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  • gunchester#2729 gunchester Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    4 hours still no fix just a joke now
  • sam#3564 sam Member Posts: 3 New User
    > @"ambassadorkael#6946" said:
    > Hey folks, we're looking into this right now and hope to have a fix very soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Any idea on a time scale?
  • captmozzacaptmozza Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    sam#3564 wrote: »
    > @ambassadorkael#6946 said:
    > Hey folks, we're looking into this right now and hope to have a fix very soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Any idea on a time scale?

    that was posted 1hr ago we are lookin at it being fix tomorrow or thursday
  • stark#2510 stark Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    > @"ambassadorkael#6946" said:
    > Hey folks, we're looking into this right now and hope to have a fix very soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Any further info re. Expected time frame?
    Are we seriously looking at days rather than hours?
  • captmozzacaptmozza Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    yh 25th dec 2040 it will be fixed
  • sadrielfettsadrielfett Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    Since it seems to be an Xbox only issue, I'm wondering if Microsoft dropped the ball with the "title update" they normally have to do for any actual updates to the game? Wouldn't be the first time they've done this. If that's what they're waiting for, we may not get access to the game until tomorrow. Seen it happen on a couple other games and it always takes Microsoft forever to even admit it's they're wrong and begin to look into to fixing it.
    --Sadriel Fett

    "There are few problems in the galaxy that cannot be solved by the suitable application of concentrated phaser fire."
  • ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member Posts: 2,679 Arc User
    UPDATE 2: We will be rolling back the update on Xbox One while we search for a solution to this issue. As soon as we know an ETA on that, we will update this thread.
  • wyldthing#7995 wyldthing Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    > @"ambassadorkael#6946" said:
    > UPDATE 2: We will be rolling back the update on Xbox One while we search for a solution to this issue. As soon as we know an ETA on that, we will update this thread.

    Will the new event that started today be extended for xbox users or will get screwed as usual? I have been asking myself a lot lately why I wasted $ on lifetime membership. Supposed to get priority access yet this games crashes and “ servers not responding” all the time. For the amount of $ you guys are making off this Comunity one would think that you should be able to deliver a reliable game
  • wyldthing#7995 wyldthing Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    This is just typical, xbox gets everything last and everything broken
  • aurion#4326 aurion Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    How do I get a ticket #? Sort of new to Arc in a way. Been playing since 2017 tho

    At the top of this page is a button for support, click that then follow the prompts to send a ticket. You will need to know the name of your account (the one that appears in game when you speak in chat) a character name and a couple of other small details. This will create a ticket. However since it appears they are already aware of the issue then it probably might be wise to wait and see if they fix it rather than inundate them with hundreds of tickets from players as that might distract them too much from actually fixing things.
  • aurion#4326 aurion Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    4 hours still no fix just a joke now

    Remember when House divided launched and how long that took to fix, about 9 days if memory serves me correctly, I'd expect a similar time frame here. I suggest playing Dragon Quest XI for now I'm having a lot of fun with that game and it is free on Xbox gamepass.

  • janiejanejane#1869 janiejanejane Member Posts: 1 New User
    Ten pm EST and STO for Xbox hasn't been fixed nor has it been "rolled back" so that we could at least play the same game as yesterday. T'would be appreciated if we could get something that would work.
  • mutantcamel#2832 mutantcamel Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Glad to see this is a known problem and it’s being worked. Just ran into the same CTD myself.
  • awesomeweaselawesomeweasel Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »

    so basically what there saying is we will have to reinstall the game and then hope they have a new update with the event for us before it actually end and we are all sol on the event
  • kodiakmaxkodiakmax Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    So far they are 0-2 with House Divided on X Box. 10/10 for effort 0/10 for execution. Sure hope round 2 is resolved quicker.
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,432 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »

    so basically what there saying is we will have to reinstall the game and then hope they have a new update with the event for us before it actually end and we are all sol on the event

    NO Their rollback will make the game playable

  • pthe5#2621 pthe5 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    > @eazzie said:
    > NO Their rollback will make the game playable

    Yes, the game before the update. Without the new content. Hope they will deliver asap...
  • kodiakmaxkodiakmax Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Downloading the rollback, any thoughts on when we'll get House Shattered?
  • ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member Posts: 2,679 Arc User
    Xbox One Servers are now live, without the House Shattered update. We will continue working this week, and have a new launch ETA for the update ASAP. Thank you for your patience today, Captains.
  • captmozzacaptmozza Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Xbox One Servers are now live, without the House Shattered update. We will continue working this week, and have a new launch ETA for the update ASAP. Thank you for your patience today, Captains.

    I demand compensation t6 ship of my choice again we get screwed and yet we dont get anything for the downtime this is total TRIBBLE
  • imatimelord#6399 imatimelord Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    Hey folks, we're looking into this right now and hope to have a fix very soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    How about some compensation for your companies apparent lack of QC for us console players?....If you can o it for the lame PC players, you can damn sure do it for us....thats only fair....
  • lubejockey#4317 lubejockey Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    > @captmozza said:
    > I demand compensation t6 ship of my choice again we get screwed and yet we dont get anything for the downtime this is total TRIBBLE

    Downtime is bad. Up at 4:30am mountain time and house divided is up. Compensation sould be in order!! However, in-fighting will get us nowhere. Look at the state of current political events... Enough said on my part. Back to farming. And again with as much cash as we all throw at this game, really do hope the top tier brass understand that an extension or compensation for time lost would be MUCH APPRECIATED 👍
  • imatimelord#6399 imatimelord Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    > @captmozza said:
    > I demand compensation t6 ship of my choice again we get screwed and yet we dont get anything for the downtime this is total TRIBBLE

    Downtime is bad. Up at 4:30am mountain time and house divided is up. Compensation sould be in order!! However, in-fighting will get us nowhere. Look at the state of current political events... Enough said on my part. Back to farming. And again with as much cash as we all throw at this game, really do hope the top tier brass understand that an extension or compensation for time lost would be MUCH APPRECIATED 👍

    Unless we voice our concerns, whether nicely or otherwise, this abuse by these people, i.e. the devs and powers that be, will continue....We need to hit them where it hurts, their bottom line, and maybe then, when they are losing benjamins hand over fist, they will start listening and paying attention to us console players...

    I say we boycott STO, in the manner of not throwing our money away on their substandard product an try to get them to understand we are tired of being treated like the red headed stepchild in this...

    just a thought
  • lubejockey#4317 lubejockey Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    > @imatimelord#6399 said:
    > Unless we voice our concerns, whether nicely or otherwise, this abuse by these people, i.e. the devs and powers that be, will continue....We need to hit them where it hurts, their bottom line, and maybe then, when they are losing benjamins hand over fist, they will start listening and paying attention to us console players...
    > I say we boycott STO, in the manner of not throwing our money away on their substandard product an try to get them to understand we are tired of being treated like the red headed stepchild in this...
    > just a thought

    I can agree to all you have said, except the boycott however. Although I have many other games I love playing, I can't boycott this one. However hitting them in the pockets is fair. And/or some major compensation every time this happens so they can understand that even as cool calm and collected I can be, a boycott just might be what I will do. Time for xbox faction to be treated as fair as the rest.
  • garaffegaraffe Member Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    > @captmozza said:
    > I demand compensation t6 ship of my choice again we get screwed and yet we dont get anything for the downtime this is total TRIBBLE

    Downtime is bad. Up at 4:30am mountain time and house divided is up. Compensation sould be in order!! However, in-fighting will get us nowhere. Look at the state of current political events... Enough said on my part. Back to farming. And again with as much cash as we all throw at this game, really do hope the top tier brass understand that an extension or compensation for time lost would be MUCH APPRECIATED 👍

    Unless we voice our concerns, whether nicely or otherwise, this abuse by these people, i.e. the devs and powers that be, will continue....We need to hit them where it hurts, their bottom line, and maybe then, when they are losing benjamins hand over fist, they will start listening and paying attention to us console players...

    I say we boycott STO, in the manner of not throwing our money away on their substandard product an try to get them to understand we are tired of being treated like the red headed stepchild in this...

    just a thought

    I haven't given them a dime in well over a year because I don't think the product they are giving us right now is worth any money. I have still bought C-store items by converting dilithium to zen. But my wallet is sealed tight until I see some changes.
  • sadrielfettsadrielfett Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    If they really want to compensate the Xbox player base, how about some of those Wrath of Khan movie era uniforms we haven't had access to but have been asking about since game launch on console?
    --Sadriel Fett

    "There are few problems in the galaxy that cannot be solved by the suitable application of concentrated phaser fire."
  • captmozzacaptmozza Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    i would like you to compensation with Vizier Command Assault Cruiser
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,432 Arc User
    Good luck guys on the compensation front. It may never happen. If they gave pc players comp every time the game went down over the years every pc player would literally have every ship in game by now. But all of you shouting for compensation are forgetting one thing. COVID. With everyone at STO working from home the ability to have access to certain things is limited. Just be grateful that they are all safe and doing their very best to keeping you playing. Ohhh and one final thing, Think yourself lucky too, to be alive to whinge and moan because millions worldwide can't.
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