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Add Spanish for language option



  • danielarjona78danielarjona78 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Are you sure?, all of this is only for money? Other games are in spanish, why this game no?
  • kiudozkiudoz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    daveyny, my friend, we dont need a forum. We dont want a forum. We only asking for game translation. In the past i´d translate some game by myself, (like allods online) and takes me only two days.
    Te spanish language is international, not metter about the dialects or/and variations. I never seen a videogame translated to "Peruvian, Venezuelan or Argentine". Thats not the point.
    As i said before i know some people that actualy spend money in other games and dont play this one becouse of language.
    It is not profitable to translate a game to a language spoken by more than 500 millions of people in 21 countries? Let me doubt it.
  • guljarolguljarol Member Posts: 980 Arc User
    kiudoz wrote: »
    Wel, i think Polish translation is an example of a profitable venture.


    No, it isn't. And the translation on the website is horrible and full of mistakes.

    If they decide to add a Spanish version, I pray to Iconians it'd be done by good professionals specialising in game translation. Otherwise you may want to switch back to the English version...​​
  • kiudozkiudoz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    guljarol wrote: »
    kiudoz wrote: »
    Wel, i think Polish translation is an example of a profitable venture.


    No, it isn't. And the translation on the website is horrible and full of mistakes.​​

    that happens when you use a machine translator to save money. No need to be profesinal translator to translate something correctly. You only need to know the language. But anyway, there are dozens of games horribly translated into Spanish and people has spent years playing them.
  • wanipawanipa Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    There are too many videogames in spanish, why not this one? I also have friends who don't play this game because the language.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    PWE/Cryptic is not going to let just anyone translate their game. (which means they would have to spend the money to do it)
    Especially since sometimes translating English to another Language, can result in unintended consequences that could end up insulting the players of that language.

    There are also different rules from country to country that could complicate getting the game allowed INTO the country to begin with. (such as why STO is not playable in China, even though a Chinese Company owns it)

    There are many reasons why STO has not been translated into Spanish at this time, but as I said before it doesn't mean that it couldn't happen sometime in the future.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • wanipawanipa Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    daveyny wrote: »
    There are also different rules from country to country that could complicate getting the game allowed INTO the country to begin with. (such as why STO is not playable in China, even though a Chinese Company owns it)

    What? Obviously the game is allowed in our countries, we are playing it already. Why would we ask for a translation if we cannot play the game??
  • kiudozkiudoz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    daveyny wrote: »
    PWE/Cryptic is not going to let just anyone translate their game. (which means they would have to spend the money to do it)
    Especially since sometimes translating English to another Language, can result in unintended consequences that could end up insulting the players of that language.

    This is the thirth time that we ask for a translation and we get ignored. 500 millions of people speak spanish and Cryptic dont care about us. "This" is an insult. A bad translation is an insult only for the person that cannot translate correctly.

  • dangelx1dangelx1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    • 5 For web pages
    • 3 For internet users

    If it's benefits... Why it has not been translated into Chinese?
    And for those who do not understand how the Spanish may be the 3rd language spoken by users (after the English and Chinese) and may be the 5th in web design ...
    It's simple, why create a website when there is already an existing? and more when I can use the google traslator?
    I'm not stupid and my time is money. In any language.


    ¿¿De Verdad??
    • 5 Para paginas web
    • 3 Para usuarios de internet

    Si se trata de beneficios... ¿Por qué no se ha traducido al chino?
    Y para aquellos que no entienden cómo el español puede ser la tercera lengua hablada por los usuarios (después del Inglés y chino) y puede ser el quinto en el diseño web ...
    Es muy sencillo, ¿por qué crear una página web cuando ya hay una ya existente? y más cuando puedo usar el traslator Google?
    No soy estúpido y mi tiempo es dinero. En cualquier idioma

    Post edited by dangelx1 on
  • jpelikanjpelikan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I had not less than 3 friends that would love to play, but dont speak english ... 1 of the 3 is a 100% zen buyer for shure lol ... but I think is not about profit here ... the cost / benefit is out of question ... 530 millon people, 3rd in Internet Users ... I hope they translate but Cryptic is extrange on that subject ... I will love to see what a dev think about this post ...
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    Has anyone asked the German STO players what they had to do to get their translation/German language version, yet?

    And what it entails (support wise) to keep the game going in their language? I mean, other than the obvious: hire language translator...there has to be more to it than that. I would be asking: who's bank rolling it? Do they have some sort of fee or do they have to buy the German translation version to use?
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • dangelx1dangelx1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Bueno, veo que Cryptic sigue manteniendo el nivel de falta de respeto por los jugadores. O debería decir por los jugadores de habla española ...? No dan ninguna respuesta. Sólo están esperando para que perdamos el interés y dejemos este hilo en el olvido.
    No me gusta pensar mal de nadie, pero me están haciendo pensar mal desde hace tiempo. Me pregunto si se olvidan también en el caso de que todos los jugadores de habla española dejan de pagar y dejan de comprar Zen.
    Y no quiero perder el respeto a nadie, pero no están demostrando ningun respeto por nosotros. Esta compañía está dejando a la vista de todo el mundo que está llena de perjuicios y tiene una total falta de visión de negocio.
    ¿No tienen departamento de marketing?
    Lo siento si mis opiniones ofenden, pero están basadas en hechos...

    Well, I see that Cryptic continues to maintain the standard of disrespect for the players. Or should I say by Spanish-speaking players ...? They give no answer. They're just waiting for us to lose interest and leave this thread pass into oblivion.
    I don't like to think ill of anyone, but they're making me think ill for some time. I wonder if they forget also in the event that all Spanish speaking players stop paying and stop buying Zen.
    And I don't want to lose respect for anyone, but they aren't showing any respect for us. This company is showing the view of everyone that's full of prejudices and a total lack of business vision.
    Do they haven't marketing department?
    Sorry if my opinions offend, but are based on facts...
  • genatlukpicardgenatlukpicard Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    When Cryptic did Star Trek Online, he knew that many love the Star Trek saga, and certainly create a game with this theme is not only a pleasure, but a good deal given the number of followers of this saga.
    Extending this reasoning, and beyond ancient calculations of cost-benefit, the Star Trek Spanish-speaking community has increased, the game is appealing to more people of this language, but many are reluctant to play or leave the present barrier from language.
    We have witnessed that Cryptic available did of STO translation into languages ​​with fewer speakers in the world.
    The proposition does not pass through force his company to invest in translation, if not the Spanish-speaking community is performing the work. If you think about it, it's business as it effortlessly open the game to new players, the ability to sell more, and on the other Spanish speakers will have the opportunity to enjoy the game in our language, just as you do today .
    I hope your consideration is this idea and we all like to at least a timid response that they will think.
    From already thank you very much for your time.


    Cuando Cryptic creo Star Trek Online, lo hiso sabiendo que a muchos les encanta la saga StarTrek, y sin duda crear un juego con esa temática no solo es un placer, sino un buen negocio dado el número de seguidores de dicha saga.
    Extendiendo este razonamiento, y más allá de antiguos cálculos de costo-beneficios, la comunidad Star Trek de habla española se ha incrementado, el juego resulta atractivo a más personas de esta lengua, pero muchos se resisten a jugar o lo dejan al presentarse la barrera del idioma.
    Hemos sido testigos de que Cryptic hiso disponible la traducción de STO a idiomas con menos hablantes en el mundo.
    La proposición no pasa por obligar a su empresa a invertir en la traducción, si no que la comunidad hispano-hablante sea la que realice el trabajo. Si lo piensan, es negocio, ya que sin mayor esfuerzo abren el juego a nuevos jugadores, la posibilidad de vender más, y por otro lado los de habla hispana tendremos la posibilidad de disfrutar el juego en nuestro idioma, así como ustedes lo hacen hoy.
    Espero sea de su consideración esta idea y nos gustaría a todos al menos una tímida respuesta de que lo van a pensar.
    Desde ya muchas gracias por su tiempo.
    "No me basta con cumplir las órdenes, necesito saber que estoy haciendo lo correcto."
    "Not enough for me to follow orders, I need to know I'm doing the right thing."
  • genatlukpicardgenatlukpicard Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Suppressed for my.
    Post edited by genatlukpicard on
    "No me basta con cumplir las órdenes, necesito saber que estoy haciendo lo correcto."
    "Not enough for me to follow orders, I need to know I'm doing the right thing."
  • genatlukpicardgenatlukpicard Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Think in it:
    ENG: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_total_number_of_speakers
    SPN: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Idiomas_por_el_total_de_hablantes

    It not be a good busines?
    Sell more zen?
    Sell more lifetime accounts?
    I and many would buy one if the were game in Spanish

    “Change is the essential process of all existence.” – Spock

    "No me basta con cumplir las órdenes, necesito saber que estoy haciendo lo correcto."
    "Not enough for me to follow orders, I need to know I'm doing the right thing."
  • danielarjona78danielarjona78 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    How many signs and complaints of people need to respond to our request?
    Cuantas pruebas y quejas de la gente necesitáis para responder a nuestra petición?
  • genatlukpicardgenatlukpicard Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    "No me basta con cumplir las órdenes, necesito saber que estoy haciendo lo correcto."
    "Not enough for me to follow orders, I need to know I'm doing the right thing."
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    A simple "yes", "no" or "maybe" or just "is not even consider" from cryptic will be good. I lost faith on this company so long ago that I dont expect anything from them.

    Division Hispana
  • nenfisnenfis Member Posts: 97 Arc User
  • ladyxantippeladyxantippe Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2016

    Hola, soy Anna, de la flota Flota Estelar.

    Como no, apoyo la iniciativa.

    Todos entendemos que el Inglés, es el idioma que vamos a usar siempre de forma internacional.

    Aún así, y siendo una entusiasta del mundo de Star Trek, lancemos esos puentes de unión que caracterizan este universo fantástico.

    No voy a meterme en temas de racismo lingüístico ni nada parecido, pero sí que veo importante la falta del segundo idioma más hablado en el mundo, y por lo tanto, la falta de cohesión entre toda la comunidad, no solo de hispanohablantes, sino de todos los jugadores en general.

    Contar con mi apoyo, de una chica que intenta esforzarse en hablar el ingles, que espera un esfuerzo por parte de Criptyc y Arcgames.

    Un saludo :)


    Hi, I'm Anna, of the fleet Flota Estelar.

    Of course, I support the initiative.

    We all understand that English is the language that we will always use internationally.

    Even so, being an enthusiastic world of Star Trek, we launch these connecting bridges that characterize this fantastic universe.

    I will not get into issues of linguistic racism or anything, but I see significant lack the second most spoken language in the world, and therefore, the lack of cohesion among the entire community, not just Spanish speakers, but all players in general.

    Count on my support, of a girl who tries to make an effort to speak English, he expects an effort by Criptyc and Arcgames.

    A greeting :)
  • jankirschbergjankirschberg Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hop came soon
  • hobbittmmhobbittmm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Parto de la idea de que publicar algo en un país, sea cual sea, si no esta traducido al idioma del país, es una falta de respeto y una forma de robar la identidad del propio país.
    Espero que se consiga, ya que si fuese traducido al idioma español, sumarian muchísimos jugadores.
  • genatlukpicardgenatlukpicard Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Gracias a todos los que siguen mostrando su apoyo a la iniciativa.
    No podemos ponernos exigentes si no más bien persistentes. El producto es de la empresa y la misma hace lo que quiere con él, por lo que hablarle como dándole ordenes a Cryptic no solo sería poco adecuado sino inapropiado y podríamos llegar a generar el efecto contrario en nuestros destinatarios.
    Usemos una estrategia de persistencia y respeto, demostrando así que somos superiores en nuestro actuar.
    Propongo que cada uno como mínimo publiquemos una simple oración por día: "STO in Spanish", todos los días hasta que nos contesten. De esa forma al menos perderán la paciencia y de paso llamaremos la atención.
    "No me basta con cumplir las órdenes, necesito saber que estoy haciendo lo correcto."
    "Not enough for me to follow orders, I need to know I'm doing the right thing."
  • genatlukpicardgenatlukpicard Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    STO in Spanish
    "No me basta con cumplir las órdenes, necesito saber que estoy haciendo lo correcto."
    "Not enough for me to follow orders, I need to know I'm doing the right thing."
  • suniko123suniko123 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I support this option, como jugador estable me gustaria demaciado llevo ya 4 años jugando.
  • genatlukpicardgenatlukpicard Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    STO in Spanish please!
    "No me basta con cumplir las órdenes, necesito saber que estoy haciendo lo correcto."
    "Not enough for me to follow orders, I need to know I'm doing the right thing."
  • saerbosavsaerbosav Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    nenfis wrote: »

    Como miembro de la Flota Estelar, también me uno a la proposición. STO en Castellano ya!
    As a Flota Estelar member, I signed this request. STO in Spanish!!
  • ladyxantippeladyxantippe Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    STO in Spanish please!
  • tarsudotarsudo Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    wanipa wrote: »
    I volunteer, we want STO in spanish!!

    +1 i join too!!
  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,862 Arc User
    Estoy de acuerdo. Y no soy hispano.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
This discussion has been closed.