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chad4231 Arc User



  • same here, timed out when changing characters & sometimes when changing maps.
  • Wish they would put an alarm buzzer at the end of big patches .. i could have a nice nap.
  • Nobby@chad4231 Fleet Starbase (from Fleet Research Lab) 0943 GMT (Map transfer failed & i was booted at 0944 GMT) This has been a long time problem with getting into Fleet Starbase, happens on all characters randomly .. i can transwarp & arrive outside Starbase fine, its the transfer to interior from orbit or directly from…
  • Yep, they seem to have fixed the BOFF tray problem .. now hopefully they will fix the Traits going missing as that still happens at random times.
  • Its not just the tray & BOFFs vanishing for me, had my captains personal traits disappear as well .. & because its not obvious they have gone when changing maps i now have to keep checking "traits" before going into battle or missions to make sure they are still there.
  • I don`t often have a tear in my eye when a stranger passes away but Leonard was like an old friend, been in my living room entertaining my household on that screen for decades. A true legend & will never be forgotten by a generation of sci-fi fans the world over, very few people will ever achieve that. Thanks for…
  • I agree, when i first had this system tray/BOFF problem (november) i had never used/saved loadouts since i joined STO so i`m not sure how it can be related to the bug. Have used it since & only because the fixes i followed in these forums all involved saving loadouts. I repeat what i said in an earlier comment, this…
  • I must have a bungee cord attached to my toon, get half way across ESD & end up back at transporter pad
  • They must have used my transport officer, he probably beamed the engineers 26 miles from the omega particle ...er ...sorry, server ..& made them run the rest of the way.
  • Starting to get into the soap opera my missus watches on telly, can feel my brains starting to ooze out of my ears .. please get server back up quickly, its a matter of life & death to me!!
  • They could take longer, only problem would be losing all their European players to other sites .. it is Thursday evening over here.
  • I first experienced this bug after dismissing an old ship from inventory, after a frustrating month or so it seemed to go away, within 24 hours of claiming free Kobali ship the bug was back. Seems that problem is connected (at least for me it is) with movement on my ships inventory. Think i will leave off getting new ships…
  • Yeah & the "Concussive Tachyon Emission" trait (Delta Alliance tier 5 rep award) comes in very handy as well on those long runs near end of sliding floor section, hit it after crossing first few floors & the rest will all open for you to run across.
  • I don`t mind new icons, soon got used to them but as someone said in earlier comment there does seem to be a delay between pressing icon & activation since the change. Also since most of us use icons based more on memory of where we put each trait than what the icon looks like it would be nice if the bug that removes/mixes…
  • Thank you to those who mentioned shuttle loadout may be connected to this problem. I had recently changed an item on my shuttle before doing that "shuttle race" mission in delta sector & tray TRIBBLE up happened shortly afterwards. I have now removed that item & put tray back in order, so far problem not come back. After i…
  • Now i have lost everything from tray, can only reinsert starship traits, scorpion fighters & Jem'Hadar set item, lost all my other skills/powers (did have two rows full). I suppose i should count myself lucky as i was going to take out lifetime subscription tomorrow when my wages got paid, this experience has put me right…
  • This starting happening to me today, tried every fix i have seen on forum & nothing works. I am level 58 have many things in tray but it randomly changes to basic things like evasive/brace for impact/etc, just the few things i had available when i first got in a small shuttle. When putting everything back to normal i have…
  • Same just happened to me when i left earth spacedock, even after putting everything back in place my "miracle worker" is still missing & no azure freighter icon available, i`m level 58 & never had this happen before.
  • You can see from my join date that i have only been here a few weeks. I`ve played/joined dozens of game sites over the years & only on 4 have i upgraded to money player & spent loads (still do) of my hard earned cash because i loved them enough to do so. On none of these did i (or friends i made on them) upgrade to money…
  • I`m new player. Like any gamer i try games as F2P to see if i like it before considering signing up as a money player. After just a few weeks of playing this game i`m already at the stage (lvl 50)of the long grind of swapping 8000 dil into a few zen each day as i work towards getting my first proper ship. If the exchange…
  • I have now chosen & joined a fleet .. many thanks to everyone for your help.
  • Thanks all for your quick response, much appreciated .. will contact & ask the one i choose if they will accept me .. many thanks for taking time out to help me.