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brucebleo Arc User



  • Yeah maybe you are right but tbh....I only did it out of curiosity more than anything.....and to try and quell the urge to go spend money on opening packs.... I think either way you look at it some data gathering before spending dil on the exchange for a load of packs is better than no data gathering.....:) And…
  • By the way.....I still have 400 FS Doff Packs or so on tribble if anyone wants to add to the data collected?
  • Ahhh right yeah.....ok....i'll update the op with the data I have colated when I get a chance In this lot of Fleet Support Doff Packs I got 2 JHAS drops I have opened another 200 that i didn't document as well and was just me testing methods of collecting data But I did get 2 bugs from that lot too.... My fleet mate opened…
  • Is there any ETA when Trib will be back up? :)
  • ^ this that is what it was last time.
  • Very odd.......I'm sure there were bigger threads then that? Or is that just from the Fed News Network? As I am quite sure there were some stupendously EPIC threads in General discussion on the old forum......It could be my old age and memory failing or maybe some of the threads mysteriously dissapeared? Idk......but 4k…
  • Brandon replied but didn't really answer......so there has been some acknowledgement but nothing of any help.
  • If there was to be a council formed? I take it then you weren't around when Cryptic tried that one last time HAHAHAHA!!! A player council that was created with no ELECTED representatives with certain 'Special' people *coughBorticuscough* among other unknown folks getting a conference call every week with the Devs so they…
  • Who said anything about rushing through it? Been here 3 years......rushing is not a concern.....what is a concern is that for my fleet is not simply taking a fair while to upgrade.....it is stagnant. Let's not mention my KDF Fleet..... lol @ getting enough people to to queue up for KDF Fleet Actions...... Again....rushing…
  • I agree 98% with this!! What I don't agree with is that it's not OK......I did NOT know this when my fleet was created waay back in head start before the game launched. This whole Large Fleet favouritism stinks.....I and my fleet mate have been perfectly happy to not join other larger fleets for the WHOLE time leading up…
  • Morning campers!! just posting here to show my continued support of the need for some serious rethinking of cryptics complete lack of foresight regarding players that actually DON'T want to join somebody elses mega fleet and that are quite happy with not wanting to recruit mass loads of players JUST to access parts of the…
  • Hey MR BRANFLAKES Seeing as you are reading EVERY post here (your words I think) *unrolls a parchment of notes* 1) (on topic) PLEASE don't hate on us small fleets.....some of us players do NOT like the politics that goes along with running LARGE uber fleets......Me and my fleet mate LOVE not having to answer to recruits as…
  • HUSH!!! I am a Beta tester player you will respect my autoritah!!! ;)
  • Really? People are going off topic now? You do understand that by doing so the mods will have a valid reason to close this thread by quoting something like 'This thread has run it's course' And this is why nothing will ever change.....it's all about herd mentality......you see this sort of thing playing out in governments…
  • :0 it is......ALIVE!!!
  • LOL this is nothing......honestly Cryptic have done far worse than this.....and STILL they ignored the playerbase......Cryptic devs are EPIC at not actually replying to player concerns. No matter what the fuffy happy state of the game wording is about how they care deeply about STO....the ultimate truth is...no....they do…
  • The sad truth of it is, is that since online gaming has become a mainstream past time the quality of games has nose dived while the profit making gimicks have risen. As a 30 something I have witnessed the meteoric rise of gaming from what was an industry of games by gamers for gamers to it's fall into just another way to…
  • This is nothing in comparison to the player council debacle and erm....generally every 'bombshell' the devs would drop before going home for the weekend during the first 6 months of the game going live..... Ahhhhhhh you could almost taste the discontent in the air as the devs prepared to patch the game......still at LEAST…
  • :O Now that you mention it......... o.0 Reminds me of the old days http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/172/b/2/lord_cutler_beckett_by_nightfury36-d3jljyy.jpg
  • I second that but only as a SMALL recompense for removing fm's from ior's to be frank my annoyance is that I almost always play online games with one other player and almost ALWAYS only ever fleet up with that other player. There is NO alternative in this game for small fleets to obtain starbase upgrades other than…
  • Having issues with the Exchange myself..... Some items will show up and some don't..... I have checked from different computers.....I have have tried various different search options from just the very rare option and the ALL tab highlighted to highlighting the items specific subset tab. PLEASE Cryptic....will you sort…
  • Giant Balloons gone???? *sucks in breath*…
  • Lol.....yeah.....Launcher went down sometime before the servers came down..... Have you checked all leads are secure and the servers are switched on? Have you tried rebooting? Failing that....have you tried restoring to an earlier point? No really though......it's NOT an ISP issue as I have a friend in another part of the…