The only reasons i know anyone goes to Bajor are as follows
1: Q said there was stuff there
2: You are doing the cardassian story arc
3: You came to DS9 from Defra and you mashed the enter button to fast
Seriously does anyone actually like or intentionally go to Bajor for any reason other then the above?
I was lamenting in chat a few days ago (as I was doing the Cardassian arc) how I was sick of their sanctimonious whining and wish the Cardassions had finished the job. I've hated them pretty much since the first time I met Kira.
Ok so 1 vote for actually liking Bajor vs everyone else and the uninterested.
Alright so two now.
Which is my biggest gripe with Bajor why couldn't the federation just be conquerers and take the real estate rather then dance over the pathetic pebbles of heresy in order to claim the wormhole.
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Of Bajor is a nice click mission as I call it. A cumbersome part is where you have to drag sick people to the infirmary as a science officer, just boring. Further it is ok. As KDF you can beat people up.
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It's a much better zone, with the temple rudely shoved aside to make room for bars and strip clubs. Fits my captain perfectly.
-Dedication plaque of the Federation Starship U.S.S. Merkava
Even so, I loathe the Bajorans with ever fiber in my being. When DS9 gets attacked and personnel are evacuated to Bajor, a FEDERATION WORLD, the local populous start whining and moaning that the men and women of multiple worlds that are fighting to defend them have the audacity to bleed on their precious Bajor.
I'd love to see the Bajorans defend their own world. Oh wait, they failed at that miserably and had to resort to terrorist tactics because they had failed at conventional warfare. Eventually the Cardassians left once the profit margin was too slim.
Above all I hate how smug and Bajorans are. As if they are special for being "fast tracked" into the Federation. They are not special. They are sub special. The only thing they have going for them is pure luck. If the wormhole was 1 star over, no one would care about the Bajorans at all. And the Cardassians might have stayed there and finished the job since there would have been no intergalactic pressure on them. Ah, if only.
In short, death to the Bajorans, Bajor for the Glorious Federation.
I concur, Mirror Bajor is cool. Darkly sordid, but cool.
Seriously, who does it like that?
I don't trust those people.
Far from the first religious species, but the atmosphere for Bajor is what I would call...fanatically non-fanatical?
That's what I mean with the "hats" thing. Of course, pretty much every Klingon blabbers about honour, every Ferengi always cites the rules of acquisition, but it's only the Bajorans where this "every single one of us is deeply indoctrinated in our religion which was publically disputed already" is all the time shoved so hard in your face it gets annoying.
If we ever get a show dealing with non-federation races/factions they'd need to severly tone down the "planet of the hats" mantra and make them more diverse in personality. With Bajorans, that never worked. Even Kira always comes back to her "religious conflict". Ensign Ro was portrayed better, but the whole religion thing wasn't written in TNG yet, which made everything much better.
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^^ Yep. Zactly this!