I don't know about you, but I for one would like to fly a borg cube someday. I think it would be a great idea if players could operate them. Perhaps just liberated borg characters but regardless, I want borg. Also, even if we the players do not get to fly borg ships, why only have so few? Take a look at the mod "Star Trek Armada 3" for "Sins of a Solar Empire" and you will see about 20 different borg ships. Why do they not have more ships? Other games also had more ships btw, including a xbox exclusive.
If they ever do add in another faction (not a 'new tutorial') I suspect it'll be the spoon heads.
You are being very liberal in your definition of 'we' because I sure as heck don't want to see playable Borg Ships.
You want the Borg.. 'We' do not.
The trash heap has spoken.
Message me in-game (@tm706) for help
1st Alpha Quadrant Fleet
I have said before, I'll say again..
I thoroughly believe that playable Borg ships will be the very last thing they do for a last 'cash infusion' when they feel the game is about to shut down. I don't believe that will be anytime soon, and I sure hope it doesn't happen at all. But I'm with you, the day that people start flying around in Borg Cubes is probably the day I'll decide that I have had a good run with STO but it will be time to move on.
Disagree. I'm still waiting for a playable Voth Citadel.
As much as I agree that it would be weird to have playable Borg ships, would it be that weirder than having playable Vonph's and Nicors? Or ships from alternate timelines?
I guess not, but as Picard once said..
The line must be drawn.. here! No further!
Probes or spheres, maybe. But cubes are just too big to be practical player ships.
Just like we don't get playable Voth Citadels even though we have other Voth ships.
No, we don't.
Remember, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, so if you can't boast speaking for us all, you already lost against the OP.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Playable borg ships? no.
Cubes are just....no....
I have a LibBorg and he definitely does NOT want to fly anything remotely resembling a Borg ship.
- How do I fly these things!?
- Why can't I bank in these?
- Where the heck is my front and aft?
- I can't tell where I'm going!
- Stuck on map geometry, help!
- Stuck in ESD starship traffic, can't move!
- Warped into map geometry!
- I can't see what I'm shooting / My ship covers half my screen!
- Some dude in a Borg ship just shunted my fleet out of the way when he warped in!
That and a whole slew of others I'm sure.
What do I want? A Borg NPC revamp, they are way overdue. Borg ships need to be re-classified so that cubes in particular become tougher. How is a Keldon or Negh'var at the same rank as a cube? Move the cube up to dreadnought level (where the tac cube is right now) and re-classify the tac cube to the same level as the Crystalline Entity.
"Let them eat static!"