Can we stop arguing and complaining about free stuff, please? Thanks.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I'd like to know why people are complaining about free stuff? Free is Free. Why complain? Yea its not what you WANT to be given away, but still... free is free! I am seriously confused about why we're even arguing over free stuff in the first place!
As to saying its a business model... compare STO to TOR. Which one has the better, more generous F2P model?
Exactly. Said earlier....If I'd have complained about anything (food, money, gifts, etc) given to me by my parents, it would've be taken off me, and mostly likely have lost my allowance for the week. I've been taught to be always grateful. The '****' analogy poster is going over the top. We've been given extra pocket money to use not a rancid piece of faeces! And in the event that something is put up that someone already has, it's not excuse to claim compensation either, as that person hasn't been placed in a game-changing unfair advantage nor has he/she lost out on anything. Remember, this is all at the expense (potential sales lost) of Cryptic, not, as some like to think, the player.
And just to think, that 8 year old kid, who's parents are poor, playing this game, would give anything to get something extra free in the game to help out, as they can't afford to buy anything. Anyone who's complained should be ashamed and embarrassed.
Like hell. A "giveaway" of 200 marks is comparable to maybe a gram of bread or a penny on Christmas. Free is free, I don't debate that, but this is also the yearly giveaway that is always hyped up and which began with a giveaway of four costumes instead of the normal yearly 1. I appreciate all of the stuff they've given out so far. It's all helped me in some way or another, but at the same time, I could just as easily get 200 marks from the Undine Battlezone after spending maybe 20 minutes there doing nothing with a hangar pet and an empty Federation control point.
Yes, they're giving us free stuff. 200 marks, however, is effectively a free "breath of oxygen". Compared to previous years, and even previous days in this same anniversary series, it's not exactly difficult to see why some people are a bit let down from their expectations of grandeur.
Also, quit with that emotionally manipulative "8 year old kid who's parents are poor" ****. I was poor, and I can tell you, the last thing I wanted was to be told "Hey, guess what! Here's a present!" only for the 'present' to be a used up can of air freshener. 5 minutes rummaging around in a garbage can would yield the same results, and being 8 year old, it would have been much more of an adventure for such a valueless piece of garbage.
"I got what would normally be 4 days worth of items on one day, so I expect more the following days." is perhaps the weakest argument that I've ever seen.
It would have been more effective (as a promotion), to simply give those costumes 1 per day instead of giving them all at once then this boring filler.
I'd like to know why people are complaining about free stuff? Free is Free. Why complain? Yea its not what you WANT to be given away, but still... free is free! I am seriously confused about why we're even arguing over free stuff in the first place!
As to saying its a business model... compare STO to TOR. Which one has the better, more generous F2P model?
Exactly. Said earlier....If I'd have complained about anything (food, money, gifts, etc) given to me by my parents, it would've be taken off me, and mostly likely have lost my allowance for the week. I've been taught to be always grateful. The '****' analogy poster is going over the top. We've been given extra pocket money to use not a rancid piece of faeces! And in the event that something is put up that someone already has, it's not excuse to claim compensation either, as that person hasn't been placed in a game-changing unfair advantage nor has he/she lost out on anything. Remember, this is all at the expense (potential sales lost) of Cryptic, not, as some like to think, the player.
And just to think, that 8 year old kid, who's parents are poor, playing this game, would give anything to get something extra free in the game to help out, as they can't afford to buy anything. Anyone who's complained should be ashamed and embarrassed.
Like hell. A "giveaway" of 200 marks is comparable to maybe a gram of bread or a penny on Christmas. Free is free, I don't debate that, but this is also the yearly giveaway that is always hyped up and which began with a giveaway of four costumes instead of the normal yearly 1. I appreciate all of the stuff they've given out so far. It's all helped me in some way or another, but at the same time, I could just as easily get 200 marks from the Undine Battlezone after spending maybe 20 minutes there doing nothing with a hangar pet and an empty Federation control point.
Yes, they're giving us free stuff. 200 marks, however, is effectively a free "breath of oxygen". Compared to previous years, and even previous days in this same anniversary series, it's not exactly difficult to see why some people are a bit let down from their expectations of grandeur.
Also, quit with that emotionally manipulative "8 year old kid who's parents are poor" ****. I was poor, and I can tell you, the last thing I wanted was to be told "Hey, guess what! Here's a present!" only for the 'present' to be a used up can of air freshener. 5 minutes rummaging around in a garbage can would yield the same results, and being 8 year old, it would have been much more of an adventure for such a valueless piece of garbage.
Nothing emotionally manipulative about it. I'm not flush with cash, I'm from a poor working class familty, have various things that keep me from working and have to maintain 12 toons to provide me with Zen when I can't afford to open my wallet.
The only thing I'm doing is putting things into context and the simple fact is, this is an 8 day giveaway, at the cost to Cryptic, that's cost the players nothing. The lack of appreciation shown for what will be about $30+ dollars of items per player, in total, is a damning statement on those that believe they are entitled to more free things than what is on offer.
Oh, praised be Holy Cryptic for their free peanuts. Not! So far the only thing they've given that's worth jack is the costumes (for those who didn't already have them). And it doesn't cost them anything, all they did is push a button to set the price on zero for a day. None of this stuff is new.
It has nothing to do with feeling "entitled," either. It's just really sad an big advertized event like this is turned into yet another generic currency mill. And it's also sad that players get so worked up over a paltry amount of generic game currency. Other games give login bonus every day and nobody sings their praises for it, it's just a cheap way to get players in every day even if they don't have time to play.
I agree with people that are walking the high road and defending Cryptic that we should be grateful for the gifts.
The point is, Cryptic is already very generous by giving away a free ships during events every year, and in comparison to those ships the give aways have less appeal to put it lightly.
It is like I am telling my grandmother that I am really into Star Wars and would like to see the new movie and she is like, oh that is lovely child and gives me one Euro. Of course as we are raised we would be grateful and that is correct, When you look at the gift and not the act from your lovely grandmother than one Euro doesn't buy me a ticket, not even a bag of popcorn or a coke. The same feeling I had with the 10k Dil per account and the 200 marks.
Say it....."you are spoiled".... say it, SAY IT !!!!
Can we stop arguing and complaining about free stuff, please? Thanks.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I'd like to know why people are complaining about free stuff? Free is Free. Why complain? Yea its not what you WANT to be given away, but still... free is free! I am seriously confused about why we're even arguing over free stuff in the first place!
As to saying its a business model... compare STO to TOR. Which one has the better, more generous F2P model?
Exactly. Said earlier....If I'd have complained about anything (food, money, gifts, etc) given to me by my parents, it would've be taken off me, and mostly likely have lost my allowance for the week. I've been taught to be always grateful. The '****' analogy poster is going over the top. We've been given extra pocket money to use not a rancid piece of faeces! And in the event that something is put up that someone already has, it's not excuse to claim compensation either, as that person hasn't been placed in a game-changing unfair advantage nor has he/she lost out on anything. Remember, this is all at the expense (potential sales lost) of Cryptic, not, as some like to think, the player.
And just to think, that 8 year old kid, who's parents are poor, playing this game, would give anything to get something extra free in the game to help out, as they can't afford to buy anything. Anyone who's complained should be ashamed and embarrassed.
Like hell. A "giveaway" of 200 marks is comparable to maybe a gram of bread or a penny on Christmas. Free is free, I don't debate that, but this is also the yearly giveaway that is always hyped up and which began with a giveaway of four costumes instead of the normal yearly 1. I appreciate all of the stuff they've given out so far. It's all helped me in some way or another, but at the same time, I could just as easily get 200 marks from the Undine Battlezone after spending maybe 20 minutes there doing nothing with a hangar pet and an empty Federation control point.
Yes, they're giving us free stuff. 200 marks, however, is effectively a free "breath of oxygen". Compared to previous years, and even previous days in this same anniversary series, it's not exactly difficult to see why some people are a bit let down from their expectations of grandeur.
Also, quit with that emotionally manipulative "8 year old kid who's parents are poor" ****. I was poor, and I can tell you, the last thing I wanted was to be told "Hey, guess what! Here's a present!" only for the 'present' to be a used up can of air freshener. 5 minutes rummaging around in a garbage can would yield the same results, and being 8 year old, it would have been much more of an adventure for such a valueless piece of garbage.
Nothing emotionally manipulative about it. I'm not flush with cash, I'm from a poor working class familty, have various things that keep me from working and have to maintain 12 toons to provide me with Zen when I can't afford to open my wallet.
The only thing I'm doing is putting things into context and the simple fact is, this is an 8 day giveaway, at the cost to Cryptic, that's cost the players nothing. The lack of appreciation shown for what will be about $30+ dollars of items per player, in total, is a damning statement on those that believe they are entitled to more free things than what is on offer.
Oh, praised be Holy Cryptic for their free peanuts. Not! So far the only thing they've given that's worth jack is the costumes (for those who didn't already have them). And it doesn't cost them anything, all they did is push a button to set the price on zero for a day. None of this stuff is new.
It has nothing to do with feeling "entitled," either. It's just really sad an big advertized event like this is turned into yet another generic currency mill. And it's also sad that players get so worked up over a paltry amount of generic game currency. Other games give login bonus every day and nobody sings their praises for it, it's just a cheap way to get players in every day even if they don't have time to play.
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. The big advertised event is the anniversary itself. The giveaways is just something a little extra. Expecting them to give away the farm for the giveaways isn't realistic.
I once read "you can give away money, and people will complain that it's not in sequential serial numbers", its a nice give away, better for F2P, I have some of the stuff, but so what?, in 7 years playing, its only logical that I would get most of this stuff, but I'm incredibly happy for the ones who does not!, like my son and my nephews.. thanks for the freebies!!
I agree with people that are walking the high road and defending Cryptic that we should be grateful for the gifts.
The point is, Cryptic is already very generous by giving away a free ships during events every year, and in comparison to those ships the give aways have less appeal to put it lightly.
It is like I am telling my grandmother that I am really into Star Wars and would like to see the new movie and she is like, oh that is lovely child and gives me one Euro. Of course as we are raised we would be grateful and that is correct, When you look at the gift and not the act from your lovely grandmother than one Euro doesn't buy me a ticket, not even a bag of popcorn or a coke. The same feeling I had with the 10k Dil per account and the 200 marks.
Say it....."you are spoiled".... say it, SAY IT !!!!
i have some money in the bank but i don't really give a damn about it and so it builds, it's a means to an end for food shoping and bills, beyond that it doesn't matter where it goes or how much is saved up or used, none of it matters since it all ends up back in the government treasury at some point. money is worthless to me outside needs for survival.
so when i look at anything offered by another game developer anywhere on MMO games as a "free" gift, i see virtual items that are specifically spelled out in the ToS that say they have no value meaning "free" is redundant as a word to use, but it is an attractive one for the end user who seems to think there is some value to it. in addition to this rented accounts we have been generously allowed to access, all of which can be pulled at any time for any reason if the people on the other end are proactive enough about their rules if any of them have been abused or broken enough.
so in reality: nothing ventured, nothing gained.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Easily understandable that permissions between formats might cause some type of delay, but by the same token that being the case the disparity should probably already have become an important facet of Cryptics event planning phase. For instance juvenile fans who only watched Star Wars: A New Hope last year experienced the same 40th anniversary as fans who watched it during its original theatrical run.
I remember that we got the BoP for one character, my Sci officer had it but all of my other toons, including my main didn't. So most likely we received it as a claim for one character in the past. Correct me if i am wrong.
On certain occasions they offer a free desert to every meal. I don't eat deserts. Still I won't complain.
The waitress is smiling and serving me. She is doing that as something that doesn't cost her anything, it is her job, and she is doing it just so I come back and spend more and maybe give her a better tip. I smile back and say "thank you".
Yes, it is correct, too small a nicety may not warrant too big a deal, maybe not even a small deal, as a reaction. "We will give you 1 cent off your purchases today to celebrate our 25th anniversary!" And you may form your thoughts about said company from that. Still, you suffer no harm at all, you are not entitled to more. And complaining about others being grateful, because to them it means something, maybe even ridiculing them ... sorry, no.
I once knew a coworker who wouldn't ever say anything like "could you please" or "thank you" when delegating tasks, because it was our job and we got paid for it. Fortunately he didn't last very long.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
On certain occasions they offer a free desert to every meal. I don't eat deserts. Still I won't complain.
The waitress is smiling and serving me. She is doing that as something that doesn't cost her anything, it is her job, and she is doing it just so I come back and spend more and maybe give her a better tip. I smile back and say "thank you".
Yes, it is correct, too small a nicety may not warrant too big a deal, maybe not even a small deal, as a reaction. "We will give you 1 cent off your purchases today to celebrate our 25th anniversary!" And you may form your thoughts about said company from that. Still, you suffer no harm at all, you are not entitled to more. And complaining about others being grateful, because to them it means something, maybe even ridiculing them ... sorry, no.
I once knew a coworker who wouldn't ever say anything like "could you please" or "thank you" when delegating tasks, because it was our job and we got paid for it. Fortunately he didn't last very long.
giving away the same ship 2 years in a row seems odd.
Went into a restaurant on my birthday to get a free meal. They said sorry you had one last year for your birthday you can have another this year since you already got one.
not sure how tough it is for them to do, but giving the ability to pick any tier 5 ship of yourt choice would be awesome.
And for the giveaway i look at it like this do I get 2 things out of the 7 or 8 i can be real happy with last year was the ship and free dry dock slots, that way awesome.
This year 5 phoenix packs so far is the only thing im real happy for, so hoping for 1 more.
Can't make everyone happy all the time, so I figure 2 good ones out of it makes it a great anniversary giveaway
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An upgrade weekend would be nice
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Oh, praised be Holy Cryptic for their free peanuts. Not! So far the only thing they've given that's worth jack is the costumes (for those who didn't already have them). And it doesn't cost them anything, all they did is push a button to set the price on zero for a day. None of this stuff is new.
It has nothing to do with feeling "entitled," either. It's just really sad an big advertized event like this is turned into yet another generic currency mill. And it's also sad that players get so worked up over a paltry amount of generic game currency. Other games give login bonus every day and nobody sings their praises for it, it's just a cheap way to get players in every day even if they don't have time to play.
The point is, Cryptic is already very generous by giving away a free ships during events every year, and in comparison to those ships the give aways have less appeal to put it lightly.
It is like I am telling my grandmother that I am really into Star Wars and would like to see the new movie and she is like, oh that is lovely child and gives me one Euro. Of course as we are raised we would be grateful and that is correct, When you look at the gift and not the act from your lovely grandmother than one Euro doesn't buy me a ticket, not even a bag of popcorn or a coke. The same feeling I had with the 10k Dil per account and the 200 marks.
Say it....."you are spoiled".... say it, SAY IT !!!!
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. The big advertised event is the anniversary itself. The giveaways is just something a little extra. Expecting them to give away the farm for the giveaways isn't realistic.
i have some money in the bank but i don't really give a damn about it and so it builds, it's a means to an end for food shoping and bills, beyond that it doesn't matter where it goes or how much is saved up or used, none of it matters since it all ends up back in the government treasury at some point. money is worthless to me outside needs for survival.
so when i look at anything offered by another game developer anywhere on MMO games as a "free" gift, i see virtual items that are specifically spelled out in the ToS that say they have no value meaning "free" is redundant as a word to use, but it is an attractive one for the end user who seems to think there is some value to it. in addition to this rented accounts we have been generously allowed to access, all of which can be pulled at any time for any reason if the people on the other end are proactive enough about their rules if any of them have been abused or broken enough.
so in reality: nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Easily understandable that permissions between formats might cause some type of delay, but by the same token that being the case the disparity should probably already have become an important facet of Cryptics event planning phase. For instance juvenile fans who only watched Star Wars: A New Hope last year experienced the same 40th anniversary as fans who watched it during its original theatrical run.
4 costumes, 5 Phoenix packs, 10K Dil, 200 marks, 3 x T5 ship account-wide unlocks are very nice gifts for us players.
On certain occasions they offer a free desert to every meal. I don't eat deserts. Still I won't complain.
The waitress is smiling and serving me. She is doing that as something that doesn't cost her anything, it is her job, and she is doing it just so I come back and spend more and maybe give her a better tip. I smile back and say "thank you".
Yes, it is correct, too small a nicety may not warrant too big a deal, maybe not even a small deal, as a reaction. "We will give you 1 cent off your purchases today to celebrate our 25th anniversary!" And you may form your thoughts about said company from that. Still, you suffer no harm at all, you are not entitled to more. And complaining about others being grateful, because to them it means something, maybe even ridiculing them ... sorry, no.
I once knew a coworker who wouldn't ever say anything like "could you please" or "thank you" when delegating tasks, because it was our job and we got paid for it. Fortunately he didn't last very long.
This is a great post, well put.!
giving away the same ship 2 years in a row seems odd.
Went into a restaurant on my birthday to get a free meal. They said sorry you had one last year for your birthday you can have another this year since you already got one.
Nice post well put
And for the giveaway i look at it like this do I get 2 things out of the 7 or 8 i can be real happy with last year was the ship and free dry dock slots, that way awesome.
This year 5 phoenix packs so far is the only thing im real happy for, so hoping for 1 more.
Can't make everyone happy all the time, so I figure 2 good ones out of it makes it a great anniversary giveaway