I would of thought with the forum update, to do a straight migration of the old, a revamp of sub-catagories should of been done too. For instance remove the defunct (for a few years) sub-catagory relating to the foundry. It's not needed and those that do post there post in error or necro threads
not to push, but any updates on this or are we all just puffing smoke up you know where?
is this never going to change or what?
Kael is taking everything we provide to those who would implement any changes. As Kael is currently in a real-world move of his household at the moment, we probably won't be hearing any updates on this anytime soon.
I would of thought with the forum update, to do a straight migration of the old, a revamp of sub-catagories should of been done too. For instance remove the defunct (for a few years) sub-catagory relating to the foundry. It's not needed and those that do post there post in error or necro threads
We try not to remove anything from the forum, if possible, for legacy reasons.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Unless I missed it the mobile version doesnt have a new. Its impossible to tell which threads are old and which have new comments.
Is this about the forums only? What about the new website and all the problems with that? I know its not anywhere near as bad as the forums but its hardly professionally looking and full of missing pages we need.
Is this about the forums only? What about the new website and all the problems with that? I know its not anywhere near as bad as the forums but its hardly professionally looking and full of missing pages we need.
For sake of simplicity, we're trying to limit it to the forums alone.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
here is an example of a well done forum. a well defined and located New topic button. a subscribe button so you can have the option of being notified of responses to the topic/subforum. Note that topics that have been read go from black font to grey. topics with the newest replies go to the top. Stickies are in their own section at the top.
posts are clearly defined, with multi-quote, quote and quick reply options
This forum supports uploading images from the device or from the web. the font controls are more robust, allowing size and color selection without the need for BBcode. the latest post column sows the poster, time and date. oh, and this forum has not changed drastically in about 7 years.. they follow the "it ain't broke, don't fix it philosophy.
There is so much wrong with these new forums, fortunately I don't need to add anything.
I think the worst problem is the overall readability with how posts, sigs, quotes, etc are barely separate at all. I also dislike the colossal waste of space on actual monitors.
Another con is that the screen goes bright white every time you change a page, in a dim room that is like a nuclear flash going off that is disturbing to other people in the room (not to mention fatiguing and even painful after a while to the person at the computer). Not everyone uses the forum only during the day, some do it at night with someone else sleeping in the same room for instance.
Here is a con for ya. I opened a thread and got 13 notifications right now, I click on one of them and the rest is still there. On the old forum clicking on one and entering the thread would have resolved all those notifications. I really dislike this new forum... alot...
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
Here is a con for ya. I opened a thread and got 13 notifications right now, I click on one of them and the rest is still there. On the old forum clicking on one and entering the thread would have resolved all those notifications. I really dislike this new forum... alot...
When you click on the Notifications menu, at the bottom you can Mark All Read.
It seems like I can leave comments but can't start a new topic because I was gonna report a bug
Depending upon how you are accessing the forum:
If through the new website: https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/ , then the New Post button is on the right-hand side above all the Quick Links as a rectangular blue button with a plus and labeled New Post.
If through the old Arc website, then you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and the New Post button is on the right-hand side as a round blue button with a plus, no label.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Here is a con for ya. I opened a thread and got 13 notifications right now, I click on one of them and the rest is still there. On the old forum clicking on one and entering the thread would have resolved all those notifications. I really dislike this new forum... alot...
When you click on the Notifications menu, at the bottom you can Mark All Read.
It seems like I can leave comments but can't start a new topic because I was gonna report a bug
Depending upon how you are accessing the forum:
If through the new website: https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/ , then the New Post button is on the right-hand side above all the Quick Links as a rectangular blue button with a plus and labeled New Post.
If through the old Arc website, then you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and the New Post button is on the right-hand side as a round blue button with a plus, no label.
Yeah thanks for that. However I didn't see that because I didn't scroll all the way down. Didn't had to do that with the older version either. I prefer the old version of the forum but I guess we wont go back on that.
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
Knowing that Browsers use different rendering engines, it may be worthwhile to include which Browser you are using and your resolution - most websites are written for 1366x768, for speed. Also, whether or not you are using HWAccelleration. Designers must include optimizations for as many Browsers as possible or else the website will display incorrectly.
"Victory is not determined by whose armies are strongest. It is determined by who is left standing." - Napoléon
I truly cannot think of a single positive these forums have over the old forum. Today is the first day I've even attempted to use the forums since a few days after the migration. I think others have supplied all the "cons" I have with them as well so no need to dwell on that further.
Just decided that I'd give it an honest try and since I am being honest, I think this will be my last real visit for the foreseeable future. I'll hit the page up to see if I notice any changes but reading the forums now is a literal headache for me so any deep dive style forum use is simply not going to happen.
Which is kinda sad since I visited to old forums daily and looked thru loads of posts and topics. Now, I simply don't bother even looking. Kind of how my game time has been spent of late. Severe event burnout has kept me from playing the game in anything aside from a fleet management capacity for the last few months. I've skipped the last couple of events entirely just to maybe, hopefully, recover so I can be ready to finish off my Event Campaign starting next week. And I have a feeling that after that, it'll be another break from playing.
Anyway, I just wanted to give my $.02 in the hopes that sooner, rather than later, improvements will be made.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
I was able to fix this problem for myself by adding a custom style sheet for this forum using the extension Stylus, but this doesn't fix it for anyone else.
2. I can no longer filter by category (or subforum) in the search page. This used to be a feature of the advanced search page. Now, I can only filter by title, author, and date.
3. Announcements (or stickied threads) can overwhelm the regular threads. For example, if you go to "Star Trek Online General Discussion" right now, all the top threads are announcements. You have to scroll quite a bit to see a regular thread. I think announcements and regular threads should be distinguished either by color or separated into two sections by a line or other marker.
Con: Post new discussion is ALL the way down the bottom of the page on mobile. I mean it's like they created extra internet space just to put it down there.
Con: In addition to all the other cons above, they didn't even counterbalance it by making it easy to find where to change your avatar - I had to change it through the damn launcher.
Like, you'd think there'd be a link to change it in your profile settings by clicking on the avatar box.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
did something happen to the forums? looks like they tried to insert the older ones within the new pages, if that makes sense. but i cant adjust color. its grey and white. too bright again.
Meanwhile, I'm seeing the old Vanilla forums. Weird.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I'm talking with the guys and Kael right now. And yea... we're getting the look and everything back. Still a few kinks to work out but... my friends... we've come home.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'm talking with the guys and Kael right now. And yea... we're getting the look and everything back. Still a few kinks to work out but... my friends... we've come home.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Kael is taking everything we provide to those who would implement any changes. As Kael is currently in a real-world move of his household at the moment, we probably won't be hearing any updates on this anytime soon.
We try not to remove anything from the forum, if possible, for legacy reasons.
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Moderation Problems/Issues? Please contact the Community Manager
Terms of Service / Community Rules and Policies / FCT
Facebook / Twitter / Twitch
With luck by the time Kael can use this we will have provided him with a TON of ammo.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Is this about the forums only? What about the new website and all the problems with that? I know its not anywhere near as bad as the forums but its hardly professionally looking and full of missing pages we need.
Totally this. I'm tending to stick with reddit now because everything is just merging together here. I can't figure out who is saying what to whom.
For sake of simplicity, we're trying to limit it to the forums alone.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
here is an example of a well done forum. a well defined and located New topic button. a subscribe button so you can have the option of being notified of responses to the topic/subforum. Note that topics that have been read go from black font to grey. topics with the newest replies go to the top. Stickies are in their own section at the top.
posts are clearly defined, with multi-quote, quote and quick reply options
This forum supports uploading images from the device or from the web. the font controls are more robust, allowing size and color selection without the need for BBcode. the latest post column sows the poster, time and date. oh, and this forum has not changed drastically in about 7 years.. they follow the "it ain't broke, don't fix it philosophy.
I think the worst problem is the overall readability with how posts, sigs, quotes, etc are barely separate at all. I also dislike the colossal waste of space on actual monitors.
When you click on the Notifications menu, at the bottom you can Mark All Read.
Depending upon how you are accessing the forum:
If through the new website: https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/ , then the New Post button is on the right-hand side above all the Quick Links as a rectangular blue button with a plus and labeled New Post.
If through the old Arc website, then you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and the New Post button is on the right-hand side as a round blue button with a plus, no label.
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Moderation Problems/Issues? Please contact the Community Manager
Terms of Service / Community Rules and Policies / FCT
Facebook / Twitter / Twitch
Yeah thanks for that. However I didn't see that because I didn't scroll all the way down. Didn't had to do that with the older version either. I prefer the old version of the forum but I guess we wont go back on that.
Just decided that I'd give it an honest try and since I am being honest, I think this will be my last real visit for the foreseeable future. I'll hit the page up to see if I notice any changes but reading the forums now is a literal headache for me so any deep dive style forum use is simply not going to happen.
Which is kinda sad since I visited to old forums daily and looked thru loads of posts and topics. Now, I simply don't bother even looking. Kind of how my game time has been spent of late. Severe event burnout has kept me from playing the game in anything aside from a fleet management capacity for the last few months. I've skipped the last couple of events entirely just to maybe, hopefully, recover so I can be ready to finish off my Event Campaign starting next week. And I have a feeling that after that, it'll be another break from playing.
Anyway, I just wanted to give my $.02 in the hopes that sooner, rather than later, improvements will be made.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
I was able to fix this problem for myself by adding a custom style sheet for this forum using the extension Stylus, but this doesn't fix it for anyone else.
2. I can no longer filter by category (or subforum) in the search page. This used to be a feature of the advanced search page. Now, I can only filter by title, author, and date.
3. Announcements (or stickied threads) can overwhelm the regular threads. For example, if you go to "Star Trek Online General Discussion" right now, all the top threads are announcements. You have to scroll quite a bit to see a regular thread. I think announcements and regular threads should be distinguished either by color or separated into two sections by a line or other marker.
Like, you'd think there'd be a link to change it in your profile settings by clicking on the avatar box.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^