The reward seems underwhelming to me and would of only ended up in my bank (which apparently it currently cannot!). Coupled with an event that holds no interest, having already got all the rewards earlier, I'll wait until the next episode.
PvP and any TFO that requires multiple goes - why waste the time for queueing, playing, then a cooldown period when you can reroll to something that'll more than likely take a fraction of the time?
It made me hate ground combat even more than I used to - meh in all aspects from the layout, forced in playing a useless character(SCI) and NPC support that at best was lacklustre.
I have had this exact same issue from the day I started(just after F2P) and numerous tickets over the years have done absolutely nothing. Working as intended can be be the only answer . . . .
Is anyone surprised by the lack of the fix? Or the noticeable absence of "Community Manager" and his error prone patch notes? Luckily we have astute volunteer moderators to cover the ongoing lack of competency . . . .
I grabbed one(via the token) even though I didn't really want or need it, but reveling in this PWE/Crypric error seemed to good an opportunity to miss 😏.
I believe this has occurred due to the Klingon starter missions revamp - you need to complete them again, as the the game thinks you're a newbie, regardless of your actual level.