Hi all I have just uploaded 2 vids to youtube that documents 200 Fleet Support Duty Officer Packs and what dropped.
Someone with patience and who can still recall statistics from their school days could probably get full details of every item PER doff pack if they so wished.
Doff Packs 001-100http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCgNSKhZjDU&feature=youtu.beDoff Packs 101-200http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITM6OZmp8kg&feature=youtu.be
Edit- NOTE this was on Tribble NOT Holo.....lol :P
2 Jem'Hadar Attack Ships
96 doffs every 25 packs
22 purple doffs out of 200 packs
4 Fleet Ship Modules out of 200 packs
50+ crates per 200 packs
11 MK XII VR consoles
20 Strange Alien Artefacts
14 Powered Alien Artefacts
and about 10-20m ec value in assorted commodities
I wouldn't bother watching these two vids just to compile the data myself.
In this lot of Fleet Support Doff Packs I got 2 JHAS drops
I have opened another 200 that i didn't document as well and was just me testing methods of collecting data But I did get 2 bugs from that lot too....
My fleet mate opened another 200 and only got 1 JHAS drop....so between us 5 bug ships out of 600 packs.
With that info, it is a 0.83% drop chance.
Neverwinter Wiki
I opened 20 and didn't get one.:mad:
6, 20, 100, even 500 are way to small a sample to get any acurate data on the drop %. Considering you're dealing with a RNG, you need a huge volume of data to be able to have an approximation of the drop rate.:cool:
Yeah maybe you are right but tbh....I only did it out of curiosity more than anything.....and to try and quell the urge to go spend money on opening packs....
I think either way you look at it some data gathering before spending dil on the exchange for a load of packs is better than no data gathering.....:)
And maybe.....if just everyone that read this thread did 200 themselves....maybe....something cooperatively cool might come out of this instead of the usual ESD zone chat ranting about bacon......