Of many kinds actually. No pet rocks, although having one would very likely be indicative of the strange merging of reality with pixels on a computer screen that I see folks in this mmo commonly do. :P
The recommended number of pilots per player is... three: No more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt play, and the number of the playing shall be three. Four shall thou not play. Neither play thou two, excepting thou shall then proceed to three. Five is right out!
I do love the gorn aloha shirt top, with the Risian shorts, sandels, and flower lei as a combo. Nothing like fighting at the front lines as a tourist. Now only if they could hook the screen capture function with a camera - weaponlike item with a camera zoom functionality that is similar to sniper zoom.
Capping skill points would bring about the end-times; including the end to all of the remaining queues as we know it (not much to say the least), as the majority of players being fed up with the changes (mostly tacs mind you) decide to make right off via a mass exodus and find other mmos to populate and spend their money…