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What am I doing wrong? Having difficult time with the Time and Tide mission



  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    semalda226 wrote: »
    I was playing on elite and didn't have any trouble at all....I'd say check your difficulty settings and make sure your gear didn't get scrambled. Then again....I'm running a 450 PartG Annorax =3

    So because your ship is the Annorox with 450 partG everything dies faster? No. Sorry to deflate your bubble. My T6 Dauntless with 450 partG does just as well. With a better turn rate and BOFF layout to boot.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    bergins wrote: »

    Deal with it? Taeboc asks a legitimate question. In his post, he says he's frustrated by the lag. Between it being the very beginning of the event, which is typically known to be laggy, and the DDOSer out there, he has reason to be frustrated.

    He says he can't complete the Omega Particle mission because of bugs. Also, a legitimate complaint, the game was brought down this AM to fix that, so it isn't like he's making stuff up.

    They don't, however, lay blame on anyone for it, yet coldnapalm jumps all over them as if they are calling for Cryptic to be crucified. So, did coldnapalm not understand their post, of are they trolling taeboc?

    Great idea, tell the new player who has legitimate issues to "Deal with it.". What a friendly and welcoming sort you are...

    I notice you conveniently omit the part where the new player called someone a 'troll' and 'stupid.'

    Both parties are being unnecessarily hostile, perhaps you're right though. I apologize to @taeboc. I do not want to give the impression that you're not welcome here, because that's far from true. I will say however, that the non insulting part of napalms post was pretty accurate. The problems you complain about are not wide spread despite the impression given by a highly vocal minority.

    I do sincerely hope that you're able to get past the issues you're experiencing and enjoy the game. Welcome to STO.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited January 2016
    semalda226 wrote: »
    Ya that's always the real issue and it would help if the player base could be more friendly to the players and have group meets on ESD or something and explain ways to improve dps builds without spending 50M EC.

    the problem is, often the only people who will "help" other players with builds are from the 'everything must be XIV gold BFaW Critwhore' school of min/max twinking and they shout down anyone else, giving these new or returning players a grossly skewed opinion of where the game is now.
    You must be used to small numbers in combat then. There is a LARGE difference in DPS and DMG output from MK XII to MK XIV. Going around with MK XII gear, more specifically..weapon will hinder group content completion significantly. I hope you do not q up for advanced or elite content with that gear. MK XII to MKIII/XIV is the difference between failing an elite and failing every optional in any given instance. If you are going to be a solo player, then more power to you, it will not matter that it takes 20 minutes to take out a battlecruiser vs 10 seconds :pensive:
    It does not take much in the way of resources to upgrade to at least mk XIII.

    Nope I never do elites, but when I do ADV I end up scoring 3rd place fairly regularly. Yes there IS a massive difference between mkXII and mkXIV and I would never suggest to someone to do an elite queue w/o an XIV but I don't suggest to people to queue up for elites ever. I leave that to the min/max twinkies it was intended for. So it takes me around a minute to kill a battlecruiser (20min LOL) not 10s whoopdie do. It can be done with a t4 ship and green mkX if I want to take 5min as well. There is 0 endgame content that REQUIRES anything more than a good set of mkXII gear. Hell I did some Argala runs on an under played alt to gain mastery on his Samsar the other day and I had a range of crafted disruptors between VII and IX on it, mostly purples. It wasn't a challenge and didnt take much longer than a normal run. Again often knowing your ship, and the skills/powers available to you, and when/where to use them will help a player FAR more than faceplanting the space bar ad nauseum with an uber-twink build.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    You must be used to small numbers in combat then. There is a LARGE difference in DPS and DMG output from MK XII to MK XIV. Going around with MK XII gear, more specifically..weapon will hinder group content completion significantly. I hope you do not q up for advanced or elite content with that gear.

    While I agree with you that there is a substantial DPS boost going from Mk XII to Mk XIV, you don't need anything above Mk XII for advanced. You can even do advanced comfortably with Mk X gear if you set your ship up properly and flt it well. I've seen people do 30k DPS on a ship equipped with (mixed) Mk X-XII stuff. That's hardly hindering people's runs in advanced queues...

    You are right however in saying it's better to bring Mk XIV stuff to elites though I suspect a very good pilot will do just as well in Mk XII gear.
  • grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    thorlin325 wrote: »
    I haven't played in a few months, and came back to play during the anniversary. I have a T6 Arbiter battlecruiser for my ship, and most of the equipment is XII, and my captain is level 60. I started the mission, and made it to the part outside of the station, where you fight the Krenim ships. It was taking forever to beat the ships, and then I believe it was the last wave where you have to defeat a couple of ships, and I was defeated three times in a row without doing a whole lot of damage to either of them.

    I don't recall having problems in earlier anniversary events. I must be doing something wrong, don't have the right equipment, something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Don't know OP how long you have been out but check all traits too they might be offline too happend to me too had to input all trait's again because of the patches trait's sometimes get off and you have to sellect them all over again.
    Good luck !!!

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    @taeboc 1) i never said a PERSONAL insult. I infered them however. You however did say a personal insult. Not that i mind...but the fact that you didn't include anything worthwhile with the insult...well that is unforgivable.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    ...you infered it by what you posted. Once again if you didn't mean it that way, you should have clarified right away...not after that position became untenable. Using that is being a weasle.
    Anyone else see the irony here?
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I tore through them in my Fleet Hestia no issues, enemies with new tricks are very good
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • stobg2015stobg2015 Member Posts: 800 Arc User
      I had some issues with it, it wasn't a cakewalk, but I wasn't bringing my best ship either... working on getting T5 mastery on yet another T6 ship. I'm sure it will get easier as I make adjustments.

      But it doesn't change the fact that the combat is by-and-large tedious and repetitive. The enemy ships basically slow you down and mitigate damage you throw at them, which makes each battle take longer than it should for ships that few.

      Slowing down the action, immobilizing the character, and making enemies immune to damage is not a great game mechanic. It just makes the game time-consuming and frustrating.

      They could have easily gone another way, like letting the bad guys time jump right behind you with some of their damage repaired and an attack buff for the surprise factor. Same effect of drawing out the time-to-kill, but with a lot more activity and something more thematically in line with time travel. Bonus if the time jump is signaled by fx buildup and gives you time to throw something at them before they jump, like a subnuke or a gravity well that interrupts it.

      The ground combat was even more repetitive, but at least mowing down the Krenim rebels was fast and relatively easy so you don't mind as much. Still, having to fight several waves in the auditorium and then have to fight several more to rescue the delegates wasn't really necessary to the plot of the mission.

      Overall the whole thing takes too long to play through, especially when you can't play till late and have to get up the next morning. To cap it all off, the ending is underwhelming and unsatisfying... you slog your way through all of that and end up flying on a rail only to get defeated by the starship equivalent of tire spikes.

      Basically, they tried to cram too much into one mission. It would have been much more satisfying if they had cut a few things out and streamlined it. I was okay with the basic plot, even though it had some major holes in it.
      (The Guy Formerly And Still Known As Bluegeek)
    • asindar1asindar1 Member Posts: 89 Arc User
      Then cheat. Since it is a FE you can team with other players as low as level 10 and scale Down to the Team Leader level. This way you bypass the level 50+ lets give then huge HP to make up for lack of AI that DR introduced.
    • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
      edited January 2016
      Having Hazard Emitters in one of your stations is a big help with their tricks.
      Also, having two or more shield actions will help with the drains.
      STO Member since February 2009.
      I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
      Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
    • thorlin325thorlin325 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
      Thanks for all of the ideas. I checked and confirmed the difficulty is set to normal. I still couldn't get past the part where you protect the temporal tower. I thought I would drop down to an alt character, so played my level 24 captain. The first part went much easier, and I was thinking I was going to breeze through it. Then I got to temporal tower again, and was wrecked 4 times in a row, and I just gave up in frustration. I will have to check on getting better equipment for my ship, or something. It just seems odd to me that the one phase of this mission seems so difficult, where as other players are blowing thru it. And I am likely very rusty at the game since I haven't played in a while which I am sure accounts for part of it.
    • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
      thorlin325 wrote: »
      Thanks for all of the ideas. I checked and confirmed the difficulty is set to normal. I still couldn't get past the part where you protect the temporal tower. I thought I would drop down to an alt character, so played my level 24 captain. The first part went much easier, and I was thinking I was going to breeze through it. Then I got to temporal tower again, and was wrecked 4 times in a row, and I just gave up in frustration. I will have to check on getting better equipment for my ship, or something. It just seems odd to me that the one phase of this mission seems so difficult, where as other players are blowing thru it. And I am likely very rusty at the game since I haven't played in a while which I am sure accounts for part of it.

      Wait, what level are you?! I mean, if your alt is only 24, and had an easier time of it, then I gotta wonder what level your main is. it would certainly explain a few things.
    • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
      Not trying to be rude, but DAYUM people. Those that mindelessely mash the space bar to kill things shouldn't be complaining about having to think about the fights. I had no problems with the battles. As soon as I saww the ship was immune, I looked for what was causing it and fixed the problem. It's called using your brain and the devs thinking of how to properly introduce difficulty without making the enemies HP sponges. I applaud the devs for making the enemies use proper tactics without resorting to dragging out the fights.

      In other words, stop blindly mashing the fire all button and start using that brain. It seems the devs are finally getting the point of how enemies are supposed to be more difficult without being stupidly strong.
    • ajalenajalen Member Posts: 113 Arc User
      sorry but i play whole mission with Mirror VoQuv and mk XII purple stuff ( few rep things , rest exchange stuff )
      and i dont have ANY problem , i just need few sec before i notice lot "immune" floaters and change target ....¨

      sorry for OP , but one single sneaky Iconian Viral probe which may shut down my ship in middle of fight is for me bigger challenge than throse 28 century fleets

    • saber1973asaber1973a Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
      edited January 2016
      I did that mission on my main with.... T6 Phantom Intel Escort (and not the Fleet version either) - i'm trying to finish the mastry for it - gear normal MkXII (Purple/Blue with different sets)... and once i learned to look for the distortions then it was breeze... on normal difficulty.

      The normal missions and PVE queues does not actually need any Mk.XIII or Mk. IV gear, the normal missions can be done on white/green Mk. X - just need to look at battle and go defensive - then it just long mission, when you try 2-5 minutes to kill 1 enemy ship - but it can be done with right powers/skills (like Aux. to structural - with all my skills and bonuses it gives me actually immunity to damage for 3 seconds from dodge).
      Post edited by saber1973a on
    • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
      Do realize most missions have to be played in a certain order and missions progress can only happen after certain events.

      Example mission Cutting the Cord. The romulan patrols on the ground have to be engaged in a certain order, the green path. If you take another path, you will be up against invincable mobs. I found it out after several playthroughs, sometimes wondering why the missions was so hard and other times so easy.

      OP has probably hit here a similar mechanic.
    • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
      ajalen wrote: »
      sorry but i play whole mission with Mirror VoQuv and mk XII purple stuff ( few rep things , rest exchange stuff )
      and i dont have ANY problem , i just need few sec before i notice lot "immune" floaters and change target ....¨

      sorry for OP , but one single sneaky Iconian Viral probe which may shut down my ship in middle of fight is for me bigger challenge than throse 28 century fleets

      Hmm, maybe it's just me, but I didn't even notice any immune floaters and/or clone ships. I just fired a few shots, and then stuff was dead. LOL. And no, I'm not a top player (not by a long shot). So I have honestly no idea what these ppl are talking about. Maybe the mission space battles are bugged for some ppl?!
    • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
      meimeitoo wrote: »
      Hmm, maybe it's just me, but I didn't even notice any immune floaters and/or clone ships. I just fired a few shots, and then stuff was dead. LOL. And no, I'm not a top player (not by a long shot). So I have honestly no idea what these ppl are talking about. Maybe the mission space battles are bugged for some ppl?!

      The destroyers create duplicates (like photonic fleet), and while those dupes are up, the main ship is immune. So yeah, if you nuke the destroyer before it uses that power, you wouldn't notice it. Meanwhile, all the folks who can't insta-nuke anything bigger than a fighter have a very different fight than you do. It's not a bug.
    • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
      ???? I just did it with a Fleet Mogai with Lvl 12's. It's easy really. I used the Mogai and 12's hoping for a real challenge after ripping through them in no time flat with my breen dred.
    • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
      meimeitoo wrote: »
      I too am getting tired of the space combat in this game it is too time consuming and challenging. An episode should not take this long to play.

      O, for the love of Kahless, what's up with you people?! The space battles in this mission were extremely easy. Way too easy, even (almost prompting me to start a topic on how we need tougher fights). Seriously, those ships, boss included, offered minimal resistance, if any at all.

      Unless you were playing on Elite, even newbies should be able to off the foes in this mission within their first two weeks of STO.

      Don't say it to loud or we will get another DR crapfest. I'd like to see better AI on the npc ships part.
    • starmanjstarmanj Member Posts: 718 Arc User
      edited January 2016
      thorlin325 wrote: »
      I haven't played in a few months, and came back to play during the anniversary. I have a T6 Arbiter battlecruiser for my ship, and most of the equipment is XII, and my captain is level 60. I started the mission, and made it to the part outside of the station, where you fight the Krenim ships. It was taking forever to beat the ships, and then I believe it was the last wave where you have to defeat a couple of ships, and I was defeated three times in a row without doing a whole lot of damage to either of them.

      I don't recall having problems in earlier anniversary events. I must be doing something wrong, don't have the right equipment, something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      My Alt is having same problem with the T6 Guardian Cruiser ship as well it can't beat it what is up with this?
      My main with same equips Oddy Tac TU5 will tear it up. This need to be investigated.
    • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
      Did it with my lvl 57 main. Sci cappy in an APU. I'm a space bar masher.

      My main problems seemed to have been them hitting their fancy attacks while my defensive powers were still on a cooldown and the fight getting dragged out. It was some weird timing. I think that if I was flying a glass cannon I'd have gotten blown up during those points. Maybe that's the problem, OP?

      My real problem with the mission was my away team thinking they were on Kobali Prime and turning into idiots again... I assume it's something in the air there... Also, they vanished during the cut scenes and I was forced to do the fights all by my lonesome. I sure showed them the power of a Klingon science warrior before they vaporized me.

      Beautiful maps though. Kudos to the environments team.
    • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
      edited January 2016
      OP, please check your Traits and Specializations. I found mine have been removed or changed at random from time to time. Went back and reloaded the ones I use and found the new mission to be a lot more enjoyable. I have no idea why this game does this or what causes it to occur. But I do know a level 60 char in a T6 ship should not have too much difficulty successfully completing this mission. Provided the Ship, BOffs, gear, and the like are set up the way you want them to be and you were successful with the same ship in previous missions.
      A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
    • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
      where2r1 wrote: »
      Yeah, I said TRIBBLE it after fiddling around in the mission for an hour and not getting by the ship fights...so you are not alone. I am just going to do the Q daily Omega mini game to collect the 1000 vouchers.

      OK, spent a bit of time on my character and had success on the second run of the mission.
      These are changes I made:

      1.) Went through traits and updated, as necessary, with REP traits. I believe THIS makes the biggest difference.

      I only recently finished some of the Rep on this character and had access to newer traits. Now, I know to add traits that help with the hull because: I am in a BoP (T-5, actually...the one I got with ship token for leveling). I am not sure about your Fed ships.

      2.) Upgraded shields from Mk 10 to Mk 13. I had missed upgrading shields. This explains some of the issues I was having with them dying so quickly on me in the previous run.

      This is a Covariant CapX2, Regen, Purple from Delta Recruit level up boxes. Could not find a better one in the Exchange, so, I made use of some upgrade tokens that were sitting in my account bank. I must have missed upgrading shields, previously, since the warp core and deflector were up to Mk 12, already. I thought I had upgraded all the Delta Recruit's stuff.

      3.) Swapped weapons out: disruptors to antiproton; cannons to beams. BUT only because I had so much of those saved in the bank.

      Saved from the prize boxes for leveling Rep...I saved anything that was Mk 12 Purples. I had 3 Radiant Anti Proton dual beam banks (Iconian Rep) and 2 Withering Photon Torpedoes (Terran Rep)....plus added the Ancient Omni (catching dust in bank because I was using disruptors). Of course, bought Tac consoles for Antiprotons.

      4.) Retrained BOFFs and reorganized the Stations to focus on Beams vice cannons. Don't forget to do this if you switch.

      5.) Added the Kobali Regenerative Integrity Field console for Hull....and dug up the Plasmotic leech console. All saved from ships I needed to activate for Admiralty.

      BoP has only 9 console slots so....I am probably going to remove the Leech for something else (probably torp consoles) eventually. Plasmotic leech was most likely OVERKILL, anyways. I wanted to try it on a KDF character....and I was pretty ticked I failed the mission the first time.

      I usually use Leech on the Rom because she definitely has power issues.

      Hope this helps.
      "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

      “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
    • thorlin325thorlin325 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
      Thanks again for all of the advice. I finally beat this mission. You were right, my traits and specializations had been reset, so I fixed those, then went back to the Dyson ship, which I felt more comfortable playing. I probably under-stated how long I have been away from the game....probably since last anniversary. I played a lot when the game first came out, then get back in every once in a while. I don't have any 14 level gear at all, and forget where to buy the better weapons, shields, etc. Sorry for being such a noob, and thanks for the input.
    • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
      amazing how much those traits can frak you up aint it?
      tacofangs wrote: »
      STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
    • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
      amazing how much those traits can frak you up aint it?

      Even more amazing than that is the time it takes Cryptic to finally fix it! :P
    • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
      nepsthen wrote: »
      No problems here. BFaW, EPtW, TS, Unstable Warp Bubble, and Ionic Turbulence. As people are saying, if you're targeting individual ships, they can make a clone that you have to kill before damaging it. Because of how abilities work and how endgame missions are set up, it's easier to just do AoE attacks. You might want to check your passive abilities if you haven't logged in for a while, since they reset them since the ground and space split, leaving your characters empty. Also make sure your ship level is maxed out to get the bonuses from that as well. And pick one energy weapon type, etc.

      Ionic Turbulence means you're flying a top-tier ship that requires either a high-level fleet or 3000 zen. Do you think it's just marginally possible, maybe, that some people may not be using gear like that?
    • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
      farranor wrote: »
      Ionic Turbulence means you're flying a top-tier ship that requires either a high-level fleet or 3000 zen. Do you think it's just marginally possible, maybe, that some people may not be using gear like that?

      Not every player is a hardcore who spends yonks of cash and time getting the top level everything?

    • starmanjstarmanj Member Posts: 718 Arc User
      Just seems the people in here who are complaining about this taking too long or its too hard, may have some serious setup issues or the level difficulty setting is on elite. I could run this in my shuttle craft and complete it.

      Check your difficulty setting, make sure you have weapons equipped on your ship and power levels for weapons are maxed :P

      Nateham where do you find the difficulty setting at lol it has been awhile
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