The "Telekinetic" personal ground trait for Reman characters does not function properly. This trait should grant Reman characters an ability that deals physical damage, knocks back +30 meters, has a range of 25 meters, and a cooldown of 60 seconds. Instead, this trait grants Reman characters a passive 15% boost to root, hold, and knockback effects. Telekinetic currently functions properly for Lethean and Alien characters, as well as some Reman NPCs (Shadow Guard Elite). The description for this trait can be found at
Just for comparison, on an Alien, the Trait looks like this:
They may have the same icon, but they are not the same Trait.
so how am i supposed to get knock back then without telekinetic shove? It would make sense if both were a option considering Remans have to be earned or bought. I'm a Science player and i don't have access to grenades. would it even benefit a Engineer?
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I will also verify that bug report threads are exempt from the Necro rule. Thanks for updating.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Try getting a weapon with [KB3] as one of the mods on it, that's knockback, and should be improved by the trait.
As a science player wouldn't some of your kit modules provide a knockback, hold, or root ? A few that come to mind could be Electro-gravitic Field, Sonic Pulse, and Stasis Field.
Yes, I realize you might have wanted the "other" version, but with Remans being so powerful on the ground I almost think that their particular Telekinesis trait could be highly effective for science Captains in particular.
Well, there goes my psychic build, thanks for the help though.
The main psionic attack Remans have is Mind Drain, their Telekinesis is secondary.
not exactly. The Letheans get a slightly weaker version of it in addition to actual telekinesis. In the grand scheme of a fight i haven't found the healing bonus to really be all that useful. Remans might not have hair, smooth skin, or the golden catlike pupils they had in their single canon appearance, but at least they don't have teeth on their face.