Get a headstart on Victory is Life - preorder the Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack or the Gamma Vanguard Pack now, and get your hands on tons of items, ships and more for the new expansion!
It was stated specifically in a livesteam a few weeks back that it is purely a Jem'Hadar faction. Still LTS rewards to get through.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
That seems rather... underwhelming
Explain the Cardassians to me then.
i'd rather wait for the prices, but it is likely to be $30 for the starter and $150 for the full pack if i were to guess. i'm on the fence about this pack for now.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
also does this mean you will be giving us the ds9 bundle now free?
Oh, is that all? You don't think people are going to point out that this is going to also be available in the ZEN store? Where people can just convert Dil over for ZEN and not pay a cent? Just like the Delta Rising and Temporal packs, but no one ever bothered to tell us!?
They're not part of the Jem'Hadar faction. They're unlocks for KDF and Starfleet.
you haven't read the blog it seems.
Please note that in bold. It doesn't say the Cardassians are included at all.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Canonically, there are no Jem'Hadar females.
Thanks very much! just confirming it.
i found the pricing elsewhere.
£15 is reasonable for a starter pack.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Are there any plans to have a Cardassian specific pack?
I.e. with uniform, titles, ships and Boffs that are all Cardassian based.
Cause while there are a number of things in the Gamma Vanguard Pack that appeal, taking my cardassian captain through the KDF and other experiences with his Cardassian crew is more appealing than some Jem'hadar stuff. So while I was about to pre-order it seemed best to wait and see if there was a more Cardassian pack in the works.
there might be one after launch? but this is about the Jem'Hadar playable faction, not the Cardassians.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
No hint of a new ship specialization in the expansion.
The prices are available. Didn't you see them? The Vanguard Pack is $129.99.
Cardi is for FED or KDF. Not a part of the Dominion/JHD faction.
You play as JHD and your contact is a Vorta.
Vorta don't actually do any fighting... they stand there and have their goons do the work. if you play one you have zero combat options. Just die once your guards die and then respawn out of your clone vat.
sorry, but this is quickly becoming one of my pet hates on this forum, when someone isn't looking at other comments made before making a comment themselves.
for example i already mentioned before that i found the pricing elsewhere in a previous reply.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The rest of it is not terribly surprising. I am wondering what ship(s) the free Jem'Hadar captains will have available, or will they have to rely on some kind of galactic taxi service to get around?
yeah boosting it from M12 to M13 only? no quality upgrades? I have old rep gear that is VR12... now after AOY they start at UR13... would be nice to be able to upgrade a few of those to match the rest of the new rep gear.
i'd rather build up some zen and wait for a pheonix pack, the universal upgrades there are far superior to any of these upgrades. so it is quite flat as a reward for the larger pack, practically to the point it is worthless.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.