This episode was confusing as hell if you were a KDF player....
"Hey we need planets to conquer for resources, now refit your ship for exploration and find out why this star is dying.... Also pick up a Cardassian chick from DS9"
Do mission..... NEVER collect a single resource even though there was ample opportunity to just TAKE.....
Well Klingons don't know how to science. They need a Cardassian chick to explain what a deflector dish is used for.
From a Fed perspective I thought it was nice to have the Cardassian scientist along. It shows just how far relations with Cardassia have advanced (in comparison to the not-lamented "Cage of Fire," which accomplished the opposite). Compare to DS9's "Destiny," and there's definitely progress.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
From a Fed perspective I thought it was nice to have the Cardassian scientist along. It shows just how far relations with Cardassia have advanced (in comparison to the not-lamented "Cage of Fire," which accomplished the opposite). Compare to DS9's "Destiny," and there's definitely progress.
Indeed - I particularly enjoyed this, since my main character is a Bajoran Science Officer.
Along similar lines, playing the Cardassian revamp with a Cardassian has been interesting thus far: the personal grudge against the True Way and Dominion, and the awkwardness of having him deal with Orbs...yeah, it makes it fun for me.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
So the bad guys in this arc is going to be the Tholians? There is no way to reason with these guys?
We don't know why they took the temporal thingy from the time traveler. They could be working with the Terran Empire, or they could be trying to stop them from coming over into our universe. Or something else. We don't know yet.
Listed under Apocrypha in the Tholian entry on Memory Alpha:
"Tholian vessels also appear in the game, both as playable starships and enemy vessels. Individual Tholians [3] are primarily encountered on the planets Nukara and New Romulus, and are able to survive in colder (to them) environments using EV suits. A senior developer of the game said Cryptic considers the Tholians to be drawn to anomalies in space and time like moths are to flame and that they are not fully able to tell the difference between the mirror universe and the timeline of the prime universe."
I've also heard it suggested that the Tholian Assembly may be the same government in both universes - possibly because they have naturally occurring portals on their homeworld that lets them pass between the two.
It could be that they don't like how the Terrans treat them and they don't want them in the prime universe - but if they have a hard time telling between the two, then they could be up to something else entirely.
This is why I have more than one character. And on my main have more than one ship geared up for things. My tac has the ships for my other 2 feds the tier 6 Intrepid and Guardian. So just for realisim(and i am really digging the new intrepid) I'll take that in rather than my Presidio Battlecruiser.
But I do have to agree with that while ST has it's "exploration" part(which is sadly missing), this game is geared as a 1st/3rd person shooter regardless of what people want it to be.
So being absolutely shocked that a firefight breaks out, that's just idiocy on the part of the player.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I don't expect much from the kdf side. The mission's never make sense from their point of view.
The biggest issue I have with this, PWE/Cryptic taking the easy way out. They could have EASILY written 3 SEPARATE but intertwining stories.
I mean take DR for example, Feds could of focused on bringing the factions together, KDF could of focused on defending those contacts and do the heavy fighting against the Vodwaar since they are good at fighting, and then the Romulans could of focused on the intel gathering aspect.
Instead all 3 factions do the same thing written from a Fed standpoint. Which is a pain in the rump if you ask me. PWE is just PISSING away good story to be lazy.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
While I think it's a valid point that it would be nice to have more options where we get full XP for disabling rather than blowing up an opponent...I can't say I feel too badly considering that at the least, the Tholians were interfering with my attempt to stop a genocide. Whether or not they perpetrated the genocide, I do think there's an argument that there was no time left for diplomacy. Now if we encounter them again without an entire species on a short countdown clock to extinction...I think a disable/discuss/interrogate option could be useful (with the tone of it varying some by faction).
It's probably a feature missing from the game since day one - shoot to cripple/disable/stun.
There are a few missions in the game where NPCs don't explode on getting 0 hit points or less, but this seems to require extra scripting and it also means you don't get XP for them. This could be partially compensated by simply upping mission rewards, but it wouldn't help for Starship Masteries, for examples.
I'd wish Cryptic would find the time to rework things to make both forms of defeat work basically the same (grant XP, count as defeating the ship whether it explodes or is disabled) and have some mission options to pick the one you prefer.
Might be even cooler if they could let the type of weapons and pwoers you use decide whether you destroy or disable ship. Say, BFAW and Beam Overload => Killer Abilities. Surgical Strikes or Beam Target Subsystem: Disables. (Maybe it could be a lingering buff these powers grant you - if you used a disabling ability, the next 15 seconds every enemy you bring down to 0 hit points is disabled, unless you activate a destroying ability.)
But that's all just pointless wishing . It's unlikely to happen.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
This episode was confusing as hell if you were a KDF player....
"Hey we need planets to conquer for resources, now refit your ship for exploration and find out why this star is dying.... Also pick up a Cardassian chick from DS9"
Do mission..... NEVER collect a single resource even though there was ample opportunity to just TAKE.....
on the brightside new race pretty much jumped at the chance to join the empire which means we just got everything they have in exchange for shooting some pests and aimming one probe. in less my sleep deprived brain is lying to me again.
sadly I don't think we needed to take. actually it still makes sense and please remember is this the start of a arc, not the whole thing. we got nothing that needs to be done right the hell now, peace means we have all the time in the world.
I'm really hope we get the chance to play sisko to new races' bajor... preferablely minus the space jesus parts. in less kdf gets a neat war god title.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
I don't expect much from the kdf side. The mission's never make sense from their point of view.
The biggest issue I have with this, PWE/Cryptic taking the easy way out. They could have EASILY written 3 SEPARATE but intertwining stories.
I mean take DR for example, Feds could of focused on bringing the factions together, KDF could of focused on defending those contacts and do the heavy fighting against the Vodwaar since they are good at fighting, and then the Romulans could of focused on the intel gathering aspect.
Instead all 3 factions do the same thing written from a Fed standpoint. Which is a pain in the rump if you ask me. PWE is just PISSING away good story to be lazy.
I don't get why you think that this is something "EASILY" done?
How would you do this, other than basicall ymaking two separate maps or two seperate missions? You need to have different dialogs, different NPCs spawning, different visuals, different interacts.
You seem to not realize that you are basically saying: "Making one mission is just as easy as making three." In case it wasn't obvious yet, no, that's not how it is. You want to have two different thnigs happening in a mission, you have to implement these two different things. The more complex these differences are, the more work you do and the less you can reuse. And a mission that is Intel gathering for the RR and shooting bad guys for the KDF looks like two entirely different missions actually. At best they might use the same map.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
While I think it's a valid point that it would be nice to have more options where we get full XP for disabling rather than blowing up an opponent...I can't say I feel too badly considering that at the least, the Tholians were interfering with my attempt to stop a genocide. Whether or not they perpetrated the genocide, I do think there's an argument that there was no time left for diplomacy. Now if we encounter them again without an entire species on a short countdown clock to extinction...I think a disable/discuss/interrogate option could be useful (with the tone of it varying some by faction).
It's probably a feature missing from the game since day one - shoot to cripple/disable/stun.
There are a few missions in the game where NPCs don't explode on getting 0 hit points or less, but this seems to require extra scripting and it also means you don't get XP for them. This could be partially compensated by simply upping mission rewards, but it wouldn't help for Starship Masteries, for examples.
I'd wish Cryptic would find the time to rework things to make both forms of defeat work basically the same (grant XP, count as defeating the ship whether it explodes or is disabled) and have some mission options to pick the one you prefer.
That kind of fits with how I envision it working: you're essentially selecting the visuals you want displayed (and maybe the chance to have some optional dialogue) but still claiming XP for the disable and you DO still have to fight your opponent down to "zero." The difference would be that if you selected nonlethal, "zero" simply means "unable/unwilling to mount any form of further resistance."
Surprisingly, the Foundry actually does it better: you get your XP, though you have to explain the giant explosion visible before the fireball clears and you then see the disabled ship the Foundry author set up to show once you clear the mob. I've seen Foundry authors do the same thing with apparent "kills" on the ground that then turn out to have been disabling rather than lethal shots.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
The thing about exploration within a game such as this,'s boring. It's sitting in space pressing F and waiting for the game to do stuff around you. I mean look at the missions where you do no combat. Can anyone honestly say they have more fun playing Of Bajor than any other mission with combat in?
We're geared up for combat. We fly in battleships. We're members of each faction's military forces. And it's a space combat game. I am certain that if proper exploration were to ever surface (since it's not in the season, that's a given now) it will be so dull and pointless no-one will play it after the first time.
Starfleet isn't military. You're thinking of the MACO forces. Starfleet was always meant to be about exploration and discovery.
The thing about exploration within a game such as this,'s boring. It's sitting in space pressing F and waiting for the game to do stuff around you. I mean look at the missions where you do no combat. Can anyone honestly say they have more fun playing Of Bajor than any other mission with combat in?
We're geared up for combat. We fly in battleships. We're members of each faction's military forces. And it's a space combat game. I am certain that if proper exploration were to ever surface (since it's not in the season, that's a given now) it will be so dull and pointless no-one will play it after the first time.
Starfleet isn't military. You're thinking of the MACO forces. Starfleet was always meant to be about exploration and discovery.
Starfleet is not in line with 20th/21st century militaries, and seems to have some cultural confusion as to what its primary mission is (which can be VERY detrimental to them when they get caught flatfooted by major threats). However, they are more in line with the type of navy seen up to the 19th century, where exploration WAS a military function.
Also, while the 21st century military generally doesn't do exploration (I say generally because Air Force cargo planes DO support the civilians who do Antarctic exploration, and you also have the Air Force sending flights into the eyes of hurricanes), it's important to remember that even IRL, militaries do a lot more than just blow stuff up. You don't hear as much about these jobs because they're not as showy, but even IRL, militaries move cargo, provide humanitarian relief, do search-and-rescue operations, and more. This becomes even more so when you look at the National Guard units under the command of US state governors, and you see functions like disaster relief and wildfire fighting come under their aegis.
But overall the best comparison is the 19th century military rather than the 21st.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I agree with the op, this was fail for me, anyone who thinks that most star trek episodes involve some sort of conflict when doing exploration need to rewatch the bout the time everyone smelled flowers and wanted to sword fight on the enterprise, that happened like once I think.. I would argue that maybe 50% of all trek episodes from tos to enterprise had exploration with fighting, in STO its just pew pew look I killed another 10k people in the name of peace.
I personally expected with the first hail that we would have beamed down to some kind of facility and help do all the science stuff from there and between our ship, do a little sit down, talk about diplomacy, I know its not everyones cup of tea here but damn if some of us wouldn't mind having just 1 freaking mission where were not blowing the hell out of every person we come across, as a member of the federation I am really starting to think that we are the mirror universe terrans all along.
I can't even get the game to load. I get to the character selection screen, choose a character. Crash. I hope you all enjoy the new Episode because I will have to depend on your descriptions.
No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
While I think it's a valid point that it would be nice to have more options where we get full XP for disabling rather than blowing up an opponent...I can't say I feel too badly considering that at the least, the Tholians were interfering with my attempt to stop a genocide. Whether or not they perpetrated the genocide, I do think there's an argument that there was no time left for diplomacy. Now if we encounter them again without an entire species on a short countdown clock to extinction...I think a disable/discuss/interrogate option could be useful (with the tone of it varying some by faction).
It's probably a feature missing from the game since day one - shoot to cripple/disable/stun.
There are a few missions in the game where NPCs don't explode on getting 0 hit points or less, but this seems to require extra scripting and it also means you don't get XP for them. This could be partially compensated by simply upping mission rewards, but it wouldn't help for Starship Masteries, for examples.
I'd wish Cryptic would find the time to rework things to make both forms of defeat work basically the same (grant XP, count as defeating the ship whether it explodes or is disabled) and have some mission options to pick the one you prefer.
Might be even cooler if they could let the type of weapons and pwoers you use decide whether you destroy or disable ship. Say, BFAW and Beam Overload => Killer Abilities. Surgical Strikes or Beam Target Subsystem: Disables. (Maybe it could be a lingering buff these powers grant you - if you used a disabling ability, the next 15 seconds every enemy you bring down to 0 hit points is disabled, unless you activate a destroying ability.)
But that's all just pointless wishing . It's unlikely to happen.
When they released the whole "second wave" arc, they started to add choices to those episodes. "Kill Farek or let her escape?" or "Kill the escaped prisoners in Facility 4028 or recapture them?". Sadly it was only those 2 episodes and they quickly went back to "kill them all!!11!!1".
I took the time and kept track fall the ships I destroyed in the 4 new Cardassian missions....came out at 46 ships (true way, jemhadar and mirror) and ~15.000 people killed (counting up the crews of thise ships), which is more than the Borg did at Wolf 359, just to return a stupid Orb to it's owner and talk to a changeling.
It was especially funny, when the mission text explicitly read "stealthily infiltrate the Devos system", and all one did was to steamroll in, kill all their ships, all of their ground personall, blow up their base and - for good measure - get rid of all witnesses by killing everyone that was left on our way out....
a bit more effort could have given us choice which way to go and hence a lot more immersion. Having played for a few years now, my character has probably killed more people than the actions of Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined...doesn't really feel like anything but a mass murderer anymore.
Come on man, that whole Temporal Cold War arc on Enterprise stunk on ice. I'd like to see what Cryptic can do with a story without falling back on such a crapfest.
It wasn't that bad. It's not like it killed the series and knocked Star Trek off TV forever.......
You know what I liked about Sunrise, though? Watching my ship(s) fly by. They need to do that more. When we're scanning this or probing that, make a little cinematic out of it. I like viewing my ship as if watching an episode/movie.
The thing about exploration within a game such as this,'s boring. It's sitting in space pressing F and waiting for the game to do stuff around you. I mean look at the missions where you do no combat. Can anyone honestly say they have more fun playing Of Bajor than any other mission with combat in?
We're geared up for combat. We fly in battleships. We're members of each faction's military forces. And it's a space combat game. I am certain that if proper exploration were to ever surface (since it's not in the season, that's a given now) it will be so dull and pointless no-one will play it after the first time.
THANK YOU. If you want to try "peaceful exploration," go play EVE Online, kit out your ship with scanners and the like. Your time will be spent either bored out of your mind waiting for stuff to happen, or in fear for your (virtual) life, because you brought an unarmed, lightly armored ship into deep space, and you are easy pickings for the pirates.
That is the exploration that a lot of people are suggesting, and frankly, that isn't very Star Trek.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I did chuckle when it was mentioned that the star was dying due to "unnatural" intervention, and so soon after the Iconians and Hobus! I think they also missed a reference there, I sort of expected my captain to ask if T'Ket could've been behind it, since that would establish she is still out there causing problems.
The thing about exploration within a game such as this,'s boring. It's sitting in space pressing F and waiting for the game to do stuff around you. I mean look at the missions where you do no combat. Can anyone honestly say they have more fun playing Of Bajor than any other mission with combat in?
We're geared up for combat. We fly in battleships. We're members of each faction's military forces. And it's a space combat game. I am certain that if proper exploration were to ever surface (since it's not in the season, that's a given now) it will be so dull and pointless no-one will play it after the first time.
Starfleet isn't military. You're thinking of the MACO forces. Starfleet was always meant to be about exploration and discovery.
And I call BS. Look at kirk in the TOS. how many times was he nearly court marshaled? Why would a CIVILIAN service have a MILITARY COURT?
Starfleet has ALWAYS been a military service, it just does humanitarian jobs as well just like *gasp* the MILITARY!!! I would know, my unit 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit was scheduled to do a HAO(Humanitarian Assistance Operation) in Kenya.
Starfleet not a military? I call BS.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I played sunrise at first i was liking it alot making first contact was so trek like and then well wouldnt ya know it? the tholians show up and we get to kill them so as usual "We come in peace shoot to kill".
Cryptic you almost had a real gem with sunrise until you added the tholians that mission did not need a token force we get to exterminate, ive given up hope of any real "Exploration" mission it will always be the same ole same ole "we come in peace shoot to kill".
I realy digged that mission up to the point the thols appeared then i was reminded oh yeah cryptic so go to system A kill everything beam to planet B kill more things beam back to ship in system C and kill more things warp out for reward like a god little lab rat.
May I hazz yurr stoff?
Uhm i didnt say i was quitting lol
I was stating the mission was nice until they threw in the tholians not once but twice the thol boarding party sure that wouldve been ok but the thols with a tarantula ? that was a bit much they couldve used the boarding party as a diversion while they beamed out the device.
over the mission was still enjoyable i was just a bit dismayed that instead of a true exploration mission we got more "we come in peace shoot to kill" other then that it was well written
I guess I am alone in this, but people trying to actively interfere when I am trying to prevent an imminent genocide do get me a bit "shoot to kill." I am not sure if it was proven that the Tholians helped *cause* it, but they sure were OK with allowing it to occur and keeping me from saving those people.
I'll sit down and talk with them when the existence of a species is not on a short clock, but not right in that moment.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Well Klingons don't know how to science. They need a Cardassian chick to explain what a deflector dish is used for.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Makes me feel like Jesse Heinig flat out lied in our Tribbles interview...
At least you get to shoot stuff all the time. That part of content at least makes perfect sense.
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Along similar lines, playing the Cardassian revamp with a Cardassian has been interesting thus far: the personal grudge against the True Way and Dominion, and the awkwardness of having him deal with Orbs...yeah, it makes it fun for me.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
We don't know why they took the temporal thingy from the time traveler. They could be working with the Terran Empire, or they could be trying to stop them from coming over into our universe. Or something else. We don't know yet.
Listed under Apocrypha in the Tholian entry on Memory Alpha:
"Tholian vessels also appear in the game, both as playable starships and enemy vessels. Individual Tholians [3] are primarily encountered on the planets Nukara and New Romulus, and are able to survive in colder (to them) environments using EV suits. A senior developer of the game said Cryptic considers the Tholians to be drawn to anomalies in space and time like moths are to flame and that they are not fully able to tell the difference between the mirror universe and the timeline of the prime universe."
I've also heard it suggested that the Tholian Assembly may be the same government in both universes - possibly because they have naturally occurring portals on their homeworld that lets them pass between the two.
It could be that they don't like how the Terrans treat them and they don't want them in the prime universe - but if they have a hard time telling between the two, then they could be up to something else entirely.
But I do have to agree with that while ST has it's "exploration" part(which is sadly missing), this game is geared as a 1st/3rd person shooter regardless of what people want it to be.
So being absolutely shocked that a firefight breaks out, that's just idiocy on the part of the player.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I mean take DR for example, Feds could of focused on bringing the factions together, KDF could of focused on defending those contacts and do the heavy fighting against the Vodwaar since they are good at fighting, and then the Romulans could of focused on the intel gathering aspect.
Instead all 3 factions do the same thing written from a Fed standpoint. Which is a pain in the rump if you ask me. PWE is just PISSING away good story to be lazy.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
It's probably a feature missing from the game since day one - shoot to cripple/disable/stun.
There are a few missions in the game where NPCs don't explode on getting 0 hit points or less, but this seems to require extra scripting and it also means you don't get XP for them. This could be partially compensated by simply upping mission rewards, but it wouldn't help for Starship Masteries, for examples.
I'd wish Cryptic would find the time to rework things to make both forms of defeat work basically the same (grant XP, count as defeating the ship whether it explodes or is disabled) and have some mission options to pick the one you prefer.
Might be even cooler if they could let the type of weapons and pwoers you use decide whether you destroy or disable ship. Say, BFAW and Beam Overload => Killer Abilities. Surgical Strikes or Beam Target Subsystem: Disables. (Maybe it could be a lingering buff these powers grant you - if you used a disabling ability, the next 15 seconds every enemy you bring down to 0 hit points is disabled, unless you activate a destroying ability.)
But that's all just pointless wishing
on the brightside new race pretty much jumped at the chance to join the empire which means we just got everything they have in exchange for shooting some pests and aimming one probe. in less my sleep deprived brain is lying to me again.
sadly I don't think we needed to take. actually it still makes sense and please remember is this the start of a arc, not the whole thing. we got nothing that needs to be done right the hell now, peace means we have all the time in the world.
I'm really hope we get the chance to play sisko to new races' bajor... preferablely minus the space jesus parts. in less kdf gets a neat war god title.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
How would you do this, other than basicall ymaking two separate maps or two seperate missions? You need to have different dialogs, different NPCs spawning, different visuals, different interacts.
You seem to not realize that you are basically saying: "Making one mission is just as easy as making three." In case it wasn't obvious yet, no, that's not how it is. You want to have two different thnigs happening in a mission, you have to implement these two different things. The more complex these differences are, the more work you do and the less you can reuse. And a mission that is Intel gathering for the RR and shooting bad guys for the KDF looks like two entirely different missions actually. At best they might use the same map.
That kind of fits with how I envision it working: you're essentially selecting the visuals you want displayed (and maybe the chance to have some optional dialogue) but still claiming XP for the disable and you DO still have to fight your opponent down to "zero." The difference would be that if you selected nonlethal, "zero" simply means "unable/unwilling to mount any form of further resistance."
Surprisingly, the Foundry actually does it better: you get your XP, though you have to explain the giant explosion visible before the fireball clears and you then see the disabled ship the Foundry author set up to show once you clear the mob. I've seen Foundry authors do the same thing with apparent "kills" on the ground that then turn out to have been disabling rather than lethal shots.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Starfleet isn't military. You're thinking of the MACO forces. Starfleet was always meant to be about exploration and discovery.
Starfleet is not in line with 20th/21st century militaries, and seems to have some cultural confusion as to what its primary mission is (which can be VERY detrimental to them when they get caught flatfooted by major threats). However, they are more in line with the type of navy seen up to the 19th century, where exploration WAS a military function.
Also, while the 21st century military generally doesn't do exploration (I say generally because Air Force cargo planes DO support the civilians who do Antarctic exploration, and you also have the Air Force sending flights into the eyes of hurricanes), it's important to remember that even IRL, militaries do a lot more than just blow stuff up. You don't hear as much about these jobs because they're not as showy, but even IRL, militaries move cargo, provide humanitarian relief, do search-and-rescue operations, and more. This becomes even more so when you look at the National Guard units under the command of US state governors, and you see functions like disaster relief and wildfire fighting come under their aegis.
But overall the best comparison is the 19th century military rather than the 21st.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I personally expected with the first hail that we would have beamed down to some kind of facility and help do all the science stuff from there and between our ship, do a little sit down, talk about diplomacy, I know its not everyones cup of tea here but damn if some of us wouldn't mind having just 1 freaking mission where were not blowing the hell out of every person we come across, as a member of the federation I am really starting to think that we are the mirror universe terrans all along.
I think Cryptic feel's that we must always leave stained in the blood of the latest badguy..
When they released the whole "second wave" arc, they started to add choices to those episodes. "Kill Farek or let her escape?" or "Kill the escaped prisoners in Facility 4028 or recapture them?". Sadly it was only those 2 episodes and they quickly went back to "kill them all!!11!!1".
I took the time and kept track fall the ships I destroyed in the 4 new Cardassian missions....came out at 46 ships (true way, jemhadar and mirror) and ~15.000 people killed (counting up the crews of thise ships), which is more than the Borg did at Wolf 359, just to return a stupid Orb to it's owner and talk to a changeling.
It was especially funny, when the mission text explicitly read "stealthily infiltrate the Devos system", and all one did was to steamroll in, kill all their ships, all of their ground personall, blow up their base and - for good measure - get rid of all witnesses by killing everyone that was left on our way out....
a bit more effort could have given us choice which way to go and hence a lot more immersion. Having played for a few years now, my character has probably killed more people than the actions of Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined...doesn't really feel like anything but a mass murderer anymore.
It wasn't that bad. It's not like it killed the series and knocked Star Trek off TV forever.......
You know what I liked about Sunrise, though? Watching my ship(s) fly by. They need to do that more. When we're scanning this or probing that, make a little cinematic out of it. I like viewing my ship as if watching an episode/movie.
THANK YOU. If you want to try "peaceful exploration," go play EVE Online, kit out your ship with scanners and the like. Your time will be spent either bored out of your mind waiting for stuff to happen, or in fear for your (virtual) life, because you brought an unarmed, lightly armored ship into deep space, and you are easy pickings for the pirates.
That is the exploration that a lot of people are suggesting, and frankly, that isn't very Star Trek.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
And I call BS. Look at kirk in the TOS. how many times was he nearly court marshaled? Why would a CIVILIAN service have a MILITARY COURT?
Starfleet has ALWAYS been a military service, it just does humanitarian jobs as well just like *gasp* the MILITARY!!! I would know, my unit 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit was scheduled to do a HAO(Humanitarian Assistance Operation) in Kenya.
Starfleet not a military? I call BS.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Uhm i didnt say i was quitting lol
I was stating the mission was nice until they threw in the tholians not once but twice the thol boarding party sure that wouldve been ok but the thols with a tarantula ? that was a bit much they couldve used the boarding party as a diversion while they beamed out the device.
over the mission was still enjoyable i was just a bit dismayed that instead of a true exploration mission we got more "we come in peace shoot to kill" other then that it was well written
I'll sit down and talk with them when the existence of a species is not on a short clock, but not right in that moment.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
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Because your STO Federation characters haven't been blowing stuff up for going on six years?