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Polytrinic Acid Horta (4th anniversary Promo Reclaimable missing from Store)



  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    sthe91 wrote: »
    @chrian#9670 @engineerb4#4806 @ambassadorkael#6946 Any word on a fix for this bug? Thanks. :)

    Seems we are not being heard. Maybe we need to scream a bit louder normal-2.gif​​
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    Just floating this out there, yall can tag me when something like this pops up. If something like this goes without some type of acknowledgement in awhile it's probably a safe bet that it's either not been seen yet or it's already being worked on.

    Potentially stupid question, are you folks sure you don't already have the Horta on your toon somewhere? There's a few items that disappear from the cstore after they've been claimed once, and then reappear if they've been discharged.

    Also can you guys get me a photo of the Horta missing from the cstore? Doesn't matter if it's crappy cell phone quality, just enough to show it missing. Also shoot me your in game @handle here or via PM so I can pass that information on as well. If you do send me your info through PM, tell me it's for the Missing Horta bug so I'll know what it is and can keep things organized.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    The reclaimable promo horta we are speaking of, once claimed from the promo tabs, when it was in there, it would then grey out the claim button until you dismissed it from memory. But would still remain visible in the promo tab.
    If we dismissed it, the button would no longer be greyed out and we could reclaim it again.
    If you go to the link i provided in my first post, it even says it is reclaimable. I had to reclaim it a couple of times on other toons. But noticed it was missing entirely when i went to claim it for my newer toons which have never claimed it. So, its not a matter of it disappearing when claimed. Its a matter of it not even showing up to be able to claim it to begin with.
    The horta that is missing, is the polytrinic acid horta. If you go to the C-Store, then head to the combat pets, you will see it in there for 400 Zen. Its the green one.
    The one I am referring to, was in the promo tab, cost 0 Zen, and was a reclaimable after dismissing it. And is account wide.​​
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    Bumping, because it still needs fixing​​
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    Bumping, because it still needs fixing​​
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    edited June 2019
    Bumping, because it still needs fixing, or is it a case of devs just not caring ? Im not buying it. Not after it was given to me as a gift!​​
    Post edited by craig76 on
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    same problem here.
  • lhoygowlhoygow Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    No longer just the Acid Horta, the promotional Holographic Leeta Duty Officer has also now disappeared from the promotions tab.
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    Coming up 6months since i first reported this and still not fixed :(
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • mobiusnp118mobiusnp118 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I actually didn't notice it until I saw this, kind of irritating and very disappointing that this has gone on for so long without any kind of resolution
  • lemminger83lemminger83 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    Jeeez... more than 7 months now and still no fix in sight. Not even a word from the devs...
    Obviosly someone is still reading this, since angry comments are moderated out. So could you at least TELL us you are working on it? Or at very least state that you have taken notice of this problem? Or at absolute least give us any sign that you folks are still alive?
  • azeda1azeda1 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    I also want my Horta back.....
  • dorkeyboydorkeyboy Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    my campaign to keep my ticket open ended today they locked me out this morning after 15 days of keeping the ticket open over the horta bug. I tried to show them there are over 5 threads now of people posting about this problem and they haven't even combined the threads. yet they want us to just post here and wait...………………………………...
  • psytce0002psytce0002 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    I'm missing this also ....
  • dorkeyboydorkeyboy Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    there are multiple threads about this that they haven't bothered to combine into one thread since its a universal problem it would be nice for one dev to respond that its been noted. the gm's say they notified the dev's but 9 months later not one response to the forums. it makes one ask what is the purpose of the bug forums again?
  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,226 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    dorkeyboy wrote: »
    there are multiple threads about this that they haven't bothered to combine into one thread since its a universal problem it would be nice for one dev to respond that its been noted. the gm's say they notified the dev's but 9 months later not one response to the forums. it makes one ask what is the purpose of the bug forums again?

    The purpose of the bug forums is to report the bugs. It would be nice if they merged all the threads that have to do with missing Horta in C-Store bug. They have someone who looks over the bug reports and then adds them to the long bug list they have. Continue posting, raising the issue, and wait for it to be fixed. Thanks. :)
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    According to tomorrow's Patch Notes, the Promotional Hortas will be added back.
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
    Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
  • dexterbateman416dexterbateman416 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    I don't take sides, I work angles. More choices that way.
  • dorkeyboydorkeyboy Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    the hortas are back yeah baby !!!!!
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