what happened is that Worf slipped you a mickey, stole all your stuff, and dumped you off in an alley somewhere. it's an ancient Klingon tradition known as Shang'hi.
tip for roleplayers: just pretend that your ship's ventilation system has been contaminated with a powerful hallucinogen by the antagonist of your choice!
on the one hand, this bug does not affect gameplay at all... but on the other hand it really screws with the fantasy immersion of the game. department heads are kind of an important aspect of trek. my first officer, chief engineer, ships doctor, science officer, security chief, etc should be of my choosing. random…
yeah, this is pretty much making it impossible to sell anything stackable in quantity. right now I'm just hanging onto my rare inventory until the bug gets fixed.
okay, I just stuck a fleet +turn Neutronium (mk X cause that's all my fleet could supply at the mo) in place of my last remaining tetraburnium (the other having been replaced by the plasmonic leech), and that made all the difference in the conduit I just ran! I friggin coasted through that with little significant damage to…
okay, now I'm getting it, fleet nuetronium with turn is what I need. that's just what I'm looking for: killing the most possible birds with the fewest possible stones. I can't promise I won't stack an RCS on top of that though. I went ahead and picked up a plasmonic leech today, and and quite happy with the results. and I…
the problem I have with the "turn rate is irrelevant for a cruiser" concept is that it's too easy to find yourself just out of range and facing away from the next group of attackers. yeah, I can hit em from all sides, but if I'm not in the battle then I'm not hitting em from any side. I feel the ability for a cruiser to…
ah man, don't tell me that, I gotta keep my technicians free for building stuff. that's a big source of my EC income. I actually don't have that guy in the lt tac for beam overload, I have him there for high yield torp II. I don't even have beam overload in my power tray. I like being a leecher ship, but I also like…
so what you're saying is it's good that reviewing is disabled? I'm new to the game, so I'll take your word for it. but I've been really enjoying some of the foundry missions I've played, and I would love to give the creators of those some props for their efforts.