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Do We REALLY Need Another Conflict?

Isnt the purpose of Season 11 to go in a different direction? So why are we immediately diving into another conflict when Cryptic is trying to convince us that the Alliance has lost somewhere around 2/3rds or more of our collective forces?

Now we have to deal with ANOTHER invasion of the Mirror Universe and another facepalm worthy story involving fighting that Cryptic didnt think through thoroughly...

I know the addiction to the pewpew is real. But youd think we could handle a handful of missions that dont revolve around us committing more genocide..Even if its just for a few missions. I can only imagine the strain on my Ships Counselor with all the PTSD my crew is suffering from.


  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    Well, how to put it mildly.... violence isn't the answer, its more of a question and the answer is always yes. Just ask Janeway...
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    Yes. In fact they should do a season were we are at war with everyone simultaneously. The Borg, the Undine, the Voth, the Iconians, and the Mirror Universe all attack us at once. Then we can find the dragon ball so Starfleet can become super-saiyan and kick all their asses.

    I'm kidding. But really what do you expect? It's an MMO. They have to give us someone to fight every season, and if it's not a major conflict there's no reason to send someone our rank (Fleet Admirals now!) to go deal with it.

    Yes there are plot holes, not everything is perfect. But Cryptic does put effort into the story and takes it seriously. It could be worse - like in WoW where some zones don't take the lore seriously at all and are humorous parodies of things, like Redridge Mountains. I hated Keeshan so much.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    Yeah, conflict is pretty much the selling point of MMOs. But I must admit it would've been nice we had Season 11 if it was an season of exploration, giving us a small rest and so we have the energy for whatever they have planned for the Star Trek 50th Anniversary.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    It depends on how the conflict is done, also the Mirror universe took out their Iconians, so with their new toys they might target our own Iconians an cause them to block/restrict the portals the Mirror universe is using. giving us the ability to explore an seek out new tech, races, and such while fighting small packs an patrols of mirror or other factions without a full blown war. This would also put the Iconians more on a side-line inactive role with having to focus thier effort on the Mirror with their much more advanced an dangerous tech. Though who knows if the incursion will remain as in they might be pushed back before an all out war/incursion starts actually. I see the Mirror universe incursion as more of a transition point into the new season, leading to us exploring the mirror setting an seeking allies in it to bring back, maybe even bring back Iconians that survived the Empire in the mirror universe an thier tech giving us a ally on par with the Iconians (i am sure the Mirror Iconians might be still abit pissed.).
  • koraheaglecrykoraheaglecry Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    Yes. In fact they should do a season were we are at war with everyone simultaneously. The Borg, the Undine, the Voth, the Iconians, and the Mirror Universe all attack us at once. Then we can find the dragon ball so Starfleet can become super-saiyan and kick all their asses.

    I'm kidding. But really what do you expect? It's an MMO. They have to give us someone to fight every season, and if it's not a major conflict there's no reason to send someone our rank (Fleet Admirals now!) to go deal with it.

    Yes there are plot holes, not everything is perfect. But Cryptic does put effort into the story and takes it seriously. It could be worse - like in WoW where some zones don't take the lore seriously at all and are humorous parodies of things, like Redridge Mountains. I hated Keeshan so much.

    I expect them to actually follow through on the 'We're going in a different direction' comment theyve made. I dont expect them to forever cast away pewpew. But if we're rebuilding our forces as they try to indicate with the interviews and the announcement of New Dawn. Im finding it difficult to believe we can actually rebuild after what was supposedly a crippling war, only to turn around and start losing ships to our Mirror selves with future tech. Its not a small plothole by any means. Its a huge sinkhole that is reflective of how terrible their writing has been of late.

    If you call the Iconian Story Arc a serious effort. Then good for you that you can over look the glaring issues with it. And good for you that you can overlook the glaring issues with stepping into another conflict. Even a minor one is a hard pill to swallow at this point.

    Im simply pointing out a new conflict and a new immediate threat is not good story telling. Putting some emphasis on actual rebuilding without any conflict in a handful of FEs would not hurt them. It be a breath of fresh air and actually give players a chance to do something different for a change. MMO or not, not every mission/quest in other MMOs revolve around conflict. But thats all we get in this game, even when there is plenty of room for other encounters considering the franchise and lore.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,613 Arc User
    War . . war never changes.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    Unfortunately, yes, we do. For better or worse, they cannot figure out how to design a real exploration system. So without that, there is nothing else to do but shoot things.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • koraheaglecrykoraheaglecry Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    Unfortunately, yes, we do. For better or worse, they cannot figure out how to design a real exploration system. So without that, there is nothing else to do but shoot things.

    Im not talking about an exploration system.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    Unfortunately, yes, we do. For better or worse, they cannot figure out how to design a real exploration system. So without that, there is nothing else to do but shoot things.

    I keep giving them simple ideas how to do it. :p

    I mean a 30 year old PC game that was inspired by Star Trek could do it, why not STO?
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    Life is war. At least that seems to be what cryptic seems to think.

    Dont forget that the trailer showed us also several encounters with the Tholians. All violent.​​
  • joc#8855 joc Member Posts: 39 New User
    No, you need ship interiors and interactions.
  • alethkiraenalethkiraen Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    As a loyal member of the KDF: yes, yes we do, OP.
    To boldly funk where no-one has funked before.
  • joc#8855 joc Member Posts: 39 New User
    Another conflict equlas wht, more expenses on ships which willl be oudated? Feel free to throw your money out of the window m8.
  • isthisscienceisthisscience Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    I'd trade every battlezone for just one adventure zone that feels like star trek. They came close with new romulus. I love that place.
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    They need to dedicate some time creating a number of absorbing planet-side away missions that involve finding and scanning things and putting pieces together and figuring out sequences and the like. For Klingons, at the end, they can blow everything up and beam out.

  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    this is a MMO, that means you either build stuff or destroy stuff.
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    Because this game has not sophisticated economy system. Here are nothing else worth (here are only one holding, where you can buy for huge amount of dilithium a discount on a dilithium) what you can buy for your zen/dilithium except ships and weapons. We playing for military organizations so we need endless conflict with anyone, because this is our job and income. Well , we can earn a little on asteroidal mining and contraband ( and kdf on slaves ), but that's all.
  • siralexanderdanesiralexanderdane Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I'm new so maybe my opinion doesn't count as much but I would love to see more missions like the episodes of the shows. I was hoping to see a lot more exploration and puzzle-solving and first contact type of stuff, and from what little I've gleaned it seems only some Foundry missions will meet those expectations.
    That said, I still have enjoyed the main storyline missions I've played.
  • koraheaglecrykoraheaglecry Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    tmassx wrote: »
    Because this game has not sophisticated economy system. Here are nothing else worth (here are only one holding, where you can buy for huge amount of dilithium a discount on a dilithium) what you can buy for your zen/dilithium except ships and weapons. We playing for military organizations so we need endless conflict with anyone, because this is our job and income. Well , we can earn a little on asteroidal mining and contraband ( and kdf on slaves ), but that's all.

    Um what?

    Look. Im the first person to point out that yes in deed Starfleet is a military organization as much as its an exploration and science organization. But even galactic factions have a limit to their ability to fight when theyve committed themselves to war after war and conflict after conflict. This latest Story Arc has painted our factions in the most dire of situations with atleast 2/3rds of our forces destroyed. We're so pressed for a win against a ever losing war that we've turned to the Temporal Weapon deployed by the Krenim. Now I dont know how much the Iconians and the Mirror Verse stories are going to cross over. But I doubt the Mirror Verse will be coming to our rescue and I doubt we'll stand idly by while they establish a foothold in our Verse. Which means more bloodshed for the Alliance.

    The idea of rebuilding in the middle of another conflict just makes me want to shake my head. It wouldnt harm them and their bottom line if they just added an adventure zone and a handful of FEs that revolved around a storyline that didnt require us to go pewpew. Or atleast pull the trigger on anything representing another faction at least for the FEs the non-combat story was revolving around. Maybe coming across another one of the Libraries full of the Preservers. We know they still have other locations in the galaxy.

  • mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    this sounds like a job (voice deepens)...........SUPERMAN...!!!!!
  • mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    either that or LUKE SKYYYY......WALKER !!!!!
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    In fairness, the federation was always in some sort of conflict (usually low intensity) along it's borders, we just did not really see them:
    • ENT: Anyone Archer managed to TRIBBLE off.
    • TOS: Klingons
    • TNG: Ferengi and Cardassians (and loads of minor powers)
    • DS9: Marquis, Klingons and Dominion
    • VOY: Anyone Janeway felt like shooting at.

    Considering the fact that
    • 8472 are seemingly moving back into their realm,
    • Sela is no longer pushing the Tal'shiars attacks,
    • The Dominion sticking with the Gamma Quadrant,
    • Cease fire with the Klingons,
    • The Borg contained,
    • The Iconians and their servitors are defeated.
    • The True way in pieces

    ... Having to deal mainly with stray troops and the Mirror universe kinda reduces the amounts of enemies we have to deal with... A single dedicated enemy might not be so bad.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • isthisscienceisthisscience Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    In fairness, the federation was always in some sort of conflict (usually low intensity) along it's borders, we just did not really see them:
    • ENT: Anyone Archer managed to TRIBBLE off.
    • TOS: Klingons
    • TNG: Ferengi and Cardassians (and loads of minor powers)
    • DS9: Marquis, Klingons and Dominion
    • VOY: Anyone Janeway felt like shooting at.

    I think the big difference is for ENT, TOS & TNG the Federation was never actually at war longer than half an episode (Errand of Mercy for example). Now we have countless wars all at the same time and we are never given an opportunity to pull a Picard on a conflict. Even DS9's Dominion War was THE thing because it was a war (the Klingon example cited falls under the less-than an episode rule if you count the two-parter as one episode and the Marquis was a minor side issue).

    Yes, the Federation can have enemies, but for every Way of the Warrior there were 20 Darmoks. It's about proportion. New Romulus shows it is possible, lets expand on that concept.

  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    Horde vs Alliance (with the Alliance playing the Worf for and taking all loses) vs. $CURRENT_THREAT has worked out so well storywise for Censoredcraft.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • koraheaglecrykoraheaglecry Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    In fairness, the federation was always in some sort of conflict (usually low intensity) along it's borders, we just did not really see them:
    • ENT: Anyone Archer managed to TRIBBLE off.
    • TOS: Klingons
    • TNG: Ferengi and Cardassians (and loads of minor powers)
    • DS9: Marquis, Klingons and Dominion
    • VOY: Anyone Janeway felt like shooting at.

    Considering the fact that
    • 8472 are seemingly moving back into their realm,
    • Sela is no longer pushing the Tal'shiars attacks,
    • The Dominion sticking with the Gamma Quadrant,
    • Cease fire with the Klingons,
    • The Borg contained,
    • The Iconians and their servitors are defeated.
    • The True way in pieces

    ... Having to deal mainly with stray troops and the Mirror universe kinda reduces the amounts of enemies we have to deal with... A single dedicated enemy might not be so bad.

    ENT: A minor engagement with a new species that does nothing more than scratch the paint is far from an equal comparison for what we've seen in this game.
    TOS: The only time the Klingons were in open war with the Federation a more powerful species stepped in and put a stop to it. All the other run ins would be considered skirmishes. A skirmish and a conflict is not one in the same.
    TNG: Again, skirmishes. Skirmishes rarely do anything to actually affect either sides ability to defend/attack on a large scale.
    DS9: Marquis didnt go around attacking the Federation. In fact it was the other way around. Its quite easy to beat on an opponent that isnt fighting back. The Federation and Klingons got into a minor conflict that ended not long after it began. Any losses would of been insignificant. And the Dominion War was the first time we ever saw Starfleet go to war. And it was only able to turn the tide thanks to WMDs deployed by S31 and the sudden turn of the Cardassians. That war was well over 30 years ago compared to where we are in game.
    VOY: Again, skirmishes.

    noun: skirmish; plural noun: skirmishes

    an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.

    con·flict (kŏn′flĭkt′)
    1. A state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war.

    A skirmish can be as little as two ships exchanging a few shots at each other. A conflict can be a battle or an undeclared war that swallows up units, equipment and resources. One can see the loss of a single, possibly easily replaceable ship/unit. The other can have much wider impacts on the success or failure of a group or faction.

    8472 may no longer be actively engaging us, but they did their fair share of damage from killing off key members of Starfleet and the Federation and replacing them. As well as numerous actual battles that saw the loss of ships.

    Sela may have gone along with the Tal Shiar but I seriously doubt she was calling the shots. The Tal Shiar continued to operate well after Sela was kidnapped. Indicating that either she wasnt that big of a player in the whole thing, or she was easily replaceable. The end result was quite a bit of conflict between the Federation and RR against the Tal Shiar and Romulan Star Navy. Ships, equipment and resources were committed and lost to engagements involving the Tal Shiar.

    The Dominions lost fleet actually captured DS9 at one point. Killing quite a few Starfleet and Klingon personnel. Once again resources had to be committed to retake DS9 even with the help of the Founder we had locked up. An actual battle ensued. Even 30 years after the Dominion War, that one fleet was able to give the Federation a run for its money.

    The ceasefire with the Klingons was called into effect not long before our leap into the Delta Quadrant. The Federation-Klingon War went on for a solid 5 years from 2405 to 2410. While it was cooling off by the time our Captains came onto the scene. There was plenty of time for both sides to take heavy losses.

    The Borg was only contained after a commitment by two warring factions to set aside their differences to deal with them. Ships, equipment and resources were once again committed to combat the Borg.

    The True Way unlike the Marquis actively attacked the Federation and its resources. While we definitely sent them packing at the end of the day. They obviously did enough damage and posed enough of a threat for us to bother with them. Dealing with Terrorists is actually much more resource demanding than all out wars as you cant defeat an ideology no matter how many bombs you drop on their heads.

    Iconians are not defeated. I dont know what storyline youve played. But theyre still winning battles left and right even after we pushed the Erase button. And even if we were to defeat them in the next FE. Are you trying to imply that the following day we would have replacement ships and crew for all of the ships and crew we lost over the course of the Iconian War?
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Instead of a few solid conflicts, there are many weak sauce conflicts, which for the most part, are meaningless or simple put, don't make much, if at all, sense.

    It's about quantity, not quality. >:)
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    ~snipping insanely long text.

    We Know for a fact that we will win the war with the iconians... We may simply force them to retreat, or win all out... But we will win. How do I know? Hero-shield and Season 11 trailer.

    I was going to suggest that you re-watch the episodes concerning the TNG cardassian wars, as well as the DS9 Klingon wars... cause those were wars, not just skirmishes... Of cause you won't do that, because your mind is set on being right, so it's energy wasted.

    Aside from that... has there been other things than skirmishes with the enemies in the game? I mean really?
    I have only been in light fights with any opponents thus far... on Elite... Easy battles againt few easy to kill ships.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • majosea61majosea61 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Cryptic has already said the whole Mirror Universe thing is a side story in Season 11.

    Heck it seems like the Iconians were a side conflict for seasons 10 and 10.5 . Not much of a war from the perspective that I have seen so far.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Yes. In fact they should do a season were we are at war with everyone simultaneously. The Borg, the Undine, the Voth, the Iconians, and the Mirror Universe all attack us at once. Then we can find the dragon ball so Starfleet can become super-saiyan and kick all their asses.

    I'm kidding. But really what do you expect? It's an MMO. They have to give us someone to fight every season, and if it's not a major conflict there's no reason to send someone our rank (Fleet Admirals now!) to go deal with it.

    Yes there are plot holes, not everything is perfect. But Cryptic does put effort into the story and takes it seriously. It could be worse - like in WoW where some zones don't take the lore seriously at all and are humorous parodies of things, like Redridge Mountains. I hated Keeshan so much.

    I expect them to actually follow through on the 'We're going in a different direction' comment theyve made. I dont expect them to forever cast away pewpew. But if we're rebuilding our forces as they try to indicate with the interviews and the announcement of New Dawn. Im finding it difficult to believe we can actually rebuild after what was supposedly a crippling war, only to turn around and start losing ships to our Mirror selves with future tech. Its not a small plothole by any means. Its a huge sinkhole that is reflective of how terrible their writing has been of late.
    No, THIS is a giant sink hole:
    If you call the Iconian Story Arc a serious effort. Then good for you that you can over look the glaring issues with it. And good for you that you can overlook the glaring issues with stepping into another conflict. Even a minor one is a hard pill to swallow at this point.

    Im simply pointing out a new conflict and a new immediate threat is not good story telling. Putting some emphasis on actual rebuilding without any conflict in a handful of FEs would not hurt them. It be a breath of fresh air and actually give players a chance to do something different for a change. MMO or not, not every mission/quest in other MMOs revolve around conflict. But thats all we get in this game, even when there is plenty of room for other encounters considering the franchise and lore.
    Thing is.... it's not our jobs. Our characters represent war heroes. War heroes don't do rebuilding unless they have nothing better to do. Any sort of conflict, even a minor one gives us reason to leave the rebuilding to the civilians who are actually good at stuff like that and kick asss so they don't have to.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    Remember when we used to tag a epohhs ?
    Season 11 "New Dawn" - Unofficial Star Trek Online Trailer
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