Console – Universal – Terraforming Emulsion
Originally discovered aboard a derelict vessel of ancient and unknown origins, this exotic material has since been adapted for deployment as an area-denial countermeasure that can inflict devastating damage on enemy starships unfortunate enough to wander into its grasp. The strange goo is capable of converting inorganic matter into both organic compounds and natural elements belonging to what is presumed to be the natural habitat of the species of its creator. This process will rend apart the hull and engines of enemy vessels it meets.
This console will eject several blobs of volatile terraforming emulsion into space, which will seek out and attach themselves to nearby enemy starships, quickly and violently converting portions of their hull into organic material. This process deals Physical Damage based on the clouds' proximity to their chosen prey, and any enemies unfortunate enough to bungle into them. The compound reacts in such a way that multiple clouds of the goop cannot devour a starship simultaneously - there is simply not enough surface area or material. As such, the effects of a single cloud will not stack with others. Starship shields are also quite effective at slowing down the deleterious conversion process, buy limiting the hull's exposure to the substance.
Each cloud of emulsion will seek out a different target when created. If no un-leashed targets are within 5km, they will wander around the space until a target presents itself. This console ability may only be activated during combat, and not while cloaked.
This console also provides a passive boost to Power Transfer Rate and Shield Regeneration skill, as well as a boost to Flight Speed while Out of Combat. This console may be equipped on any ship in any console slot.
This console mod may be equipped on any ship, in any console slot. Only one of these consoles may be equipped on a ship at a time.
Tooltip Description:
Creates a series of clouds at your location (total of 8) which last for 30 sec each
Clouds affect all Foes within 1km, and one Foe within 5km which it will chase
Clouds reduce Flight Speed and Turn Rate
Clouds deal Physical Damage each sec (Damage Increases with Proximity)
If a Foe is defeated while affected by a Cloud, they will create a new Cloud which lasts for 30 sec and seeks out another Foe within 5km
Starship Trait – Lower Decks Initiative
While this trait is slotted, activating any Ensign-rank Bridge Officer ability grants you a Recharge Speed reduction for Commander-Rank Bridge Officer Abilities and Captain Abilities, which lasts for an extended duration and stacks several times.
Every effective Bridge Crew depends on the ingenuity of their Lower Decks, whether they know it or not.
Tooltip Description:
Ensign-rank Bridge Officer Abilities provide a stacking buff that lasts 2 minutes (max 10 stacks)
+2% Recharge Reduction for Commander-rank Bridge Officer Abilities
+2% Recharge Reduction for Captain Abilities
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
If it was lobi I might have actually bought it during a big lobi sale, but lockboxes are completely out of reach except for campaign tokens, and I would get a lot of other ships before the California class.
Something I'm curious about is the decals, will this include the red and blue versions or just the yellow? If yellow only then they have room for two more canon variants without much work, a promo and then potentially a Legendary.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Was kind of hoping for something a little more special for a Hero ship. But I’ve had an Infinity ship box in the bank waiting on something special for ages. I might need to use it just because I like the way the ship looks. The 2 seat MW is kind of annoying. Although it isn’t that far removed from the Gagarin (just with worse weapon layout). The most interesting looking thing about it is the trait. But I’m not a good enough theory crafter to tell if that will be a huge boost for something like your main firing mode at a glance. It might be interesting if paired with the Legendary Bugs Vanguard trait?
Gotta love Powercreep, a Fed ship with three Universal seats on it's own would've been considered OP when I joined (near the start of F2P), and having Miracle Worker Commander and Lt. Commander would've put it at near the top tier until fairly recently. Now it's just 'meh' when you can get the Mirror Lexington on the C-Store with a Miracle Worker Commander and Lt. Intel, lance, hangar, and a slightly more Tac focused console layout.
Was kind of hoping for something a little more special for a Hero ship. But I’ve had an Infinity ship box in the bank waiting on something special for ages. I might need to use it just because I like the way the ship looks. The 2 seat MW is kind of annoying. Although it isn’t that far removed from the Gagarin (just with worse weapon layout). The most interesting looking thing about it is the trait. But I’m not a good enough theory crafter to tell if that will be a huge boost for something like your main firing mode at a glance. It might be interesting if paired with the Legendary Bugs Vanguard trait?
If you have the space monies to shake loose a Infinity LB ship, you should have better Personal Space Traits for cooldowns (Intelligence Agent Attaché for Captain abilities[Lockbox], and Biomler Effect for All BOff abilities [Lobi], pending you even need BOff ability cooldowns as a trait instead of using Aux2Bat or Photonic Officer), which you can have 10/11 of instead of the 6 Starship Traits that have a lot of more powerful stuff. Definitely a pass on the Starship Trait, IMO. Console depends on numbers as to whether it's good or not.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
We couldn't come up with a better design? This ship looks like a total April Fools Joke.
"We" didn't come up with the design. The California-class utility cruiser USS Cerritos NCC-75567 is the "hero" ship of the animated series Star Trek: Lower Decks. Personally, I think it looks fine, although I disagree with the decision to amp it up to a Miracle Worker in order to justify putting it in a lockbox. I would have preferred it to be available as a regular T6 ship through either the Zen store or an event. However, as I don't work at Cryptic, I had precisely zero input into that plan.
We couldn't come up with a better design? This ship looks like a total April Fools Joke.
I disagree, the ship looks very similar to Lower Deck's, I guess they went with the 2380's skin because most die hard's likely will desire that.
Maybe in time they'll make a 2410 Variant skin, perhaps CSTORE may not be MW with 12 consoles though! Likely option is a Legendary Variant, yet that's easily 1-2 years out (at least) based on continuing episodes of Lower Decks; and likely not be MW Variant as @jonsills identified I suspect.
As for you liking my earlier idea, I guess you can read the comment in (above) paragraph. As that likely also appeal to those who have the Lockbox Ship, while giving it later a 2410 skin.
As long as it's not crewed by the idiots that destroyed its namesake state. I hope the transporters and shuttles have not been upgraded to accommodate the new ruler of the Federation who still has not conceded her dismal Governor race...4 years ago.
Something I'm curious about is the decals, will this include the red and blue versions or just the yellow? If yellow only then they have room for two more canon variants without much work, a promo and then potentially a Legendary.
DON'T give them any more ideas, the damage is already done, yo.
Too much ENG slots and MW boff layout... trait is literally another reduction which is veeeeery bad and not even needed... overall disappointed... what do other ppl think? Not really worth the lockbox status. Not worth anything more than 1 bil really...
I very much disagree on the seating, it has 2 Commander stations, they're both Engineering, but one of them is also MW which is great. You can do a full A2B build and have Mixed armaments and Narrow Sensor Bands both at max level. The Lt. Commander as a Tac with the Ensign Universal gives you FAW, an Attack Pattern, Tac Team, and Kemocite. A Lt. Universal left over for some science utility like Hazard Emitters and Science Team.. it actually looks really solid to me.
The console is very bland.. I would toss this aside for sure.
The Trait however, needs to be tested. It has one interesting application that might save it..
While this trait is slotted, activating any Ensign-rank Bridge Officer ability grants you a Recharge Speed reduction for Commander-Rank Bridge Officer Abilities and Captain Abilities,
The ability recharge is useless, I completely agree. With builds out there like A2B, Photonic Officer, and Boimler builds this is jut absolutely useless. However, none of these methods reduce cooldown on Captain Abilities, that is fairly rare. Now, is that cooldown reduction on your captain abilities going to make it worth while over some of the other high end traits out there? Honestly, probably not.. but the trait might have some use if you don't have a ton of high end traits already.
Overall, the ship is solid.. it's a very strong beam boat that should rival the top beam ships (Styx, Lexington, etc.) but mostly it's for those that want the aesthetic.
Honestly, I expect it to be a big seller and command top dollar for a long time. It's not the best ship in the game, but it's honestly much better then I expected.. it's actually too good as this ship is supposed to be considered a less desirable class among Starfleet Captains. I'm surprised that the ship is this good.
Really another lock box gambling ship? This is why the cerritos is garbage. So disappointing when you get that notification in the launch bar that says "hey look at this cool new ship", then go read about it and it's in a lock box. if all of those ships were in the store, players would buy them. not at $200 though. ugh why do i bother.
I'm still pretty excited. Admittedly ... I was expecting a bit more Lower Decks hilarity/Easter Eggs. Built in trait/console novelties akin to Fly Her Apart or Lure Pakled Clumpships to attack your target.
I created a character just for the 3380s theme. Looking forward to the new shinies!
You and the OP seem to think the ship sucks, and I am just not seeing it. I am assuming it's just the console and/or trait that makes people think it's not a good ship. The Bridge Officer seating and ship stats are actually quite good.
I agree that for a Lock Box ship, it could be better. As a beam boat.. which seems to be the ships intended purpose, I would rank it slightly below the Lexington which you can just grab from the C-Store. Obviously, they're betting on people just wanting the look of the Cerritos.
With space Barbie being so important nowadays it almost had to be lockbox or promo because it is the hero ship of a series, and so would be put on a pedestal the way the hero ships of newer Treks are. Ships are not just utilitarian units anymore where the practical aspects like what they can do is the most important thing, they are fan fashion statements and hero ships are the Gucci and Prada level of that fashion.
The same thing will undoubtedly happen with the Protostar when and if it eventually comes out.
Really another lock box gambling ship? This is why the cerritos is garbage. So disappointing when you get that notification in the launch bar that says "hey look at this cool new ship", then go read about it and it's in a lock box. if all of those ships were in the store, players would buy them. not at $200 though. ugh why do i bother.
That video at the convention should have said, "And Most of you won't be getting it, HA HA HA!"
This is a carrot on a stick scenario to the fullest.
It's official.....being a lockbox ship, the California Class can now be called the "USS SCREWU"
did anyone really think it wouldn't be?
I thought it would be worse, that it would be a promo ship. I've had better luck with the lockbox lotto than I have with those. They say the Infinity Lock Box is like 1%... promo is less. (And yet there's always a guy that gets three or four of them a day every day... must be nice to not have to care about money...)
That's just not how they do it. Whether or not they can, or should, or why won't they....doesn't matter.
They can, they should, but they won't.
Ship Details:
Tier: 6
Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned
Required Rank: Complete the Tutorial
Hull Modifier: 1.25
Shield Modifier: 1.2
Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 4
Device Slots: 4
Bridge Officer Stations: 1x Lt Commander Engineering, 1x Commander Engineering / Miracle Worker, 1x Ensign Universal, 1x Lieutenant Universal, 1x Lt Commander Universal / Miracle Worker
Consoles: 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 3 Science, 1 Universal (scales with level)
Base Turn Rate: 11
Impulse Modifier: 0.17
Inertia: 50
+10 Shield Power, +10 Engine Power, +10 Auxiliary Power
Console – Universal – Terraforming Emulsion
“Innovation” Ship Mechanic
Cyclical Quantum Slipstream Drive
Cruiser Communications Array
Command - Strategic Maneuvering
Command - Shield Frequency Modulation
Command - Weapon System Efficiency
Command - Attract Fire
Starship Mastery Package (Cruiser)
Absorptive Plating (+Kinetic and Physical Damage Resistance)
Rapid Repairs (+Regeneration)
Enhanced Plating (+Energy and Radiation Damage Resistance)
Armored Hull (+Maximum Hull Capacity)
Lower Decks Initiative (Starship Trait)
Admiralty Ship Stats:
Eng: 62
Sci: 27
Tac: 37
Special: 2.5x Critical Rating from ENG
Console – Universal – Terraforming Emulsion
Originally discovered aboard a derelict vessel of ancient and unknown origins, this exotic material has since been adapted for deployment as an area-denial countermeasure that can inflict devastating damage on enemy starships unfortunate enough to wander into its grasp. The strange goo is capable of converting inorganic matter into both organic compounds and natural elements belonging to what is presumed to be the natural habitat of the species of its creator. This process will rend apart the hull and engines of enemy vessels it meets.
This console will eject several blobs of volatile terraforming emulsion into space, which will seek out and attach themselves to nearby enemy starships, quickly and violently converting portions of their hull into organic material. This process deals Physical Damage based on the clouds' proximity to their chosen prey, and any enemies unfortunate enough to bungle into them. The compound reacts in such a way that multiple clouds of the goop cannot devour a starship simultaneously - there is simply not enough surface area or material. As such, the effects of a single cloud will not stack with others. Starship shields are also quite effective at slowing down the deleterious conversion process, buy limiting the hull's exposure to the substance.
Each cloud of emulsion will seek out a different target when created. If no un-leashed targets are within 5km, they will wander around the space until a target presents itself. This console ability may only be activated during combat, and not while cloaked.
This console also provides a passive boost to Power Transfer Rate and Shield Regeneration skill, as well as a boost to Flight Speed while Out of Combat. This console may be equipped on any ship in any console slot.
This console mod may be equipped on any ship, in any console slot. Only one of these consoles may be equipped on a ship at a time.
Tooltip Description:
Creates a series of clouds at your location (total of 8) which last for 30 sec each
Clouds affect all Foes within 1km, and one Foe within 5km which it will chase
Clouds reduce Flight Speed and Turn Rate
Clouds deal Physical Damage each sec (Damage Increases with Proximity)
If a Foe is defeated while affected by a Cloud, they will create a new Cloud which lasts for 30 sec and seeks out another Foe within 5km
Starship Trait – Lower Decks Initiative
While this trait is slotted, activating any Ensign-rank Bridge Officer ability grants you a Recharge Speed reduction for Commander-Rank Bridge Officer Abilities and Captain Abilities, which lasts for an extended duration and stacks several times.
Every effective Bridge Crew depends on the ingenuity of their Lower Decks, whether they know it or not.
Tooltip Description:
Ensign-rank Bridge Officer Abilities provide a stacking buff that lasts 2 minutes (max 10 stacks)
+2% Recharge Reduction for Commander-rank Bridge Officer Abilities
+2% Recharge Reduction for Captain Abilities
10Q *Curtsy* And that's my polite version.
If it was lobi I might have actually bought it during a big lobi sale, but lockboxes are completely out of reach except for campaign tokens, and I would get a lot of other ships before the California class.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If you have the space monies to shake loose a Infinity LB ship, you should have better Personal Space Traits for cooldowns (Intelligence Agent Attaché for Captain abilities[Lockbox], and Biomler Effect for All BOff abilities [Lobi], pending you even need BOff ability cooldowns as a trait instead of using Aux2Bat or Photonic Officer), which you can have 10/11 of instead of the 6 Starship Traits that have a lot of more powerful stuff. Definitely a pass on the Starship Trait, IMO. Console depends on numbers as to whether it's good or not.
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I disagree, the ship looks very similar to Lower Deck's, I guess they went with the 2380's skin because most die hard's likely will desire that.
Maybe in time they'll make a 2410 Variant skin, perhaps CSTORE may not be MW with 12 consoles though! Likely option is a Legendary Variant, yet that's easily 1-2 years out (at least) based on continuing episodes of Lower Decks; and likely not be MW Variant as @jonsills identified I suspect.
As for you liking my earlier idea, I guess you can read the comment in (above) paragraph. As that likely also appeal to those who have the Lockbox Ship, while giving it later a 2410 skin.
DON'T give them any more ideas, the damage is already done, yo.
Tell me about it.
The console is very bland.. I would toss this aside for sure.
The Trait however, needs to be tested. It has one interesting application that might save it..
The ability recharge is useless, I completely agree. With builds out there like A2B, Photonic Officer, and Boimler builds this is jut absolutely useless. However, none of these methods reduce cooldown on Captain Abilities, that is fairly rare. Now, is that cooldown reduction on your captain abilities going to make it worth while over some of the other high end traits out there? Honestly, probably not.. but the trait might have some use if you don't have a ton of high end traits already.
Overall, the ship is solid.. it's a very strong beam boat that should rival the top beam ships (Styx, Lexington, etc.) but mostly it's for those that want the aesthetic.
Honestly, I expect it to be a big seller and command top dollar for a long time. It's not the best ship in the game, but it's honestly much better then I expected.. it's actually too good as this ship is supposed to be considered a less desirable class among Starfleet Captains. I'm surprised that the ship is this good.
I created a character just for the 3380s theme. Looking forward to the new shinies!
Join Date: Aug 14th 2008
Can you clarify why you feel this way?
You and the OP seem to think the ship sucks, and I am just not seeing it. I am assuming it's just the console and/or trait that makes people think it's not a good ship. The Bridge Officer seating and ship stats are actually quite good.
I agree that for a Lock Box ship, it could be better. As a beam boat.. which seems to be the ships intended purpose, I would rank it slightly below the Lexington which you can just grab from the C-Store. Obviously, they're betting on people just wanting the look of the Cerritos.
Still, it's definitely not a bad ship.
I only see one commander seat listed in the blog:
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
did anyone really think it wouldn't be?
The same thing will undoubtedly happen with the Protostar when and if it eventually comes out.
That video at the convention should have said, "And Most of you won't be getting it, HA HA HA!"
This is a carrot on a stick scenario to the fullest.
I thought it would be worse, that it would be a promo ship. I've had better luck with the lockbox lotto than I have with those. They say the Infinity Lock Box is like 1%... promo is less. (And yet there's always a guy that gets three or four of them a day every day... must be nice to not have to care about money...)
"There's No Way Like Poway!"
Real Join Date: October 2010