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Announcing Two New Discount Packs for Victory is Life!



  • nickarcher404nickarcher404 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    Wouldn't it be truly remarkable, and granted this may be the Mirror Universe version (where content is released weekly, C-Points still exist, Atari is ruler and preserving the canon, and Garak is running the playable KCA faction), if those of us who grinded to get even a single Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier unlocked on even a single character, got a refund of 800 lobi for our hard work and dedication to this game?

    Might also be nice *cough cough* for those who grinded to get the EC on the exchange, shelled out really money getting addicted to Lockboxes, or had the benefit of receiving a Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier through some magic trade to also get a perk for dealing with the trivialization of our efforts?

    These used to be exclusive ships, and I remember back when Cryptic first emphasized they could only put these ships in lockboxes because Paramount or CBS or whoever said we couldn't have non-federation ships given to any-old officer in the fleet; they had to be rare and unique opportunities, not pay-to-unlock, at least not directly.

    Just wish we could get some clarification and unless the xenophobic Dominion has embraced Starfleet and given up their 2000 year old empire, I have a hard time believing; 1) enough Jem'Hadar are escaping / leaving / seceding form the nation to rationalize the Alpha and Beta quadrant species picking up their ships and flying them, 2) the Dominion is sharing their ships freely and rolling over to the Klingons and Federation, or even 3) that Odo has single handedly shifted the entire Dominion to a "save the whales" (Star Trek IV reference here) organization to add the first and only T5-U dual hanger carriers to the Klingon faction who used to be the ultimate voice on carriers until T6 came out... and they died...

    Sorry for the salt, but wondering when the last time a player survey was done, when a vote was held, when we were polled for where to go, or when we last got big input. Not a business major, but as a Trek fan, Trek aired its third season due to fans. Fans wrote in, saved the series and kept it alive another season. We got the first shuttle named the Enterprise, a multi-billion dollar undertaking. Cryptic, we will still give you money to keep Trek alive, just we'll give you more if you ask us what we want...

    Just an idea from a sole LTS from Beta era... Might be worth a consideration or two. LLAP all, and I look forward to a LOT of Elim Garak voice acting. If that falls through, then all hope I have for ViL is gone.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Wouldn't it be truly remarkable, and granted this may be the Mirror Universe version (where content is released weekly, C-Points still exist, Atari is ruler and preserving the canon, and Garak is running the playable KCA faction), if those of us who grinded to get even a single Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier unlocked on even a single character, got a refund of 800 lobi for our hard work and dedication to this game?

    Might also be nice *cough cough* for those who grinded to get the EC on the exchange, shelled out really money getting addicted to Lockboxes, or had the benefit of receiving a Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier through some magic trade to also get a perk for dealing with the trivialization of our efforts?

    These used to be exclusive ships, and I remember back when Cryptic first emphasized they could only put these ships in lockboxes because Paramount or CBS or whoever said we couldn't have non-federation ships given to any-old officer in the fleet; they had to be rare and unique opportunities, not pay-to-unlock, at least not directly.

    Just wish we could get some clarification and unless the xenophobic Dominion has embraced Starfleet and given up their 2000 year old empire, I have a hard time believing; 1) enough Jem'Hadar are escaping / leaving / seceding form the nation to rationalize the Alpha and Beta quadrant species picking up their ships and flying them, 2) the Dominion is sharing their ships freely and rolling over to the Klingons and Federation, or even 3) that Odo has single handedly shifted the entire Dominion to a "save the whales" (Star Trek IV reference here) organization to add the first and only T5-U dual hanger carriers to the Klingon faction who used to be the ultimate voice on carriers until T6 came out... and they died...

    Sorry for the salt, but wondering when the last time a player survey was done, when a vote was held, when we were polled for where to go, or when we last got big input. Not a business major, but as a Trek fan, Trek aired its third season due to fans. Fans wrote in, saved the series and kept it alive another season. We got the first shuttle named the Enterprise, a multi-billion dollar undertaking. Cryptic, we will still give you money to keep Trek alive, just we'll give you more if you ask us what we want...

    Just an idea from a sole LTS from Beta era... Might be worth a consideration or two. LLAP all, and I look forward to a LOT of Elim Garak voice acting. If that falls through, then all hope I have for ViL is gone.

    remember back when you signed that agreement that stated that they could change the service any time they like without your consent? and this is a game changer for the entitled playerbase, yourself inclused.

    Basically there was never any exclusivity promised outside the lobi store and everyone assumed that a new faction couldn't be built because of the lockbox ships, for years players argued this case. obviously the value for a lobi dominion ship on some of them at least has been slashed as a Jem'Hadar captain gets his own now. It was never beyond the realm of Cryptic to do such a thing and that has always been apart of how i saw things years ago.

    anyway, here we are. guess we will find out what happens to those ships on the lobi store soon enough. that is something they may communicate.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • gothkid1972gothkid1972 Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    You have to master the ship before other characters can get it? OK, no money from me. I play escorts, not science ships, not cruisers. Just escorts, with some raiders on the side. I'm not paying a few hundred dollars for a bunch of ships I cannot even add to my Admiralty fleets. I'm not going to play a bunch of ships I cannot stand just to add them to my other toons who'll never use them. If you rethink that policy you'll get my money. NOT BEFORE!!!!!

    Dont think they care if you buy or not...heard the same whining when the ToS packs came, and it doesnt take long to max a ship.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    tyler002 wrote: »
    fasica wrote: »
    will this work with Steam?
    Probably will when it's released and put into the C-Store. The 'Preorder' one needs the Arc version of STO.

    My name is Captain Tilarta and Steam is my favorite game sales service on the PC platform.

    I had been considering purchasing the large preorder pack, then I read the above posts.
    Since I do not use Arc, does this mean the preorders cannot be used by me?
    And therefore, I will have to wait until they make it available on a Steam compatible sales method.

    I checked Steam and they have no listing of a Gamma Vanguard bundle for purchase.

    I hope they implement an alternative Steam friendly method of purchasing this bundle, otherwise there's going to be an additional delay before I can have my JHV/Cardassian characters.
    But I've waited this long, I can still be even more patient.

    My primary interest is that the Jem'Hadar characters be allowed to join Starfleet fleets, so I can assign my Jem'Hadar Vanguard to align with my Starfleet fleet to contribute to the advancement of that fleet.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User

    I've never cared that much for the Cardassians, or the Dominion. But the new Cardassian ships look nice. The Dominion ones are a bit too... pink(y) for my liking though.

    I am not going to spend more than 120 euros on an extension pack though, not after having spent so much money on the game already. I just can't justify it but I might buy the starter pack. 20 euros for a T6 ship, a playable species and an uniform is something I find worth considering.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    I came back saw my favorite jemhadar being featured into the game.
    i saw the vanguard pack and thought oh how nice untill i quickly realised its FAULTY and Incomplete.

    there is no Attack ship tier 5 wich unlocks hangar frigates in the pack.
    There is no strike or recon ship for the modules and hangar frigate pets unlocks.

    to Think they got the guts to charge 125 euro for this incomplete and faulty bundle is quite insane.
    Predatory marketing at its best.

    cryptic fix your mistakes.. Incomplete bundles and faulty packs does not fly here....
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    Are you Sirius? No playable Vorta? - Please confirm this, lots of players have been asking for it (including me of course), and this is the best (and probably only logical) chance to add playable Vorta to the game.
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    > @eristhevorta said:
    > Are you Sirius? No playable Vorta? - Please confirm this, lots of players have been asking for it (including me of course), and this is the best (and probably only logical) chance to add playable Vorta to the game.

    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Are you Sirius? No playable Vorta? - Please confirm this, lots of players have been asking for it (including me of course), and this is the best (and probably only logical) chance to add playable Vorta to the game.

    already confirmed... only JHD is playable. vorta's dont fight. you just give broad general orders and when your goons die... you die.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    My dear @ambassadorkael#6946 , you just have to clarify one thing to a crazed Cardassian fan right here:

    Will the new Cardassian ships have their own Cardassian bridges?

    Need to know pronto, por favor mi amor! ;):D
  • nommo#5819 nommo Member Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    "Those (2) big experience boosts & especially those (3) high-end upgrade kits are laughable. Perhaps those upgrade kits are a "typo" with the Mk XII to a Mk XIII? If that's Cryptic's interpretation of "high-end" upgrading I would suggest that they play the actual game a little to get back in touch with what players go through. Then again Cryptic, just like other marketing plans, like to toss lots of trinkets in a package to soothe players & make them feel like they're getting more for their money. This might be the most titles tossed into a STO package so far with (6). Only a Jem'Hadar Tactical uniform is disappointing, a missed opportunity, & seems lackluster without a specific Cardassian uniform too. The ship line-up doesn't seem bad but it isn't great neither. There isn't even any "bug" ship included lol which is the most iconic Dominion ship arguably. Then again all of this will still have more announcements detailing more before the VIL expansion. So I'm curious, if these official Cardassians & Jem'Hadar Vanguards in the package have innate better stats compared to the regular Jem'Hadar & Cardassians to later maybe be allowed to be created is that pay-to-win? Also, if there is a limited time recruitment event but the only way to have a Cardassian for it is behind this package that is a major pay-wall. There's probably lots more details to come though so not too worried, but no way I'm pre-ordering based off of this lol."

    Well the (2) experience boosts seem a bit more considerable since this patch's announcement of the boosts getting boosted. I'm still laughing at those petty "high-end upgrade kits" which are below average of what can be offered.

    There should be a comparable Cardassian uniform offered as well like the Jem'Hadar Tactical one.

    Not having a "bug" ship included is a huge omission from the package, that is perhaps the most iconic & recognized Dominion ship design after all.

    "So I'm curious, if these official Cardassians & Jem'Hadar Vanguards in the package have innate better stats compared to the regular Jem'Hadar & Cardassians to later maybe be allowed to be created is that pay-to-win?" Not that this is a huge deal or anything new. STO already has ships in this capacity so now they seem to be doing this with actual characters perhaps.

    My euphoria still hasn't alleviated from reading about the Delta Recruitment event ... well done again Cryptic. So I'm currently in flux about, "Also, if there is a limited time recruitment event but the only way to have a Cardassian for it is behind this package that is a major pay-wall."

    Most importantly I'm guessing, "There's probably lots more details to come though so not too worried, but no way I'm pre-ordering based off of this lol." Yet at least.
  • britewolfbritewolf Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    tyler002 wrote: »
    fasica wrote: »
    will this work with Steam?
    I checked Steam and they have no listing of a Gamma Vanguard bundle for purchase.

    I hope they implement an alternative Steam friendly method of purchasing this bundle, otherwise there's going to be an additional delay before I can have my JHV/Cardassian characters.
    But I've waited this long, I can still be even more patient.

    As has already been said here, Steam, xBox and Play Station will definitely get these in the in-game C-Store on release. They may also get them in their own store either at the same time or just before, but such packs will be announced closer to the time.
    General T'Reirr Asei
    Captain of the venerable I.K.S. Y'Kun.
    Warrior of the Empire; Savior of Cookies; Lord of String; Devious Little S*!7
    #PlomeekSoupForTheIndifferent #AmNotFluffy #Klingons4Equality #PriorityOneRocks #ShortButPouncey

  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Are you Sirius? No playable Vorta? - Please confirm this, lots of players have been asking for it (including me of course), and this is the best (and probably only logical) chance to add playable Vorta to the game.

    There's story reasons for it and we probably won't get any details for what those may be until just before release or at release. Personally, for something like this (where we get redundant Jem'Hadar species options and no Vorta to add immediately appreciable character diversity, in terms STO has always operated by) I think it should have been easy to create a compelling story where a biological construct of the dominion reconciles their role with their potential (probably the way they're going, given Odo) with either a Vorta, a Jem'Hadar, or a custom-made Dominion-engineered species. Setting a fixed point such as "well, you'll be reporting to a Jem'Hadar first so you can't be a Vorta" begs the question why that NPC character can't be a Vorta or another Founder (besides Odo).

    Basically, writing is a very flexible thing and there's innumerable routes to a good story (see. spread of human literature.) Any situation that excludes Vorta could have been written differently and that creative choice doesn't preclude (with additional changes, as required) that story from being a compelling one in its own right. See. Weyoun 6 in Treachery, Faith, and the Great River (DS9).

    Unless there was some other reason, then I do have to question this creative decision. It's highly restrictive to character choice in an RPG, its atypical for STO (even AOY's core 4 represented a large swath), and its not clear what the payoff could possibly be (Jem'Hadar don't have a lengthy tutorial, most of their experience in game will be playing from a mulit-faction perspective.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    tigeraries wrote: »
    Are you Sirius? No playable Vorta? - Please confirm this, lots of players have been asking for it (including me of course), and this is the best (and probably only logical) chance to add playable Vorta to the game.

    already confirmed... only JHD is playable. vorta's dont fight. you just give broad general orders and when your goons die... you die.



    We die.


    Ferengi aren't exactly great fighters either and are playable. First intro to the Vorta (female)had that telekinetic ability thing. My point is they could still be playable. STO isn't exactly the holy grail of canon.​​
    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Ferengi aren't exactly great fighters either and are playable. First intro to the Vorta (female)had that telekinetic ability thing. My point is they could still be playable. STO isn't exactly the holy grail of canon.​​

    Aenar are also explicit pacifists. We have them as Boffs. Pakleds were never shown to engage in higher level tactics. They're playable. Orion captains don't make their way through STO via social manipulation and Remans have no specific intolerance to light.

    "Vorta aren't fighters, they can't be characters in STO" really doesn't appreciate the creative liberties the game has taken from day one to provide players with a lot more potential than rotely repeating the patterns of the series. Most Vorta aren't fighters, but that doesn't mean our Vorta couldn't have more initiative (like a Jem'Hadar taking on the role of a Vorta and becoming a primary figure in the Dominion's cooperation with the alliance...these guys will have access to our multi-faction arcs and those do include diplomatic functions and non-combat activities. How is a Vorta in combat less plausible than a Jem'Hadar making cookies during the winter event?)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,010 Arc User
    Ferengi aren't exactly great fighters either and are playable. First intro to the Vorta (female)had that telekinetic ability thing. My point is they could still be playable. STO isn't exactly the holy grail of canon.​​

    Aenar are also explicit pacifists. We have them as Boffs. Pakleds were never shown to engage in higher level tactics. They're playable. Orion captains don't make their way through STO via social manipulation and Remans have no specific intolerance to light.

    "Vorta aren't fighters, they can't be characters in STO" really doesn't appreciate the creative liberties the game has taken from day one to provide players with a lot more potential than rotely repeating the patterns of the series. Most Vorta aren't fighters, but that doesn't mean our Vorta couldn't have more initiative (like a Jem'Hadar taking on the role of a Vorta and becoming a primary figure in the Dominion's cooperation with the alliance...these guys will have access to our multi-faction arcs and those do include diplomatic functions and non-combat activities. How is a Vorta in combat less plausible than a Jem'Hadar making cookies during the winter event?)

    It's also easy to come up with an explanation, after losing the war with the Federation the founders could have decided to increase Vorta usefulness by improving their vision and giving them combat training, making them more effective leaders in battle.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
    ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    How is a Vorta in combat less plausible than a Jem'Hadar making cookies during the winter event?)
    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    Damn. Should have called them Jem'Hacook ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ​​
    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,857 Arc User
    I'm a bit surprised a couple of character slots haven't been thrown in to the larger bundle. Alpha and Gamma Jem'Hadar variants would also be much appreciated, unless they are possible options when you create a Jem'Hadar character?
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    I really think the larger bundle should at least unlock the frigates for the Dread Carrier.
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
    New Content Wishlist
    T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
    Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
    Dahar Master Jacket

  • varthelmvarthelm Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    These large packs have never felt worth it. Legacy pack was quickly undone by the soon after release of the Scimitar and the later release of the escort carrier. Delta had a couple of decent ships and the BO's were nice (especially if you were Rom) but most were meh. AoY was the worst. Every ship in the large pack was eclipsed by some C-store alternative on release except for the 31st century ships which were available in a separate 3 pack.

    As far as these go...I might be tempted to take the plunge again if it came with either a T5 bug ship or the raider that comes which it can also be used and performs with similar effectiveness. Other then that, just felt burnt too many times.
  • syrupofsquillsyrupofsquill Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Bit of a late suggestion but how about some gimmicks, Like an Jem zen version of gun for ppl who collect guns(polaron rapid fire like mission reward would be nice), A jem boff with some kind of dps trait(sro maybe) for dpsers. A Jem looking zen exosuit since kdf cant use the one from Temporal aoy pack. Other stuff that might take less work, couple of account wide shipslots(bargain compared to separate) or Max toon limit + 1 toon slot.
    Post edited by syrupofsquill on
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Are you Sirius? No playable Vorta? - Please confirm this, lots of players have been asking for it (including me of course), and this is the best (and probably only logical) chance to add playable Vorta to the game.

    I concur your sentiments, Vorta only make sense in this expansion and they are the other big reason people wanted dominion. Vorta plenty capable command officers I see no reason they would be apposed to fighting with weapons if they had to. They just in general prefer conversation and strategy, so on ground missions they would be not as good as Jem'hadar but meh. Also their personalities and looks really make them a very interesting species to be. I in general am not a fan of jem'hadar, but i love vorta. I understand changelings are just not reasonable to play in a game like this.

    The cardassian intel escort would have been more interesting as a intel raider. Also what does the vanguard mean ? other then obvious

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Are you Sirius? No playable Vorta? - Please confirm this, lots of players have been asking for it (including me of course), and this is the best (and probably only logical) chance to add playable Vorta to the game.
    Well, there's the possibility I wouldn't have used it unless I made two Dominion characters.
    I mean, I already have an alien Vorta, so I'd probably go with an official Vorta second. totally psyched at getting an armada of Jem'hadar ships for Eridian to fly though. :)
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    Assuming the bundle ships come with the consoles, there is one more ship that will be needed to complete the Dominion Console Set:
    Jem'Hadar Strike Ship
    And it's only the Strike Ship that has the console, the Attack Ship does not.

    I made sure to acquire a Phoenix Token to be able of acquiring the Attack Ship, but it looks like all that will achieve is a Dominion themed Hanger Pet unlock.

    So I really hope they do decide to incorporate the Strike Ship into the Bundle.
    Also what does the Vanguard mean?

    It's a Jem'Hadar who travelled to the Mass Effect alternate reality and got trained as a Vanguard before returning to the Star Trek reality.

    Okay, now for a serious answer:
    Playable Jem’Hadar Vanguard Species
    With the launch of Victory is Life, players will be able to freely choose to create a standard Jem’Hadar Warrior but also available are the Jem’Hadar Vanguard.

    Jem'Hadar Vanguard are designed for the most intense combat encounters and feature enhanced space combat techniques. Their enhanced combat training has made them incredibly effective at defeating their opponents through superior offensive capabilities on both ground and in space. This is only available when choosing to create a Dominion Captain.

    That's why I am not going to make a standard Jem'Hadar, even if these superior capabilities aren't of much merit, I'd rather have them and not use them then be unable to use them.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    As soon as the vanguard dreadie cruisers details are known and appeal enough, the starter pack might be a viable option.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • starcruiser#3423 starcruiser Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?

    I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.​​
  • nommo#5819 nommo Member Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?

    I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.​​

    Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo.

    I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor?

    I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling.
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    > @haplo013 said:
    > I have not seen it mentioned. Is there going to be any form of increase to the number of Character slots? I have filled mine and do not wish to get rid of any of my Characters. Not being able to make a new Jem'Hadar would mean i could not access the new Jem'Hadar ships if i purchased the bundle.
    > Since there are going to be a few starter missions for Jem'Hadar Characters and they start at level 60. There is a good chance that they may be planing on giving the bug ship escort or variant of it as the starter ship.

    Yeah, it dawned on me why the one T5 Dominion ship they didn't add to the Vanguard Pact was the T5 Jem'hadar Bug ship, is because they made it the default starting ship for the Dominion.

    Alot of people who couldn't afford that ship, but wanted it are going to be really thrilled at finally getting to fly it for free no less on a Jem'hadar Character.

    Its THE most iconic Jem'hadar ship, so they have to have a free version for the faction.

    It also means that if you do get Jem'hadar Dreadnaught Carrier, Jem'hadar Escort Carrier, and maybe the Vanguard Jem'hadar Dreadnaught Carrier you will be able have Jem'hadar Bugship pets!
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?

    I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.​​

    If Vorta are above Jem'Hadar in terms of the structure in the Dominion ranks, then why would a Vorta or changling, especially a changling serve a Jem'Hadar? The Former could work if there was the right storyline to it, but a changling? i mean it is completely backwards. why would the Jem'Hadar and Vorta willingly allow one of their gods to be put in harms way and why would a changling even care? They have shown no interest in getting involved in the concerns of solids unless they have little other alternative or for formal events.

    A Vorta boff is very possible within the storyline, not tied to a pack but a Changling doesn't make any senseand some explanation is needed.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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