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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *The taskforce arrives with the Enterprise J at Earth's orbit, and then they proceed to fold space to the Delta Quadrant the Republic's strong hold in the area. The Argala system. Republic control watches as the Federation fleet arrives, in awe of the diversity of ships. Birds of Prey, Escorts, Medical Ships, Cruisers, Battleships, and at the head of the pack the 3 mile sized Universe class Enterprise J. *

    Terry: Notify Republic command that the Federation fleet has arrived in the area. I want to speak with the Flag Officer in charge.

    Rissa: Yes sir..

    Wade: Haven't been back here in a long time.

    Terry: Yes... Since the war if I recall right. *smirking* A fine and loyal display to find me as a matter in fact.

    Wade: Yeah that guy was still an ***hole. May he rot in the deepest pit of hell... Ferretface.

    Terry: He really was a Ferret face.

    *Republic Diplomat comes on the comm.*

    Diplomat: Admiral, good of you to arrive... We have a clutch of Varro that wish to enter Federation Space...

    Terry: Hmm.. I don't see why they would come to me, that sounds more like a forward to President Karn...

    Diplomat: Yes Admiral, but I haven't been able to get a hold of the President... too many requests..

    Terry: I will put it through after I meet this representative of the Varro.

    Diplomat: Yes sir.. I will pass it along.

    Terry: I am surprised the Varro have lived this long.

    *An attendant comes running to Matt and whispers to his ear... telling him the Federation is here. And of a small force that have gone to the Free Delta camp.. No real information on them just yet..*

    Matt: Thank you.

    Open a channel to the Federation Task Force, Athena.

    Athena: Aye, sir.

    *They connect to the U.S.S. Enterprise via holocomm.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The taskforce arrives with the Enterprise J at Earth's orbit, and then they proceed to fold space to the Delta Quadrant the Republic's strong hold in the area. The Argala system. Republic control watches as the Federation fleet arrives, in awe of the diversity of ships. Birds of Prey, Escorts, Medical Ships, Cruisers, Battleships, and at the head of the pack the 3 mile sized Universe class Enterprise J. *

    Terry: Notify Republic command that the Federation fleet has arrived in the area. I want to speak with the Flag Officer in charge.

    Rissa: Yes sir..

    Wade: Haven't been back here in a long time.

    Terry: Yes... Since the war if I recall right. *smirking* A fine and loyal display to find me as a matter in fact.

    Wade: Yeah that guy was still an ***hole. May he rot in the deepest pit of hell... Ferretface.

    Terry: He really was a Ferret face.

    *Republic Diplomat comes on the comm.*

    Diplomat: Admiral, good of you to arrive... We have a clutch of Varro that wish to enter Federation Space...

    Terry: Hmm.. I don't see why they would come to me, that sounds more like a forward to President Karn...

    Diplomat: Yes Admiral, but I haven't been able to get a hold of the President... too many requests..

    Terry: I will put it through after I meet this representative of the Varro.

    Diplomat: Yes sir.. I will pass it along.

    Terry: I am surprised the Varro have lived this long.

    *An attendant comes running to Matt and whispers to his ear... telling him the Federation is here. And of a small force that have gone to the Free Delta camp.. No real information on them just yet..*

    Matt: Thank you.

    Open a channel to the Federation Task Force, Athena.

    Athena: Aye, sir.

    *They connect to the U.S.S. Enterprise via holocomm.*

    *Terry's old appearance is on the viewscreen, much to Matt's surprise. *

    Terry: Hello again. I am assuming the situation is still growing increasingly odd.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Nightfall facility

    Ch’rell waks into the main command center.

    Ch’rell: report

    Trooper: sir the undine are on the move attacking a federation colony.


    Federation colony

    The Wist and Lovell engage the undine ships once they arrive in system.

    Sewell: engage forerunner shields and weapons. Open fire on the closest undine ship.

    Ensign: aye sir.

    The Wist moves in and quickly fires on two undine ships while the Lovell moves in to assist a disabled freighter and move to defend the planet.

    The Wist shakes as it’s hit by one of the undine ships.

    Sewell: status

    Ensign: shields holding 97 percent.

    Sewell: concentrate fire on one ship at a time. Let’s wrap this up people.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The taskforce arrives with the Enterprise J at Earth's orbit, and then they proceed to fold space to the Delta Quadrant the Republic's strong hold in the area. The Argala system. Republic control watches as the Federation fleet arrives, in awe of the diversity of ships. Birds of Prey, Escorts, Medical Ships, Cruisers, Battleships, and at the head of the pack the 3 mile sized Universe class Enterprise J. *

    Terry: Notify Republic command that the Federation fleet has arrived in the area. I want to speak with the Flag Officer in charge.

    Rissa: Yes sir..

    Wade: Haven't been back here in a long time.

    Terry: Yes... Since the war if I recall right. *smirking* A fine and loyal display to find me as a matter in fact.

    Wade: Yeah that guy was still an ***hole. May he rot in the deepest pit of hell... Ferretface.

    Terry: He really was a Ferret face.

    *Republic Diplomat comes on the comm.*

    Diplomat: Admiral, good of you to arrive... We have a clutch of Varro that wish to enter Federation Space...

    Terry: Hmm.. I don't see why they would come to me, that sounds more like a forward to President Karn...

    Diplomat: Yes Admiral, but I haven't been able to get a hold of the President... too many requests..

    Terry: I will put it through after I meet this representative of the Varro.

    Diplomat: Yes sir.. I will pass it along.

    Terry: I am surprised the Varro have lived this long.

    *An attendant comes running to Matt and whispers to his ear... telling him the Federation is here. And of a small force that have gone to the Free Delta camp.. No real information on them just yet..*

    Matt: Thank you.

    Open a channel to the Federation Task Force, Athena.

    Athena: Aye, sir.

    *They connect to the U.S.S. Enterprise via holocomm.*

    *Terry's old appearance is on the viewscreen, much to Matt's surprise. *

    Terry: Hello again. I am assuming the situation is still growing increasingly odd.

    Matt: You'll have to define 'odd'. We've had reports of more anti-Free Delta uprisings and Alliance reprisals. At least two planets have been completely scorched in retaliation for trying to break away from the Alliance.

    No offence, Terry, but what we need isn't a fleet: it's an army. I'm getting so many calls for aid, there's no way we can respond to all of them: even if we mobilised every Assault Ops Battalion, every Marine Corps... there's just too many.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The taskforce arrives with the Enterprise J at Earth's orbit, and then they proceed to fold space to the Delta Quadrant the Republic's strong hold in the area. The Argala system. Republic control watches as the Federation fleet arrives, in awe of the diversity of ships. Birds of Prey, Escorts, Medical Ships, Cruisers, Battleships, and at the head of the pack the 3 mile sized Universe class Enterprise J. *

    Terry: Notify Republic command that the Federation fleet has arrived in the area. I want to speak with the Flag Officer in charge.

    Rissa: Yes sir..

    Wade: Haven't been back here in a long time.

    Terry: Yes... Since the war if I recall right. *smirking* A fine and loyal display to find me as a matter in fact.

    Wade: Yeah that guy was still an ***hole. May he rot in the deepest pit of hell... Ferretface.

    Terry: He really was a Ferret face.

    *Republic Diplomat comes on the comm.*

    Diplomat: Admiral, good of you to arrive... We have a clutch of Varro that wish to enter Federation Space...

    Terry: Hmm.. I don't see why they would come to me, that sounds more like a forward to President Karn...

    Diplomat: Yes Admiral, but I haven't been able to get a hold of the President... too many requests..

    Terry: I will put it through after I meet this representative of the Varro.

    Diplomat: Yes sir.. I will pass it along.

    Terry: I am surprised the Varro have lived this long.

    *An attendant comes running to Matt and whispers to his ear... telling him the Federation is here. And of a small force that have gone to the Free Delta camp.. No real information on them just yet..*

    Matt: Thank you.

    Open a channel to the Federation Task Force, Athena.

    Athena: Aye, sir.

    *They connect to the U.S.S. Enterprise via holocomm.*

    *Terry's old appearance is on the viewscreen, much to Matt's surprise. *

    Terry: Hello again. I am assuming the situation is still growing increasingly odd.

    Matt: You'll have to define 'odd'. We've had reports of more anti-Free Delta uprisings and Alliance reprisals. At least two planets have been completely scorched in retaliation for trying to break away from the Alliance.

    No offence, Terry, but what we need isn't a fleet: it's an army. I'm getting so many calls for aid, there's no way we can respond to all of them: even if we mobilised every Assault Ops Battalion, every Marine Corps... there's just too many.

    Terry: Well that certainly reminds me of something not long ago. We brought MACOs so Karn did think ahead on that. There also is the immiediate need to triage the situation. Its the only way to manage the situation. We can at least do that.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The taskforce arrives with the Enterprise J at Earth's orbit, and then they proceed to fold space to the Delta Quadrant the Republic's strong hold in the area. The Argala system. Republic control watches as the Federation fleet arrives, in awe of the diversity of ships. Birds of Prey, Escorts, Medical Ships, Cruisers, Battleships, and at the head of the pack the 3 mile sized Universe class Enterprise J. *

    Terry: Notify Republic command that the Federation fleet has arrived in the area. I want to speak with the Flag Officer in charge.

    Rissa: Yes sir..

    Wade: Haven't been back here in a long time.

    Terry: Yes... Since the war if I recall right. *smirking* A fine and loyal display to find me as a matter in fact.

    Wade: Yeah that guy was still an ***hole. May he rot in the deepest pit of hell... Ferretface.

    Terry: He really was a Ferret face.

    *Republic Diplomat comes on the comm.*

    Diplomat: Admiral, good of you to arrive... We have a clutch of Varro that wish to enter Federation Space...

    Terry: Hmm.. I don't see why they would come to me, that sounds more like a forward to President Karn...

    Diplomat: Yes Admiral, but I haven't been able to get a hold of the President... too many requests..

    Terry: I will put it through after I meet this representative of the Varro.

    Diplomat: Yes sir.. I will pass it along.

    Terry: I am surprised the Varro have lived this long.

    *An attendant comes running to Matt and whispers to his ear... telling him the Federation is here. And of a small force that have gone to the Free Delta camp.. No real information on them just yet..*

    Matt: Thank you.

    Open a channel to the Federation Task Force, Athena.

    Athena: Aye, sir.

    *They connect to the U.S.S. Enterprise via holocomm.*

    *Terry's old appearance is on the viewscreen, much to Matt's surprise. *

    Terry: Hello again. I am assuming the situation is still growing increasingly odd.

    Matt: You'll have to define 'odd'. We've had reports of more anti-Free Delta uprisings and Alliance reprisals. At least two planets have been completely scorched in retaliation for trying to break away from the Alliance.

    No offence, Terry, but what we need isn't a fleet: it's an army. I'm getting so many calls for aid, there's no way we can respond to all of them: even if we mobilised every Assault Ops Battalion, every Marine Corps... there's just too many.

    Terry: Well that certainly reminds me of something not long ago. We brought MACOs so Karn did think ahead on that. There also is the immiediate need to triage the situation. Its the only way to manage the situation. We can at least do that.

    Matt: Alright. I'll have my strategic adviser send you the locations of several of the distress calls.

    *Athena nods and sends the coordinates.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The taskforce arrives with the Enterprise J at Earth's orbit, and then they proceed to fold space to the Delta Quadrant the Republic's strong hold in the area. The Argala system. Republic control watches as the Federation fleet arrives, in awe of the diversity of ships. Birds of Prey, Escorts, Medical Ships, Cruisers, Battleships, and at the head of the pack the 3 mile sized Universe class Enterprise J. *

    Terry: Notify Republic command that the Federation fleet has arrived in the area. I want to speak with the Flag Officer in charge.

    Rissa: Yes sir..

    Wade: Haven't been back here in a long time.

    Terry: Yes... Since the war if I recall right. *smirking* A fine and loyal display to find me as a matter in fact.

    Wade: Yeah that guy was still an ***hole. May he rot in the deepest pit of hell... Ferretface.

    Terry: He really was a Ferret face.

    *Republic Diplomat comes on the comm.*

    Diplomat: Admiral, good of you to arrive... We have a clutch of Varro that wish to enter Federation Space...

    Terry: Hmm.. I don't see why they would come to me, that sounds more like a forward to President Karn...

    Diplomat: Yes Admiral, but I haven't been able to get a hold of the President... too many requests..

    Terry: I will put it through after I meet this representative of the Varro.

    Diplomat: Yes sir.. I will pass it along.

    Terry: I am surprised the Varro have lived this long.

    *An attendant comes running to Matt and whispers to his ear... telling him the Federation is here. And of a small force that have gone to the Free Delta camp.. No real information on them just yet..*

    Matt: Thank you.

    Open a channel to the Federation Task Force, Athena.

    Athena: Aye, sir.

    *They connect to the U.S.S. Enterprise via holocomm.*

    *Terry's old appearance is on the viewscreen, much to Matt's surprise. *

    Terry: Hello again. I am assuming the situation is still growing increasingly odd.

    Matt: You'll have to define 'odd'. We've had reports of more anti-Free Delta uprisings and Alliance reprisals. At least two planets have been completely scorched in retaliation for trying to break away from the Alliance.

    No offence, Terry, but what we need isn't a fleet: it's an army. I'm getting so many calls for aid, there's no way we can respond to all of them: even if we mobilised every Assault Ops Battalion, every Marine Corps... there's just too many.

    Terry: Well that certainly reminds me of something not long ago. We brought MACOs so Karn did think ahead on that. There also is the immiediate need to triage the situation. Its the only way to manage the situation. We can at least do that.

    Matt: Alright. I'll have my strategic adviser send you the locations of several of the distress calls.

    *Athena nods and sends the coordinates.*

    *Alvin looks over the coordinates... *

    Alvin: I have them sir..

    Terry: Alright Commander.

    We will be heading out as soon as we can organize teams and groups.

    *When the comm line ends Alvin speaks up.*

    Alvin: Sir one of the planets is one I know very well. Its the Innotankan homeworld.

    Terry: It was colonized?

    Alvin: As far as I know sir, some tribes might have remained or returned after the war.

    Wade: Or it might be something else.

    Terry: We will take that one. Get the Captains here in the conference hall...

    Wade: Yes sir.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: I’m just going to go with they picked up Corvus before the enterprise got there. We can do more with them later if you want to.

    USS Cairo
    Captains ready room.

    Novak: before we get to starfleet intelligence I have someone who would like to speak to you first.

    Corvus: I suspected as much.

    Carter appears

    Carter: greetings. I hope your trip on the enterprise was pleasant.

    Corvus: it was alright.

    Carter: I assume you know why I’m here.

    Corvus: of course I do.

    He pulls out a small data rod from a pouch on his suit handing it to carter.

    Corvus: all the info you wanted is on that rod.

    Carter: I appreciate your cooperation and help. This will help a lot with the current situation

    Corvus nod as carter nods to both of them before vanishing.

    Novak: well since you have full diplomatic curtesy can I get you a drink or would you like to be shown around the Cairo.

    Corvus: a drink first would be fine captain.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: I was just going with them mostly not having a large presence in the area. They can arrive at any time now.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    After brief but heated fight the Wist and Lovell along with a squad of federation ships secure the planet from the undine.

    Sewell: status

    Ensign: all systems still green. The Lovell reports the same. Federation task force is signaling that they are fine as well and in position to remain here.

    Sewell: very well everyone. Helm set course for unsc border again.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    After brief but heated fight the Wist and Lovell along with a squad of federation ships secure the planet from the undine.

    Sewell: status

    Ensign: all systems still green. The Lovell reports the same. Federation task force is signaling that they are fine as well and in position to remain here.

    Sewell: very well everyone. Helm set course for unsc border again.

    *Stark comes to the bridge... *

    Stark: Sir we have a problem..
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    John: Their mother died in a free delta attack and they took it very hard.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Their mother died in a free delta attack and they took it very hard.

    Dani: Bring them in.

    Weston: Aye, sir.

    Security Teams 3 and 4, bring both Lieutenants Riss'lowe to Interrogation Room 6.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.

    Matt: Relay Admiral Allen's instructions.


    Free Delta Rep: Target the planet.

    *R.S.S. Aquarius. The Atlantis-Class Cruiser diverts power to the forward shields and turns to engage.


    Tech: Sir, they're moving into attack position!

    Ops: That's nuts! Their shields are down to 30% and their weapons are basically gone!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Matt watches the Aquarius as it covers the squadron's retreat into the fold-space rift.*

    Matt: CIC to Bridge, stand by for tactical jump.

    *The Dreadnought detects a building surge in the Aquarius' Warp Drive.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Sewell: I’ll be in my ready room contact me if anything changes.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Sewell walks off the bridge and leaves for his ready room. He walks in unbuttoning his jacket and pouring himself a drink.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.

    Matt: Relay Admiral Allen's instructions.


    Free Delta Rep: Target the planet.

    *R.S.S. Aquarius. The Atlantis-Class Cruiser diverts power to the forward shields and turns to engage.


    Tech: Sir, they're moving into attack position!

    Ops: That's nuts! Their shields are down to 30% and their weapons are basically gone!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Matt watches the Aquarius as it covers the squadron's retreat into the fold-space rift.*

    Matt: CIC to Bridge, stand by for tactical jump.

    *The Dreadnought detects a building surge in the Aquarius' Warp Drive.*

    Skull: Fire at the planet.. Divert auxillary to the repulsers. Emitter arrays target the rift...

    *The Obliterator weapon is fired at the planet, while the weapons begin to target the rift instead of the diversionary ship... The Repulser beams push the vessel from its trajectory... Drones begin to ram the ship as well. *

    *Terry is watching as the Enterpise arrives first no assistance... *

    Terry: Matt pull them back that rift is being targetted for collapse. We will take care of this.

    *He looks to Rissa...*

    Inform the Aquarius if it can to ram the projectile...

    Weapons batteries power up...

    Alvin: Shields are active. *He starts scanning the vessel... they are going to oppose.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.

    Matt: Relay Admiral Allen's instructions.


    Free Delta Rep: Target the planet.

    *R.S.S. Aquarius. The Atlantis-Class Cruiser diverts power to the forward shields and turns to engage.


    Tech: Sir, they're moving into attack position!

    Ops: That's nuts! Their shields are down to 30% and their weapons are basically gone!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Matt watches the Aquarius as it covers the squadron's retreat into the fold-space rift.*

    Matt: CIC to Bridge, stand by for tactical jump.

    *The Dreadnought detects a building surge in the Aquarius' Warp Drive.*

    Skull: Fire at the planet.. Divert auxillary to the repulsers. Emitter arrays target the rift...

    *The Obliterator weapon is fired at the planet, while the weapons begin to target the rift instead of the diversionary ship... The Repulser beams push the vessel from its trajectory... Drones begin to ram the ship as well. *

    *Terry is watching as the Enterpise arrives first no assistance... *

    Terry: Matt pull them back that rift is being targetted for collapse. We will take care of this.

    *He looks to Rissa...*

    Inform the Aquarius if it can to ram the projectile...

    Weapons batteries power up...

    Alvin: Shields are active. *He starts scanning the vessel... they are going to oppose.

    OOC: The rift can't be destabilised by weapons fire.

    *The Aquarius' point-defences manage to shoot down the Obliterator at such short range and the ship corrects its course, jumping to warp through the Dreadnought, being torn apart by the impact.*

    OOC: Up to you whether it hits the hull or a nacelle pylon.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Their mother died in a free delta attack and they took it very hard.

    Dani: Bring them in.

    Weston: Aye, sir.

    Security Teams 3 and 4, bring both Lieutenants Riss'lowe to Interrogation Room 6.

    *Flino and Leeze both come quietly though Flino seems agitated*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.

    Matt: Relay Admiral Allen's instructions.


    Free Delta Rep: Target the planet.

    *R.S.S. Aquarius. The Atlantis-Class Cruiser diverts power to the forward shields and turns to engage.


    Tech: Sir, they're moving into attack position!

    Ops: That's nuts! Their shields are down to 30% and their weapons are basically gone!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Matt watches the Aquarius as it covers the squadron's retreat into the fold-space rift.*

    Matt: CIC to Bridge, stand by for tactical jump.

    *The Dreadnought detects a building surge in the Aquarius' Warp Drive.*

    Skull: Fire at the planet.. Divert auxillary to the repulsers. Emitter arrays target the rift...

    *The Obliterator weapon is fired at the planet, while the weapons begin to target the rift instead of the diversionary ship... The Repulser beams push the vessel from its trajectory... Drones begin to ram the ship as well. *

    *Terry is watching as the Enterpise arrives first no assistance... *

    Terry: Matt pull them back that rift is being targetted for collapse. We will take care of this.

    *He looks to Rissa...*

    Inform the Aquarius if it can to ram the projectile...

    Weapons batteries power up...

    Alvin: Shields are active. *He starts scanning the vessel... they are going to oppose.

    OOC: The rift can't be destabilised by weapons fire.

    *The Aquarius' point-defences manage to shoot down the Obliterator at such short range and the ship corrects its course, jumping to warp through the Dreadnought, being torn apart by the impact.*

    OOC: Up to you whether it hits the hull or a nacelle pylon.

    *OOC: Okay.. *

    *The impact does extreme damage to the port side nacelle...*

    Skull: Report..

    Jean: The Shield systems managed to keep the nacelle on the ship, but we have growing problems in using that nacelle.

    Skull: Bypass and cut off the flow from the core. What can we do with one functioning Nacelle...

    Jean: We can call in the fleet to engage the Republic as we get assisted into a slip stream.

    Skull: Do it. We will engage the Enterprise in a battlefield of our choosing.

    *The mystery fleet soon arrives with Khazon and Malon elements. While four vessels break off to tow the dreadnought to another place to begin repairs. *

    *Terry watches... as the battle starts*

    Terry: How long til the Republic gets here...

    Wade: Should not be long..

    Terry: Follow that ship... If Matt wants to follow he can.

    *The Ship rumbles as the fleet starts to engage the Federation Flagship. *
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    John: Their mother died in a free delta attack and they took it very hard.

    Dani: Bring them in.

    Weston: Aye, sir.

    Security Teams 3 and 4, bring both Lieutenants Riss'lowe to Interrogation Room 6.

    *Flino and Leeze both come quietly though Flino seems agitated*

    *Weston walks in with a PADD.*

    Weston: I'm sure both of you are aware that there's been a murder attempt on board?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.

    Matt: Relay Admiral Allen's instructions.


    Free Delta Rep: Target the planet.

    *R.S.S. Aquarius. The Atlantis-Class Cruiser diverts power to the forward shields and turns to engage.


    Tech: Sir, they're moving into attack position!

    Ops: That's nuts! Their shields are down to 30% and their weapons are basically gone!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Matt watches the Aquarius as it covers the squadron's retreat into the fold-space rift.*

    Matt: CIC to Bridge, stand by for tactical jump.

    *The Dreadnought detects a building surge in the Aquarius' Warp Drive.*

    Skull: Fire at the planet.. Divert auxillary to the repulsers. Emitter arrays target the rift...

    *The Obliterator weapon is fired at the planet, while the weapons begin to target the rift instead of the diversionary ship... The Repulser beams push the vessel from its trajectory... Drones begin to ram the ship as well. *

    *Terry is watching as the Enterpise arrives first no assistance... *

    Terry: Matt pull them back that rift is being targetted for collapse. We will take care of this.

    *He looks to Rissa...*

    Inform the Aquarius if it can to ram the projectile...

    Weapons batteries power up...

    Alvin: Shields are active. *He starts scanning the vessel... they are going to oppose.

    OOC: The rift can't be destabilised by weapons fire.

    *The Aquarius' point-defences manage to shoot down the Obliterator at such short range and the ship corrects its course, jumping to warp through the Dreadnought, being torn apart by the impact.*

    OOC: Up to you whether it hits the hull or a nacelle pylon.

    *OOC: Okay.. *

    *The impact does extreme damage to the port side nacelle...*

    Skull: Report..

    Jean: The Shield systems managed to keep the nacelle on the ship, but we have growing problems in using that nacelle.

    Skull: Bypass and cut off the flow from the core. What can we do with one functioning Nacelle...

    Jean: We can call in the fleet to engage the Republic as we get assisted into a slip stream.

    Skull: Do it. We will engage the Enterprise in a battlefield of our choosing.

    *The mystery fleet soon arrives with Khazon and Malon elements. While four vessels break off to tow the dreadnought to another place to begin repairs. *

    *Terry watches... as the battle starts*

    Terry: How long til the Republic gets here...

    Wade: Should not be long..

    Terry: Follow that ship... If Matt wants to follow he can.

    *The Ship rumbles as the fleet starts to engage the Federation Flagship. *

    *The 3rd Fleet soon regroup, minus all but one of the attacked cruisers, as Matt orders a fold-space conduit opened on the dreadnought's aft. The fleet emerge from the rift and immediately focuses fire on the Dreadnought's last good nacelle, with fighters joining the Federation MS in defending the Enterprise-J.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Atlas: ma’am you may want to watch this.

    Osman: put it on my main feed.

    She turns as it shows an overlay of the battle
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.

    Matt: Relay Admiral Allen's instructions.


    Free Delta Rep: Target the planet.

    *R.S.S. Aquarius. The Atlantis-Class Cruiser diverts power to the forward shields and turns to engage.


    Tech: Sir, they're moving into attack position!

    Ops: That's nuts! Their shields are down to 30% and their weapons are basically gone!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Matt watches the Aquarius as it covers the squadron's retreat into the fold-space rift.*

    Matt: CIC to Bridge, stand by for tactical jump.

    *The Dreadnought detects a building surge in the Aquarius' Warp Drive.*

    Skull: Fire at the planet.. Divert auxillary to the repulsers. Emitter arrays target the rift...

    *The Obliterator weapon is fired at the planet, while the weapons begin to target the rift instead of the diversionary ship... The Repulser beams push the vessel from its trajectory... Drones begin to ram the ship as well. *

    *Terry is watching as the Enterpise arrives first no assistance... *

    Terry: Matt pull them back that rift is being targetted for collapse. We will take care of this.

    *He looks to Rissa...*

    Inform the Aquarius if it can to ram the projectile...

    Weapons batteries power up...

    Alvin: Shields are active. *He starts scanning the vessel... they are going to oppose.

    OOC: The rift can't be destabilised by weapons fire.

    *The Aquarius' point-defences manage to shoot down the Obliterator at such short range and the ship corrects its course, jumping to warp through the Dreadnought, being torn apart by the impact.*

    OOC: Up to you whether it hits the hull or a nacelle pylon.

    *OOC: Okay.. *

    *The impact does extreme damage to the port side nacelle...*

    Skull: Report..

    Jean: The Shield systems managed to keep the nacelle on the ship, but we have growing problems in using that nacelle.

    Skull: Bypass and cut off the flow from the core. What can we do with one functioning Nacelle...

    Jean: We can call in the fleet to engage the Republic as we get assisted into a slip stream.

    Skull: Do it. We will engage the Enterprise in a battlefield of our choosing.

    *The mystery fleet soon arrives with Khazon and Malon elements. While four vessels break off to tow the dreadnought to another place to begin repairs. *

    *Terry watches... as the battle starts*

    Terry: How long til the Republic gets here...

    Wade: Should not be long..

    Terry: Follow that ship... If Matt wants to follow he can.

    *The Ship rumbles as the fleet starts to engage the Federation Flagship. *

    *The 3rd Fleet soon regroup, minus all but one of the attacked cruisers, as Matt orders a fold-space conduit opened on the dreadnought's aft. The fleet emerge from the rift and immediately focuses fire on the Dreadnought's last good nacelle, with fighters joining the Federation MS in defending the Enterprise-J.*

    *Their weapons fire finds their shots being diverted by a odd defense field weakening the directed energy attacks, and soon the vessel is towed into a slipstream... The Enterprise J returns fire taking care of its own.. *

    Terry: Shift into a molecular defense pattern... Have the forward thanix weapons clear a path. We are going to pursue.

    *The Republic fleet notices the Enterprise J going into pursuit of the dreadnought. Withering down some of the enemy fleet on the way to following.. *

    *An Ensign on the RSS Enterprise looks to the Admiral..*

    Ensign: Should we move to follow?

    *OOC: Up to you if you want the RSS Enterprise to follow you can. Would be an interesting fight*

    *Casval is heading into the turbolift when he receives particular orders... that read Eliminate Operative Skull.*

    *Spider looks to M. Dani... *

    Spider: I was hoping he would not try and act on his own, but we need someone to retrieve the project from him. Do you have someone in place that isn't Casval?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Might want to hit up on why the Starfleet vessels are delayed... Stark is on that one.*

    *The new fleet with Skull approaches a skeleton Republic fleet with Anti-Delta elements..*

    Skull: Perfect use for the purposes.. Jean approach under silent running... Tactical begin picking targets do not lock on just yet.

    *The officers around them begin following those orders. The new weapons on the ship emitter arrays of Thanix weaponry. Stealth drones begin deploying up on the fleet. *

    Skull: *Looking at the Free Delta rep...* As you can see this vessel carries quite a bit of technology that is built for war. It can support a large number of needs of the crew. But most of all are the drones and the new application.

    Jean: Sir we are in range... drones are in place.

    Skull: *gets up from the Captains chair and offers it to the Delta Rep...*If you would like to give the order...

    Free Delta Rep: Fire.

    *The drones begin firing on the Republic vessels, any damaged ram the Republic vessel, the flagship of this fleet makes its appearance and begins to open fire. The Anti Delta ships are decimated by withering fire. The Republic ships are taking a bit more pounding.*

    Skull: Arm the torpedos, and fire in a spread. Bring up the new shields.

    *The Republic Cruiser Squadron starts filling the area with Point-Defence fire, creating a no-man's land around the squadron as the damaged cruisers start to cloak and disengage.

    R.S.S. Enterprise.*

    Athena: Admiral, we're receiving a distress call from the squadron over Lorian II. They're under attack and are attempting to disengage.

    Matt: Order the rest of the fleet to rally at Lorian VI. Relay the situation to the Federation Task Force.

    All ships, this is Fleet Command. Action Stations! Set Naval Condition 2 throughout the fleet!

    *The Fleet begins to assemble at Lorian VI as the cruiser squadron tries to disengage.*

    *The Torpedo fire from the unknown ship begins a plasma fire on the vessels..*

    Skull: *Watching* Load the Obliterator at the planet..

    Which do you wish to punish sir? The Planet or the disengaging fleet?

    *Terry is alerted to the attack... *

    Terry: Tell the Republic to aim for any projectiles going to the planet, if possible smaller vessels should get in the way.

    Wade: What?

    Terry: That ship has an Obliterator... but not the subspace variety.

    Matt: Relay Admiral Allen's instructions.


    Free Delta Rep: Target the planet.

    *R.S.S. Aquarius. The Atlantis-Class Cruiser diverts power to the forward shields and turns to engage.


    Tech: Sir, they're moving into attack position!

    Ops: That's nuts! Their shields are down to 30% and their weapons are basically gone!

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Matt watches the Aquarius as it covers the squadron's retreat into the fold-space rift.*

    Matt: CIC to Bridge, stand by for tactical jump.

    *The Dreadnought detects a building surge in the Aquarius' Warp Drive.*

    Skull: Fire at the planet.. Divert auxillary to the repulsers. Emitter arrays target the rift...

    *The Obliterator weapon is fired at the planet, while the weapons begin to target the rift instead of the diversionary ship... The Repulser beams push the vessel from its trajectory... Drones begin to ram the ship as well. *

    *Terry is watching as the Enterpise arrives first no assistance... *

    Terry: Matt pull them back that rift is being targetted for collapse. We will take care of this.

    *He looks to Rissa...*

    Inform the Aquarius if it can to ram the projectile...

    Weapons batteries power up...

    Alvin: Shields are active. *He starts scanning the vessel... they are going to oppose.

    OOC: The rift can't be destabilised by weapons fire.

    *The Aquarius' point-defences manage to shoot down the Obliterator at such short range and the ship corrects its course, jumping to warp through the Dreadnought, being torn apart by the impact.*

    OOC: Up to you whether it hits the hull or a nacelle pylon.

    *OOC: Okay.. *

    *The impact does extreme damage to the port side nacelle...*

    Skull: Report..

    Jean: The Shield systems managed to keep the nacelle on the ship, but we have growing problems in using that nacelle.

    Skull: Bypass and cut off the flow from the core. What can we do with one functioning Nacelle...

    Jean: We can call in the fleet to engage the Republic as we get assisted into a slip stream.

    Skull: Do it. We will engage the Enterprise in a battlefield of our choosing.

    *The mystery fleet soon arrives with Khazon and Malon elements. While four vessels break off to tow the dreadnought to another place to begin repairs. *

    *Terry watches... as the battle starts*

    Terry: How long til the Republic gets here...

    Wade: Should not be long..

    Terry: Follow that ship... If Matt wants to follow he can.

    *The Ship rumbles as the fleet starts to engage the Federation Flagship. *

    *The 3rd Fleet soon regroup, minus all but one of the attacked cruisers, as Matt orders a fold-space conduit opened on the dreadnought's aft. The fleet emerge from the rift and immediately focuses fire on the Dreadnought's last good nacelle, with fighters joining the Federation MS in defending the Enterprise-J.*

    *Their weapons fire finds their shots being diverted by a odd defense field weakening the directed energy attacks, and soon the vessel is towed into a slipstream... The Enterprise J returns fire taking care of its own.. *

    Terry: Shift into a molecular defense pattern... Have the forward thanix weapons clear a path. We are going to pursue.

    *The Republic fleet notices the Enterprise J going into pursuit of the dreadnought. Withering down some of the enemy fleet on the way to following.. *

    *An Ensign on the RSS Enterprise looks to the Admiral..*

    Ensign: Should we move to follow?

    *OOC: Up to you if you want the RSS Enterprise to follow you can. Would be an interesting fight*

    *Casval is heading into the turbolift when he receives particular orders... that read Eliminate Operative Skull.*

    *Spider looks to M. Dani... *

    Spider: I was hoping he would not try and act on his own, but we need someone to retrieve the project from him. Do you have someone in place that isn't Casval?

    *M Dani shakes her head.


    Matt: Have the Indefatigable follow us in. I have no intention of taking on even a damaged Universe-Class alone if something happens to the Enterprise.

    *Garrick gets orders on the Indefatigable to follow both Enterprises after the Dreadnought.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman turns as a beep on her door chimes.

    Osman: enter

    A man walks in wearing an RNI uniform.

    C.Rommel: I heard you wanted to speak to me.

    Osman: I did please have a seat.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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