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  • raxicoricoraxicorico Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Ok. Here is my fan fiction. I put it up on google drive as I turned it into a .pdf to aid in the readability... you will see what I mean.

    If you have any issues with the pdf not showing, try the download button in the centre of the screen that appears once you click the link. I noticed that Safari may have an issue with loading it, but is ok if you download it. Chrome and firefox seem ok. Google really need to fix that. Anyhow. Enjoy ;)

  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    Holy TRIBBLE that is some effort, good job.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    After the Riot on Dovan V, the traveler revealed himself to Wesley and promised to mentor him to strengthen his ability to alter space, time, and warp fields. Afterwards, Wesley and Traveler transported to the El Segundo Galasy and Travelers true identity was revealed. Traveler transformed into a thousand points of light into Grand Master Yoda. Wesley asked what is the meaning of galaxy. Yoda stated it was micro transactions that are where the real money is made in the game. Also, Yoda stated that Wesley’s power to harness space and time came from the mystical power called the Schwartz. The Schwartz grows by collecting as much zen as possible. The only way to get zen is to create a universe that is similar to his own but where the Federation officers chase things like Energy Credits, Damage Per Second, and Dilithium. Wesley asked Yoda that didn’t human evolve past the need for money? Yoda said pfifts Humans always will need money. Slowly Wesley created this this called a level curve and created other races such as Romulans and Klingons so that he could create 3 Pack Faction ship packs. And the Zen rolled in and Yoda was happy and the power of the Schwartz grew.

    However, while Yoda And Wesley were sitting around counting there huge stack of Cash, it hit Wesley that what they were doing was wrong. This is more than just collecting zen to life. Yoda’s voices shook and quaked and stated that nothing is more important than zen. Therefore an epic battle ensued. Wesley’s Schwartz was almost as big as Yoda but after hours of effort Wesley was at Yoda’s Mercy. Yoda stated that for Wesley’s ungrateful manner he would be banished and Wesley was hit with a power of light.

    Wesley awoke in a dorm room in Chino State. His intelligence was gone, but he could roll a mean bud.
  • warlicker84warlicker84 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Here is my entry to the Space Barbie Competition. Here is the U.S.S. Chiana.
    While I was messing around with the T6 Alita, I somehow made a poor man's Zahl Heavy Cruiser

  • amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Here is my Assimilated Undine Nicor Screen Shot. Please enjoy.

  • amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Assimilated Undine
  • l33tpr0nsuxorzl33tpr0nsuxorz Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    amaresh1 wrote: »
    Here is my Assimilated Undine Nicor Screen Shot. Please enjoy.


    Awesome. I have a fully assimilated Strike Stink Bug.


    Blaze@l33tpr0nsuxorz in game
  • tyrionjkirktyrionjkirk Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    The USS Amalthea for the Space Barbie Screenshot contest. She has curves and legs and knows how to use them :wink:



  • raxicoricoraxicorico Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    grimrak1 wrote: »
    Holy TRIBBLE that is some effort, good job.

    Thanks!!! I'm not a writer, but I've read and seen a lot of Star Trek over the years; it's my first ever piece i've ever written so I hope you enjoyed it. Glad to see you were able to access it without any issues. I know repetitiveepic would have preferred the story content posted right into the forum, but yeah, between the length and the way I did it, I don't think that it could have worked well and - it would have clogged the forum, but still, it's available in the thread for everyone to see though, and as long as it's working then that's what matters.

  • edited December 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • captainpirkocaptainpirko Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    Story contest submission

    Few places were as disconnected, and chaotic as the delta quadrant. Far from any reigning power, the distant corners of the delta quadrant held thousands of isolated and seemingly barbaric worlds, wrapped deeply in superstition and beliefs.
    The traveler had tried many times on their voyage to teach Wesley that distance, was not so much a fact, as a perspective. “Do not look with your eyes Wesley” he would say, “look with your mind.”
    What seemed like weeks to Wesley, concluded with the duo arriving on a thick, forested world. The weather was overcast, clearly visible through the thick foliage that surrounded them.
    “Where are we?” asked Wesley as he observed their surroundings. “These are the ritual grounds” explained the traveler, “the tribes are gathering. Soon they will join in this place, for what they call ‘communion’. It is a fascinating process and one I hope you will learn from.”
    Very little of the forest was visible to Wesley, but what he could see looked very little like a ritual ground. The lush greens of the foliage stood out against the dull browns of the dirt and logs. It was like witnessing a battle of the colors, sharp detail versus blurred background. It would give most men a headache if they looked at it too long.
    The traveler let Wesley observe their surroundings for a minute, before motioning to Wesley, “come, the tribes will be arriving soon, and we do not want to be the last to arrive.”
    Wesley followed as indicated, following the traveler deeper into the forest. At times it seemed like the traveler was following a path, and other times it seemed like he was leading them through dense brush. Every time Wesley thought he saw the path they were following, the path would end in a dead end, and the traveler would take them in another direction. “How do you know where you’re going?” Wesley asked.
    “Listen” the traveler replied, continuing to trek through the underbrush.
    Wesley did as was told; slowing some as to hear over the sound of leaves rustling. Straining his ears, he could discern the sound of insects all around them, and the grumble of his stomach.
    “not with your ears Wesley, with your mind. Listen with your mind” the traveler corrected, seeming to know that Wesley was missing that crucial instruction.
    “oh.” Was Wesley’s only reply; attempting to reach out with his thoughts, Wesley listened for things outside of his mind. At first, there was just silence. Even the traveler was silent. Then came a hum, so deep and infrequent it was like a drumbeat. Wesley could barely tell where it was coming from, only that they were heading in the right direction. “Is it close?” he asked.
    “Distance isn’t the question.” The traveler replied.
    “Well then how long till we get there?” Wesley insisted.
    “That doesn’t matter” was the traveler’s answer.
    Growing Impatient, Wesley asked, “then what does matter?”
    “The journey!” the traveler said, “if your journey to become a Starfleet officer was based on the destination, then that would have been wasted effort wouldn’t it? But since the journey is what matters, your path to becoming a Starfleet officer was one of the most important things you’ve done so Far.” he explained, “does that make sense?”
    Wesley thought about it for a moment. It was true, he’d only just gotten out of the academy when he threw away his Starfleet career to follow the traveler, but he still wasn’t sure how that pertained to what they were doing. “So you think I’ll learn something by traveling to the ritual grounds?” he asked.
    “Most likely.” The traveler replied.
    Not reassured, but trusting the traveler to know what to do, Wesley continued to follow the traveler through the forest. Forcing himself to be content with waiting, Wesley watched the ground as he stuck close to the traveler, wading through a dense underbrush of bushes, shrubs and reeds. He practiced listening to the hum with his mind, hoping that he might be able to gauge a location if he practiced harder.
    Suddenly the traveler stopped, and Wesley nearby bumped into him. Silently peering around the traveler, Wesley realized that they’d reached a clearing, with some sort of gazebo in the middle. Surrounding the structure and forming a nearly perfect circle, were dozens of half naked men with painted symbols on them.
    “We are late to arrive, but it does not look like we are the last.” The traveler commented. Leading the way again towards the middle of the group, the traveler slowly moved towards a bearded man standing in the middle of the circle. The man made a gesture over the travelers head, slowing bringing his hand back to press against his own forehead.
    The traveler made a bow to the man, before motioning to Wesley, with some sort of gesture of size. The man seemed to nod understandingly, and pointed to a spot in the circle.
    “The yusaan has given you a place in the circle. Come, it is time to sit.” Wesley followed the travelers indications, taking a seat in the dirt between two other people who were already sitting with their eyes closed. “What am I supposed to do?” asked Wesley as he took his seat.
    “Close your eyes for starters. The yusaan will conduct things. Just listen and do what he says.” The traveler said, moving a few steps back, and presumably sitting, but Wesley couldn’t tell.
    The man in the middle, or yusaan as he was called, Opened his arms wide on either side of him. His voice was deeper then Wesley imagined someone’s voice could be, and there was something about it that sounded like he had a cold. “Now we have ended our journey. We learned much from the path, and we’ve been made stronger from it. To continue, to grow, and be made wiser, we must now choose a new path. Each path is different. For as many stars in the sky, there are paths for each of you to follow. Now we broaden our minds, reach out with your thoughts, but look not outwards for this call, look inwards. Your pah grows strong with the will of your spirit. Let It direct you, let it teach you. For your new journey starts, and the path starts here! Listen to the voice in your pah… let it give you strength, and push you to a new age.”
    Following the instructions carefully, Wesley got images of his father, the enterprise, Starfleet, the cadet who accidentally died in a shuttle accident when he was at the academy. Something clicked, and it made sense. He could see how they all linked together. “I get it now!” Wesley exclaimed; “the pieces fit together perfectly! The borg, Starfleet, the enterprise! I see how it all fits! All pieces of the same story, we’re all, everyone, all of us, its…. Its…”
    “Shut up Wesley!”
    [SIGPIC]Timelords Fleet [/SIGPIC]
  • lieutenantusherlieutenantusher Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Here's my spacebarbie submission my Galaxy Class Ventureship: imgur.com/a/dD9N6

    Edit: I have the new forums, apparently posting the image here is conveluted and/or impossible for me atm. My appologies but the link is for the imgur album at least.

  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User

    That was a wonderful story. You really outdid everyone with that. It even brought a tear to my eye at the end.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • raxicoricoraxicorico Member Posts: 58 Arc User

    wow, you said it was too long to post in here and you meant it :open_mouth:
    ltminns wrote: »

    That was a wonderful story. You really outdid everyone with that. It even brought a tear to my eye at the end.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

    Oww thanks. I was just trying to come up with something enjoyable :) It's been a tough year for so many people, and it's nice to see that so many people already have taken the time to unwind and are getting into the spirit of things on here in the thread.

    I know that I am looking forward to properly sitting down and reading all the fiction on here and admiring all the nice pictures of pimped starships... and then hopefully jumping online to see what merry things people come up with for the day of the Christmas party ingame.
  • lieutenantusherlieutenantusher Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    And my story submission:

    A Wesley Crusher Christmas Tale
    Stars speckled the night sky above a beautiful, thick forest. Tall trees resembling a coniferous forest on Earth surrounded a small opening in the middle of a dirt trail. In the middle of the opening was a small, dimly-lit fire with a log at its side. On it sat a tall, grey-skinned man with wild grey hair.
    Rustling sounds came from the bush nearby. They parted and a man stepped into the dim light. He was wearing the clothing of a Dorvan V native and carrying a pile of branches and twigs.
    “Ah Wesley, you’re back just in time; I didn’t think the fire was going to stay lit much longer.” The old man smiled and took a few of the bigger branches from him; then gently placing them on the fire.
    Wesley placed the remaining firewood beside the fire then sat on the rough-bark covered log. The Traveler joined him and staring into the fire he smiled. In a bright voice he finally revealed what had been on his mind all night. “Let’s go visit your world of yesterday. Wesley history has a lesson for you.”
    Wesley had become accustomed to his companions somewhat odd behavior over the years, a trip like this was hardly out of the ordinary. “When are we going this time?” He smiled, he still found it kind of funny to ask even after all these years.
    “To a time they called Christmas. It’s December 24th on the old Earth calendar, year 2015.”
    They focused their minds and begun to move through time and space. The world around them gave-way to bright streams of time, space, dimensions, the whole of existence began to flow and move around them in a great symphonic-cacophony of life. The beautiful stream gave way to a cold breeze and bright lights in the night. Busy streets buzzed with people and cars all hurrying about their business. There was no snow which Wesley found odd, he knew that it was winter and it certainly didn’t feel like spring.
    The Traveler picked up a newspaper off a nearby street stand. “Yup this is it. Big city, Christmas Eve.” Gesturing to the man running the stand he smiled. “Excuse me, do you have the time?”
    The old man replied in a thick Italian accent. “It’s about a quarter past 6.”
    The Traveler put the paper down in its place. “Thank you.”
    “Merry Christmas.” The man replied.
    “To you too.”
    Onward they travelled through streets where cars were lined up in traffic jams, people were distracted, angry, rushed, and people were going crazy over buying up everything the stores had to sell. This place seemed like a zoo where all the animals could run around wherever they wanted. Wesley had been shoved more than once on purpose, he couldn’t believe how rude everyone was.
    A while later they had left all the malls and craziness behind.
    “What am I supposed to learn here? Everyone seems so greedy, or unhappy. If I remember my history correct these people are still voluntarily killing the planet, and each other. There’s nothing but stress here.”
    “That’s just one small glimpse of humanity in this time. Certainly we can learn from those who make bad choices. Perhaps you’ll learn something of how trivial humans can be at their core but that is not what we’re here for.” The Traveler smiled and pointed towards an old building in a rough part of town. They had bright lights covering much of the building in an assortment of mismatched colours with some burned out bulbs. “This is where your lesson lies.”
    “You’ve had some odd moments but this one just doesn’t seem to make sense.” Wesley slowed his walking pace becoming weary of continuing this journey. He was certainly getting tired of having this kind of history lesson.
    “So very smart, yet still so much you have to learn Wesley.” The Traveler ignored Wesley’s slowed pace and walked into the building. Wesley had no choice but to follow.
    Inside there were large tables filled with people. Everyone was eating, laughing, opening small gifts. A small group of people were at the end of the room cooking, serving, handing out presents, and everyone was smiling. Wesley began to change his mind about the evening.
    After dinner and talking with many people Wesley had long forgotten about the rude people in the malls. He was too involved in the atmosphere. Everyone here was down on their luck, many were going to be sleeping in the basement on cots, some just had a place to go but no one to go home to, some people were once rich, famous, convicts. All of them got together tonight though to celebrate the joy in their world big and small.
    Stories were told of the people who helped them every day and when Wesley talked with the people running this he was amazed even still. All of them regularly helped those in need. He’d met a group of people in the least likely of places who best embodied humanity.
    At the end of the night the Traveler walked over to Wesley and smiled. “Now have you learned what history was trying to teach you?”
    Wesley paused and thought for a long moment. “I’m not sure I do. I’ve learned a lot about these people but I’m not sure what you wanted me to learn.”
    The Traveler put his arm on Wesley’s shoulder and smiled. “That people are complex, especially societies. There’s good and evil everywhere. Some people lose sight but never all and in the end these people here become the voice of the majority. The Federation was really born out of places like this as far back as sentient species existed. When we’re mindful of our world often we work to improve it, and to improve each other. That even in our lowest points there will always be beacons of light, of hope, and a better version of ourselves.”
    “Couldn’t I have learned that in any time though? Why this year and this place?”
    “Because it is when and where you would learn this best. This is a divided world, on the beginning of a major turning point in their civilization. Also because I’ve been here before and I always have a good time.”
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,265 Arc User
    Appears I'll be stuck at work tomorrow. Sorry guys.

    Anyway ... I present... 'The Claw' as my entry for the space Barbie contest. May she help you all get to sector 12.


    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • hamsterchieftainhamsterchieftain Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    A Good Listener

    "You're being uncharacteristically quiet, Wesley. It's not like you're deep in thought."

    "Actually, I am. Something isn't quite adding up right, but I can't put my finger on it."

    "About what, exactly?"

    "Something isn't right about history."

    "That's because it's written by people, who don't know everything. There are always inaccuracies and omissions."

    "And any time I start to look into it, I get interrupted. I was reading up on the whole Genesis Device disaster when we found those three Orion ladies in an escape pod with failing life support."

    "That wasn't much of a coincidence. They ejected into a highly-traveled space lane, and if we hadn't been there, someone else would have picked them up. You're not complaining, are you?"

    "No, not really, but it did distract me from my investigation."

    "I would expect so. Anyway, the facts all fit together. Your investigation would have come to the same conclusion as everyone else."

    "Really? Then exactly WHY did Ceti Alpha V self-destruct? A lifeless world, billions of years old, falls apart a mere 6 months after Ceti Alpha VI is colonized?"

    "I've seen worse. Anyway, that just about closed the book on a dark period of Earth's history, so I wouldn't get too worried about it."

    "It's not just that. It's those..."

    "What is that doing here?", the Traveller pointing to a brown-furred rodent holding perfectly still up on Wesley's storage shelf.

    "Oh, that's Phord. Remember the laboratory on Morau? I found it unusual that it would have an Earth animal in it, so I took him so I could track down what he is and how he got there."


    "He’s some type of Mesocricetus. They found him on a failed pre-Federation Earth colony near Vega. Apparently his ancestors were lab animals, pets, or part of the colonization package. Records back then weren't clear."

    "Then why haven't you gotten rid of it?"

    "Him. Because, unlike you, he listens to me, and doesn't interrupt me with questions, or ask me to, er, stop."

    "I can't have animals running around here. Fortunately," a small nut appearing in his hand, "I happen to have Anaquava nuts on me. A mild sedative for us, but," quickly flipping it to the rodent, "fatal to something with 0.2% of our body mass."

    The rodent sniffed it, then popped it into its mouth.

    "NOOOO! Don't!” He yelled at the Traveller while diving for his pet. “How could you!" Before he could reach him, Phord ran and hid behind a pile of data cubes. "How long does he have?", Wesley asked as he searched for his medical tricorder.

    "Don't worry, that was a test to see if it could understand us. You really can't just bring whatever you want in here. That could have been an infiltration attempt by the Morau, among other possibilities. Anyway, it's time to get back to work. By now the simulations of the interaction of multiple warp fields when inside the minimum safe distance..."

    The two walked out and the door closed behind them. Inside, Phord cautiously approached the medical tricorder, unhoarded the nut, and scanned it. It smelled really good, but better safe than sorry.

    For more Mesocricetus stories, please visit https://www.reddit.com/r/houseofsnoo

  • This content has been removed.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    Something else for your enjoyment.


    I saw that pic in GNN and it screamed SHUT UP WESLEY!
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • daviesdaviesdaviesdavies Member Posts: 277 Arc User
    [Ura] Genius and Some handsome lol
  • rahametrahamet Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    My ship entry for space Barbie
  • newnjanewnja Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    My barbie:


  • clulosclulos Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    My Space Barbie: U.S.S. Frika C

  • rahametrahamet Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Best overall
    The future is Borg
    Resistance Is Futile
  • cougiumsundayscougiumsundays Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    nabreeki wrote: »
    Unnecessary regardless, nagus, but that's never stopped you before.

    Shutup Wesley parties are always a good time, and almost everyone usually walks away with SOMETHING. Last year there were several billion ec worth of prizes and they've really outdone themselves this time. This is by far the best player-run event in the game. There's no reason not to show up and try your hands at one of the great contests. Hope to see you all there!

    This was enough for me to be ready! Looking forward to this event. Gonna have myself a very Wesley Christmas. See you all there.
  • beardedferretbeardedferret Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I still don't seem to be able to post links to pictures, but please enjoy this festive and happy story involving Wesley Crusher.

    Wesley Crusher was dying.

    He’d been dying for days, really, but there comes a point where pain outweighs denial, and Wesley had only just reached it. The pain in his side had ebbed and flowed for while he’d walked, but he had fallen on a patch of ice and felt some vital part of himself move in a way that it should not have. He imagined Geordie LaForge examining some twisted piece of exploded machinery and shaking his head. He did not, could not, imagine his mother.

    For almost seven years, he had wandered the universe with The Traveller. A month ago, The Traveller had abruptly left him. No explanation, no warning, no instructions. Wesley had awoken to find himself alone in an icy rotunda, overlooking what looked like a racetrack hewn into the snow. He had long since lost track of calendar time, but the place nevertheless struck him as ineffably festive - or would have, if it hadn’t been utterly deserted.

    It was cold, and though his wandering with The Traveller had kept him warm and dry in the harshest conditions, he could not replicate the effect on his own. The striped jumped he had awakened to find himself clad in only offered so much protection. With no other options, he had picked a direction at random and walked.

    Climbing the cliffs ringing the festive little grove he’d awakened in was difficult, but his early Starfleet training paid off here. It had helped him build a fire and catch a few small, rabbit-like creatures to roast for food, too. They weren’t much, but it beat eating snow.

    He had been walking for two weeks when he saw the first snowman.

    At first, he rejoiced, taking it for a sign of some nearby civilisation. The snowman stood on its own in the middle of a small clearing - a snowman in the classical mould, with twigs for arms, stones for eyes, a carrot nose and (curiously) a little wooden commbadge in the shape of the Starfleet arrow. The carrot had looked fresh enough, and so he had taken it to eat with his next rabbit thing.

    When he woke the next morning, three snowmen stood over him, unmoving.

    It continued for three nights. Unnerved, he would kick apart the snowmen and move on, walking through the day. Every night, a new trio would appear around him.

    On the tenth day, he walked into a clearing filled with thousands, and these ones moved. Moved, threw snowballs, and fired painful spears of ice. Pierced, he ran. When he could run no more, he walked. Then he crawled. Finally, he could crawl no more.

    There would be no Traveller to save him this time. No Picard in a shuttlecraft, no rescue in the cool wash of transporter dislocation. He was dying, in this strange frozen waste.

    “TRIBBLE,” he thought, and lapsed into unconsciousness.
  • rahametrahamet Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Submissions for post apocalypse and Westley
    Vault Boy
    Westley from Nemesis
  • waldotrekwaldotrek Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Space Barbie entry...candy science


    Former Moderator 10-28-16
  • splattysplatty Member Posts: 165 Arc User
    Space Barbie entry...

    Nice gloomy Risian Cruiser..

  • wesleycrasherwesleycrasher Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    rahamet wrote: »
    Costume stuff

    Costume competitions are judged in-game at the time of the event. I'm sorry if you cannot make it, but forum entries for these events will not be accepted. Only the screenshot and fanfic events are handled via this forum thread.

    All the toys you can't afford.
This discussion has been closed.