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Am I the only one?

iamynaughtiamynaught Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User
edited October 2014 in Romulan Discussion
When it was first announced, I was all hyped for Legacy of Romulus. I had a couple of character concepts in mind ahead of time for when it went live.

Once it went live, I made my first Romulan as a Tactical captain. I soon followed with a Reman Engineer Captain and a Romulan Liberated Borg Science Captain. I now have a total of 5 Romulan Captains (all at 50) and while I love the Romulan story arc, I really HATE the ships.

Not the looks, good heavens no, I LOVE the looks of the ships.

What I can't stand are the Singularity powers and having -40 power than 'normal'.

I find it very difficult trying to find enough power to get the power levels where I feel comfortable. I generally reduce Aux power to the minimum of 15 (of course it's higher with all the skill bonuses) and try to get Engines around 50. I usually use a Core that allows me to increase shield power over time so that once the bonus is full I have around 75 Shields. Weapons I'm lucky to have barely over 100 power.

I know that many people love the different game play and tactics that using the Romulan ships and Singularity powers involves. *I* just can't get the hang of them.

I'll admit, I'm not someone who plays to "be the best at what I do", I play for fun. And for me, micromanaging the Singularity powers and remembering what each of those icons represent isn't fun for me. And as such, I almost never use them.

What I wish I could do is remove the Singularity Core and replace it with a regular Warp Core. I'd lose the Singularity powers, but gain that 40 power back. It'd make things so much easier for me.

It'll never happen, and I honestly don't expect it to. Romulans *SHOULD* play differently from Feds and Klingons. I've resigned myself that if I continue to make/play Romulans, I will have to level using allied ships and at 50+, I'll be using the 'free' event ships that can be upgraded to T5-U. I also have ZERO interest in using the T6 Romulan ships since they will still have that -40 power problem.

So, am I the only one who has trouble playing the Romulan ships?
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
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  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have trouble using them for pretty much the opposite reasons, heh. I Hate the look of 95% of Cryptic's Romulan designs. So much that I can't stand flying them.

    Power issues don't bother me really. As your singularity power level increases, you get boosts to system power level(s), which helps a bit. The D'deridex I fly has a pretty handy singularity power set, so I haven't really had any trouble figuring out which powers to use.

    I do think it's rather gimmicky that Warbirds have the powers in the first place, and I do think that it's funny that Romulan ships have lower power levels than Klingon and Federation ships, considering they supposedly had better power generation than either of those if you go by the shows.
  • ashlotteashlotte Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'm a Reman and I only dislike Romulan ships if they don't have Reman hulls. Slap on one of the two hulls and I'm happier than a Tal Shiar frying epohhs! :P
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited September 2014
    Honestly I didnt like the gimmick powers myself at first but they do make romulan/reman chars actually feel and play different so I ended up liking them. I also like most all the physical aspects of the Romulan ships... The one romulan ship I cant stand is the D'Derp... They took something that could outperform the Enterprise D regularly and made it wallow like a dinosaur stuck in a tar pit, more it (imo only) didn't have the firepower that was representative of it in TNG/DS9.

    Honestly I never bothered micromanaging my power levels or builds but Im getting to the point where Ill snag third place in some STFs regularly. I also used to only use the quantum absorption power, because I really didnt care about the others but now Im starting to realize that the jump power is quite a nice little 'haha TRIBBLE you' to my opponents.

    LOL so basically my only issue with LoR is that Im not saving the remains of the Star Empire and that cryptic made them such 2D horrible cartoon villains you cant even WANT to save it.

    As a side.... Im gonna miss that Raptor splash screen when DR comes out.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Ummm ... Power has never really been an issue for me either. Admitedly, I can over cap weapons more with my Fed Engi than my Rom Engi, but the Singularity Powers and the Battle Cloak more than compensate for that.

    As for the ships? I like the designs of most of them, the problem I have is that they are all the froicken same!

    Go through the list of Romulan ships = 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 4 Beached Whale, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 4 Beached Whale, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 3 x 3 Pseudo Science Ship, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor, 4 x 3 Raptor ... New TRIBBLE is introduced, and what is it? 4 x 3 Raptor ...
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have found it a challenge but haven't really found it a problem. The big thing is to get rid of the idea that a Warbird must fit into Starfleet design philosophy (this plagues discussions with how "Oh, a D'Deridex is a Cruiser, therefore, you must do X and Y... just like Starfleet! Oh and of course it won't work when you do that... so they suck!").

    Warbirds of all sizes seem to benefit from a "hit and run" playstyle that's a bit of a mix of cruiser/escort play, along with working the cloak to improve 'first strike' and judicious retreat when necessary.

    The basics of the Singularity Powers is to (generally) not bother when they're charging up to maximum power, and focus on using a favorite. For me, that's the weapon overcharge (wait till the enemy has bare hull for this to work well), but in some circumstances I'll use the Singularity Jump to get out of a sticky spot. I generally don't use Plasma Shockwave, Warp Shadow only if I'm in trouble, and I've used Quantum Absorption fewer times than I've got fingers on one hand.

    I've tended to get the Romulan Plasma weapons for all my toons and the plasma torpedoes (both Romulan and Omega) for their hull fires, as well as doffs and Reputation which help get damage past enemy shields. Checking power levels on the D'D I'm in while writing this (the RRW Tuttalius), I've got 125 weapon power, 51 shield, 54 engine and 44 auxiliary. Check out the Countercommand Deflector as it gives bonus skills in weapons, and pairing with a Countercommand singularity core gives a very nice 5% bonus defense and bonus antiproton resistance.

    In terms of warp cores, I do get your point. What would be nice is if we could at least have access to the T1 T'Liss Bird of Prey paint and hull for some other ships... a Klingon T4 Kamarg with a Warbird paint job would fit this quite nicely.

    Like you, I enjoy a game based around balance - I want to be able to have a toon survive anything the game comes up with, and while I like some trinkets, others just don't work. Use the ones you like and ignore the rest.
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    janus1975 wrote: »
    I have found it a challenge but haven't really found it a problem. The big thing is to get rid of the idea that a Warbird must fit into Starfleet design philosophy (this plagues discussions with how "Oh, a D'Deridex is a Cruiser, therefore, you must do X and Y... just like Starfleet! Oh and of course it won't work when you do that... so they suck!").

    Warbirds of all sizes seem to benefit from a "hit and run" playstyle that's a bit of a mix of cruiser/escort play, along with working the cloak to improve 'first strike' and judicious retreat when necessary.

    The basics of the Singularity Powers is to (generally) not bother when they're charging up to maximum power, and focus on using a favorite. For me, that's the weapon overcharge (wait till the enemy has bare hull for this to work well), but in some circumstances I'll use the Singularity Jump to get out of a sticky spot. I generally don't use Plasma Shockwave, Warp Shadow only if I'm in trouble, and I've used Quantum Absorption fewer times than I've got fingers on one hand.


    In general agreement here though as a tac captain that draws a lot of agro from Borg cubes I use quantum absorption to throw my shields back to full and protect my squishy hull while I kill stuff. Only when down to one opponent do I use weapon overcharge. (And pretty much ignore the other powers.)

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • chezmazterchezmazter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Those Singularity powers can come in handy. Especially that jump one. And if you get a certain core, your enhanced weapons systems gets a higher crit chance. Personally, it's great that the Rom ships work different in the power levels aspect. That's the thing about Rom ships, they rely a lot on their weapons. You have little shield power, so don't expect high restoration rates. Warbirds are the pinnacle of hit and run tactics. And occassionally; hit, sing jump, run, watch as your target fumbles around in the uber-gravwell.
    As another note, Romulan ships are built around the singularity aspect. So no AM cores. That singularity is literally what the ship runs on.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    iamynaught wrote: »
    When it was first announced, I was all hyped for Legacy of Romulus. I had a couple of character concepts in mind ahead of time for when it went live.

    Once it went live, I made my first Romulan as a Tactical captain. I soon followed with a Reman Engineer Captain and a Romulan Liberated Borg Science Captain. I now have a total of 5 Romulan Captains (all at 50) and while I love the Romulan story arc, I really HATE the ships.

    Not the looks, good heavens no, I LOVE the looks of the ships.

    What I can't stand are the Singularity powers and having -40 power than 'normal'.

    I find it very difficult trying to find enough power to get the power levels where I feel comfortable. I generally reduce Aux power to the minimum of 15 (of course it's higher with all the skill bonuses) and try to get Engines around 50. I usually use a Core that allows me to increase shield power over time so that once the bonus is full I have around 75 Shields. Weapons I'm lucky to have barely over 100 power.

    I have to agree. I created a Romulan science toon so that I could experience the Romulan story arc since there are missions that are unique. In general, playing the main story missions is a problem... well at least up to Wastleland since I have not progressed that story much further. The lack of power does not stand out like a sore thumb. However, the same cannot be said for end game content.

    I used my Ha'nom Guardian Warbird in CCE and in ISE. I found the overall performance to be lacking. In both STFs I do not feel like I am doing much damage with beam because I need to divert some weapon power to the other subsystems. I installed a Hyper Injection Singularity Core which helps a little bit, but the +5 to +15 additional power is dependent on the singularity charge level. That means if I use any singularity powers like jump the bonus power provided by the Hyper Injection Singularity Core drops to zero. I probably installed a Hyper-Impulse Engine Mk XII [Aux] [Spd] [Turn], but overall performance is lacking.

    My Romulan Science toon is currently flying the Support Cruiser Retrofit from the "4 Day Event". It is not a Romulan science ship since it only has a Lt Cmdr science station, but at least it is more durable and does not have the -40 power penalty. I play Storming The Spire Elite with this ship, something that I would have not dared with the Ha'nom.

    I have decided to turn the Ha'nom into a Torpedo Ship so I need to do the various rep systems for the torpedoes that I want. I also need time to get the appropriate Doffs to make this a viable alternative. And I need to seriously get back to doing the main story missions again since I am probably around 45 - 50 missions away from getting the Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedo.

    By turning the Ha'nom into a torpedo ship I can divert weapon power to the other subsystems. The alternative to doing all this is to simply delete the toon.
  • desertjetsdesertjets Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    You're not the only one. I have a love/hate relationship with my Rom toon -- fed aligned Rom Sci captain. As I hit admiral levels and began playing the T5 ships I really noticed how squishy they were and the lower power levels impacting things like shields. The singularity powers are useful, but honestly the last thing we need in this game are more clickable powers. I don't doubt that they can be used to great effect, but sometimes you get tired of clicking all the time.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    LOLOLOL, Warbirds are not squishy. They're sturdy, hit like a truck, maneuverable, and hard to get to grips with.

    They suffer NO penalties to their shield or hull mods.

    On average, they're fast and extremely maneuverable.

    They suffer NO penalties to possessing the best cloaks in the game. On top of it, with the right BOFF Traits, your cooldown for reapplying your cloak goes down to as few as NINE seconds. The best any KDF player can do with a BOP is 18 freakin' seconds.

    The Singularity Core abilities are lifesavers in PVE and most especially in PVP. These abilities are your tradeoff for having lower subsystem power. If you're not making use of these abilities, you're playing your Warbird wrong.

    4-5 TAC Console Warbirds are the norm. If it doesn't, it's surprising. Despite being the newest faction (subfaction though), the Roms have 3 Warbirds with 5 TAC Consoles, 4 when DR comes out, whereas the KDF has ONE ship with 5 TAC Consoles (the slow as molasses in winter Bortasqu). And in this game, damage is the ONLY thing that matters. There's so much firepower to be found in the Warbird lineup, that it's shocking if one has less than 4 TAC Consoles.

    The Rom/Reman BOFF traits bring so much extra stealth, so much bonus defense... it's ridiculous.

    If you believe your Warbirds are squishy, you're playing them wrong. There suffer NO design compromises at any part of the game (unlike KDF & Fed ships) and are stacked with elusiveness and hard hitting power.
  • darioo1darioo1 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    LOLOLOL, Warbirds are not squishy. They're sturdy, hit like a truck, maneuverable, and hard to get to grips with.

    They suffer NO penalties to their shield or hull mods.

    On average, they're fast and extremely maneuverable.

    They suffer NO penalties to possessing the best cloaks in the game. On top of it, with the right BOFF Traits, your cooldown for reapplying your cloak goes down to as few as NINE seconds. The best any KDF player can do with a BOP is 18 freakin' seconds.

    The Singularity Core abilities are lifesavers in PVE and most especially in PVP. These abilities are your tradeoff for having lower subsystem power. If you're not making use of these abilities, you're playing your Warbird wrong.

    4-5 TAC Console Warbirds are the norm. If it doesn't, it's surprising. Despite being the newest faction (subfaction though), the Roms have 3 Warbirds with 5 TAC Consoles, 4 when DR comes out, whereas the KDF has ONE ship with 5 TAC Consoles (the slow as molasses in winter Bortasqu). And in this game, damage is the ONLY thing that matters. There's so much firepower to be found in the Warbird lineup, that it's shocking if one has less than 4 TAC Consoles.

    The Rom/Reman BOFF traits bring so much extra stealth, so much bonus defense... it's ridiculous.

    If you believe your Warbirds are squishy, you're playing them wrong. There suffer NO design compromises at any part of the game (unlike KDF & Fed ships) and are stacked with elusiveness and hard hitting power.

    ^this... well said!
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I do think it's rather gimmicky that Warbirds have the powers in the first place, and I do think that it's funny that Romulan ships have lower power levels than Klingon and Federation ships, considering they supposedly had better power generation than either of those if you go by the shows.
    You are not the only one of this opinion. I was shocked and dismayed when things went live.... :mad:
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
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  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    [...juicy good stuff...]
    The Rom/Reman BOFF traits bring so much extra stealth, so much bonus defense... it's ridiculous.

    If you believe your Warbirds are squishy, you're playing them wrong. There suffer NO design compromises at any part of the game (unlike KDF & Fed ships) and are stacked with elusiveness and hard hitting power.
    ^^^This.... No doubt.... This guy speaks the gospel.... Praise be....
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hello my friend, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Plasmonic Leech?

    That single console and marauding are the 2 main reasons my Romulan (well, technically a Reman) is KDF-aligned. As soon as I learned the Romulans would be dealing with a -40 power deficit on all of their ships I knew what direction I wanted to go in.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    variant37 wrote: »
    Hello my friend, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Plasmonic Leech?

    That single console and marauding are the 2 main reasons my Romulan (well, technically a Reman) is KDF-aligned. As soon as I learned the Romulans would be dealing with a -40 power deficit on all of their ships I knew what direction I wanted to go in.

    Or 30 million to 34+ million EC on the Exchange for Fed aligned Romulans. Not sure if I wanna pay that at the moment...

    At least it's being offered, but it also rubs me the wrong way in that devices that were originally meant for the KDF (you know to create some kinda uniqueness about a faction) have been given over to Federation crybabies.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I love playing my Romulan, and flies the famous D'deridex to boot. To fly that ship was one of the reasons I wanted to be a Romulan. Since then its been nothing but a fun ride.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    At least it's being offered, but it also rubs me the wrong way in that devices that were originally meant for the KDF (you know to create some kinda uniqueness about a faction) have been given over to Federation crybabies.

    It doesn't bother me. As you noticed, Fed-side you have to pay through the nose to get one, while meanwhile in the KDF you can give them out like candy to all of your alts as soon as you purchase the Vandal, which also happens to be an excellent ship for levelling up your KDF-aligned Romulan.
  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    When outfitted and operated well, the Scimitar has the highest DPS in PvE and is an absolute beast in PvP! You don't get high DPS with energy based weapons without having good power somehow.
  • ashlotteashlotte Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jaguarskx wrote: »

    At least it's being offered, but it also rubs me the wrong way in that devices that were originally meant for the KDF (you know to create some kinda uniqueness about a faction) have been given over to Federation crybabies.

    Perfect World cares nothing for KDF. Case in point. Cryptic's the only thing that seems to throw a steak to the browbeaten, starving old hound once in a while.
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