What kind of character do you intend to make? Just asking cuz after 9 toons I have a bit of a hard time to reinvent myself for a 10th time. Atm I feel like making an Andorian sci or tac but any form of inspiration would be most welcome.
Not sure yet, but I was actually leaning toward an Androian Science Officer. lol
It really doesn't matter much to be honest. I don't have time to play yet another character, I'm honestly planning to make a TOS Character, playing through the new story arc and then deleting the character.
I don't see how adding another Semi-Faction will be detrimental to the game.
To me it just means there will be more New Stuff to do.
If one chooses to limit oneself by only playing 'part' of the game, because one only wants to be a Klingon or Romulan Character, then don't blame the makers of the game, that choice is on you.
That's like buying a box of Neapolitan Ice Cream then only eating one flavor and throwing the rest away...
It's perfectly fine to do, but it seems like a waste of time, effort and money to me.
Overall, yes.. it's new content, and I'll likely make a TOS Faction character and play them through the new content. I have no issue with them adding content, I simply believe that different content would have been more beneficial to the game overall.
What kind of character do you intend to make? Just asking cuz after 9 toons I have a bit of a hard time to reinvent myself for a 10th time. Atm I feel like making an Andorian sci or tac but any form of inspiration would be most welcome.
Think of any time travelling character from literature and try to recreate him? Or use him as inspiration?
I lean towards an Andorian character, too, with a name alluding to Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood. I am deciding between Tactical and Science. I like Science, but I already got a lot of them. But I like all the Science Vessels I have acecss to, and I prefer flying them with Science Captains. But maybe it's time for a Tactical Science Vessel Captain for a change? But then I find Tactical boring on the ground.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
What kind of character do you intend to make? Just asking cuz after 9 toons I have a bit of a hard time to reinvent myself for a 10th time. Atm I feel like making an Andorian sci or tac but any form of inspiration would be most welcome.
Not sure yet, but I was actually leaning toward an Androian Science Officer. lol
It really doesn't matter much to be honest. I don't have time to play yet another character, I'm honestly planning to make a TOS Character, playing through the new story arc and then deleting the character.
I don't see how adding another Semi-Faction will be detrimental to the game.
To me it just means there will be more New Stuff to do.
If one chooses to limit oneself by only playing 'part' of the game, because one only wants to be a Klingon or Romulan Character, then don't blame the makers of the game, that choice is on you.
That's like buying a box of Neapolitan Ice Cream then only eating one flavor and throwing the rest away...
It's perfectly fine to do, but it seems like a waste of time, effort and money to me.
Overall, yes.. it's new content, and I'll likely make a TOS Faction character and play them through the new content. I have no issue with them adding content, I simply believe that different content would have been more beneficial to the game overall.
What kind of character do you intend to make? Just asking cuz after 9 toons I have a bit of a hard time to reinvent myself for a 10th time. Atm I feel like making an Andorian sci or tac but any form of inspiration would be most welcome.
Think of any time travelling character from literature and try to recreate him? Or use him as inspiration?
I lean towards an Andorian character, too, with a name alluding to Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood. I am deciding between Tactical and Science. I like Science, but I already got a lot of them. But I like all the Science Vessels I have acecss to, and I prefer flying them with Science Captains. But maybe it's time for a Tactical Science Vessel Captain for a change? But then I find Tactical boring on the ground.
New Andorian gang in town eh? C’mon, sounds cool peeps.
If I try to be honest on matter, and the more I think about it, I begin to like the new release simply for what it is. Atm I’m even close to be in a TOS fever and watching all the episodes again.
Cool part is, unlike Delta Rising, I don’t really feel forced game sided into anything. I rather see it as a vocation from the game within the game. Yes deleting the toon after the experience is also something I consider. However I would not want to rush it because if we get an recruitment on top of it the start of our AoY toons will be a rather easy one.
Game mechanic wise, yea, Tac BUT in a sci or sci like ship and with full spec into sci in skill tree could really be interesting for a change. There a some ships in the pack I intend to give to my current toons. For the moment I have eyed a bit the new temporal raider for the AoY char. We shall see.
Post edited by peterconnorfirst on
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I don't see how adding another Semi-Faction will be detrimental to the game.
To me it just means there will be more New Stuff to do.
If one chooses to limit oneself by only playing 'part' of the game, because one only wants to be a Klingon or Romulan Character, then don't blame the makers of the game, that choice is on you.
That's like buying a box of Neapolitan Ice Cream then only eating one flavor and throwing the rest away...
It's perfectly fine to do, but it seems like a waste of time, effort and money to me.
Overall, yes.. it's new content, and I'll likely make a TOS Faction character and play them through the new content. I have no issue with them adding content, I simply believe that different content would have been more beneficial to the game overall.
What kind of character do you intend to make? Just asking cuz after 9 toons I have a bit of a hard time to reinvent myself for a 10th time. Atm I feel like making an Andorian sci or tac but any form of inspiration would be most welcome.
I don't have that many yet myself, 2 tac escorts (1 beams 1 cannons), 1 eng cruiser, and 1 sci sci. I'm planning to do tac cruiser for TOS
We're going to go out there and explore the vastness of space in an attempt to introspectively learn more about our own humanity. We plan to do this boldly and are hopeful we can encounter strange new worlds and vast civilizations.
Life is not "black" or "white". Reality is not one "extreme" or the other. As far as this specific issue goes, the truth is somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, it is true that we should be reasonable enough as a community not to take every single word a dev says literally, or hold them to every single off the cuff comment they make. On the other hand, devs should not be given a complete pass either. Semantic debates aside, Mr. Geko definitely made it "sound" like the new faction would have equal content to the Romulan faction. If it turns out that that is not the case, he should be called out. Not lynched. Not insulted. But he should be reasonably called out for making misleading statements, even if they were not intentional. And he should be mature enough to learn from the situation and improve future comments, not react in a childish way with giving people the "silent treatment" or cutting off communication. Again, life is not about "extremes". Geko isn't some horrible liar, but he should also work on his communication. People shouldn't insult him, but they shouldn't give him a free pass either.
What kind of character do you intend to make? Just asking cuz after 9 toons I have a bit of a hard time to reinvent myself for a 10th time. Atm I feel like making an Andorian sci or tac but any form of inspiration would be most welcome.
Not sure yet, but I was actually leaning toward an Androian Science Officer. lol
It really doesn't matter much to be honest. I don't have time to play yet another character, I'm honestly planning to make a TOS Character, playing through the new story arc and then deleting the character.
I have seen the rewards for getting the Temporal character to it's various roles.
And no, not breaking any rules, as Cryptic themselves leaked them on Tribble. :P
Trust me, you will want to level at least one to max everything...
Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out.
This is a no-win scenario for the devs. If they say, "There will be content designed specifically for the TOS captains, then someone will say, "What? I can't play that with my existing captains?" and others who say, "S/He lied when s/he said it was specifically for TOS captains, yet others can play it!" Neither are the correct interpretation of the word 'specifically'.
> @brian334 said: > Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out. > > This is a no-win scenario for the devs. If they say, "There will be content designed specifically for the TOS captains, then someone will say, "What? I can't play that with my existing captains?" and others who say, "S/He lied when s/he said it was specifically for TOS captains, yet others can play it!" Neither are the correct interpretation of the word 'specifically'.
People only call something a "no win" or "lose/lose" scenario because it gives them an excuse to justify their preferred bad behavior. The truth of the matter is that you "win" by being CLEAR and HONEST. But making unclear BS/spin statements is definitely losing. Tell your customers the TRUTH. Even if they don't like it, they will take that better than finding out they were misled later.
"It is a new faction it's as much as…we were coy about calling it a new faction in the press release. There were just some marketing concerns about the connotations of it, but it's at least as much of, AT LEAST as much of a new faction as Romulans was a new faction. So I mean it is…it's just technically still Federation right? It's just Federation from 2270 instead of Federation from 2409, so it's a new faction, it's a new starting experience, it’s its own arc and its own content. Specifically for them."
So the good news is that the tos faction will have AT LEAST as much content as the Romulans and it is SPECIFICALLY for them, not others!
2016 and we're still trusting Gecko not to spin things? Really, guys?
Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out.
That's like the first commandment of internet gaming forums. Right?
Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out.
That's like the first commandment of internet gaming forums. Right?
Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out.
That's like the first commandment of internet gaming forums. Right?
Of course!
wait I though it was troll or be trolled.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out.
That's like the first commandment of internet gaming forums. Right?
Of course!
wait I though it was troll or be trolled.
It's really the same thing, just one is more limited in scope.
> @brian334 said:
> Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out.
> This is a no-win scenario for the devs. If they say, "There will be content designed specifically for the TOS captains, then someone will say, "What? I can't play that with my existing captains?" and others who say, "S/He lied when s/he said it was specifically for TOS captains, yet others can play it!" Neither are the correct interpretation of the word 'specifically'.
People only call something a "no win" or "lose/lose" scenario because it gives them an excuse to justify their preferred bad behavior. The truth of the matter is that you "win" by being CLEAR and HONEST. But making unclear BS/spin statements is definitely losing. Tell your customers the TRUTH. Even if they don't like it, they will take that better than finding out they were misled later.
That's just it: I think Gecko did tell the truth. The 'untruths' you hear are of your own manufacture by holding a person literally to every word uttered. I am certain you would feel misunderstood if I were to do the same to your words.
I am not justifying bad behavior. I am saying, give a fellow human being a break. English is not a language for specificity: it is a poetic language full of nuances. The exact same statements you call lies are truthful when you reduce them to their specific points. It is only your interpretation which turns the statements into something less than honest.
You must understand that the only way the development team can avoid saying something which cannot be misinterpreted is to say nothing at all, and when they do that they are criticized for doing it in secret.
Let's parse your own statement for an example:
People only call something a "no win" or "lose/lose" scenario because it gives them an excuse to justify their preferred bad behavior.
You are saying that those who accept the less than rigid definition you impose on Mr. Gecko's words exhibit bad behavior. Thus, if they do not agree with you, they have intentionally chosen to be 'bad people'. Is everyone who disagrees with you a bad person? You certainly seem to say so.
The truth of the matter is that you "win" by being CLEAR and HONEST.
And anyone who, speaking extemporaneously, fails to be perfectly CLEAR is by your definition disHONEST. And yet we see that in your first sentence you were less than clear as to your intent, and therefore by this definition you are a liar. According to my evaluation of your first sentence, this makes you a bad person.
But making unclear BS/spin statements is definitely losing. Tell your customers the TRUTH.
And yet you make unclear statements which twist the words spoken by another into meanings the other never intended his words to have. Are you therefore a loser who is spinning his own PoV to us?
Even if they don't like it, they will take that better than finding out they were misled later.
Will we like it better when the game comes out and we learn that your misleading literal interpretation of words spoken as part of a conversation, then ripped out and parsed as if they were intended to be policy statements of the development staff, turn out be be wholly or partially without merit?
By your own statement you are a bad person who lies, intentionally misleads, and for some reason feels he is entitled to belittle others for not adhering to standards to which he cannot himself measure up.
Now, I apologize if anything in the above post seemed harsh, unjustified, or insulting. My excuse is that this is exactly what you have been doing to Gecko, and if you don't like it, why do you continue to do it and continue to defend others who do? This is, in a nutshell, bad behavior which needs to stop. You are not entitled to intentionally, (or even sub-consciously,) insult people because they fail to measure up to a standard you cannot set in your own behavior.
> @brian334 said:That's just it: I think Gecko did tell the truth. The 'untruths' you hear are of your own manufacture by holding a person literally to every word uttered. I am certain you would feel misunderstood if I were to do the same to your words. > > I am not justifying bad behavior. I am saying, give a fellow human being a break. English is not a language for specificity: it is a poetic language full of nuances. The exact same statements you call lies are truthful when you reduce them to their specific points. It is only your interpretation which turns the statements into something less than honest.
I don't think the man lied, and I don't think people should be insulting him. But giving him a complete pass is EQUALLY wrongheaded. It's apparent that his statements have mislead many into thinking the new faction is more than it really is. He isn't a bad man, but he does need to accept responsibility for making unclear statements and correct misconceptions his unclear statements caused. To reiterate: no, he isn't a bad person. And no, he shouldn't be given a complete pass either. The truth is in the middle, not at either extreme end of the spectrum.
TRIBBLE the whole it's a whole new Fed Faction bit. I'm gonna treat it like just another Delta Recruit thing and create a character, play the missions and get the rewards, then later forget the incident ever freakin' happened. The devs can hype it up all they want. It's just another way they are trying to TRIBBLE with the metrics so they show more people are playing Fed side.
Delta recruit bit was just meh. I expect the Temporal recruit to be just as bland. Dunno why people expect Cryptic to do anything other than what they want. STO is their game and the players don't matter.
I don't know why the OP is so upset. We knew weeks in advance that the AoY captain was going to be integrated into the Fed faction upon jumping to the 25th century.
And they're still harping on that one sentence. Just like "...And the players love it!" hasn't disappeared entirely yet.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
"It is a new faction it's as much as…we were coy about calling it a new faction in the press release. There were just some marketing concerns about the connotations of it, but it's at least as much of, AT LEAST as much of a new faction as Romulans was a new faction. So I mean it is…it's just technically still Federation right? It's just Federation from 2270 instead of Federation from 2409, so it's a new faction, it's a new starting experience, it’s its own arc and its own content. Specifically for them."
i updated the start post with the full quote from mr gecko!
Thanks for taking my transcript from the other post on this topic and completely disregarding everything else I said about it so that you could further fuel this needless fire.
As I basically said over there:
The Developers are under absolutely no obligation to do these fan created podcasts. They could just rely on the blog posts to disseminate the information, but they like interacting with the fans and like sharing the work that they're doing with us.
These interviews are designed more as an informal way of getting information out there - as opposed to the blogs and forum posts, which are designed more for formal declarations of incoming content. I'm glad they don't have "scripted" talking points that they're required to stick to.
It would be horrible if they decided that these sorts of interviews, and interacting with the fans wasn't enjoyable anymore, and that they were more trouble than they were worth, because every little word is going to get picked apart to death.
TL;DR: Stop expecting information from these informal interviews. That's what the blog and forum posts are for.
If we're not to expect anything in the ways of useful information from, say, your podcast, tell me again why I should waste hours of my life listening to it? So I'm gonna call you on this...
And then I'm going to chaser it with this: As befitting an "informal" interview, I don't necessarily take the statements at "direct face value", but then again, I do expect a nugget of truth to them.
And, when I first read this commentary, I thought like many others. 3 "exclusive to TOSian" mission arcs - with one as the "tutorial", an arc or two worth of "faction agnostic" content centered around the TOS / Timetraveller theme, all the ancillaries we "take for granted" like DOffs, animations, themes, unique items, etc., and the promise for a full shipline with continued development of an "exclusive" shipline.
Well, not necessarily the ship line stuff, because the cross-breed between TOS and 25c Fed was well advertised, and nowhere in the "fraction" descriptions does it state that a TOSian can't use 25c Fed stuff - like the Roms were constantly advised that they'll be shunted into Rom-only ships once T5+ hit. As many have said, once you clear the tutorial, a TOSian is essentially a Feddie with a handful of different animations.
And, one could, especially with the stuff in Geko's quote I highlighted, expect such, as they knew going in that what they were lining up and "calling" a "faction" was, in many ways, not what a "true true faction" would entail - yet they went ahead with calling TOSians a "faction" instead of something new, like "alternate Federation Animation Collection"...
And to this day, I haven't seen any kind of official, or even semi-official (read: podcasted) explanation as to why this is, what the "definition" of a Faction is, etc. etc. Perhaps another podcast centered around these questions may be something to schedule - if the Powers-That-Be don't take proactive steps first and address these questions "officially" via blog post / forum post / whatnot.
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Not sure yet, but I was actually leaning toward an Androian Science Officer. lol
It really doesn't matter much to be honest. I don't have time to play yet another character, I'm honestly planning to make a TOS Character, playing through the new story arc and then deleting the character.
Think of any time travelling character from literature and try to recreate him? Or use him as inspiration?
I lean towards an Andorian character, too, with a name alluding to Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood. I am deciding between Tactical and Science. I like Science, but I already got a lot of them. But I like all the Science Vessels I have acecss to, and I prefer flying them with Science Captains. But maybe it's time for a Tactical Science Vessel Captain for a change? But then I find Tactical boring on the ground.
New Andorian gang in town eh? C’mon, sounds cool peeps.
If I try to be honest on matter, and the more I think about it, I begin to like the new release simply for what it is. Atm I’m even close to be in a TOS fever and watching all the episodes again.
Cool part is, unlike Delta Rising, I don’t really feel forced game sided into anything. I rather see it as a vocation from the game within the game. Yes deleting the toon after the experience is also something I consider. However I would not want to rush it because if we get an recruitment on top of it the start of our AoY toons will be a rather easy one.
Game mechanic wise, yea, Tac BUT in a sci or sci like ship and with full spec into sci in skill tree could really be interesting for a change. There a some ships in the pack I intend to give to my current toons. For the moment I have eyed a bit the new temporal raider for the AoY char. We shall see.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I don't have that many yet myself, 2 tac escorts (1 beams 1 cannons), 1 eng cruiser, and 1 sci sci. I'm planning to do tac cruiser for TOS
Humans, with a crew of mostly humans!
We're going to go out there and explore the vastness of space in an attempt to introspectively learn more about our own humanity. We plan to do this boldly and are hopeful we can encounter strange new worlds and vast civilizations.
this true
I have seen the rewards for getting the Temporal character to it's various roles.
And no, not breaking any rules, as Cryptic themselves leaked them on Tribble. :P
Trust me, you will want to level at least one to max everything...
This is a no-win scenario for the devs. If they say, "There will be content designed specifically for the TOS captains, then someone will say, "What? I can't play that with my existing captains?" and others who say, "S/He lied when s/he said it was specifically for TOS captains, yet others can play it!" Neither are the correct interpretation of the word 'specifically'.
> Let us parse every word uttered by a developer, interpreting every word literally, and base conjecture upon our interpretation, which we can then use as a basis to feel snubbed by the developers when the actual content comes out.
> This is a no-win scenario for the devs. If they say, "There will be content designed specifically for the TOS captains, then someone will say, "What? I can't play that with my existing captains?" and others who say, "S/He lied when s/he said it was specifically for TOS captains, yet others can play it!" Neither are the correct interpretation of the word 'specifically'.
People only call something a "no win" or "lose/lose" scenario because it gives them an excuse to justify their preferred bad behavior. The truth of the matter is that you "win" by being CLEAR and HONEST. But making unclear BS/spin statements is definitely losing. Tell your customers the TRUTH. Even if they don't like it, they will take that better than finding out they were misled later.
2016 and we're still trusting Gecko not to spin things? Really, guys?
That's like the first commandment of internet gaming forums. Right?
Of course!
wait I though it was troll or be trolled.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
My character Tsin'xing
"Troll or Be Trolled" is the Golden Rule of IGFs.
Don't ask me what the 2nd Commandment is...
That's just it: I think Gecko did tell the truth. The 'untruths' you hear are of your own manufacture by holding a person literally to every word uttered. I am certain you would feel misunderstood if I were to do the same to your words.
I am not justifying bad behavior. I am saying, give a fellow human being a break. English is not a language for specificity: it is a poetic language full of nuances. The exact same statements you call lies are truthful when you reduce them to their specific points. It is only your interpretation which turns the statements into something less than honest.
You must understand that the only way the development team can avoid saying something which cannot be misinterpreted is to say nothing at all, and when they do that they are criticized for doing it in secret.
Let's parse your own statement for an example:
You are saying that those who accept the less than rigid definition you impose on Mr. Gecko's words exhibit bad behavior. Thus, if they do not agree with you, they have intentionally chosen to be 'bad people'. Is everyone who disagrees with you a bad person? You certainly seem to say so.
And anyone who, speaking extemporaneously, fails to be perfectly CLEAR is by your definition disHONEST. And yet we see that in your first sentence you were less than clear as to your intent, and therefore by this definition you are a liar. According to my evaluation of your first sentence, this makes you a bad person.
And yet you make unclear statements which twist the words spoken by another into meanings the other never intended his words to have. Are you therefore a loser who is spinning his own PoV to us?
Will we like it better when the game comes out and we learn that your misleading literal interpretation of words spoken as part of a conversation, then ripped out and parsed as if they were intended to be policy statements of the development staff, turn out be be wholly or partially without merit?
By your own statement you are a bad person who lies, intentionally misleads, and for some reason feels he is entitled to belittle others for not adhering to standards to which he cannot himself measure up.
Now, I apologize if anything in the above post seemed harsh, unjustified, or insulting. My excuse is that this is exactly what you have been doing to Gecko, and if you don't like it, why do you continue to do it and continue to defend others who do? This is, in a nutshell, bad behavior which needs to stop. You are not entitled to intentionally, (or even sub-consciously,) insult people because they fail to measure up to a standard you cannot set in your own behavior.
> I am not justifying bad behavior. I am saying, give a fellow human being a break. English is not a language for specificity: it is a poetic language full of nuances. The exact same statements you call lies are truthful when you reduce them to their specific points. It is only your interpretation which turns the statements into something less than honest.
I don't think the man lied, and I don't think people should be insulting him. But giving him a complete pass is EQUALLY wrongheaded. It's apparent that his statements have mislead many into thinking the new faction is more than it really is. He isn't a bad man, but he does need to accept responsibility for making unclear statements and correct misconceptions his unclear statements caused. To reiterate: no, he isn't a bad person. And no, he shouldn't be given a complete pass either. The truth is in the middle, not at either extreme end of the spectrum.
And that will happen shortly after both the Romulans AND Klingons get 10 new faction exclusive episodes, t6 carriers, and t6 science ships
..and a partridge in a pear tree!
Delta recruit bit was just meh. I expect the Temporal recruit to be just as bland. Dunno why people expect Cryptic to do anything other than what they want. STO is their game and the players don't matter.
And they're still harping on that one sentence. Just like "...And the players love it!" hasn't disappeared entirely yet.
Emphasis Mine.
If we're not to expect anything in the ways of useful information from, say, your podcast, tell me again why I should waste hours of my life listening to it? So I'm gonna call you on this...
And then I'm going to chaser it with this: As befitting an "informal" interview, I don't necessarily take the statements at "direct face value", but then again, I do expect a nugget of truth to them.
And, when I first read this commentary, I thought like many others. 3 "exclusive to TOSian" mission arcs - with one as the "tutorial", an arc or two worth of "faction agnostic" content centered around the TOS / Timetraveller theme, all the ancillaries we "take for granted" like DOffs, animations, themes, unique items, etc., and the promise for a full shipline with continued development of an "exclusive" shipline.
Well, not necessarily the ship line stuff, because the cross-breed between TOS and 25c Fed was well advertised, and nowhere in the "fraction" descriptions does it state that a TOSian can't use 25c Fed stuff - like the Roms were constantly advised that they'll be shunted into Rom-only ships once T5+ hit. As many have said, once you clear the tutorial, a TOSian is essentially a Feddie with a handful of different animations.
And, one could, especially with the stuff in Geko's quote I highlighted, expect such, as they knew going in that what they were lining up and "calling" a "faction" was, in many ways, not what a "true true faction" would entail - yet they went ahead with calling TOSians a "faction" instead of something new, like "alternate Federation Animation Collection"...
And to this day, I haven't seen any kind of official, or even semi-official (read: podcasted) explanation as to why this is, what the "definition" of a Faction is, etc. etc. Perhaps another podcast centered around these questions may be something to schedule - if the Powers-That-Be don't take proactive steps first and address these questions "officially" via blog post / forum post / whatnot.
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]