We didn't need a level 60 increase and we sure as hell don't need level 70 increase. if cryptic wants to gouge players with t7 ships we don't need another increase for that either.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
I like level increases in games that I play... when it happens new stuff normally comes out with it. I think the major issue here is that PWE increases the price of ships each tier by 500 zen. Maybe if they cap the prices at 3k a ship for top tier... as they increase tiers they will adjust the prices of each tier... so top tier is always 3k.
assuming we get 2 to 3 seasons a year... after 2 years or 5 to 6 seasons, a new level increase imo would be good.
God they pull this stunt agaon, well not buying another tier 7 version of what I have, I'll just put all my tools into my free lifetime ship and call it a day.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
the worst thing about the lv60 increase was us captains who had been stuck at lv50 for years didn't get an iota of benefit from the xp we had earned over those years we still had to start at lv50 where the jump to lv60 should have been instantaneous, this shows most with characters we have created since the increase that got to lv60 with much less play then we have done on any of our older characters.
That's childish thinking.
"Give it to me free because I've played at cap for all these years!"
This isn't a classroom where the teacher caves in and does nice things for you, this is an MMOrpg that is a money making business. We don't OWN anything that we've played with, in this game, not even the things we've paid for. All we've paid for is the legal right to use said things in the game, for as long as the game owners decide. That's how it works.
The play from 50 to 60, was a kick in the teeth to all the kiddie gamers who were expecting easy 5-10 minute missions because they foolishly waste their time playing a half-dozen or more games at the same time (or dozens of alts on this game), and all the kiddies who don't want to do what an MMOrpg wants them to do, which is play through content.
T5U to T6 is not a large jump, despite all the childish ranting in most threads that says something to the contrary.
T6 to an as yet unknown T7 won't be a large jump either. It can't be, because nearly all T6 require the spending of money.
There won't be a level increase anytime soon because that requires the addition of large amounts of story content ala Delta Rising, which takes quite a bit of time to produce.
If the level increase is not coming soon then neither will there be a T7 anytime soon.
50-60 was also a kick in the teeth for any captain that had completed all the pre-DR story lines already so was forced to endlessly grind Argala make it to the next DR story mission with the large level gaps between them.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
STO was doomed and probably scheduled to be closed down with the last Iconian battle on ESD (what a great finale for this game would have been). However, the new Star Trek series coming in 2017 has brought up some good needed revenues for this side of PWE. Same as SWTOR is doing with the new Star Wars movie. New life and new players could still turn this game around. I don't think "exploration like" FEs or the Mirror battlezone was planned but a very rushed job to keep players tuned in. They seemed way out of placed from what this game evolved from S1.
It's good to see at least the servers are running but hope they can work more on the storylines and new expansion. Cardassians/Dominion are around the corner so good to see at least the servers are running for a while longer. Not sure if there will be a T7 unless they really crank up playerbase metrics. Level up...might be..SWTOR increased their caps a few times now to 65. Not unheard of but yeah the spec trees supposed to take care of the end game grind unlike the original PvPs were supposed to do.
People have been crying that this game was dead since beta, just like every other mmo.
Level cap raises however, have very little to do with how alive a game is if the game is managed and developed correctly.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
the worst thing about the lv60 increase was us captains who had been stuck at lv50 for years didn't get an iota of benefit from the xp we had earned over those years we still had to start at lv50 where the jump to lv60 should have been instantaneous, this shows most with characters we have created since the increase that got to lv60 with much less play then we have done on any of our older characters.
That's childish thinking.
"Give it to me free because I've played at cap for all these years!"
This isn't a classroom where the teacher caves in and does nice things for you, this is an MMOrpg that is a money making business. We don't OWN anything that we've played with, in this game, not even the things we've paid for. All we've paid for is the legal right to use said things in the game, for as long as the game owners decide. That's how it works.
The play from 50 to 60, was a kick in the teeth to all the kiddie gamers who were expecting easy 5-10 minute missions because they foolishly waste their time playing a half-dozen or more games at the same time (or dozens of alts on this game), and all the kiddies who don't want to do what an MMOrpg wants them to do, which is play through content.
T5U to T6 is not a large jump, despite all the childish ranting in most threads that says something to the contrary.
T6 to an as yet unknown T7 won't be a large jump either. It can't be, because nearly all T6 require the spending of money.
There won't be a level increase anytime soon because that requires the addition of large amounts of story content ala Delta Rising, which takes quite a bit of time to produce.
If the level increase is not coming soon then neither will there be a T7 anytime soon.
how is this getting it for free, the 3 delta characters I created were all up to lv60 within a few months of the delta event ending yet the 3 characters I had been playing for years stuck at lv50 got nothing for those years of play and the only game I play is sto every day for at least a couple of hours often longer so that's a lot of play and a heck of a lot of xp I had earned on them so don't tell me I was expecting it for free, all I was expecting is something to acknowledge the time I had spent playing reflected in the game, isn't that what we expect every day when we log in.
let me ask you this now that lv60 is here how do you think players would react if cryptic said once you reach level 50 you have to spend 2 years playing every day before you will start your climb to lv60, that's exactly what us long time players had.
also money has nothing to do with this, I didn't spend any money just time playing and I had already spent tons more then enough of that before they bought in lv60 to make up for the short time I had to play after they bought in lv60.
it doesn't really matter now as all of my characters are lv60 but it doesn't alter the fact that it would have been a nice gesture by cryptic and would have cost them nothing.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I think under normal circumstances an ordinary MMO has to push level caps and or add "endgame" content, one of the few ingredients in the term "expansion". You have to keep the game challenging and your players wanting to grab the next best Assault Rifle MK XXZ v2 in order to bring down the "God" creature Kirk faced off with near the center of the galaxy.
But the problems with this are many, first, and this is my assumption, is that primarily Cryptic's bread and butter come from ships sales and lockboxes. As it stands now outside of the vanilla game the only other way to get a higher tier ship is to buy it, and while that brings money to the business it becomes nauseating to players, old and new, who already work their butts off trying to get new rep gear. Gear progression is just ok as it stands now, but starship progression, not so much.
Many have suggested in the past that Cryptic should continue ship progression and then add certain styles, flares and other cosmetic or console changes etc to the Cstore and you get your ships like you did from levels 1-50.. 1 token per grade. Though I know that stuff like this is a lot easier said than done, and it would be a real hammer to the head if all of a sudden your primary bread winner formula is suddenly changed and might not give the desired yield. Lets all not forget PWE is all about making money and Cryptic ultimately does what they are told.
Personally, I don't see the point of either a level or ship tier increase.
What I would like to see is content appropriate to the tiers we have now. Powercreep is already beyond crazy.... people posting 100k+ DPS.... do we really need another console/ship/skill to boost that further?
What I would like to see is a balance pass season... where all abilities are reviewed for playability balance, I would like to see the return of the trinity (Heal, Tank, DPS) in STO... rather than virtual god mode you can build your ships to today.
The realist in me knows this wont happen... any modification is generally considered a nerf (unless your numbers go up)... so the likelyhood is extremely low that a balance pass will really ever occur. Could you imagine the agony caused by reducing survivability of escorts (high damage, low survivability), lower damage potential of sci (cc and heal, but low damage... take for-freaking-ever to kill targets, medium survivability) and cruisers (tank and self heal, but with moderate damage, high survivability).... there isn't enough popcorn.
For every person who says they aren't going to re-buy their ships at T7, you're either lying, or there are 10 other people who will if you don't.
If you bought a T6 ship, you are part of the problem. You give Cryptic a very firm message that it doesn't matter if you get a discount or not if you already bought similar ships (Fleet, T5, whatever), you are willing to open your wallet because of a shiny new skin and console power. Or any other frills. You will not only do this on the first day of their release, but you will do so with stars in your eyes and will proudly brag about it to your friends, and on the forums.
To think that Cryptic will not encourage you to buy T7 ships with a tempting marketing strategy is just plain naive. Too many STO players have poor impulse spending control, and the desire to get the best of everything -- regardless of whether or not they actually need it. How many players do you see in the MU Event in their shiny new Command ships just sitting AFK until the boss fight so they get credit? Players will spend $30 or $60 just to sit AFK and take advantage of broken game mechanics and the knowledge that they won't get punished for it.
Do you think morally or ethically they won't release T7 ships? As if they would somehow feel like it would be wrong to double-dip on content they've already created and put forth minimal effort to spruce it up a bit? They've done it already, and despite players pointing out that double dipping is a shady business practice, not enough people seemed to care. They were willing to fork over cash hand and foot anyway. Which is fine. That's their right.
Players weren't willing to tell Cryptic that their monetization practices and paywalls were unethical. They that sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
So, when (not if) T7 ships come along, if you want someone to blame, look in the mirror. Money speaks louder than words.
What I would like to see is a balance pass season... where all abilities are reviewed for playability balance, I would like to see the return of the trinity (Heal, Tank, DPS) in STO... rather than virtual god mode you can build your ships to today.
While I'd love to see old/useless abilities, as well as broken/OP abilities reassessed, I really don't think "the trinity" of tank/healer/dps needs to exist in every game. Instead, numbers across all 3 "classes" (tac/sci/eng) should be adjusted to bring them relatively in line with one another. Then, players can choose their style of play: future soldier, robot summoner, or space wizard. These 3 should all be as equally effective as possible, and the primary distinction should be playstyle. Much better than locking players into roles, especially since healing other people in this game can be a huge pain in the TRIBBLE at times.
Yes, that's exactly right. Most people I know (as in people I know IRL for many, many years as we've played various MMOs together) will either leave STO all together (some already have after DR) or simply not purchase a T7 ship.
So again, when it comes to guessing the purchasing habits of people I know personally for many years, you're talking out of your butt.
Not entirely as it so happens... most doesn't equate to all.
What you have to realize how brilliant t6 ships were...
A ship costs about 2 weeks to create on their side, no matter what tier it is. So when you paying 3000, rather than 2500, 2000 or 500 zen you are not getting more developer time put into the ship, their expenses didn't change.
So, why wouldn't they?
Tier 16 ships that cost 5000 more zen! (and still take the exact same time to create)
What you have to realize how brilliant t6 ships were...
A ship costs about 2 weeks to create on their side, no matter what tier it is. So when you paying 3000, rather than 2500, 2000 or 500 zen you are not getting more developer time put into the ship, their expenses didn't change.
So, why wouldn't they?
Tier 16 ships that cost 5000 more zen! (and still take the exact same time to create)
Pretty much. Minimize developer labor time, maximize profit. It's the way of the industry. If they can cut corners and half-TRIBBLE content (which come on, if you've played STO long enough, has been a truth for a while), they will. They know not everyone will buy into it, but they hedge their bets that enough will. Player churn and turnover is inconsequential to their overall business strategy.
Not entirely as it so happens... most doesn't equate to all.
I said "most people I know" in my original post.
Yes, yes you did, but I'm on about why a further level increase wont cripple the game, and I'm still more than happy to wager in that bet of mine. If you're so confident of your claim, you'll be able to match it. You seemingly conveniently ignored it previously.
While I would agree there will be those who buy T7 ships when they come out, I don't see how you can claim those who say they won't buy them (and really won't buy them) are all liars.
Not that I need to defend the guy, but he never claimed them to all be liars. He stated (clearly) that if they weren't lying, there would be other people who would buy the ships, in turn making up the cost for Cryptic.
While I would agree there will be those who buy T7 ships when they come out, I don't see how you can claim those who say they won't buy them (and really won't buy them) are all liars.
Because I saw the same lip service when T6 ships became a thing. I saw people on the forums saying they weren't going to rebuy their favorite ships at T6, since they'd already paid $25 for what was more or less the same exact ship, not to mention any Fleet modules at what? $7 a pop? T5 upgrade tokens? They said no more. And I thought maybe this was it, maybe players really did have enough of unethical monetization.
But once the dev blogs came out those same exact people bought into it. What's funny is that those ships were the Intelligence ships, and then those same exact people complained when Fleet T6 Intelligence ships came out.
So yeah, I think there are people who are just paying lip service and trying to convince themselves they won't buy T7 ships, but at the end of the day, you'll see those people saying, "Wow, those T7 ships look awesome! I can't wait to buy them!"
Maybe I'm wrong, I've been wrong before. But based on past behavior, I'm thinking what I say is going to be more true than not.
You know, all your remarks hinting at a deep wish to 'eat me' - not that I'm not flattered or anything and I welcome your open-mindedness, but...
But... bacon .
I am assuming you're playing a character of sorts here, I do draw the line at eating real humans in real life, even humans I've only ever seen as written text in character as an alien pig on the internet .
It's easy to have a lot of with endless Targ jokes
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Give me control of a task force please. If not, then a cap increase can TRIBBLE off, because I really don't want to see this occurring.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "Look at me I'm a target!" "Fire the Lance on my mark... MARK! "How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?" My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
I don't disagree with you that there are those paying lip service. However, I do disagree with making a blanket statement that anyone and everyone who says they won't buy a T7 ship is a liar.
For every person who says they aren't going to re-buy their ships at T7, you're either lying, or there are 10 other people who will if you don't.
Bolded the relevant portion. I really do believe there are some people who won't buy into a T7 ship program. Maybe they really will leave STO. Maybe they will draw the line there (even if my personal opinion is they should have drawn it a long time ago), and force Cryptic to rethink their monetization and paywall strategies.
But even if those people don't buy T7 ships, there are enough people with poor impulse spending control and disposable incomes that they will easily drop $40 bucks on a ship they've already bought 5 times before without blinking. And it's cool if they do.
But I also think those people have waived their right to complain about this kind of business practice.
I'm in the camp of "they're going to milk T6, t6-(f)U, and fleet t6" for at least another year. They will try to make another specialization class primary, once they've realized they'd forgotten about that, in an effort to milk it more, before finally introducing the T7 "re-buy every ship you've already bought several times over, just so you're new ship can keep up with the powercreep before we introduce the t7-(f)U and the fleet versions."
I do feel that people are justified in being upset at Cryptic though, as well as those who pay enough to keep this ridiculous business model alive. This game have pretty much come to embody everything that Star Trek was against. It's like that Indiana Jones Episode of SouthPark, except Lucas is Cryptic and Spielberg is PWE.
Without any hard facts or numbers, my guess would go like this. T5 sold most, T5U sold a less than T5, T6 sold less than T5Us, and T7 would probably sell less than T6.
Point is however, people still bought them and the pricing tier increases with each tier increase.
Will 100% of everyone buy them, probably not, but I'd say a solid portion will. Don't forget, some buy more than one also.
In most F2P models I have seen it usually works like this; 80% of revenue is generated by 20% of the game population. I assume STO is similar, they don't need everyone to pitch in, there going to make money, and good amount of it thanks to those who buy buy buy.
Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
i would think tier 5u upgrade tokens to buy will come first to make all these ships tier 6 so you can buy upgrade tokens to make them 6u. UNLESS CRYPTIC DOSN"T WANT TO MAKE MONEY ANYMORE.
For all those wanting Tier 7 ships I do hope you realise that each tier increase of ship dramatically reduces the chances of any new faction arriving in game due to the number of ships which need to be produced for release of that faction.
For me the very fact we went from T5-T6 is what stopped me spending any further money on the game and I am sorry but even a post guaranteeing that they will never go to T7 would not make me start spending again. I do not like having to rebuy ships I spent money on to move forward with the curve and like the upgrade system have to draw a line somewhere.
Totally against any increase in level cap or ship tiers as I was of the 50-60 one, but saying that the range of ship possibilities avialable now with specialisations etc does likely mean we shouldnt have to worry about a level increase for some time as we can now level horizontally instead of vertically. So when do we get zen store specializaton seat tokens for our ships huh?
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
assuming we get 2 to 3 seasons a year... after 2 years or 5 to 6 seasons, a new level increase imo would be good.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
50-60 was also a kick in the teeth for any captain that had completed all the pre-DR story lines already so was forced to endlessly grind Argala make it to the next DR story mission with the large level gaps between them.
It's good to see at least the servers are running but hope they can work more on the storylines and new expansion. Cardassians/Dominion are around the corner so good to see at least the servers are running for a while longer. Not sure if there will be a T7 unless they really crank up playerbase metrics. Level up...might be..SWTOR increased their caps a few times now to 65. Not unheard of but yeah the spec trees supposed to take care of the end game grind unlike the original PvPs were supposed to do.
Level cap raises however, have very little to do with how alive a game is if the game is managed and developed correctly.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
how is this getting it for free, the 3 delta characters I created were all up to lv60 within a few months of the delta event ending yet the 3 characters I had been playing for years stuck at lv50 got nothing for those years of play and the only game I play is sto every day for at least a couple of hours often longer so that's a lot of play and a heck of a lot of xp I had earned on them so don't tell me I was expecting it for free, all I was expecting is something to acknowledge the time I had spent playing reflected in the game, isn't that what we expect every day when we log in.
let me ask you this now that lv60 is here how do you think players would react if cryptic said once you reach level 50 you have to spend 2 years playing every day before you will start your climb to lv60, that's exactly what us long time players had.
also money has nothing to do with this, I didn't spend any money just time playing and I had already spent tons more then enough of that before they bought in lv60 to make up for the short time I had to play after they bought in lv60.
it doesn't really matter now as all of my characters are lv60 but it doesn't alter the fact that it would have been a nice gesture by cryptic and would have cost them nothing.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
But the problems with this are many, first, and this is my assumption, is that primarily Cryptic's bread and butter come from ships sales and lockboxes. As it stands now outside of the vanilla game the only other way to get a higher tier ship is to buy it, and while that brings money to the business it becomes nauseating to players, old and new, who already work their butts off trying to get new rep gear. Gear progression is just ok as it stands now, but starship progression, not so much.
Many have suggested in the past that Cryptic should continue ship progression and then add certain styles, flares and other cosmetic or console changes etc to the Cstore and you get your ships like you did from levels 1-50.. 1 token per grade. Though I know that stuff like this is a lot easier said than done, and it would be a real hammer to the head if all of a sudden your primary bread winner formula is suddenly changed and might not give the desired yield. Lets all not forget PWE is all about making money and Cryptic ultimately does what they are told.
What I would like to see is content appropriate to the tiers we have now. Powercreep is already beyond crazy.... people posting 100k+ DPS.... do we really need another console/ship/skill to boost that further?
What I would like to see is a balance pass season... where all abilities are reviewed for playability balance, I would like to see the return of the trinity (Heal, Tank, DPS) in STO... rather than virtual god mode you can build your ships to today.
The realist in me knows this wont happen... any modification is generally considered a nerf (unless your numbers go up)... so the likelyhood is extremely low that a balance pass will really ever occur. Could you imagine the agony caused by reducing survivability of escorts (high damage, low survivability), lower damage potential of sci (cc and heal, but low damage... take for-freaking-ever to kill targets, medium survivability) and cruisers (tank and self heal, but with moderate damage, high survivability).... there isn't enough popcorn.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
If you bought a T6 ship, you are part of the problem. You give Cryptic a very firm message that it doesn't matter if you get a discount or not if you already bought similar ships (Fleet, T5, whatever), you are willing to open your wallet because of a shiny new skin and console power. Or any other frills. You will not only do this on the first day of their release, but you will do so with stars in your eyes and will proudly brag about it to your friends, and on the forums.
To think that Cryptic will not encourage you to buy T7 ships with a tempting marketing strategy is just plain naive. Too many STO players have poor impulse spending control, and the desire to get the best of everything -- regardless of whether or not they actually need it. How many players do you see in the MU Event in their shiny new Command ships just sitting AFK until the boss fight so they get credit? Players will spend $30 or $60 just to sit AFK and take advantage of broken game mechanics and the knowledge that they won't get punished for it.
Do you think morally or ethically they won't release T7 ships? As if they would somehow feel like it would be wrong to double-dip on content they've already created and put forth minimal effort to spruce it up a bit? They've done it already, and despite players pointing out that double dipping is a shady business practice, not enough people seemed to care. They were willing to fork over cash hand and foot anyway. Which is fine. That's their right.
Players weren't willing to tell Cryptic that their monetization practices and paywalls were unethical. They that sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
So, when (not if) T7 ships come along, if you want someone to blame, look in the mirror. Money speaks louder than words.
While I'd love to see old/useless abilities, as well as broken/OP abilities reassessed, I really don't think "the trinity" of tank/healer/dps needs to exist in every game. Instead, numbers across all 3 "classes" (tac/sci/eng) should be adjusted to bring them relatively in line with one another. Then, players can choose their style of play: future soldier, robot summoner, or space wizard. These 3 should all be as equally effective as possible, and the primary distinction should be playstyle. Much better than locking players into roles, especially since healing other people in this game can be a huge pain in the TRIBBLE at times.
A ship costs about 2 weeks to create on their side, no matter what tier it is. So when you paying 3000, rather than 2500, 2000 or 500 zen you are not getting more developer time put into the ship, their expenses didn't change.
So, why wouldn't they?
Tier 16 ships that cost 5000 more zen! (and still take the exact same time to create)
Pretty much. Minimize developer labor time, maximize profit. It's the way of the industry. If they can cut corners and half-TRIBBLE content (which come on, if you've played STO long enough, has been a truth for a while), they will. They know not everyone will buy into it, but they hedge their bets that enough will. Player churn and turnover is inconsequential to their overall business strategy.
You have attitude.
Not that I need to defend the guy, but he never claimed them to all be liars. He stated (clearly) that if they weren't lying, there would be other people who would buy the ships, in turn making up the cost for Cryptic.
Because I saw the same lip service when T6 ships became a thing. I saw people on the forums saying they weren't going to rebuy their favorite ships at T6, since they'd already paid $25 for what was more or less the same exact ship, not to mention any Fleet modules at what? $7 a pop? T5 upgrade tokens? They said no more. And I thought maybe this was it, maybe players really did have enough of unethical monetization.
But once the dev blogs came out those same exact people bought into it. What's funny is that those ships were the Intelligence ships, and then those same exact people complained when Fleet T6 Intelligence ships came out.
So yeah, I think there are people who are just paying lip service and trying to convince themselves they won't buy T7 ships, but at the end of the day, you'll see those people saying, "Wow, those T7 ships look awesome! I can't wait to buy them!"
Maybe I'm wrong, I've been wrong before. But based on past behavior, I'm thinking what I say is going to be more true than not.
But... bacon
I am assuming you're playing a character of sorts here, I do draw the line at eating real humans in real life, even humans I've only ever seen as written text in character as an alien pig on the internet
It's easy to have a lot of with endless Targ jokes
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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"How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?"
My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
That's not what I said at all.
Bolded the relevant portion. I really do believe there are some people who won't buy into a T7 ship program. Maybe they really will leave STO. Maybe they will draw the line there (even if my personal opinion is they should have drawn it a long time ago), and force Cryptic to rethink their monetization and paywall strategies.
But even if those people don't buy T7 ships, there are enough people with poor impulse spending control and disposable incomes that they will easily drop $40 bucks on a ship they've already bought 5 times before without blinking. And it's cool if they do.
But I also think those people have waived their right to complain about this kind of business practice.
I do feel that people are justified in being upset at Cryptic though, as well as those who pay enough to keep this ridiculous business model alive. This game have pretty much come to embody everything that Star Trek was against. It's like that Indiana Jones Episode of SouthPark, except Lucas is Cryptic and Spielberg is PWE.
Point is however, people still bought them and the pricing tier increases with each tier increase.
Will 100% of everyone buy them, probably not, but I'd say a solid portion will. Don't forget, some buy more than one also.
In most F2P models I have seen it usually works like this; 80% of revenue is generated by 20% of the game population. I assume STO is similar, they don't need everyone to pitch in, there going to make money, and good amount of it thanks to those who buy buy buy.
I'd rather not get into a debate over semantics, but I can say that wasn't my intent. It was an either/or statement, not an absolution.
For me the very fact we went from T5-T6 is what stopped me spending any further money on the game and I am sorry but even a post guaranteeing that they will never go to T7 would not make me start spending again. I do not like having to rebuy ships I spent money on to move forward with the curve and like the upgrade system have to draw a line somewhere.
Totally against any increase in level cap or ship tiers as I was of the 50-60 one, but saying that the range of ship possibilities avialable now with specialisations etc does likely mean we shouldnt have to worry about a level increase for some time as we can now level horizontally instead of vertically. So when do we get zen store specializaton seat tokens for our ships huh?
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles