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chezmazter Arc User



  • I tested this with my ships a while back because I was also confused on that. I can say that + is the same as %.
  • This ship isn't meant for science, it's meant for killing. It is a Raptor, it is not made to run a Grav well with a bunch of part gens. Raptors are notorious for not having much sci, I mean look at it's shield multiplier.
  • As a player that prefers Tactical, I can't say any career path is worse than another. While my playstyle is generally best suited as a Tac, I've had great success with the other careers, and there are times when yes, I die simply because all I had was pew pew power and nothing to keep me afloat.
  • Slap the Type 4 Hull mat on it and behold the glory
  • Yup. I run Surgical Strikes with my DHCs on my Phantom and hit for at least 10k per hit, I've seen upward of 30-50k per hit. That's a crapton of damage in one shot. Cannons are more for DPV, which is what escorts do best. Get in, fire off high damaging volleys. Beams get higher DPS numbers due to their sustained damage…
  • I'm sorry but just because you don't like one section of a mission doesn't mean you should just sit there and let the rest of your team try and compensate for the loss of a fifth. That's the highest level of bs I've seen on these forums. You take up the mission, and you do all of it. That's what makes a teammate. How could…
  • You are hurting the people that are playing to complete the objective. They want to save the station and get more marks. Why are you even playing this game if you don't want to actually play it? All you have to do is run around and kill things. It's a team mission, haul your lazy TRIBBLE up and be a teammate.
  • You, sir, are the most selfish and self-centred person I have seen on these forums. The only thing you are accomplishing by telling everyone that you are one of those d**k AFKers is having your name on a lot of people's ignore lists.
  • And there's really no call for you to come in here berating your opinion, either. The post you made was... stupid, really. And now you're being called out on it. Really the only entitlement here is that you think your thread shouldn't be pasted with people's opinions on your opinion.
  • I like all the accuracy I can get on my weapons. I like to PvP, and my oh my does it make a hell of a difference to have enough accuracy to hit that escort a few times per volley. I like the higher hit ratio over the higher crit, cause a missed shot does nothing.
  • A 5/2 weapon setup on a tactical ship is more than you could ask for. That's another DHC or DBB, or maybe even a torp to spice things up a little bit. You have five tactical consoles with the Mat'ha and five forward weapons. It's honestly all you could ask for in a raptor (besides a 6/1 setup. But then again, Klingon's…
  • It's... and interesting ship. It is quite fun, as it's a science carrier. It can tank harder than most of my cruisers, and running a torpedo build and letting your pets do the killing is quite fun. PvP ship? Not really. I rarely see an Atrox in PvP, but when I do it's incredibly build and never goes down. PvE ship? loads…
  • My favourite is one that is still happening today. If you purchase Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Pistols, their models aren't actually pistols, they're elite sniper rifles. So you fire normally, but with two massive sniper rifles. And they holster at your hip and hang down to the ground.
  • I disagree. If you want the things needed to advance and get the items in a certain reputation, you should have to work a bit for it, not just stroll through a normal match like it's nothing.
  • I dunno. Every time one of my DOffs die I play another one bites the dust.
  • Wonderful to see that they've decided to really give the Klingons a good raptor.
  • Well, I think it's a wonderful BOff layout for how I plan to build the ship.
  • Those Singularity powers can come in handy. Especially that jump one. And if you get a certain core, your enhanced weapons systems gets a higher crit chance. Personally, it's great that the Rom ships work different in the power levels aspect. That's the thing about Rom ships, they rely a lot on their weapons. You have…
  • Give him a Type 2 Phaser while we're at it.
  • Exactly. It's a nine pack of ships across all factions. For $125! Me, being someone who has endgame toons across all factions and likes to collect ships, this is just perfect. I like stealthy ships, boom a bunch of awesome intel ships. I'll probably also like to mix it up a little bit with something not so intel, boom a…
  • I am experiencing intense lag when I do STFs, but anywhere else I'm perfectly fine...
  • I bought the pack just for the value. I like collecting ships, and this is definitely a deal I will take. The Dauntless is just another trophy to add to my collection :)
  • Just bought the pack today, and then this comes up :D I love it. Totally gonna use this on my Sci. And the fact that it's one of my favourite canon ships just makes me even more happier.
  • IT's like this because the Ambassador Refit never existed in the C-Store until now. It'a a promotional item. A long time ago, the Temporal Ambassador mission awarded a T3 Ambassador and a T5 Ambassador. The C-Store Ambassador is that T5 one that you can no longer get from the mission. The ship's orginal intention was never…
  • As other users said, ship designs change. As much as I like canon ships, this isn't exactly canon Star Trek. I, for one, kind of like their designs. Every ship has it's beauty, but only it's true captain will see it.
  • Think of it this way... these cloaking ships are made for Starfleet Intelligence. Think of Starfleet Intelligence like the CIA. Say there was a treaty between the United States and another country, which prohibited the use of technology which can make a plane or a ship invisible. Do you really think the United States…
  • Should be noted that the Intelligence BOFFs are hybrids. So in a Leftenant Commander Intelligence/Tactical slot, you need an Intelligence-Tactical BOFF in there. The Intelligence-Tactical BOFF will be able to use both Tactical and Intelligence abilities. Likewise for Intelligence-Science and Intelligence-Engineer BOffs.
  • Should be noted the Fed ships are Starfleet Intelligence ships. They're spec ops, with stealth ships for gathering intelligence. Of course they have cloak, legal or not. You think Starfleet would hinder it's own secret service type thing just because of some stupid treaty with the Romulans?
  • These are Starfleet Intelligence ships, meant for stealth. They sacrifice some stats for this stealth.
  • Thanks to all the replies :)