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Can't get in game after patch

I was waiting till the patch was done to get on and play but now every time I try to get this weird I've never had before I took a picture of it from my Tablet I use to do to other things while I play STO on my laptop ah I wish knew where upload the picture


  • voiddweller#2714 voiddweller Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Login server in coma. Probably because too many people rush to try new stuff.
    Post edited by voiddweller#2714 on
  • captain2400captain2400 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Most likely. hope they can get it fixed.
  • voiddweller#2714 voiddweller Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Actually after i tried launching in safe mode, it worked. It starts freezing when i switch to maximized window, even with lowest graphic settings. For some weird reason it doesn't like my desktop resolution... Neither maximized window of fullscreen works.
  • captain2400captain2400 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Hmm I'll have to try myself see if it works
  • voiddweller#2714 voiddweller Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    Please tell if it does, because for me every other graphic setting works fine, except resolution change. Login is fine too.
  • nostalgiamannostalgiaman Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Same thing here. Getting Login2_timeouts. Can get to the character select, but getting past it is a craps shoot. Safe Mode did work for getting in game, but the game itself was unstable then. It worked alright when I got in without safe mode.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    I get the same timeout as Nostalgiaman. I can't even get to the character screen.

    I hope it works better in the morning. I would love to get the new gift.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • mystreven#1690 mystreven Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    My launcher always crashes when it's at 96%... Is it due to this?
  • buster8855buster8855 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    after the patch now it crashes at the cryptic screen every time
  • voiddweller#2714 voiddweller Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    I managed to make it work by disabling framerate stabilizers and increasing ram limit to 1gb from 128mb
  • roguewraith95roguewraith95 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I can't even get it to load in safe mode after the patch. I get a long time hanging on the loading screen, then usually a black screen with the version listed across the top with the background music playing normally. Occasionally it'll make it to the character select screen, but I can't actually do anything there, no buttons will work, no visuals playing where the away team is displayed, only a static image of them, it's just stuck with the background music playing as normal. I ran into the exact same thing with Neverwinter after their last big update and just stopped playing, since I barely played anyway, but I play Star Trek Online all the time.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    I'm getting the same stuff. The game freezes at the loading screen. IF it don't jam up the computer, it does make it to the character selection. But after that it just freezes again.

    So either its an issue on their end, or they done something to the graphics, or my computer can't handle it anymore.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • bassmas314bassmas314 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    buster8855 wrote: »
    after the patch now it crashes at the cryptic screen every time

    I've been having a similar issue since the 4/12 update; I get to the Cryptic loading screen, the progress bar at the bottom gets about halfway, and the game crashes to desktop. I even tried rebooting my computer and disabling on-demand patching in the launcher but the problem still persists. I hope that the 4/13 update corrects this problem.
  • nostalgiamannostalgiaman Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Further information. I can operate in safe mode. I can log in to characters fine then. Windowed mode plays fine. Full screen freezes while attempting to restore screen resolution. Attempting to return to character select in Windowed mode locks up/ slows to absurd crawl. But restarting in safe mode gets back to functioning.
  • voiddweller#2714 voiddweller Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    Further information. I can operate in safe mode. I can log in to characters fine then. Windowed mode plays fine. Full screen freezes while attempting to restore screen resolution. Attempting to return to character select in Windowed mode locks up/ slows to absurd crawl. But restarting in safe mode gets back to functioning.
    Disable framerate enhancers/limiters and set memory limit to auto. that fixed this problem for me.
  • neromoura#1969 neromoura Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Same thing happening to me. I'm going to try fiddling with the settings as per the advice some of you posted and see what happens.
  • nostalgiamannostalgiaman Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Further information. I can operate in safe mode. I can log in to characters fine then. Windowed mode plays fine. Full screen freezes while attempting to restore screen resolution. Attempting to return to character select in Windowed mode locks up/ slows to absurd crawl. But restarting in safe mode gets back to functioning.
    Disable framerate enhancers/limiters and set memory limit to auto. that fixed this problem for me.
    I attempted such, to no avail. (Presuming I toggled the correct options under the Advanced options.) The truly bizarre thing, is opening options and entering the graphics or advanced tab, solved the problem. As long as the tab was open. Toggling over to display typically dropped the functional frame-rate back to 1/30 or so. So as long as I hit options before the Character Select freezes up, I can navigate between characters and enter the game just fine. Once in, everything operates fine. But back out in Character Select, its a slide show. Open Options, things work. Close Options, bogs back down like The Dig que in January. Open, Fine. Closed, Fragged.

    So, for me anywho, the only problem exists on the Character Select screen, when as the character 'beams in' it looks like the frame-rate slows, then all but stops. Yet, doesn't actually freeze. But something about the Graphics Options window itself negates the problem. Hopefully that detail can help locate the root trouble.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • captain2400captain2400 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Tried to get on again and its still doing the same Program error it says "Program Error A required vertex shader failed to compile or load. This failure may be due to unsupported hardware on your system, in which case this failure may persist every time you attempt to start the client" Which this is bull cause I played the day before yesterday I don't know anymore maybe my laptop is starting to go its 10 years old haven't had the time or money to get a new one so many things and problems haven't had the chance been using it to play some PC games and STO hope they get chance to fix it or maybe its my problem now and that I won't be able to play anymore :(
  • neromoura#1969 neromoura Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    I hope things work out OK for you captain2400. Hopefully it's something that will get sorted out soon.

    And I still can't get into the game. Login out every time.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    Well after fighting it for a good 20 mins. Trying to adjust my graphics. I see it didn't help at all. As it does a stop and go pace. I get to the loading screen fine. Then when it gets the New Dawn with the sun part is when it dies. I finally saw my characters after 10 mins of loading.

    Either they broke something this go around. And hope there is a fix soon. Or I'm out of the game until I can buy a new computer. As mine may be too old now to handle the game. IF its the computer, well looks like it will be a while before I can play.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • captain2400captain2400 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    I'm gonna try one more time if it happens again guess I'm gonna to put my laptop away still not sure if its a bug or something or maybe it is my laptop
  • captain2400captain2400 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    It did it again I'll try tomorrow again
  • neromoura#1969 neromoura Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Yeah, new patch again tomorrow. I wonder if there'll ever be an end to those and if that one will be able to solve these issues. That was what? Three days in a row? Well, good luck for all
  • bassmas314bassmas314 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    My game's still suffering CTD at the Cryptic loading screen even after the 4/13 patch. Hopefully the 4/14 patch will finally fix this.
  • roguewraith95roguewraith95 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Ok, after 40 minutes I managed to change memory limit to auto, it took me that long just to get to the options screen, over to the Advanced tab, and select it, after a Login2_Timeout dropped me to a screen where I could at least see the options button. The framerate is just beyond terrible. I did notice that with the options open, if I were alt-tabbed into something else, the game would resume normal framerate in the background, but as soon as I switched back to it, it was right back to basically unusably slow. Still can't get in via safe mode, it behaves the same, and changing memory limit to auto didn't help, framerate stabilizers/enhancers were already disabled.
  • breathm7breathm7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    For 3 days now trying to log in and experiencing the same thing you did guys. It dies at New dawn, after couple minutes it's changing to a black screen and once I got to the options tab as well (yeeha). Thought it's only my problem couse of my old pc but see problem goes around. Wish you guys good luck and hope cryptic will solve this very soon. I need my fleet :)
  • neromoura#1969 neromoura Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Nature gave me a call at about 4:30am today. Tried it before going back to sleep and I was able to log in normaly. Game ran regularly with no issues other than the annoying Nak'hul alert. Guess it was really a server overcrowd issue or something like that.
  • newplayercoopernewplayercooper Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    well i still not able to get on keep crashing on me i try at 9:30 am uk to see if i can get back on if not i try unstalling and put back on and if still not working then i have to leave game for good the patch on tuesday has cause this i was fine in the day time in uk but after pacth notinhg all my setting are low/safe
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    The new patch fixed nothing. It still stalls out and does a stop and go to the character screen. I hear the music playing, the screen is froze, then finally it moved for like 1 sec and freeze again. Same thing that got me since 11.5 patch.

    I thought of uninstall/reinstall the game to see if that fixes it. However I'm thinking it won't fix it either. Until then I can't play until its fixed.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • captain2400captain2400 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Tried to get on again after the patch it was starting to work till that darn problem error thing popped up again Ugh not happy I want to play dang it
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