Especially that dreadnought. It one-shots many of my ships with it's torpedo volleys even on normal mode and with my shields up.
Then there's my character who uses Disruptors. The dreadnought has some sort of "Reflect Disruptors" ability that just kills me.
And then after the core is blown up I get stuck in combat for no reason and die in the explosion because I can't go to full impulse.
I've been doing them on normal mode just to speed things along but these things make me wonder if there's a point in doing it on normal. Either way I'm just going to get straight up killed at certain times.
"Thou shalt respect the weak and shalt constitute thyself defender of them."
-3rd Commmandment of Chivalry

My only complaint is the dysfunctional communication between Cryptic's departments. (In this case the UI team and mission builders.)
^^ L2P. No, really. Don't blindly spacebar at the Citadel when it has its Deflection shield up. On a normal TBA run, for me, Citadel is gone within 30 secs, and offers no real struggle.
As for the Core, how on earth do you get blown up by it?! Keeping a bit of distance maybe? I usually sit at ca. 3-5k distance from it, and am not at all affected when it blows. Then you Evasive Maneuver right over it, and you're at the exit. Easy-peasy.
This, that deflection shield can also be flanked as well
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I think they may have messed up scaling on Normal.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
My character Tsin'xing
After the final core blows up the core's defenses don't immediately die, they keep attacking. If you're unlucky and hit -- no full impulse for you!
I've actually yet to die from that; I've gotten pinged into staying in Red Alert for a few more seconds, but I still make it out (just) in time. That's even with a T6 Battlecruiser or the T6 Krenim Anniversary ship.
Original STO beta tester.
Diverting power to the engines is also a good idea when doing this.
As for the Dreadnought: beside its weird scaling and the fact that it is thus ten levels higher in rank than everyone else, some of its weapons like the spatial charges are also invisible sometimes. And that can be quite annoying.
I remember when I was in the Voth Contested Zone a while back. Suddenly, out of nowhere something hit me with full shields. It was just powerful enough to kill me with no warning. I think I had somewhere near 31k hull and it dealt a bit over 31k, out of nowhere, and it was invisible.
Those are things that may need to be looked at, as these things are as much fun as the Borg torpedoes that used to instantly kill players. In the Breach, some of those shield-ignoring charges are also too powerful in the sense that engineering team, Aux to SIF, Hazard emitters and Brace for Impact combined sometimes cannot even negate it, but I assume that's because of the incorrect level scaling.
If you have aggro during this fight you need to be ready to 'Brace for Impact' or activate 'Evasive Maneuvers' or at least have some defensive measures ready to respond to the Torpedo Salvo. If you dont have 'Polarize Hull' or something like it you will get Tractor Beamed, your speed will reduce to zero and with it, your defensive values and you will be susceptible to taking catastrophic damage.
There is a large Yellow shield graphics effect that will appear over one of the ship's arcs. Do not fire on it. It is predictable.
Well... it is 10 levels higher than the player, and those are Transphasic Chronitons, so they have shield pen.
Solution to that is to stop firing when the shield goes up, or get to the opposite side as fast as you can. The Dread's reflector covers one half of the ship, so 180 degrees. Watch for the shield to pop up, and try to NOT be on that side when it is up.
Speed boosting abilities help. Also... Location Location Location. Try and be on the "left" side of the chamber (map orientation wise). That will put you closer to the exit.
It hasn't been available for a long time, revamp or no revamp. Everyone was probably rusty. My advice, take these defeats, learn from them, adapt, and come back stronger for the next run.
I personally found that beam builds are good for this one as there are many points where you have a target rich environment. Cannons aren't very useful when you're doing the Trench Run along the hull because of how fast you're going. I would also suggest having abilities like Emergency to Engines and anything else that can augment engine power. More power = more speed.
Also... I find that some good music helps the grind too. I actually tore down the Trench Run with Magic Carpet Ride blasting over my speakers. ^^
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I'd love to see what sort of time an all cannon pre-made could pull off with the trench run from hell.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
as for dready... nah the only times ti killed me was when I wasn't paying enought attention :P
With the revamp to The Breach, the NPC ships at the start advance on their own and just explode at random points for no apparent reason. I greatly preferred the old way, where all the players and the NPCs rushed forward together, and the City Ship fired a large energy weapon that killed the NPCs as you advanced... This has a much more realistic feel that someone was going to get hurt in the mission.
Having said that, I think that the 'Subpower Core' stage of the mission could be abolished without any detriment to the storyline - the idea that a main energy core just teleports around but can be exposed by a ship in a 2 second flyby is just crazy. Noone would build something like that. However, the final core which has defensive turrets and some punch behind it - I can imagine that happening. It would also have the advantage of speeding up the level a bit - but not a lot.
Still, many thanks for bringing it back.
For a once of twice a day run of 20 mins a piece it's not too bad really, and on advance I'm netting over 200 marks each run; that's a darn good payout.
Last night I had to tank a swarm of Bulwark and Bastion cruisers in my sci boat whilst the team hammered the hell out of the subpower core. That felt epic, and once they were done we all ganged up on the grav well'd Voth. After that I constantly drained and debuffed the main core with tykens rifts and ionic turbulence, helped the team a fair bit.
It's not a flip. It's a rotate.
It's more likely to be the Aceton drones that they tend to drop. That, and the Spatial charges that are almost impossible to detect and way too strong (2 are enough to instantly kill someone due to the weird scaling) are the most important reasons why people are being killed.
The yellow shield is just that: a full immunity shield. Nothing else. Unless these Dreads are different from those in the Contested Zone.
The Dread's always had the ability to reflect attacks with that shield. I think Bulwarks also have a weaker version, but that one is easily circumvented because its not a full 180 degree shield like on the Dread.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Ship uses the NPC version of the Voth shield console, just swing around and shoot on the other side. Also uses a couple of other abilities that players would love all NPCs to spam like it.
Boff skills:
1) Tactical team II
2) Attack patter delta
1) Subsystem offline immunity
2) Voth 1 sided immune shield
Every time I get to the citadel, I find it hillarious that it spams TT. If you want to bring it down easy, have every ship in the team carry a skilled version of tachyon beam 2 or 3. If a sci ship add the solanae 2nd delfector. Once that shield is down, it goes boom very very quickly. The beauty of attack pattern delta is that you shoot at it, and you're shooting yourself on the foot. I love that ability, lol.
Maybe. I've never been killed by that though. It's always something called 'Spatial charge'. An explosion that will usually hit out of nowhere.
I'm all for more abilities for NPC's, but it'd be nice if it could at least be countered.