ on optionals, I see all classes of players, I simply have adapted some estrategies to deal with noobs in Elites, still those who are "experienced" dealing orders/instructions mess up 50% of the time, since they are…
  • Hi, just to comment on some ideas: 4. Hell yes! we need a counter, only the Power Syphon Drones have something similar to this but it only works when the alive ones are sticked to the target. 5. I find BoP AI annoying, its more "reallistic" than the one in fighters, but I don't really use them cause they seem to cloak too…