Destroy Voth Ships >>>Dyson Battlezone, if the instance isn't too crowded
Destroy Tzenkethi Ships >>> Gon'Cra Battlezone, if the instance isn't too crowded
Destroy Undine Ships >>> Dyson Battlezone
Destroy Borg Ships >>> Borg Advance arc Episode: A Gathering Darkness nets 5 at a time quickly, TFOs if you play them
Destroy Herald Ships>>> Iconian War Arc Episodes: Midnight and Blood of the Ancients TFO Gateway to Gre'thor
....................................... Herald ship kills Dyson Sphere Contested zone Where the science ships are fighting swarmers and probes.
Destroy Hurq Frigates >>> Mission Scylla and Charibdis (Bonus is you earn bajor set parts) Mission Home
Destroy Tholian ships >>> Futureproof arc Episode: Stormbound. The Archer system patrol.
Destroy Dreadnoughts >>>Space Patrol Mission: Strike at Seedea (Seedea System Patrol) 2 Dreadnoughts in the last 2 Waves
Hull Healing >>> Patrol Khonshu Khabit can get even the hard one done. Simply bring in a repair platform and deploy it.
............................In the Voth Contested Zone, there are damaged NPC ships that will take all the healing you throw at them
............................Counterpoint. Shield healing? Drop a rep Shield Bubble on DS9. Hull Healing? Heal DS9.
Shield Healing >>> (space) Any patrol, though fighting Borg ships will deplete your shields all the time, then deploy that shield generator from reputation and stay inside it best you can.
Defeat Hur’q Attendants Missions Home and Melting Pot
Gorn on Nimbus >> Skip if too crowded
Terran Empire >> Mission Para Pacem - J'Ula's Discovery arc. Lots of Terrans after a short space battle. Alos mission Jabberwocky but only 10 terrans
Captains >>>the shielded mechs at communications relays Dyson BG (2 Ea) // Borg Advance arc Episode: Where Angels Fear to Tread FOUR elite borg in the final battle
Tholians >>>Nukara
Borg >> Defera
Dewan Arthropods>> Nimbus if not to crowded
Voth >>>Dyson BG
Tzenkethi >>> Mission Of Signs and Portent, objective Adamant
Vaadwaur >> Kobali BZ but I usually don't have a ship in the quadrant so I skip
Gain Salvage >>> I dump blue items from all toons into the account bank
Harvest Materials (Ground) >>>Episode: Sphere of influence, beam down, scan, beam up rinse and repeat. there are 2 nodes on the map but it's faster to scan, beam up then beam down
Breen arc mission Cold Comfort. Beam down, scan TWO, beam up
Diplomatic Orders There's two mats down there too. Get in shuttle, skip cutscene, then get mats, rinse, repeat.
Harvest Materials (Space) >>> Jouret system 3 minerals Japori also has three nodes
Hull healing. Recently the new Patrol Khonshu Khabit can get even the hard one done. Simply bring in a repair platform and deploy it. They'll immediately start healing the Khonshu anytime you're near it.
Shield healing (space) Any patrol, though fighting Borg ships will deplete your shields all the time, then deploy that shield generator from reputation and stay inside it best you can.
Repair shields (ground): Take a eng toon to Nukara, go to the last area where you go fight the Captain TFO, go into the acid pool and deploy shield generator and health generators and repeat as necessary to get endeavor.
Restore health (ground) See above.
That's all I have off the top of my head that isn't already posted.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Hurq attendants: Melting Pot, beam out before defeating them all if you need the hard one. Gamma Quadrant mission Home
Tzenkethi Ground: Of signs and Portents=Adamant
Hurq' frigates: Scylla and Charybdis-where you're defending Bajor. Also, Gamma Quadrant mission Home. Or any Gamma Quadrant TFO (If you can get them to pop)
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Hull healing - In the Voth Contested Zone, there are damaged NPC ships that will take all the healing you throw at them, but never actually heal. So you can park near one (looking at a Republic Dhelan Warbird now, west part of map). I keep getting healing credit, but it stays at 50% hull strength. So I could use this one ship to complete any healing endeavor, so long as I have Hazard Emitters and/or Engineering Team and/or Auxiliary Power to Structural Integrity Field to throw at it.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Both pretty much ANY space zone of any kind, although an easy one is actually Counterpoint. Shield healing? Drop a rep Shield Bubble on DS9. Hull Healing? Heal DS9.
Also works in any zone with friendly NPCs, although milage may vary if they move around more than expected.
Harvest Materials (Ground) >>>Episode: Sphere of influence, beam down, scan, beam up rinse and repeat
Better one would be the old Breen arc mission Cold Comfort. Beam down, scan TWO, beam up, rince/repeat as needed. Its one of the few, if not only, non combat missions in the game.
Melting Pot is the earliest mission that has Attendants, although they are not classified as such as we didn't get the name drop of Hur'q until a later mission
Captains >>>the shielded mechs at communications relays Dyson BG (2 Ea) // Borg Advance arc Episode: Where Angels Fear to Tread three elite borg in the final battle
Actually there's 4 Captains in Where Angels Fear to Tread. I use this one all the time for my Captain kills.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Both pretty much ANY space zone of any kind, although an easy one is actually Counterpoint. Shield healing? Drop a rep Shield Bubble on DS9. Hull Healing? Heal DS9.
Also works in any zone with friendly NPCs, although milage may vary if they move around more than expected.
Harvest Materials (Ground) >>>Episode: Sphere of influence, beam down, scan, beam up rinse and repeat
Better one would be the old Breen arc mission Cold Comfort. Beam down, scan TWO, beam up, rince/repeat as needed. Its one of the few, if not only, non combat missions in the game.
Sphere of Influence has two, one right where you beam in, and other is just down the hall like 5 seconds run away.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Sphere of Influence has two, one right where you beam in, and other is just down the hall like 5 seconds run away.
Behind some other objectives, dialog, and cutscenes. Cold Comfort its literally arrive, beam in, and run to the two nodes. I suppose it depends on player choice at that point.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Sphere of Influence has two, one right where you beam in, and other is just down the hall like 5 seconds run away.
Behind some other objectives, dialog, and cutscenes. Cold Comfort its literally arrive, beam in, and run to the two nodes. I suppose it depends on player choice at that point.
I find Sphere of Influence is better, it's the first mission in the Solanae Dyson Sphere arc, the only dialog is the pop window with the reman Kererek when you beam in the first node is at your feet the other is by the generators a bit of a walk but about the same distance as you have to travel between the first node and the second in Cold Comfort. No other objectives or cutscenes if you just want to gather the resources.
On another note, To acquire Herald ship kills I go to the Sphere Contested zone industrial area. Where the science ships are fighting swarmers and probes. Don't bother getting the Rescue Research Vessels mission. Just kill the swarmers and probes endlessly.
Sphere of Influence has two, one right where you beam in, and other is just down the hall like 5 seconds run away.
Behind some other objectives, dialog, and cutscenes. Cold Comfort its literally arrive, beam in, and run to the two nodes. I suppose it depends on player choice at that point.
I find Sphere of Influence is better, it's the first mission in the Solanae Dyson Sphere arc, the only dialog is the pop window with the reman Kererek when you beam in. The first node is at your feet the other is by the generators a bit of a walk but about the same distance as you have to travel between the first node and the second in Cold Comfort. No other objectives or cutscenes if you just want to gather the resources.
On another note. To acquire Herald ship kills I go to the Sphere Contested zone industrial area. Where the science ships are fighting swarmers and probes. Don't bother getting the Rescue Research Vessels mission. Just kill the swarmers and probes endlessly.
Sphere of Influence has two, one right where you beam in, and other is just down the hall like 5 seconds run away.
Behind some other objectives, dialog, and cutscenes. Cold Comfort its literally arrive, beam in, and run to the two nodes. I suppose it depends on player choice at that point.
I find Sphere of Influence is better, it's the first mission in the Solanae Dyson Sphere arc, the only dialog is the pop window with the reman Kererek when you beam in. The first node is at your feet the other is by the generators a bit of a walk but about the same distance as you have to travel between the first node and the second in Cold Comfort. No other objectives or cutscenes if you just want to gather the resources.
On another note. To acquire Herald ship kills I go to the Sphere Contested zone industrial area. Where the science ships are fighting swarmers and probes. Don't bother getting the Rescue Research Vessels mission. Just kill the swarmers and probes endlessly.
I've used Diplomatic Orders for ground mats too. There's two mats down there too. Just a little more to do. Get in shuttle, skip cutscene, then get mats, rinse, repeat.
I might take a repair platform over to that ship in the Contested Zone. It works in Khonshu Khaibit on the Khonshu.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Repair platform on the exchange, just search Repair Platform. It's horribly expensive though, I saw last time I got one. It's in a choice box with Metreon Gas canister, so if you get it, be careful not to choose the wrong thing.
Shield bubble is from Undine rep once you reach T5. It's a rep trait. Bio-Molecular Shield Generator. Fits in Active Space Reputation slot. You'll see it automatically in your trait list for Active space rep when you unlock it.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Repair platform on the exchange, just search Repair Platform. It's horribly expensive though, I saw last time I got one. It's in a choice box with Metreon Gas canister, so if you get it, be careful not to choose the wrong thing.
Shield bubble is from Undine rep once you reach T5. It's a rep trait. Bio-Molecular Shield Generator. Fits in Active Space Reputation slot. You'll see it automatically in your trait list for Active space rep when you unlock it.
You can also get a repair platform from the T5 Varanus support vessel which you can get for free at level 61 with the Vice Admiral starship requisition token you get. If you want to use it.
Targetable Torpedoes - If the Carreya patrol doesn't provide enough, I sometimes use the Undine Battlezone to finish them off. Undine ships will fire a targetable torpedo within a few seconds of you being in range. Be ready with Fire At Will as they're not as easy to see against the background compared to the blackness of space at Carreya.
Tholian Ships - The Archer system patrol.
Kill Terrans On The Ground - Para Pacem - the first mission in the J'Ula's Discovery arc. Lots of Terrans after a short space battle.
Harvest Materials In Space - Japori also has three nodes.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Another source for Destructable Torpedoes is actually the Crystalline TFO. Those big shards that go chasing people actually count as torps. Downside is needing 10 people to queue up for it, but I have had a lot of luck in the past shooting down quite a few with FAW there.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
For ground energy damage if I have multiple types or don't have a character that uses a particular type the cyclic modulation weapons are good. I use Jupiter Station Showdown for that. In regards to that mission BTW are the Borg supposed to adapt in that patrol or not? because they haven't been.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
For ground energy damage if I have multiple types or don't have a character that uses a particular type the cyclic modulation weapons are good. I use Jupiter Station Showdown for that. In regards to that mission BTW are the Borg supposed to adapt in that patrol or not? because they haven't been.
Nope. Don't think they are. Besides they're supposed to be drones assimilated by Marshal Janeway, so... probably don't have access to all the perks of the Collective.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Repair platform on the exchange, just search Repair Platform. It's horribly expensive though, I saw last time I got one. It's in a choice box with Metreon Gas canister, so if you get it, be careful not to choose the wrong thing.
Shield bubble is from Undine rep once you reach T5. It's a rep trait. Bio-Molecular Shield Generator. Fits in Active Space Reputation slot. You'll see it automatically in your trait list for Active space rep when you unlock it.
You can also get a repair platform from the T5 Varanus support vessel which you can get for free at level 61 with the Vice Admiral starship requisition token you get. If you want to use it.
good tip. I have a half dozen free t5 tickets from the various boxes
We Want Vic Fontaine
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
So I just discovered an INTERESTING detail. IF you happen to have BOTH harvest materials space and harvest materials ground... Cold Comfort can get progress towards BOTH. 2 nodes in space and 2 nodes on the ground.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
So I just discovered an INTERESTING detail. IF you happen to have BOTH harvest materials space and harvest materials ground... Cold Comfort can get progress towards BOTH. 2 nodes in space and 2 nodes on the ground.
It's still quicker:
- Cold Confort (Ground) [No combat, just a quick run to two spots and repeat as many times as needed]
- Starbase 236 Instance (Space) [No Combat - 3 just sitting there when you zone in, and you can just zone out and back in for more]
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Note: I currently have 155 Reroll Tokens, never bought any.
Destructible Torpedoes = I just go to the Undine Space Contact at Dyson. Fly over to the Klingon Weapon area, (looks like a hand grenade icon on the map). Hover around them and they'll throw destructibles at you very frequently. Can be done in a min or less even with 18 needed. AND, you aren't tied to a TFO that you have to complete.
Herald Ships = I leave the Midnight Mission active right at when you have to battle the ships at ESD.
Hur'q Attendants = Ground Home Mission on the ship (leave it up)
Heal Health Ground = If not on an Eng with all the stuff I need, I do Home Mission at the part when you arrive on the ship, there's a radioactive eh, thing... If you're not an eng, just make sure one of your boffs is and activate the healer. Run and jump over it a few times, even get your other boffs to join in. Everyone gets drained, everyone gets healed.
Shields Ground = Same as above.
Terrans Ground = Para Pacem -> Conflictus -> Go To I.S.S. Discovery
Lukari TFOs = If 1 needed, Gravity Kills TFO, if 2 or 3, reroll, also depends if I have time to even do one of them. (Very limited on when I can play now.)
Iconian TFOs = Same as above, but if 1 needed, Bug Hunt TFO.
Various Weapons Type Damage
if Ground = 8 Dedicated Dyson Ground Battlezone only characters, each has a different weapon damage type. I'll let them collect
elseif/elsif Space = Depending on what event is going on, as character rotation happens, if that character has the weapon type they play space, but if no event I default to my main who has loadouts for each weapon type.
Wait the shotty and Tommy gun are physical I thought they were kinetic?
Kinetic damage is for space, torpedoes mostly. It's called physical damage on the ground.
There's kinetic damage for ground, mortars and grenades use that (there's technically also physical for space but I don't anything that uses that tbh).
Oh and the sniper rifle from DS9 also uses Kinetic which is probably where I got impression firearms use it.
> @spiritborn said: > There's kinetic damage for ground, mortars and grenades use that (there's technically also physical for space but I don't anything that uses that tbh). >
I'm almost sure that some temporal abilities do - or used to. I seem to remember an endeavour for it, which took ages to do.
Deal (type) Damage
Deal Physical Damage >> Melee, Chochrane’s Shotgun Picard’s Tommygun
Defeat Hur’q Attendants Missions Home and Melting Pot
Gorn on Nimbus >> Skip if too crowded
Terran Empire >> Mission Para Pacem - J'Ula's Discovery arc. Lots of Terrans after a short space battle. Alos mission Jabberwocky but only 10 terrans
Captains >>>the shielded mechs at communications relays Dyson BG (2 Ea) // Borg Advance arc Episode: Where Angels Fear to Tread FOUR elite borg in the final battle
Tholians >>>Nukara
Borg >> Defera
Dewan Arthropods>> Nimbus if not to crowded
Voth >>>Dyson BG
Tzenkethi >>> Mission Of Signs and Portent, objective Adamant
Vaadwaur >> Kobali BZ but I usually don't have a ship in the quadrant so I skip
Complete Lukari TFOs
Complete Borg TFOs
Gain Salvage >>> I dump blue items from all toons into the account bank
Harvest Materials (Ground) >>>Episode: Sphere of influence, beam down, scan, beam up rinse and repeat. there are 2 nodes on the map but it's faster to scan, beam up then beam down
Breen arc mission Cold Comfort. Beam down, scan TWO, beam up
Diplomatic Orders There's two mats down there too. Get in shuttle, skip cutscene, then get mats, rinse, repeat.
Harvest Materials (Space) >>> Jouret system 3 minerals Japori also has three nodes
Win Gold Pressed Latinum Risa, Drozana, Quarks
Shield healing (space) Any patrol, though fighting Borg ships will deplete your shields all the time, then deploy that shield generator from reputation and stay inside it best you can.
Repair shields (ground): Take a eng toon to Nukara, go to the last area where you go fight the Captain TFO, go into the acid pool and deploy shield generator and health generators and repeat as necessary to get endeavor.
Restore health (ground) See above.
That's all I have off the top of my head that isn't already posted.
Hurq attendants: Melting Pot, beam out before defeating them all if you need the hard one. Gamma Quadrant mission Home
Tzenkethi Ground: Of signs and Portents=Adamant
Hurq' frigates: Scylla and Charybdis-where you're defending Bajor. Also, Gamma Quadrant mission Home. Or any Gamma Quadrant TFO (If you can get them to pop)
Both pretty much ANY space zone of any kind, although an easy one is actually Counterpoint. Shield healing? Drop a rep Shield Bubble on DS9. Hull Healing? Heal DS9.
Also works in any zone with friendly NPCs, although milage may vary if they move around more than expected.
Better one would be the old Breen arc mission Cold Comfort. Beam down, scan TWO, beam up, rince/repeat as needed. Its one of the few, if not only, non combat missions in the game.
Melting Pot is the earliest mission that has Attendants, although they are not classified as such as we didn't get the name drop of Hur'q until a later mission
Actually there's 4 Captains in Where Angels Fear to Tread. I use this one all the time for my Captain kills.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Sphere of Influence has two, one right where you beam in, and other is just down the hall like 5 seconds run away.
Behind some other objectives, dialog, and cutscenes. Cold Comfort its literally arrive, beam in, and run to the two nodes. I suppose it depends on player choice at that point.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I find Sphere of Influence is better, it's the first mission in the Solanae Dyson Sphere arc, the only dialog is the pop window with the reman Kererek when you beam in the first node is at your feet the other is by the generators a bit of a walk but about the same distance as you have to travel between the first node and the second in Cold Comfort. No other objectives or cutscenes if you just want to gather the resources.
On another note, To acquire Herald ship kills I go to the Sphere Contested zone industrial area. Where the science ships are fighting swarmers and probes. Don't bother getting the Rescue Research Vessels mission. Just kill the swarmers and probes endlessly.
I might take a repair platform over to that ship in the Contested Zone. It works in Khonshu Khaibit on the Khonshu.
Shield bubble is from Undine rep once you reach T5. It's a rep trait. Bio-Molecular Shield Generator. Fits in Active Space Reputation slot. You'll see it automatically in your trait list for Active space rep when you unlock it.
You can also get a repair platform from the T5 Varanus support vessel which you can get for free at level 61 with the Vice Admiral starship requisition token you get. If you want to use it.
Tholian Ships - The Archer system patrol.
Kill Terrans On The Ground - Para Pacem - the first mission in the J'Ula's Discovery arc. Lots of Terrans after a short space battle.
Harvest Materials In Space - Japori also has three nodes.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Nope. Don't think they are. Besides they're supposed to be drones assimilated by Marshal Janeway, so... probably don't have access to all the perks of the Collective.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
good tip. I have a half dozen free t5 tickets from the various boxes
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
It's still quicker:
- Cold Confort (Ground) [No combat, just a quick run to two spots and repeat as many times as needed]
- Starbase 236 Instance (Space) [No Combat - 3 just sitting there when you zone in, and you can just zone out and back in for more]
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Destructible Torpedoes = I just go to the Undine Space Contact at Dyson. Fly over to the Klingon Weapon area, (looks like a hand grenade icon on the map). Hover around them and they'll throw destructibles at you very frequently. Can be done in a min or less even with 18 needed. AND, you aren't tied to a TFO that you have to complete.
Herald Ships = I leave the Midnight Mission active right at when you have to battle the ships at ESD.
Hur'q Attendants = Ground Home Mission on the ship (leave it up)
Heal Health Ground = If not on an Eng with all the stuff I need, I do Home Mission at the part when you arrive on the ship, there's a radioactive eh, thing... If you're not an eng, just make sure one of your boffs is and activate the healer. Run and jump over it a few times, even get your other boffs to join in. Everyone gets drained, everyone gets healed.
Shields Ground = Same as above.
Terrans Ground = Para Pacem -> Conflictus -> Go To I.S.S. Discovery
Lukari TFOs = If 1 needed, Gravity Kills TFO, if 2 or 3, reroll, also depends if I have time to even do one of them. (Very limited on when I can play now.)
Iconian TFOs = Same as above, but if 1 needed, Bug Hunt TFO.
Various Weapons Type Damage
Kinetic damage is for space, torpedoes mostly. It's called physical damage on the ground.
Oh and the sniper rifle from DS9 also uses Kinetic which is probably where I got impression firearms use it.
> There's kinetic damage for ground, mortars and grenades use that (there's technically also physical for space but I don't anything that uses that tbh).
I'm almost sure that some temporal abilities do - or used to. I seem to remember an endeavour for it, which took ages to do.
that's because it's melee