Ok, if they say set in their ways about "small" fleets not being worth their time, at least they could allow fleet alliances, similar to other games out there. That way fleets could pool together without having to merge.
Agreed. And they grind-heavy process doesn't help either. I thought maybe they were going to announce here a revamp both of the current system for large fleets and some more tweaks to make smaller fleets worth working at. As it stands, I say to heck with the Starbases - they do NOTHING right now, so why should I waste…
I think the criticism here is more than just over the 50 marks. It has to do with the fact that Stahl is now saying that small fleets don't really matter and that the projects are MEANT to be harder for smaller fleets. It's also the tone he's posting in, almost like "Let me school you because you are oh so wrong". These…
I'll have to do some digging, but I'm sure others saw them say that the fleet base was meant to be attainable by all, and not meant to be a burden on smaller fleets. Proportionate may not have been the wording used, but it was certainly made clear that they were initially designing it to be just as attainable for a small…
No, they said it would be proportionate to the amount of people you had, not that they would intentionally design to be harder on smaller fleets - which what he's now claiming. Had they been up front that they were going to skew it in favor of these large fleets then more people would've been vocal about changing that…
The fact is, they said the exact OPPOSITE of what they're saying now before Fleet bases launched/as they were launching. They're line was "oh, smaller fleets will still be fine, it will all even out and not be much harder" Now he wants to say it's "by design"? Lies. Pure and simple.
Problem here, Dan, contrary to your "naysayers" snippet is that I'm seeing a lot of feedback that suggests that your "improvements" are hardly that. And this is just a fraction of the ire that you're drawing. Checked ESD/KA zone chat lately? Shiny 3-year anniversary ships and new lockboxes don't distract from the fact that…
This perfectly sums up most of my frustrations with this current system. As a member of a smaller, less-than-3 logs a week RP fleet, I find that the current requirements for every tier and project are simply not worth working towards because of how much it taxes the individual members of the fleet. It has been a massive…