why are you guys giving into cry baby kids who are noobs and dont know anything , its called learn the game i am so sick and tired of all the nerfing being dont its making the game no fun.
Also, I definitely think the UI needs work. And I really dislike that there is no "Commit" Step for a final selection of abilities. This will be very error-prone if they keep it as is.
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
Also, I definitely think the UI needs work. And I really dislike that there is no "Commit" Step for a final selection of abilities. This will be very error-prone if they keep it as is.
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
I do agree with this. One of the major plus sides of the current system is that we can 'play around' with it and move points around to compromise on systems in favour of other systems, all before committing them. Unless the new system will no longer require purchased respec tokens from the C-Store, then it really needs to have the ability to do the same and let us move points around before committing them. Otherwise, as meimeitoo pointed out, we'd have to have a rock solid plan of our complete skill tree before even starting to spend points.
Part of this change was, in your own words, to make it less punishing for players. But the basis of how we assign points is far more punishing as if you make one mistake during your respec you have to pay real world money to undo it.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
I'm glad they are redoing it, as its needed. Specially since we are now at Lv60. So some stuff needed to change to match our current game play. Plus I do hope this remove or help you bypass some stuff that would be a waste in points.
Bad part is, you have to adapt and learn your new skill trees and figure out what works best for you.
While parts of it did need revamped (I mean Engineers had to deal with 15 Career space skills while Tac and Sci had 10... and some of their Boff tains required 3-6 bars of a Science skill or two.) it didn't need changed this much and certainly not in a way that limited your ability to be pretty much fully your own career tree plus some spread around in the others a bit, in significantly superior ways to what they're showing us for this one. And you could skip plenty in the current system, I never even bother with 2 of the Tac skills on most of my Tac officers (not a single bar bought) and could still get the Admiral skills bought fully.
The new system is full of locks and far far too many ranks/points required to fill out things. Especially since at least three of the new skills will cost 3 points (possibly six skills, don't know if it will be a 'big one' for each line or just one in each career) and with the lock system will REQUIRE you to learn certain skills in the same rank, where as the current system only needs a certain percentage spent in skills (along with being the right level/rank) to advance to the next skill level, you can completely skip most skills that you don't want. The new system will actually force players to buy skills they might not want out of their trees to acheive the passives and get the 'big' career 3 point cost skills. You won't have a choice since they require 25 points in your career, from the announcment post. That's 25 out of an apparent 45 or 46 (forget) space skill points. And it leaves out 5 of your skills and 3 points more for that big one, leaving you with 13-15 (depending on if the 3 pointer is part of the 90 ranks [30 per career tree] and if it's 45 or 46 for the max) to have to chose between 60 other skills, of which 40 require you to first buy their 'lock' skill, some require 2 lock skills to be bought.
Even with the old system I had to buy stuff I didn't want or put in way too much just to get to the next tier. So even the old system wasn't all that good. Only part I like about the old system, I had more freedom on where I wanted to put them. Other bad part about the old one, was ground. The ground was horrible as you didn't have much choices there.
So to me the new system is very much needed. Plus I wanted ground to be separated from space skill points.
I suppose that depends on your build type. Me, I don't have a single wasted point in the current system. The new system, unless they add a few more points, is going to be significantly harder to reach that kind of efficiency.
Also, I definitely think the UI needs work. And I really dislike that there is no "Commit" Step for a final selection of abilities. This will be very error-prone if they keep it as is.
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
From my understanding, the reason why there's no commit button is because they designed the system to be relevant for people leveling up from 1-50/new characters we create, not necessarily for established characters.
New characters that are leveling will be purchasing 1 space skill per level and 1 ground skill every 5 levels. The feel of it seems to mimic that of Neverwinter where you place points in their tree every time you reach the next level, slowly feeling like your getting somewhere with your character. I think it will become a bit tedious, but manageable. Thing is though that every system they revamp mostly goes to have newer players in mind rather than the existing players.
Maybe once tribble returns, you can keep playing around with your build until you're satisfied with the tree and when the system gets moved to the live server, you'll know exactly where you wanna place the points. That's primarily the point o
One thing I have to chime in on is how DPS became the esstenial thing in the game. It really took hold with the revamp of NPC's in PVE queues mostly the Borg missions where a massive increase in NPC HP's was put in place and compounding that was a timer was put on everything plus options became a mission mandatory for normal success instead of actually being an option to get a bonus as a result you had to melt everything on the screen as fast as possible to avoid the auto fail. So of course everyone was forced to max out thier DPS to have a shot at mission success. Thankfully the Devs fixed most of the flaws in that misguided revamp however the "secret formula" of how to max DPS was out and well lets be honest would you go back to not having high DPS if you had a choice? No folks we would not and those that say they would are not being truthful. Those that cry whaaa whaaa DPS ruined the game need to understand what forced DPS to become the centerpiece of playing a mistake made by the devs to make PVE harder the easiest way possible was up NPC HP's and add a fail mode instead of tweaking NPC AI no more no less. Devs this is not a slam I understand budgets and time restraints so I can easily see why that happened.
Ok so they cleaned things up and made it much more streamlined. That is great, but will I use the new system? Right now I have toons I haven't respeced in years, years! They all have pretty generic builds that can fit the large verity of ships available to me. Will the new system allow me to respec freely and experiment with builds? Will I be able to customize specific builds to each of my ships? If not then what is the point? I will simply set up a new generic build when this launches and forget the system exists. Is this what the devs want? To spend all this time and effort on a system people won't even use (or use once)?
Also, I definitely think the UI needs work. And I really dislike that there is no "Commit" Step for a final selection of abilities. This will be very error-prone if they keep it as is.
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
From my understanding, the reason why there's no commit button is because they designed the system to be relevant for people leveling up from 1-50/new characters we create, not necessarily for established characters.
New characters that are leveling will be purchasing 1 space skill per level and 1 ground skill every 5 levels. The feel of it seems to mimic that of Neverwinter where you place points in their tree every time you reach the next level, slowly feeling like your getting somewhere with your character. I think it will become a bit tedious, but manageable. Thing is though that every system they revamp mostly goes to have newer players in mind rather than the existing players.
Maybe once tribble returns, you can keep playing around with your build until you're satisfied with the tree and when the system gets moved to the live server, you'll know exactly where you wanna place the points. That's primarily the point o
Under the current UI I didn't go in after every kill to see if I could afford another box, I'd go in every few levels to do a bunch of them in one whack.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Ok so they cleaned things up and made it much more streamlined. That is great, but will I use the new system? Right now I have toons I haven't respeced in years, years! They all have pretty generic builds that can fit the large verity of ships available to me. Will the new system allow me to respec freely and experiment with builds? Will I be able to customize specific builds to each of my ships? If not then what is the point? I will simply set up a new generic build when this launches and forget the system exists. Is this what the devs want? To spend all this time and effort on a system people won't even use (or use once)?
Unfortunately, it won't be like the trait system where we can freely choose different traits to try outside of missions.
If you want to be able to play around with builds and see what works for you, wait until tribble unlocks at the end of this week for all old characters. They'll be offering free respecs at Drozana via a console (you can tell which one usually from the people gathered there) probably until they're ready to push the revamp to the live server.
But not everyone is going to go to Tribble first. Will players be able to look at their current traits/loadouts/inventory/etc to see what's changed while they're selecting skills? I don't mind choosing skills all over again as long as it's an informed choice.
The new Skill System has no "preview and then lock in" functionality. You will spend points, and they will be applied immediately. No previewing. But this also does away with the annoyance of needing to spend all of your Skill Points perfectly before being allowed to apply a Respec. You also no longer need to visit a specific NPC to do so - it's all handled directly from the UI.
You may be misunderstanding the question. I'm not asking about preview and lock in.
We know that various items, traits, etc modify skills and these will have to be changed to fit the new system. But we won't know in advance how everything is changing.
I'm asking whether we would be able to view our character and our inventories in a separate window while we're picking skills, so we know that we're taking best advantage of the items we've got. Or will we have to pick our skills without knowing how our items, traits, etc have been changed?
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but I assume you're asking if we get what we have already? When you right click on an item/ability, or just view it, it shows what you should put skill (experience) points into if you want to buff it. For example, if you were to click on emergency power to shields, it should show you what to put your points into to buff it up.
Unfortunately, it won't be like the trait system where we can freely choose different traits to try outside of missions.
If you want to be able to play around with builds and see what works for you, wait until tribble unlocks at the end of this week for all old characters. They'll be offering free respecs at Drozana via a console (you can tell which one usually from the people gathered there) probably until they're ready to push the revamp to the live server.
So they are making a system I can only use on tribble, got it. Great design.
Have you been to tribble to test this new system out? If you have been there, like I have for the last 8 hours, then you would know what is coming. When this new system goes live some things are going to drastically change.
Right now the trinity is dead, as things are, I do not want your heals, I do not need your heals. I do not want your tank and I do not need your tank.
However... When this new system goes live I may very well need your heals and I may very well need a tank.
Missions... No problem, I will be able to handle the episodes as I always have. But in STFS I am going to need help. Depending on what toon I am on, I may be the one helping.
One of the big things I noticed is how if you go heavy into damage you suffer big time in the area of survivability. BIG TIME. No joke, if I want to maintain the same damage output I have right now, with the new system in place, I am going to lose about 2k shield capacity, half of my shield hardness, going to lose about 10k hull and half of my hull strength. I am also going to take a hit in the subsystem power department, going to lose a lot of drain resistance, flow capacitors, power transfer rate and attack patterns too.
That is a drastic change.
I am going to lose a lot in this deal and not gain anything at all to make up for it. This is what I have learned from my 8 hours on tribble, 6 of those hours was spent getting my toon situated, unlocking reps, levelling up, getting abilities for my boffs, equipping my ship, etc...
I know why they temporarily disabled previously transferred characters. They did not want the feedback, the backlash, the utter riot that would ensue if they let everyone see just how crippling the new system is really going to be. When you run an ISA with your toon and only do half the damage you are used to, either because you could not manage to go full damage because you wanted to live or because you died so many times because you did go full damage, you are going to be very upset.
Things are going to change, the whole game is about to change, the way we played this game is gone. It is time to learn to accept our new reality or bail out.
On a positive note, the ground game is getting a major buff. With just those measly little 10 points I was able to get 40 extra damage out of my weapon and an additional 13% crit hit rate. That is a MAJOR buff for the ground game. And I do not feel as though I lost anything at all in that deal.
So YAY for ground game and totally booooo for space.
From now on I will hold bort strictly to his statement…
“Players Lose Nothing – As much as possible, everything available in the current system will be made available under the new system, and investments in equipment and ships retain full value.”
… but should probably stop fooling myself considering past experiences with Cryptic.
Sounds like a very spoiled player.
The game has rules, peeps play by it and undertake massive efforts to become good at what they are doing under those rules.
If cryptic changes them in a fashion that years of efforts may be flushed down the toilet I don’t think it’s spoiled if one tests it out and happens to be concerned.
Especially not if promised by the administration that all is good and all would stay the same basically.
They are, cause now they want to change it. And they will have to adapt and move on or in this case cry about it. I used to play on WoW and every expansion they changed it up. So this change is nothing.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I've looked at the new system a bit and from what I can tell.... there would actually need to be 50 space points to spend and 11 ground. I've come to this conclusion based on the fact players rarely spent all nine points in a bar in the old system but rather spread them out over multiple. The new system seems at first glance tailored to min/maxers (even though even if min/maxed on this system is still a nerf) it beats down the majority of the player base who spread their points for a generalist approach to be used on multiple ships and gear hard with a nerf bat of doom.
Coming at it from the 'Nerf!' angle, been looking things over with a friend of mine again (after earlier comments made here by other players), and 2 major questions remain for me:
1) 'Shield Hardness' is currently a function of shield power (iirc). Is the new Shield Hardness on top of what we already had, or does it replace the current shield hardening mechanism? If the former, then that's another 3 skippable skill points.
2) Same for 'Shield Regen' (also currently tied to shield power). Is the new skill extra, or does it replace the old mechanism?
New skills, on top of what we had before.
Brilliant! Thanks. By the goddes, I may actually reach 'equivalency' this way after all (and worse, wind up having to eat crow, after all, LOL; which I'll gladly do, btw, should this turn out to not be a huge nerf; gotta see things first with my real toon and ship, though: can't get any meaningful numbers with my cadet).
Small snare: I got it on (very) good authority, that yes, these are new skills, but the old regen rate (and possibly) hardness increase, based on shield power level, are going to get a nerf. Which means I'll need to spend points (I can't spare) on those new skills, after all (grrr). That would suck.
Also, I definitely think the UI needs work. And I really dislike that there is no "Commit" Step for a final selection of abilities. This will be very error-prone if they keep it as is.
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
I disagree more than likely (just like in the past) there will be websites that will give you the option to puts points on the tree so you can see how it will look but to see how those particular skills handle in game will be the players doing.
Part of this change was, in your own words, to make it less punishing for players. But the basis of how we assign points is far more punishing as if you make one mistake during your respec you have to pay real world money to undo it.
no,no,no how many times does it got to be said that you do NOT need real world money to do this game it does not take long to farm for 500 zen.
Also, I definitely think the UI needs work. And I really dislike that there is no "Commit" Step for a final selection of abilities. This will be very error-prone if they keep it as is.
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
I disagree more than likely (just like in the past) there will be websites that will give you the option to puts points on the tree so you can see how it will look but to see how those particular skills handle in game will be the players doing.
But if people (especially new players) have to rely on external sites to get right, then I'd hardly call that making things easier for players.
Also, I definitely think the UI needs work. And I really dislike that there is no "Commit" Step for a final selection of abilities. This will be very error-prone if they keep it as is.
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
I disagree more than likely (just like in the past) there will be websites that will give you the option to puts points on the tree so you can see how it will look but to see how those particular skills handle in game will be the players doing.
But if people (especially new players) have to rely on external sites to get right, then I'd hardly call that making things easier for players.
Exactly, we shouldn't have to go to another site to get back the functionality we have right now in this game.
"Let me guess, my theories appall you, my heresies outrage you, I never answer letters and you don't like my tie" - The Doctor
"Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" -Agatha Heterodyne
ive looked thru the skill tree and so far i dot like it it seems too simplified , and i cant seem to find the skills im looking for. i would need to lvl up some more but as it is i don't like it at all. i dont feel i can customise my character's skill the way i did in the old system.
no,no,no how many times does it got to be said that you do NOT need real world money to do this game it does not take long to farm for 500 zen.
At the current exchange rate it takes about 20 days of grinding to the dilithium cap every day to reach those 500 Zen, while at the same time you won't be able to support your fleet with dilithium, not be able to aquire reputation or fleet gear and won't be able to upgrade gear through the crafting system. For a normal player that's probably going to be more than a month worth of ingame time solely dedicated to grinding for a single respec token.
So yes, while still achievable, it does take long.
no,no,no how many times does it got to be said that you do NOT need real world money to do this game it does not take long to farm for 500 zen.
At the current exchange rate it takes about 20 days of grinding to the dilithium cap every day to reach those 500 Zen, while at the same time you won't be able to support your fleet with dilithium, not be able to aquire reputation or fleet gear and won't be able to upgrade gear through the crafting system. For a normal player that's probably going to be more than a month worth of ingame time solely dedicated to grinding for a single respec token.
So yes, while still achievable, it does take long.
so is almost better ( if u re under lvl 50 , and no rep etc ) make new char .........instead splend 20+ days grind for single overpriced token ........
or say go to hell cryptic and left game again for year or more - i aready do that twice
@tuenbreaker, you made a transition of @meimeitoo ‘s current skill tree into the new format on tribble if I’m not mistaken? This is quiet cool.
She has spent 6 points the Admiral ability Starship Energy Weapon Specialization granting her
+1,7% Crit H & 21,22% Crit D for energy based armaments.
Where did u implement those benefits under the new system?
Yeah, we already talked in-game and I had to admit I missed those. Still, adding those would cost extra 4 points, making it possible to stay in 46 point limit we are currently given.
@tuenbreaker, you made a transition of @meimeitoo ‘s current skill tree into the new format on tribble if I’m not mistaken? This is quiet cool.
She has spent 6 points the Admiral ability Starship Energy Weapon Specialization granting her
+1,7% Crit H & 21,22% Crit D for energy based armaments.
Where did u implement those benefits under the new system?
Yeah, we already talked in-game and I had to admit I missed those. Still, adding those would cost extra 4 points, making it possible to stay in 46 point limit we are currently given.
Thx a bunch sir, this is good news for me!
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
@tuenbreaker, you made a transition of @meimeitoo ‘s current skill tree into the new format on tribble if I’m not mistaken? This is quiet cool.
She has spent 6 points the Admiral ability Starship Energy Weapon Specialization granting her
+1,7% Crit H & 21,22% Crit D for energy based armaments.
Where did u implement those benefits under the new system?
Been working a bit on this myself as well. See:
It looks very good this way, but it's all provisionally, as I got reliable word that he old shield regen rate (and possibly) hardness increase, based on shield power level, are going to get a nerf, which would mean I will need to allocate skill points towards the new shield skills as well (losing ca. 3-9 points in the process if, worst case, existing hull skills get a similar nerf.)
I'm goig to make sceencaps of my current ship stats, and then compare those with the ones I'll make this Thursday, after the patch, when I can jump into my real ship and toon again.
Some of us have engineer captains in tac vessels (comes in quite handy on the Hestia if you want to make use of the AE consoles and the Command flare ups)
I like having the offensive capabilities of a ship offset by the defensive abilities of my Captain and it has served me quite well until now.
In a ship with less hull, generating threat is probably not desirable.
In this respect at least, the game has tried to reflect the show (and they were explicit about this... citing the different career paths that various Captains in Trek have progressed along before sitting in the chair).
I think steering any career path too much in one direction runs the risk of isolating those in the game who have pursued diversity.
Part of this change was, in your own words, to make it less punishing for players. But the basis of how we assign points is far more punishing as if you make one mistake during your respec you have to pay real world money to undo it.
no,no,no how many times does it got to be said that you do NOT need real world money to do this game it does not take long to farm for 500 zen.
Someone has to spend real world money in the first place. Plus, I've never once exchanged Dilithium for Zen because the in game Dilithium requirements are quite high for my play style so all of my dilithium is spent as fast as I earn it. Either way, a respec token would need to be purchased for the slightest miss-click in this new system so my point stands. Don't detract from that with a debate on semantics about how resepc tokens can be purchased.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
Part of this change was, in your own words, to make it less punishing for players. But the basis of how we assign points is far more punishing as if you make one mistake during your respec you have to pay real world money to undo it.
no,no,no how many times does it got to be said that you do NOT need real world money to do this game it does not take long to farm for 500 zen.
Someone has to spend real world money in the first place. Plus, I've never once exchanged Dilithium for Zen because the in game Dilithium requirements are quite high for my play style so all of my dilithium is spent as fast as I earn it. Either way, a respec token would need to be purchased for the slightest miss-click in this new system so my point stands. Don't detract from that with a debate on semantics about how resepc tokens can be purchased.
^^ Zactly!
I always giggle at what we used to call freetards in EvE Online (people who thought mining yourself doesn't cost you anything). Converting Dilithium to 500 Zen still costs you the 500 Zen (in that the next 500 Zen you want you now have to buy); subsidiarily, it simply deprives you of 500 Zen worth of Dilithium. Either way you slice it, you lose 500 Zen (or the equivalent thereof in Dilithium).
And 500 Zen, for the slightest honest mistake, is rather punitive. Even respeccing the last few days (on Tribble) I made a mistake or two, because (surprise, surprise) the new skill overview screen has become considerably less lucid than before.
Honestly, we need a single 'Commit' button, by which you confirm all the changes you made, as a whole. For something that costs Zen, that is only fair.
Maybe someone from PW / Cryptic Studios should get a hold of John Smedley from SOE and ask him how well his CU / NGE "make things easier for the player base" changes worked out for Star Wars Galaxies ... if you are a former SWG Pre-Pub 9 / Pre-CU player, you already know the answer ... it didn't ...
Yes Pre-CU players hated NGE. But NGE is not why the game was cancelled, it was cancelled because LucasArts wanted only one Star Wars MMO and that was to be SWTOR. They pulled the license from SOE. Shoot I remember someone at SOE saying if LucasArts had let them they would have left SWG online regardless if they could make new content for it or not, but LucasArts wouldn't let them. They didn't want any competition for SWTOR.
Maybe someone from PW / Cryptic Studios should get a hold of John Smedley from SOE and ask him how well his CU / NGE "make things easier for the player base" changes worked out for Star Wars Galaxies ... if you are a former SWG Pre-Pub 9 / Pre-CU player, you already know the answer ... it didn't ...
Yes Pre-CU players hated NGE. But NGE is not why the game was cancelled, it was cancelled because LucasArts wanted only one Star Wars MMO and that was to be SWTOR. They pulled the license from SOE. Shoot I remember someone at SOE saying if LucasArts had let them they would have left SWG online regardless if they could make new content for it or not, but LucasArts wouldn't let them. They didn't want any competition for SWTOR.
Yeah I was not inferring as to why the game was cancelled, but more towards why players left in droves because of the drastic "dumbed down" changes implemented by the CU and then the even more "make things easier" changes brought on by the NGE ...
^^ Yes, yes, this we need! (Especially when free respec tokens won't be available any more on Tribble.)
Without just 1 single 'Commit' button, you essentially have to have made a full spending plan, upfront, in your head (or drawn on paper) as to how you will account for each and every skill point, ere you commit per skill. That is, no offence, rather idiotic (especially so for new players). It's not a Specialization tree, where it matters little (as you're just gonna fill it all up anyway). People want to play around with it, like "Hmm, maybe 1 Control Point will suffice, and I can shift 1 to Drain, etc." Or "Oops, guess I really need at least 1 in X too, so let me take a point from Y." And then only commit the lot when they're completely satisfied with everything.
If you only take small pieces of advice, Devs, let this issue be one you take heed to! Please?
I do agree with this. One of the major plus sides of the current system is that we can 'play around' with it and move points around to compromise on systems in favour of other systems, all before committing them. Unless the new system will no longer require purchased respec tokens from the C-Store, then it really needs to have the ability to do the same and let us move points around before committing them. Otherwise, as meimeitoo pointed out, we'd have to have a rock solid plan of our complete skill tree before even starting to spend points.
Part of this change was, in your own words, to make it less punishing for players. But the basis of how we assign points is far more punishing as if you make one mistake during your respec you have to pay real world money to undo it.
I suppose that depends on your build type. Me, I don't have a single wasted point in the current system. The new system, unless they add a few more points, is going to be significantly harder to reach that kind of efficiency.
From my understanding, the reason why there's no commit button is because they designed the system to be relevant for people leveling up from 1-50/new characters we create, not necessarily for established characters.
New characters that are leveling will be purchasing 1 space skill per level and 1 ground skill every 5 levels. The feel of it seems to mimic that of Neverwinter where you place points in their tree every time you reach the next level, slowly feeling like your getting somewhere with your character. I think it will become a bit tedious, but manageable. Thing is though that every system they revamp mostly goes to have newer players in mind rather than the existing players.
Maybe once tribble returns, you can keep playing around with your build until you're satisfied with the tree and when the system gets moved to the live server, you'll know exactly where you wanna place the points. That's primarily the point o
Under the current UI I didn't go in after every kill to see if I could afford another box, I'd go in every few levels to do a bunch of them in one whack.
Unfortunately, it won't be like the trait system where we can freely choose different traits to try outside of missions.
If you want to be able to play around with builds and see what works for you, wait until tribble unlocks at the end of this week for all old characters. They'll be offering free respecs at Drozana via a console (you can tell which one usually from the people gathered there) probably until they're ready to push the revamp to the live server.
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but I assume you're asking if we get what we have already? When you right click on an item/ability, or just view it, it shows what you should put skill (experience) points into if you want to buff it. For example, if you were to click on emergency power to shields, it should show you what to put your points into to buff it up.
So they are making a system I can only use on tribble, got it. Great design.
They are, cause now they want to change it. And they will have to adapt and move on or in this case cry about it. I used to play on WoW and every expansion they changed it up. So this change is nothing.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Small snare: I got it on (very) good authority, that yes, these are new skills, but the old regen rate (and possibly) hardness increase, based on shield power level, are going to get a nerf. Which means I'll need to spend points (I can't spare) on those new skills, after all (grrr). That would suck.
I disagree more than likely (just like in the past) there will be websites that will give you the option to puts points on the tree so you can see how it will look but to see how those particular skills handle in game will be the players doing.
no,no,no how many times does it got to be said that you do NOT need real world money to do this game it does not take long to farm for 500 zen.
But if people (especially new players) have to rely on external sites to get right, then I'd hardly call that making things easier for players.
"Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" - Agatha Heterodyne
At the current exchange rate it takes about 20 days of grinding to the dilithium cap every day to reach those 500 Zen, while at the same time you won't be able to support your fleet with dilithium, not be able to aquire reputation or fleet gear and won't be able to upgrade gear through the crafting system. For a normal player that's probably going to be more than a month worth of ingame time solely dedicated to grinding for a single respec token.
So yes, while still achievable, it does take long.
so is almost better ( if u re under lvl 50 , and no rep etc ) make new char .........instead splend 20+ days grind for single overpriced token ........
or say go to hell cryptic and left game again for year or more - i aready do that twice
She has spent 6 points the Admiral ability Starship Energy Weapon Specialization granting her
+1,7% Crit H & 21,22% Crit D for energy based armaments.
Where did u implement those benefits under the new system?
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Yes. How about Fire at Will?
FAW1 -50% accuracy/+25% Threat
FAW2 -30% accuracy/+40% Threat
FAW3 -15% accuracy/+100% Threat
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
Yeah, we already talked in-game and I had to admit I missed those. Still, adding those would cost extra 4 points, making it possible to stay in 46 point limit we are currently given.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
Thx a bunch sir, this is good news for me!
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Been working a bit on this myself as well.
It looks very good this way, but it's all provisionally, as I got reliable word that he old shield regen rate (and possibly) hardness increase, based on shield power level, are going to get a nerf, which would mean I will need to allocate skill points towards the new shield skills as well (losing ca. 3-9 points in the process if, worst case, existing hull skills get a similar nerf.)
I'm goig to make sceencaps of my current ship stats, and then compare those with the ones I'll make this Thursday, after the patch, when I can jump into my real ship and toon again.
Some of us have engineer captains in tac vessels (comes in quite handy on the Hestia if you want to make use of the AE consoles and the Command flare ups)
I like having the offensive capabilities of a ship offset by the defensive abilities of my Captain and it has served me quite well until now.
In a ship with less hull, generating threat is probably not desirable.
In this respect at least, the game has tried to reflect the show (and they were explicit about this... citing the different career paths that various Captains in Trek have progressed along before sitting in the chair).
I think steering any career path too much in one direction runs the risk of isolating those in the game who have pursued diversity.
Someone has to spend real world money in the first place. Plus, I've never once exchanged Dilithium for Zen because the in game Dilithium requirements are quite high for my play style so all of my dilithium is spent as fast as I earn it. Either way, a respec token would need to be purchased for the slightest miss-click in this new system so my point stands. Don't detract from that with a debate on semantics about how resepc tokens can be purchased.
^^ Zactly!
I always giggle at what we used to call freetards in EvE Online (people who thought mining yourself doesn't cost you anything). Converting Dilithium to 500 Zen still costs you the 500 Zen (in that the next 500 Zen you want you now have to buy); subsidiarily, it simply deprives you of 500 Zen worth of Dilithium. Either way you slice it, you lose 500 Zen (or the equivalent thereof in Dilithium).
And 500 Zen, for the slightest honest mistake, is rather punitive. Even respeccing the last few days (on Tribble) I made a mistake or two, because (surprise, surprise) the new skill overview screen has become considerably less lucid than before.
Honestly, we need a single 'Commit' button, by which you confirm all the changes you made, as a whole. For something that costs Zen, that is only fair.
Yes Pre-CU players hated NGE. But NGE is not why the game was cancelled, it was cancelled because LucasArts wanted only one Star Wars MMO and that was to be SWTOR. They pulled the license from SOE. Shoot I remember someone at SOE saying if LucasArts had let them they would have left SWG online regardless if they could make new content for it or not, but LucasArts wouldn't let them. They didn't want any competition for SWTOR.
Yeah I was not inferring as to why the game was cancelled, but more towards why players left in droves because of the drastic "dumbed down" changes implemented by the CU and then the even more "make things easier" changes brought on by the NGE ...