Was politely informed that posting bugs to this forum is a waste of time. The support team doesn't read this forum and anything posted in it is for not.
I hope this is untrue but given the source, I suspect it is true. Too bad. A game developer who won't read its own bug forums says a lot about them. And its not good.
EDIT - Thank you Devs. It appears that Devs do read the forums and address issues. I stand corrected. Also discovered that many Trolls also read it too. Dev's thank you for taking the issues seriously and trying to make the game better.
My advice is send as many in game tickets until it is fixed, just describe the bug in as much detail as possible. And hope.
Edit: post clarified.
Did my name stop saying "Cryptic Developer" next to it?
hehehehe... I like you soo much sparty!!!
You reminded me of:
Player: Oh noes found a bug, better post it!
Dev: Oh my a bug report! Time to press the "Fix it" button I guess!
Dev presses "Fix it" button
Dev: Now we wait for Thursday.
I was thinking the same
OP: Devs don't read bug reports.
Dev: We do.
OP: Devs don't read bug reports, everyone!"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
This just creates a back log and means people have to trawl through multiple tickets, which reduces the time they could be looking into other issue's
This is simply not the case, I've seen submitted reports that maybe one or two people have complained about, yet they have been fixed. There is no magic fix it button. what may seem like a simple fix may have far more serious consequences when that fix interacts with another portion of the game.
Several months ago, Trendy in conjunction with certain dev's founded the Operational Support Team and set about recruiting volunteers from the player base that also frequent the forums. The idea being that these "Bug Hunters" track down these bugs, errors, exploits and other oddities that appear in the game. They then set about trying to replicate said issue's. If they are indeed able to do so, they create a details report and submit it via a private forum (and it's private for a very good reason) and which point a Dev will come along read the report, confirm it if possible and then submit it to be fixed. Now I can't speak for the other bug hunters out there, but if anyone reading this has an issue that they'd like looking at please free to contact me either via these forums or in game @sqwishedgrape, and I'll try my hardest to help.
Are you sure about that?
It can take, oh, maybe 3 weeks - sometimes more, sometimes less - from when they're notified of the issue till they find the cause, correct, test, and implement the new version.
So, the
is just a big case of "failed perception". As we can see by our friendly poster with a yellow name, they in fact do read the forums...
Oh, on a side note that I'm a little shocked hasn't been said yet, would you rather the Devs be reading the forums then rushing off to the code to start looking for the problem, or would you rather them spend most of their day posting "yes, we see this, I'll get to it after replying to all your bug posts..."
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I would also specifically state that this thread of yours is a fantastic example of how to post exploits and game-breaking bugs in the public forums. Specifically, you posted proof that something was happening with little to no details on how to do it, asked for how to privately report it, and then did so with very clear, in-depth reproduction steps.
This is one reason many bugs in here don't get developer responses. The knowledge that many threads in here that get looked at do not get developer responses is why I'm specifically being active in this one, to attempt to be clearer that frequent developer presence here occurs.
What he said.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
So who's watching the Watchers...?
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
First off - posting in the forums is one thing. Filing out a ticket on ARC is another. Sending an issue to the right channel helps.
The order in which a bug is handled is not that hard to figure out. When they (the developers) get enough practical information to actually see and replicate a problem, they can tackle it. Depending on how it impacts the game will determine the order in which they are done.
I also believe that the adage - 'the squeeky wheel gets the grease' - may also play a role.
Awww shucks.
A pinned post with instructions on what is useful to troubleshoot problem reports could help here. But that line of what to make public is fuzzier. For mine, I was pretty clearly accidentally running into unintended gameplay with questionable if any benefits.
Could be the pinned post could use something like "if it crosses this line, make a thread, post no reproduction details, ask for a dev to PM and wait." But that's language geared more for preventing exploitable method spreading and less for common bugs players run into that don't provide a benefit.
Edit: (It really did make for a fabulous sig though.)
Edit2: I meant to mention that this thread has broken links that I believe were attempting to lead to this subforum, but default back to the forums top level.
There is a difference (a)
Readying my post and making funny pun comment doesn't mean you read all posts. But thank you for reading the ones you do. Now can you tell us if any of the bugs reported in this forum actually get worked on? And if so, which ones? Does posting about issues in this forum have value or is it just a waste of time? If I recall, I had to point out the issue in a ticket a few days ago and BEG that someone read the tech forums. I am so glad someone has. But will you keep reading them?
When people troll posts and threads nothing gets fixed.
If I may answer this one Spartan,
http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1214732/expose-missing : Confirmed and submitted
http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1215104/polarize-hull-and-apo : Confirmed and Submitted.
http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1215006/duplicate-items-at-kernim-research-lab-consoles-npc : Confirmed and submitted.
http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1214736/r-d-bugged-after-todays-patch : Confirmed, Submitted and subsequently fixed.
These have been taken from the first two pages of the bug report forum. But there is no instant "Fix it" button. It can take any where from a few minutes to alter a value in a database or several days altering code. There are a bunch of other bug hunters that are trying to get these issue's sorted out. Because we understand how frustrating these bugs can be. But what doesn't help is when someone comes along as simply says "X is broken please fix" but they provide us with little in the way of details to help us recreate and confirm the issue.