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captainman2 Arc User



  • well the news is guys and gals the new ships are in. i just picked up the endeavor class and love it
  • no idea cause cryptic has a sneaky habit of sneaking stuff in with patches and not telling people. but i plan on checking the c store after the game comes back up
  • yeah and was in the middle of doing a pve with fleet mates. seems it might need a emergency maintenance or something.
  • well i would love to enjoy this event but it is missing from the console version of Q's winter wonderland. cause that gauntlet looks cool and would love to have one. but sadly mia on console
  • i have both a ps4 and xbox. i just checked the ps4 and its up and running so don,t know whats going on with xbox right now.
  • wow i never excepted this topic to become active so quickly. i really like my fleet defiant as its one of my favorite ships. i will be upgrading this baby asap depending on the cost of the upgrade token. on the downside i wont be able to play star trek online till after i get off work tonight. :(
  • somebody fed the tribbles loose in the holodeck. then fed them so they multiplied in numbers and over ran the server
  • all i know that is i started a upgrade project at like 6:30 am this morning eastern time and i would love to get in there and test out my new upgrade phaser high density rifle mark 13
  • well i didn,t know but you can find the download link on planetside 1 forums over on soes website or on planetside universe just trying to help raise the population in game. it goes up and down hoping to see some people from here come over there cause this is a amazing game.
  • i,m in the same boat this is the only optional i have left on one toon. have had less the stellar results. every time i play it though public Que some one screws it up. so feel free to contact me in game lately i,m on my engineer toon goes by the name of Krystal my other toon is a tac by the name of Bruce. would really…
  • well i got the ship before i went to work and logged off for a few hours came back from work figured might as well try cure space and i did it on normal it worked just fine. don,t know what caused it but logging out for a few hours seems to have fixed it
  • i,m in the same boat as you its the only optional i have left to do and it would be nice to have it. but every time i try to do it on my engineer nope gets screwed by a pug or some other stupid person