From the way the devs were talking earlier in the year they may run the entire cycle of them each year, on in each quarter, but like most things in STO it is a wait-and-see situation at least until they run them like that (or not) for another year or two. If they do that the next window would probably be at least February at the earliest since the anniversary stuff takes up most of January.
Yes, it seems like it is going to cycle annually, However I still think the Devs should try my idea of a Romulan Exclusive Recruitment I call the Romulan Recruits to the recruitment cycle and tied it to PIC content, the name could use some work and there's so many options to pick from Tal Shiar, Zhat Vash or Qowat Milat, why do both 2409 Feds and Klinks get 2 recruitments while Roms get one.
"Kael if you're listening you can pass this onto the Devs without fear of being sued, this is just a rough outline however you guys could flesh it out, this Romulan gift will not bring Dishonor to you or your house.Ambassador." -Coilius Pardek aka The Handsome Romulan.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Delta Recruit is Fed/Klingon/Romulan
Gamma Recruit is Dominion
Temporal Recruit is TOS Fed
Klingon Recruit is... well Klingon.
Technically speaking Klingons get 2 recruits period. Feds get a technical 2, but its not two from the same faction set since Fed has normal 25th Century, TOS, and DSC. So you can't say that "2409 Feds get two" because they don't. They get 1. The other Fed recruit is TOS based.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'm liking the Romulan recruit concept. It's been some time since I've run the story line so I'd certainly start another Romulan alt.
RIP (2022) : Officer Wilbert Mota, Corporal Charles Galloway, Detective Jason Rivera, Officer Fernando
Arroyos, Officer John Painter, K9 Jedi, K9 Maya, Deputy Constable Neil Adams, Officer Jorge
David Alvarado, Sergeant Joshua Cordell, Trooper Martin Mack, Trooper Branden Sisca,
Lieutenant William Lebo
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
As of right now the only Romulan Recruit is Delta. Maybe in the future the devs may consider a Romulan specific one like they did Klingon. Only time will tell.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Technically speaking Klingons get 2 recruits period. Feds get a technical 2, but its not two from the same faction set since Fed has normal 25th Century, TOS, and DSC. So you can't say that "2409 Feds get two" because they don't. They get 1. The other Fed recruit is TOS based.
I'm not over the moon with DIS, but I wouldn't mind a recruitment event for them if they are able to bring in their Adorians, Saurians and (hopefully) Kelpians.
Now we've had a klingon year, I'm hoping next year will be another Romulan storyline and they can Romulan recruitment with that.
A DISCO one would be great if it brought in more species, but I'm guessing they'll wait till Strange New Worlds has intro'ed new ships and costumes before adding more DISCO stuff cos it's same setting.
Didn't it come with some remastered TOS missions and it was a way to get people to play them?
It did, BUT the transponder is given at the point of the timeskip, and thus all the goal tasks that the recruit is supposed to complete are after that.
Yeah, you get it as the prize, to playing the remastered content
Everyone with the transponder, played those missions
DISCO is also the newest faction and Strange New Worlds isn't even out yet and who knows what changes it's going to bring to that era
Bring the Enterprise XCV-330 to STO
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
edited November 2021
The problem with rolling DSC into the Temporal Recruit options is that a DSC Captain's time jump was accidental. The TOS Captain's wasn't, and you actually work with Daniels for pretty much the whole AoY arc, which is unique to the TOS Fed.
Daniels does make both DSC and TOS Captains Temporal Agents, but there is much more of a working relationship between a TOS and Daniels, thus him giving a transponder during the recruit event, than there is a DSC. For a DSC Recruit... we'd need something new.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Speaking of DSC I'm still wondering if they are ever going to get around to adding DSC Andorians, since Humans, Vulcans and Aliens weren't supposed to be DSC Only Options, Andorians and Tellarites was going to be added near Age of Discovery's launch and yet nothing came of it.
The problem with rolling DSC into the Temporal Recruit options is that a DSC Captain's time jump was accidental. The TOS Captain's wasn't, and you actually work with Daniels for pretty much the whole AoY arc, which is unique to the TOS Fed.
Daniels does make both DSC and TOS Captains Temporal Agents, but there is much more of a working relationship between a TOS and Daniels, thus him giving a transponder during the recruit event, than there is a DSC. For a DSC Recruit... we'd need something new.
They coudl always just say the show hasn't shown it yet and daniels comes along(or something else) and gives them the transponder out of sight. The existing content could be viewed as an outside perspective and the new event shows the new inside perspective.
It could also be a different time agency. What about a mirror time agency trying to fight against the emperor!
And then Mirror(or regular) Daniels(who possibly gives you the transponder) is also secretly the emperor and is manipulating you the whole time.
I realized I had a insta 65 Klink token from when I bought the Legendary D7, so I have a shiny new engineer. now I just have to grind out the reps. One thing that was pretty cool is that I got all the bridge officers you get while leveling, and THEY are maxed out and have a lot of abilities, if not all of them, and their equipment is Mk XIV purple
Speaking of DSC I'm still wondering if they are ever going to get around to adding DSC Andorians, since Humans, Vulcans and Aliens weren't supposed to be DSC Only Options, Andorians and Tellarites was going to be added near Age of Discovery's launch and yet nothing came of it.
Personally, I hate the DSC andorians.....what is up with those cheek bones??? lol
Speaking of DSC I'm still wondering if they are ever going to get around to adding DSC Andorians, since Humans, Vulcans and Aliens weren't supposed to be DSC Only Options, Andorians and Tellarites was going to be added near Age of Discovery's launch and yet nothing came of it.
Personally, I hate the DSC andorians.....what is up with those cheek bones??? lol
They like to slather more and more rubber on the faces of the aliens to supposedly make them more alien, when all it does is make them ugly. And they have so far totally missed the UFO mythos references on two races already (the original references were mentioned in TOS memos and anecdotes reprinted in The Making of Star Trek and also talked about sometimes in convention appearances).
The "male Talosians" are the biggest fubar. In The Cage they showed male Talosians, all of them shown were males despite the fact that most of the people playing them were women. They had women playing them for the same reason they often have a woman playing Peter Pan in stage productions, the smaller size and finer facial features. The Talosians were the TOS take on the Grays done in a realistic style (they could not get the huge eyes to look good no matter what they did, so they left them off the final version).
The Andorians were based on one of the Men in Black subtypes, the ones with features which were a little too smooth, off-color skin (usually a bluish tone), and antennae under their hats (as one "witness" saw when the wind blew its hat off). The makeup people in TOS went to a lot of trouble to make the skin and underlying bone structure as smooth as possible (except for the lines around the ambassador's eyes and mouth since he was supposed to be ancient). Of course, ENT missed that reference too, but that is no reason to compound the error.
"Kael if you're listening you can pass this onto the Devs without fear of being sued, this is just a rough outline however you guys could flesh it out, this Romulan gift will not bring Dishonor to you or your house.Ambassador." -Coilius Pardek aka The Handsome Romulan.
Technically speaking Klingons get 2 recruits period. Feds get a technical 2, but its not two from the same faction set since Fed has normal 25th Century, TOS, and DSC. So you can't say that "2409 Feds get two" because they don't. They get 1. The other Fed recruit is TOS based.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Arroyos, Officer John Painter, K9 Jedi, K9 Maya, Deputy Constable Neil Adams, Officer Jorge
David Alvarado, Sergeant Joshua Cordell, Trooper Martin Mack, Trooper Branden Sisca,
Lieutenant William Lebo
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I'm not over the moon with DIS, but I wouldn't mind a recruitment event for them if they are able to bring in their Adorians, Saurians and (hopefully) Kelpians.
A DISCO one would be great if it brought in more species, but I'm guessing they'll wait till Strange New Worlds has intro'ed new ships and costumes before adding more DISCO stuff cos it's same setting.
Bring the Enterprise XCV-330 to STO
A DISCO recruit will probs come whenever they do an update to the DISCO prologue, probs to incorporate SNW's stuff
Bring the Enterprise XCV-330 to STO
Yeah, you get it as the prize, to playing the remastered content
Everyone with the transponder, played those missions
DISCO is also the newest faction and Strange New Worlds isn't even out yet and who knows what changes it's going to bring to that era
Bring the Enterprise XCV-330 to STO
Daniels does make both DSC and TOS Captains Temporal Agents, but there is much more of a working relationship between a TOS and Daniels, thus him giving a transponder during the recruit event, than there is a DSC. For a DSC Recruit... we'd need something new.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
They coudl always just say the show hasn't shown it yet and daniels comes along(or something else) and gives them the transponder out of sight. The existing content could be viewed as an outside perspective and the new event shows the new inside perspective.
It could also be a different time agency. What about a mirror time agency trying to fight against the emperor!
And then Mirror(or regular) Daniels(who possibly gives you the transponder) is also secretly the emperor and is manipulating you the whole time.
Personally, I hate the DSC andorians.....what is up with those cheek bones??? lol
They like to slather more and more rubber on the faces of the aliens to supposedly make them more alien, when all it does is make them ugly. And they have so far totally missed the UFO mythos references on two races already (the original references were mentioned in TOS memos and anecdotes reprinted in The Making of Star Trek and also talked about sometimes in convention appearances).
The "male Talosians" are the biggest fubar. In The Cage they showed male Talosians, all of them shown were males despite the fact that most of the people playing them were women. They had women playing them for the same reason they often have a woman playing Peter Pan in stage productions, the smaller size and finer facial features. The Talosians were the TOS take on the Grays done in a realistic style (they could not get the huge eyes to look good no matter what they did, so they left them off the final version).
The Andorians were based on one of the Men in Black subtypes, the ones with features which were a little too smooth, off-color skin (usually a bluish tone), and antennae under their hats (as one "witness" saw when the wind blew its hat off). The makeup people in TOS went to a lot of trouble to make the skin and underlying bone structure as smooth as possible (except for the lines around the ambassador's eyes and mouth since he was supposed to be ancient). Of course, ENT missed that reference too, but that is no reason to compound the error.
That is the one that should be up first I think, if they stick to the same schedule as last year.
That would be grand.