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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,643 Arc User
    jaywest21 wrote: »
    Well, this sucks. Since the C-Store has been disabled on the STO Mac client, it looks like we're going to miss out on the current promo giveaways unless we use Wineskin or have access to a Windows computer somewhere.

    It's been 2 months. If you intend to keep playing you need to do that anyway.
  • jaywest21jaywest21 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Well, it'll be a while until I can afford to buy a new computer, so until then, my old iMac is all I have.
  • jaywest21jaywest21 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    That's a fair question. I'd like to get the promo items because I do intend to get a Windows computer at some point so I won't be cut off from the game entirely. It'll just be a while because I'm not balling on that level just yet, to where I can afford to go ahead and buy a new computer. Right now the only way I'll be able to get a new computer is if I build one myself, piece by piece.

    In the meantime I'm going to see if I can get STO running with Play On Mac (and special thanks to misterferengi#8959 for all his help with that thus far).
  • fluffymooffluffymoof Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    jaywest21 wrote: »
    Well, it'll be a while until I can afford to buy a new computer, so until then, my old iMac is all I have.

    Use PlayOnMac or Crossover.
    One of the many Tellarite Goddesses of Beauty!

    If there are posts here that do not appeal to you, or opinions you disagree with, the best way to deal with that is to resist the urge to add comments. Instead, engage with the content you like! Don't feed the trolls!
  • jaywest21jaywest21 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Fluffymoof: I've got PlayOnMac working now. I have a Steam account so I downloaded STO onto it via Steam, and Steam's been crashing quite a bit but at least I was able to go into the C-Store and get the promo items. So it served its purpose. It'll tide me over til I can get a new computer.
  • suburbanz71suburbanz71 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Ok then, that's fine, I'll use my iMac to play other games, I hope STO dies.
    U.S.S. HONDA ODYSSEY NCC-170001-F-Odyssey Class
    Commanding Officer: Vice Admiral Maximus@blueamdgamer
    Dedication Plaque: "By Any Means Necessary" -Malcolm X
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,303 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Ok then, that's fine, I'll use my iMac to play other games, I hope STO dies.

    That's not very nice now is it?

    Alot of people here have taken the time and effort to illustrate how it's still possible to play the game on the Mac.

    As for playing other games on your iMac... I think your selection will be somewhat limited. Apple have never particularly marketed Macs as game playing machines (rather its marketing is pointed more towards video/music editing and certain niche business products). Which is why many developers don't bother making games for it.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    equinox976 wrote: »
    Ok then, that's fine, I'll use my iMac to play other games, I hope STO dies.

    That's not very nice now is it?

    Alot of people here have taken the time and effort to illustrate how it's still possible to play the game on the Mac.

    And even if they didn't, the 'I can't have X so nobody else should have it' mentality doesn't do anyone any good in any situation. At least 'I can't have X, let me have X!' can sometimes result in the person involved getting 'X'.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • fluffymooffluffymoof Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    equinox976 wrote: »
    Ok then, that's fine, I'll use my iMac to play other games, I hope STO dies.

    That's not very nice now is it?

    Alot of people here have taken the time and effort to illustrate how it's still possible to play the game on the Mac.

    As for playing other games on your iMac... I think your selection will be somewhat limited. Apple have never particularly marketed Macs as game playing machines (rather its marketing is pointed more towards video/music editing and certain niche business products). Which is why many developers don't bother making games for it.

    I play via CrossOver and for multiple hours. And yeah, I have other games, even from the Mac App Store, but none I like more than STO right now.

    Seriously, give CrossOver a try.
    One of the many Tellarite Goddesses of Beauty!

    If there are posts here that do not appeal to you, or opinions you disagree with, the best way to deal with that is to resist the urge to add comments. Instead, engage with the content you like! Don't feed the trolls!
  • jaywest21jaywest21 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    I've been playing STO via PlayOnMac for a few days now (thanks again, misterferengi#8959 for all your help with that!), and it's been working OK. Lots of "server not responding"/disconnects, but I know that's not PlayOnMac's fault cause I got that on the old Mac client too. At least I was able to use it to do what I needed to do. I'll give CrossOver a try next.
  • misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    I find the game runs just as well on PlayOnMac as it did using the Official Mac Client, although one area that is an issue is Dyson Ground Battlezone for me. I can't predict when and what action will cause it, but its the only area where i crash to desktop. It could happen with the spawning of the V-Rex's. Beaming back from a zone to Command Centre or simply hitting the M button to pull up the zone map. There's also no timing on it i could be there 5 mins or a couple of hours.

  • traisjamestraisjames Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    AHHHHH! I just found out about this today while trying to get the First Contact card. Thanks for the email notification. And I had bought a lifetime subscription for the game in November hoping that would encourage continued Mac Support. Silly me. At least I will be getting a refund. Use that money to buy a cheap windows machine so I can just play this game.
  • misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    traisjames wrote: »
    AHHHHH! I just found out about this today while trying to get the First Contact card. Thanks for the email notification. And I had bought a lifetime subscription for the game in November hoping that would encourage continued Mac Support. Silly me. At least I will be getting a refund. Use that money to buy a cheap windows machine so I can just play this game.

    You'd better contact support regarding that refund as by all accounts when a few of us chased them about Zen refunds in particular, the reply we had was that it had already been done. This was 3-4 weeks ago.

    Btw did/have you used a emulator before the announcement was made ?.

    They disqualified Customers from a Zen refund on those grounds, even though at the time the emulator was used "Their" Official Client was broken and no ETA on a fix was known which stopped Customers for a 3 week period being able to access the game via "Their" Official Channel. {This doesn't apply to everyone as some may have used emulators as a preference because it gave a better performance than the Official Client, but from the correspondence we got from support about those that were using the Official Client and only used an emulator due to lack of being able to provide a service on Cryptic/PWE part it was a case of you used another means to access game refund denied}

    However LTS and Zen are 2 different items so its hard to compare or know the reply you'll get asking for the LTS refund.

    Ask and good luck and be sure to let us know the outcome.
  • traisjamestraisjames Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    traisjames wrote: »
    AHHHHH! I just found out about this today while trying to get the First Contact card. Thanks for the email notification. And I had bought a lifetime subscription for the game in November hoping that would encourage continued Mac Support. Silly me. At least I will be getting a refund. Use that money to buy a cheap windows machine so I can just play this game.

    You'd better contact support regarding that refund as by all accounts when a few of us chased them about Zen refunds in particular, the reply we had was that it had already been done. This was 3-4 weeks ago.

    Btw did/have you used a emulator before the announcement was made ?.

    They disqualified Customers from a Zen refund on those grounds, even though at the time the emulator was used "Their" Official Client was broken and no ETA on a fix was known which stopped Customers for a 3 week period being able to access the game via "Their" Official Channel. {This doesn't apply to everyone as some may have used emulators as a preference because it gave a better performance than the Official Client, but from the correspondence we got from support about those that were using the Official Client and only used an emulator due to lack of being able to provide a service on Cryptic/PWE part it was a case of you used another means to access game refund denied}

    However LTS and Zen are 2 different items so its hard to compare or know the reply you'll get asking for the LTS refund.

    I used Parallels maybe in October?? Eventually I got the game to work on my Mac and didn't use it again.
  • misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    traisjames wrote: »
    I used Parallels maybe in October?? Eventually I got the game to work on my Mac and didn't use it again.

    I'd contact support anyway about the LTS if you want it, as refunds should all be done by now, and as you haven't had one 1 of 3 things has happened.

    1. They flagged you as not meeting the requirements of having a refund.
    2. They missed you and its a simple admin error.
    3. Were waiting for you to contact them and let them know what you wanted rather than remove perks from you're account.

    And no. 4 which is the conspiracy theory, the whole refund statement was nothing more than lip service (to put it in a politely) and no one got a refund as it was never the intention.
  • lazarxlazarx Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    The "Mac" I'd been using was actually a Hackintosh. I'd been looking forward into going fully Mac only as the only other games I play are Blizzard games. After trying the Wine options, I sighed and went over to the Windows client.
  • traisjamestraisjames Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    traisjames wrote: »
    I used Parallels maybe in October?? Eventually I got the game to work on my Mac and didn't use it again.

    I'd contact support anyway about the LTS if you want it, as refunds should all be done by now, and as you haven't had one 1 of 3 things has happened.

    1. They flagged you as not meeting the requirements of having a refund.
    2. They missed you and its a simple admin error.
    3. Were waiting for you to contact them and let them know what you wanted rather than remove perks from you're account.

    And no. 4 which is the conspiracy theory, the whole refund statement was nothing more than lip service (to put it in a politely) and no one got a refund as it was never the intention.

    Turns out I am not eligible because I used an emulation once back in at the start of November.
  • misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    traisjames wrote: »
    traisjames wrote: »
    I used Parallels maybe in October?? Eventually I got the game to work on my Mac and didn't use it again.

    I'd contact support anyway about the LTS if you want it, as refunds should all be done by now, and as you haven't had one 1 of 3 things has happened.

    1. They flagged you as not meeting the requirements of having a refund.
    2. They missed you and its a simple admin error.
    3. Were waiting for you to contact them and let them know what you wanted rather than remove perks from you're account.

    And no. 4 which is the conspiracy theory, the whole refund statement was nothing more than lip service (to put it in a politely) and no one got a refund as it was never the intention.

    Turns out I am not eligible because I used an emulation once back in at the start of November.

    Well that sucks. I don't like it but can understand the Zen stance but a Lifetime Membership is a different product altogether. I mean sure you can access the game via an emulator on a Mac but in continuing to do so you have lost any and all software support from PWE/Cryptic. Which is a deal breaker for such a large transaction and a huge loss. That software support is in my option part of the purchase of that product.

    Now yes you can run bootcamp and install Windows problem solved. But unless you owe a licensed copy of Windows, its at your expense to install a platform you don't want to use in order to get software support for the game you already paid towards.

    Shocking in my view. As by refunding the LTS "YOU" are losing perks from the account that can only be reinstated by repurchasing the LTS.

    Just shows how valued you are as a customer of PWE/Cryptic.

    I'm using PlayOnMac and have issues with Dyson Battlezone, but i also have tailor issues where any previously saved costumes or newly saved costumes are not retrievable using PlayOnMac, so have lost part (Although trivial) of my gaming experience because the platform i can afford to use is not supported and a hack job in reality to access the game.

    They really should be refunding Lifetime memberships not sitting behind this you used an emulator B/S
  • reptilespantoso#9594 reptilespantoso Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    TRIBBLE move. Sorry developers, but that's what this is.
    Also why not announce this IN GAME?
    Not everyone reads your forum.
    I'll try wine but it would be nice to give us detailed information regarding installing WoT windows client on Wine.
    You owe us (paying customers) that much.

    For all the eeh.. persons that state Mac is not as good a platform for games (or anything).. well no. that's not true. the ONLY thing that's no good on macs is the pisspoor support for 3rd party videocards.
    But it has PLENTY of things that are much better than Windows 10. Not that you'll ever know but we do. :-)
  • jodyhammerhandjodyhammerhand Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Well Captains with the launch of Season 11.5, I doubt the Mac client works past today. If that's the case, farewell.

    I spent a last week playing STO and I had fun. I did a tour of the galaxy and was finally able to visit every planet on the tour. Many thanks to the Captain who gave me some diplomatic immunity to help speed it up a bit. I spent the last week trying to quell the Borg, Tholians, Mirror Universe and Crystalline Entity. I donated a TON of FMs to newer fleets to help them out. I also burned through my dilithium and upgraded like crazy so I could enjoy this last week. Most excitedly for me, I got my Type 2 Phaser to gold! I loved my retro blue phasers on my Tactical Odyssey. Most importantly, I also got to visit, one last time, the key places in the game that meant something to me as a fan of Star Trek: ESD, Starfleet Academy, DS9, Vulcan, Deep Space K-7 and Nimbus III. I would have liked to have visited Cardassia and Fereginar, and set foot on Qo'nos as a Starfleet Captain. I'd have also liked to have gotten a Reman, Breen, Cardassian and Talaxian BOFF to join my crew but can't have it all.

    For my offline life, I don't need to use any Windows-based software and emulators just aren't all that great on my Mac so it's been fun. How this was handled by Cryptic was a sham but that's their deal, not mine. Good luck to you Mac captains trying to make an emulator work to continue your journeys.

    Live long and prosper.
  • aaron734aaron734 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    And I'm gone too. Not returning (only use Mac). Bye Arc/Cryptic hasn't been fun but i love Star Trek. Maybe i'll watch the shows more. FYI should the higher-ups who are able to access peoples items in game...pass EVERYTHING on to my Fleet Leader, if you can. i will miss those people. If not, just delete my in game account. Uninstalling!
  • kpkomedy51#6435 kpkomedy51 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I'm pretty upset about this. I'd rather have a buggy game than no game. If I reduced the graphics I could get the game to run on a MacBook Pro but now I can't play at all.
  • bowen2404bowen2404 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    It's OK because I have wine I'll be back on in an hour! :) (still annoying though) sorry NOT fine wine is playing up :'(:(
    Post edited by bowen2404 on
  • josef615josef615 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I just installed the WineSkin version from the link above, it installed and started good, but now it keeps timing out connecting to the login server. Is anyone else having this problem?
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    josef615 wrote: »
    I just installed the WineSkin version from the link above, it installed and started good, but now it keeps timing out connecting to the login server. Is anyone else having this problem?

    At the time of your post, the servers were down for maintenance.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • mckurland91mckurland91 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    This is some way to treat your customer base.

    PWE / Cryptic is a business, not a charity. They are not obligated to throw away money literally for your amusement.

    That makes them just as bad as the Ferengi! To all Mac users, "the line must be drawn here! This far, no further!!!!!"
  • krio09krio09 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Thanks for nothing. i've been playing from the start. You've now shifted it to another platform and only really caring about the dollar signs. Thanks for the suggestion of wine with no guidance, I know this worked pre-official game client but I've spent all night trying to get it to work now that you've removed access...
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,445 Arc User
    krio09 wrote: »
    Thanks for nothing. i've been playing from the start. You've now shifted it to another platform and only really caring about the dollar signs. Thanks for the suggestion of wine with no guidance, I know this worked pre-official game client but I've spent all night trying to get it to work now that you've removed access...

    "Shifted it to another platform"?? STO was originally Windows only in the first place. MAC only came out about 3 years ago. I know because I persuaded a friend to join when it did, since then, he dumped the MAC and got a PC.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • lazarxlazarx Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    jaywest21 wrote: »
    Well, this sucks. Since the C-Store has been disabled on the STO Mac client, it looks like we're going to miss out on the current promo giveaways unless we use Wineskin or have access to a Windows computer somewhere.

    It's been 2 months. If you intend to keep playing you need to do that anyway.

    If your Mac was running STO, you can run Windows via Bootcamp.

  • lazarxlazarx Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    TRIBBLE move. Sorry developers, but that's what this is.
    Also why not announce this IN GAME?
    Not everyone reads your forum.
    I'll try wine but it would be nice to give us detailed information regarding installing WoT windows client on Wine.
    You owe us (paying customers) that much.

    For all the eeh.. persons that state Mac is not as good a platform for games (or anything).. well no. that's not true. the ONLY thing that's no good on macs is the pisspoor support for 3rd party videocards.
    But it has PLENTY of things that are much better than Windows 10. Not that you'll ever know but we do. :-)

    Without decent support for video cards, it's pretty much game over for any platform.

    The Mac has never been a good platform for gaming, for several reasons, but major among them is that Apple with Steve Job's historical disdain for gaming never made it a priority to make it so. That might change with the porting of Metal to OS X, but Apple has a lot of lost ground to make up in wooing developer support, and they don't seem to interested in doing so.

    The biggest demonstration of this fact shows when you run an Intel Mac with the Windows operating system and all graphics drivers properly updated. At that point, the Mac becomes a serviceable game machine at least for games such as Cryptics' and Blizzard's.
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