With the "The next major Star Trek Online content update ... Unraveled, Admiral Kuumaarke returns to the spotlight, played by Kipleigh Brown" along with her Doritos ship / space magic triangle.
With this focus it would be great to see:
1. Legendary Lukari Scout ship - providing the consoles, skins and traits of all three versions account unlock, perhaps with some Lukari costumes & ground gear (not requiring the rep gear to unlock); & new ledge starship trait (story content themed?)
Or alternatively
2. Add the Lukari event ship (Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel) to Mudd's market as a single ship purchase, as other various event ships (Risian etc).
-Examples of Legendary ships which were not on screen canon at time of their release to legendary status - 1. Odyssey 2. Vesta / Caelian
-Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship - accessible via fleet & requires tier 5 colony fleet - not too easy for smaller fleets
-Provides opportunity to have a full spec (Cmdr) temporal scout ship available in the zen store, potentially with 4/2 weapons layout - to keep it up to date with contemporary / recent-ish released in the zen store - Equinox Pilot Scout Ship (4/2). The Fleet Lukari scout ship is temp seating (LtCmdr) - and the story content "Unraveled" is temporal shenanigans based "Uncover the mysteries behind the Reality Vortices and help save the Multiverse".
-For ledge star ship trait - could base the name / theme of the trait off something from the upcoming story content - perhaps something similar to spore infused anomalies type trait - but "Reality Vortices" where temporal consumer and/or temporal anomalies produce a subspace vortex [ability] - with a new specific colour - reality vortex looks yellow in the promotional image. Or something completely different - just throwing an "on theme" idea out there.
-For secondary spec seating - Lt Cmdr - could be whatever really - Intell or Pilot might fit - intell is seating from event Lukari ship & Pilot as it's a smaller zippy scout ship. Equally as the Lukari have fielded such a capable ship so early in their interstellar / ship building history, miracle worker could fit this lore - though little to no synergy with science builds.
All of the above for a Ledge pack involves pulling in existing assets, without time required to do something "new", with the exception of work on a new ledge trait interaction.
Why might this be popular:
-A full spec temporal scout ship from the zen store would I think be popular with science ship players (full sci build with universal seating etc)
-Space Barbie / Lukari theme - Kuumaarke in "the spotlight" for the new story content - where in STO "the hero is you", but also "the hero is your ship". Being able to fly Kuumarrke's hero ship (Dorito) - widely accessible to the community.
-account unlock of the console & trait from event Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel - Protomatter Field Projector Console - a great support / heal self & allies console.
Additional pack extra suggestions;
-Lukari Restoration Initiative Vanity Shield - account reclaimable
-Lukari space weapon pack - account reclaimable - similar to corrosive plasma weapon pack from Mudd's store - choice of weapon types & between piezo-polaron & Piezo-plasma (infinity grade, rare or ultra rare - upgradeable)
-Reputation ground gear 3 piece set - account reclaimable - infinity grade (Lukari Restoration Initiative Operative - rep ground set - 3 piece)
>upgrades to ultra rare MK XIII on upgrade window (to match boost from temporal recruit bonus to reputation gear crafting)
>useful for new & levelling toons or equipping bridge officers (BOFFs) to Lukari theme - without having to buy multiple sets from rep to outfit character & BOFFs. Not that difficult to obtain this stuff from the reps & fleet - but more keeping on theme for the Lukari.
-Lukari rep kit modules - reclaimable - unrestricted from tac, sci, eng class restriction - infinity grade -
>Piezo-Electric Grenade, Piezo-Electric Lattice, Protomatter Generator Drone
Lukari ship links:
1. T5 Frisbee/ UFO - Lukari N'Kaam Scout Ship -
2. T6 Event ship / Doritos (Kuumaarke's "hero ship") - Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel -
3. T6 Fleet scout ship / Boomerang - Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship -
I wouldn't mind seeing a three pack ship choice of Lukari origin made it as a regular 3 pack without the additional stuff that would overprice it. I'd be more interested in it.
However there is a possibility with this new content that there could be another Lukari ship offered as reward from Risa considering the proximity to the event. I would like to see an actual cruiser in the same flashy aesthetics and thin design. something similar to the shape of the Crossfield class saucer, but a bit larger than the ho'kuun. It would be the next logical step up for the new Lukari faction. A new flagship of their own that's capable of standing toe to toe in a fight.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I would prefer a Lukari ship as a summer ship too, especially with the already existing Lukari bridge linked into it instead of that hideous parking garage joke of a bridge they stuff into everything nowadays. The Lukari ships so far have been classic UFO mythos designs (Lenticular Saucer, the Wedge, and the Boomerang), and they barely scratched the surface of those. All of the options proposed by the OP are whale-only options.
A new ship could be one of the other saucer shapes, like a Straw Hat, a Conical Saucer, a Saturn (roughly, a sphere or flattened sphere bisected by a disk), or whatever. There are ways to make the Cigar, Teardrop, and "Dirigible" interesting, and the game already has a version of the Tic-Tac, but they seem less likely as a Lukari ship style.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Especially when the recent releases violated one or more of both the initial AND the current parameters - when did the Akira class ever carry an episode? The Mogai sure as hell never did either.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
No they didn't, but they appeared in movies, with Mogai being a semi-protagonist/anti-hero ship in Nemesis.