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Your Mirror Universe Counterpart?



  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    I dunno about most of my characters. But my Federation original's mirror counterpart would likely be a pacifist. :p
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    I think the term "mirror" universe throws people... it isn't mirror as in opposite personalities... its mirror in that where Prime Trek is the best of humanity and human nature(across all species basically), Mirror is humanity at its most selfish and self-serving(again this theme plays out across all the races we see). Imperial Terrans make Tal Shiar look like boy scouts.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • xepthrixepthri Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    My character originated from some kind of alternate universe. Not necessarily the mirror universe of the Terran Empire though.
  • veryth12veryth12 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    My Mirror Universe-self would be more likely still assimilated. Better Borg than conquering, Mirror-universe warmonger, lol. (ie. better be evil unwillingly, in the Collective, than evil by choice, yes.) :*:p:D

    I really am not convinced that the Mirror Universe has Borg active in it. I kind of prefer for that aspect to be different. Most of the incidents that provoked the Borg (Q Who, First Contact, Regeneration) couldn't have happened there. I also interpret the line from First Contact about three dimensional thinking to suggest that the Borg have a single hive mind across universes. And that's how the Queen keeps popping back up.

    I'm also less than font of anything which paints the Mirror Universe as "the opposite universe". I think there is a single event which sent them on a different track and that event was almost certainly on earth, pre-20th century. Shakespeare is "equally grim" so that could be a clue.

    The Terran Empire was established prior to 1955 according to Archer on Enterprise (who describes it as centuries old) and we see a Terran flag used in the moon landing. This name poses some interesting questions (The name "Terran Empire" suggests they need to identify themselves to non-Terrans) along with the ability of the residents of Bozeman, Montana to conquer Vulcan.

    It seems to me that:

    Cochrane's flight was a ruse to capture Vulcans. The humans still knew the Vulcans were coming.

    The Terrans landed on the moon in 1969 but had off-world contact. Because the name "Terran".

    The Terrans show significant Roman influence.

    We know the Romulans were a plausible backer for a Terran rebellion on DS9.

    I lean towards the idea that the Terran Empire was a puppet state for Romulus and that the Romulans culturally contaminated earth after leaving Vulcan, much like Earth culturally contaminated the Iotians in "A Piece of the Action" and the planet in "Patterns of Force". I suppose that the Romulans kept earth roughly on its original course but humans knew of aliens... And given the Romulans' relative elusiveness, they abandoned earth or used it as a covert hedge against the Vulcans and Klingons.

    This could also add some plausibility to the resurgence of the Terran Empire if the Romulans had an intact Romulus and were arming and building ships for the Terrans to send them off against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.

    We do know they've been fighting an Iconian War according to dev statements at Las Vegas but I think it might be interesting if the Mirror Iconians blew up a different planet. Maybe Qo'noS. That said, if they blew up any planets over there, the explosion wave would have been difficult to contain. No Vulcan Science Academy to provide the red matter or the Jellyfish. No Spock or reunificationist effort that I am aware of.

    I think we can infer from what we have seen of the Mirror Universe that either Romulus is intact because no strike was made (possible) or that the attack was far worse (because the conditions that allowed us to stop it didn't exist there), in which case there's a question of how the galaxy-nuking attack was stopped at all. The Mirror Universe might have lost 3/4ths of its Milky Way galaxy to the Iconians.

    It was established somewhere (it might have been a book) that the Federation and Mirror Universe history parted ways in the time leading up to World War III. In the prime timeline, WWIII was bad enough to make the world realize they needed to stop fighting each other, but because the mirror universe missed out on this defining brush with death that the human species had, they continued on business as usual.

    There would be no liberated Borg in the mirror universe, because none of the events to introduce the Borg happened.

    The first warp flight was no a ruse to capture the Vulcans, it happened much the same way just instead of humanity coming together in peace at the thought that they were not alone, they saw it as more to conquer. In the very first mirror universe episode, Kirk pointed out to mirror Spock that the Terran Empire was only surviving on conquest, and much like the Rome Empire, once it got too large it would fall apart.

    I am really surprised that the Mirror Universe has also been having an Iconian War. Most of what the Iconians have been doing in the majority of the story line were "small" moves to destabilize the Alpha and Beta quadrants. They destroyed Romulus because the three empires were starting to get along a bit and setting up a situation to put the Federation and Klingon Empire at odds with each other... none of this was really needed in the Mirror Universe, they were all pretty disarrayed as it was. That being said, it also seems less likely for them to straight up and attack, since the mirror ships are a lot more militarized. On a side note, morality seems to be opposite in the mirror universe, so their Iconians should not be acting like our Iconians at all, so if they are having an iconian war, I would hope that it is because the Terran empire was invading the Iconians and not the other way around.

  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    I always theorized that the mirror universe came into existence when Edith Keeler didn't die.
  • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
    I think it would be interesting, but I don't see a lot of people liking it. For most people, their character is their character, not Cryptic's. They don't want to see Cryptic come up with a backstory for their character, they want to create their character's backstory. (Even if it's a mirror of their character.)

    Who said anything about backstory? We don't exactly get a lot of backstory on most of the characters we fight, even the named ones. Just stuff our name on an NPC, use their face, maybe add a goatee, swap out the uniform for a mirror one, have them cackle some tacky dialogue and.... ta-da!... instant MirrorUs.

    Beyond which... it's our MirrorSelves. They wouldn't have the same back story anyway unless that backstory is that they're from the Mirrorverse. If that's the case, well, I can see some people being upset but... really Cryptic can't account for everyone's head canon nor allow the direction of the game to be dictated by it.

    I mean, maybe in my head canon the Q-Continuum all folded themselves into a single all-powerful entity who secretly has been pulling the strings this whole time and set the entire Iconian thing into motion and is watching it all unfold in human form as a Starfleet officer, and that uberQ is my character. That doesn't mean Cryptic shouldn't be able to use the Q in their missions, nor that they should be forced to give my character the power of a gestaltQ because that's what I came up with.

    The game world is Cryptic's and our characters have to fit that world, not the other way around.
    Runs into complete and utter logical fail if you're either KDF or Bajoran, since they're not members of the Terran Empire. Cryptic would have to make two entirely different versions of the mission for red and blue, which is something they're not doing anymore.

    Uh... not necessarily.

    Keep in mind it's been a long time since DS9, and the current Arc involving the Mirrorverse in game is apparently about to be obliterated and rewritten, so pretty much anything can happen there. They could toss the entire Mirrorverse under the Terran Empire umbrella and have all of our KDF admiral's MirrorSelves show up captaining Galaxy Class starships if they wanted and could work that into the story.

    According to zeroniusrex's twitter...
    Returning to the Badlands. Mirror jerks had their own war. Whatever, of course they did, they're aggressive, militaristic jerks.

    So it's entirely possible that there's now a MirrorAlliance that was formed to deal with the MirrorIconians. Or maybe the war involved the Terran Empire going against their local opposition and dominating them, forcing them into servitude putting everything under their rule and establishing the Empire as a singular force on that side of the dimensional fence, and leading them to try to take the full force of their Empire into the Primeverse for... whatever reason. Maybe they heard Rom was Grand Nagus now and they just can't believe it so they're invading just so they can see it for themselves...
    You want to see the mirror universe version of your player character? Make one up and write about it. That's what I did: Eleya's counterpart is the XO on a Cardassian battleship.

    Can't fight a character you make up in your own head canon, so that isn't going to deliver on what a lot of people want. A lot of people are going to want to fight their own Mirrorverse dark side. Fighting your own Evil Counterpart is pretty much a time honored trope.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    My main's mirror is more Roman general in his approach to warfare, any ship that retreats without permission has their crews decimated as punishment.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • lordinsanelordinsane Member Posts: 274 Arc User
      veryth12 wrote: »
      On a side note, morality seems to be opposite in the mirror universe, so their Iconians should not be acting like our Iconians at all, so if they are having an iconian war, I would hope that it is because the Terran empire was invading the Iconians and not the other way around.
      Right from Mirror, Mirror it was clear that it was not so simple as a universal reversal of morality (the Halkans were the same as they were in the ordinary reality, and Spock was shifted more as 'Spock in the context of a militaristic expansionist totalitarian backstabbing regime' than 'Spock with basic morality reversed'), so no, I would expect and hope the Iconians to be fundamentally the same - if not having done the same things, the situation being different on the Mirror side of things.
    • solax79solax79 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
      I think it would be interesting, but I don't see a lot of people liking it. For most people, their character is their character, not Cryptic's. They don't want to see Cryptic come up with a backstory for their character, they want to create their character's backstory. (Even if it's a mirror of their character.)

      Who said anything about backstory? We don't exactly get a lot of backstory on most of the characters we fight, even the named ones. Just stuff our name on an NPC, use their face, maybe add a goatee, swap out the uniform for a mirror one, have them cackle some tacky dialogue and.... ta-da!... instant MirrorUs.

      Beyond which... it's our MirrorSelves. They wouldn't have the same back story anyway unless that backstory is that they're from the Mirrorverse. If that's the case, well, I can see some people being upset but... really Cryptic can't account for everyone's head canon nor allow the direction of the game to be dictated by it.

      I mean, maybe in my head canon the Q-Continuum all folded themselves into a single all-powerful entity who secretly has been pulling the strings this whole time and set the entire Iconian thing into motion and is watching it all unfold in human form as a Starfleet officer, and that uberQ is my character. That doesn't mean Cryptic shouldn't be able to use the Q in their missions, nor that they should be forced to give my character the power of a gestaltQ because that's what I came up with.

      The game world is Cryptic's and our characters have to fit that world, not the other way around.
      Runs into complete and utter logical fail if you're either KDF or Bajoran, since they're not members of the Terran Empire. Cryptic would have to make two entirely different versions of the mission for red and blue, which is something they're not doing anymore.

      Uh... not necessarily.

      Keep in mind it's been a long time since DS9, and the current Arc involving the Mirrorverse in game is apparently about to be obliterated and rewritten, so pretty much anything can happen there. They could toss the entire Mirrorverse under the Terran Empire umbrella and have all of our KDF admiral's MirrorSelves show up captaining Galaxy Class starships if they wanted and could work that into the story.

      According to zeroniusrex's twitter...
      Returning to the Badlands. Mirror jerks had their own war. Whatever, of course they did, they're aggressive, militaristic jerks.

      So it's entirely possible that there's now a MirrorAlliance that was formed to deal with the MirrorIconians. Or maybe the war involved the Terran Empire going against their local opposition and dominating them, forcing them into servitude putting everything under their rule and establishing the Empire as a singular force on that side of the dimensional fence, and leading them to try to take the full force of their Empire into the Primeverse for... whatever reason. Maybe they heard Rom was Grand Nagus now and they just can't believe it so they're invading just so they can see it for themselves...
      You want to see the mirror universe version of your player character? Make one up and write about it. That's what I did: Eleya's counterpart is the XO on a Cardassian battleship.

      Can't fight a character you make up in your own head canon, so that isn't going to deliver on what a lot of people want. A lot of people are going to want to fight their own Mirrorverse dark side. Fighting your own Evil Counterpart is pretty much a time honored trope.

      Beautifully said. As much as our character's backstory is apart of the game play, I consider two things. One, there are a lot of players, quite possibly the majority, who do not make backstories for their characters. Two, no one asked me to make backstories. Most MMORPGs encourage it (hence the RPG part), but seldom is it ever required for game play; maybe in other games, but not STO. That in mind, Cryptic has the liberty to do what they want regarding our mirrored versions.

      Still, I wouldn't be too worried about Cryptic doing any harm to our characters, even our mirrored versions. How much backstory do we have on NPCs like Shon, Jarok, Koren, and so on? Occasionally there's a side option in the dialogue that lets us inquire about someone, but that isn't required for completing the mission; and it's usually generic at best. So I honestly can imagine Cryptic doing any irreversible harm to us wanting to make backstories for our mirror versions. And I doubt our imaginations would be completely hindered; you could take it as a challenge.

      As for the events in the Mirror Universe, we'll just have to wait and see. Keep in mind there is also going to be a revamp of the Cardassian arc, wherein the mirror universe made a cameo. I don't know if that'll tie into the "canon" that Cryptic has in mind for Season 11, but it's something I'm going to keep in mind. Either way, I'm far more curious to see how they dealt with their Iconian War.
      99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
    • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
      edited August 2015
      I wouldn't want Cryptic writing my mirror self's back... I mean, they already did it once and nobody cared. Temporal Ambassador... but that's not my mirror universe... I think it isn't... But anyways, I wouldn't want Cryptic writing my mirror (in the prime-mirror universe) self's backstory. But they can in other mirror universes, and that's fine... But then there's my JJ Trek mirror self too... I don't want them TRIBBLE around there.

      How about this... if it's a mirror universe that is already firmly established in Trek canon, leave the backstory to me. If it's a totally new mirror univese that you're creating, it's all yours.
    • doll8doll8 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
      edited August 2015
      Cryptic doesn't need to make a mirrors of our toons but at least they can make a mirror map with all the names too (that can be accessed in "freeroam") and let the ones(players) that want to "populate" that universe go in and have fun ,I'm sure some of you guys mind that...heck they all ready have the portal at Ds9, so why not put that to use instead of having it as a "decoration piece" maybe they can do it in a future update or "season" as they like to do

      i can dream cant I ? :(
    • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
      Imagine a mission where you go into a game against your mirror counterpart...a ship, with exactly your same build and a real fight ;-)
    • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,256 Community Moderator
      veryth12 wrote: »
      It was established somewhere (it might have been a book) that the Federation and Mirror Universe history parted ways in the time leading up to World War III. In the prime timeline, WWIII was bad enough to make the world realize they needed to stop fighting each other, but because the mirror universe missed out on this defining brush with death that the human species had, they continued on business as usual.

      There would be no liberated Borg in the mirror universe, because none of the events to introduce the Borg happened.

      That would seem to contradict what was shown in hard canon. ST:ENT in its Mirror Universe episodes showed in the intro a Terran Empire flag being planted on the Moon during the 1969 moon landing. Also, even if the events of "Q Who" that resulted in the Enterprise's encounter with the Borg did not occur in the Mirror Universe, it would not necessarily follow that there would be no liberated Borg in the Mirror Universe.

      I like to think that maybe the Terran Empire is a result of an Earth where the Roman Empire never fell and just continued to expand and conquer the entire world, eventually reaching out into the stars. After all, Terra is Latin for Earth.
      Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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    • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
      solax79 wrote: »
      By far the best use of the Mirror Universe came from Enterprise, where they didn't bother to have anyone cross over; they just up and did a two-part episode because because. And those two episodes were much better.


      Sure it's possible we could have something similar in STO, with a mission that uses the same tech of Temporal Ambassador to make your character spawn with a Mirror uniform in a setting with Mirror Universe symbols commanding a Mirror ship that's all it's needed to enact play of your Mirror counterparts.

      However I fear it would be considered too much a copy paste so I don't think we'll see it which is a pity imho.

      I think we'll just wage war on the Mirror Leeta's Fleet like usual.

      A Nemesis system would be a great idea, but I think it's not on their plans.​​
      I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
    • edited August 2015
      This content has been removed.
    • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
      edited August 2015
      I think the term "mirror" universe throws people... it isn't mirror as in opposite personalities... its mirror in that where Prime Trek is the best of humanity and human nature(across all species basically), Mirror is humanity at its most selfish and self-serving(again this theme plays out across all the races we see). Imperial Terrans make Tal Shiar look like boy scouts.


      Which is why the real difference in the Mirror Universe doesn't start with the rise of the Terran Empire - that's the effect.

      The cause may be the Ancient Humanoids made a different work in creating the seeds of life of the Galaxy which enhanced the dark side of people. Maybe they chose the wrong Humanoid model sample for the job?

      Jumping to Earth, somewhere in history prior to 1955 the Terran Empire rose. I do have my own theory about when and how but I'm not in a sharing mood. Not that it makes a difference for you :D​​
      I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
    • centaurianalphacentaurianalpha Member Posts: 1,150 Arc User
      Since Cryptic deemed the MU ships as unworthy of upgrades, it's pretty much irrelevant to me whether they allow a playable MU captain. Instead, I can just as easily do a uniform change on existing toons, and pretend that I'm a contrarian, except I won't be able to actually fight the Federation... :/
      Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac
      Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
      Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
      Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
      STO player since November 2013
    • robertc328robertc328 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
      iceeaglex wrote: »
      It would be interesting to see what I would look like as a diplomat and peaceful explorer who hasn't commited genocide and slaughters thousands on a daily basis. You know. A good guy.

      Just what I was thinking.
    • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited August 2015
      robertc328 wrote: »
      iceeaglex wrote: »
      It would be interesting to see what I would look like as a diplomat and peaceful explorer who hasn't commited genocide and slaughters thousands on a daily basis. You know. A good guy.

      Just what I was thinking.

      Starfleet is a military service and you're fighting a war. Get used to reality.
      I'm a soldier, not a diplomat. I can only tell you the truth.
    • solax79solax79 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
      solax79 wrote: »
      By far the best use of the Mirror Universe came from Enterprise, where they didn't bother to have anyone cross over; they just up and did a two-part episode because because. And those two episodes were much better.


      Sure it's possible we could have something similar in STO, with a mission that uses the same tech of Temporal Ambassador to make your character spawn with a Mirror uniform in a setting with Mirror Universe symbols commanding a Mirror ship that's all it's needed to enact play of your Mirror counterparts.

      However I fear it would be considered too much a copy paste so I don't think we'll see it which is a pity imho.

      Like I said earlier, a good compromise would be to play an episode or two as our mirrored counterpart as opposed to leaving our characters in Cryptic's hands. I like that you brought up Temporal Ambassador too. I've been hoping for another episode like that, and perhaps this would be an interesting opportunity.
      robertc328 wrote: »
      iceeaglex wrote: »
      It would be interesting to see what I would look like as a diplomat and peaceful explorer who hasn't commited genocide and slaughters thousands on a daily basis. You know. A good guy.

      Just what I was thinking.

      Starfleet is a military service and you're fighting a war. Get used to reality.
      I'm a soldier, not a diplomat. I can only tell you the truth.


      99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
    • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
      valoreah wrote: »
      kayajay wrote: »
      Imagine a mission where you go into a game against your mirror counterpart...a ship, with exactly your same build and a real fight ;-)

      Reminds me of the Doppelgangers from CoX. I miss that game so much. :(​​
      In Champions you can make your nemesis look like you. :p Or not.
      My character Tsin'xing
    • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
      valoreah wrote: »
      kayajay wrote: »
      Imagine a mission where you go into a game against your mirror counterpart...a ship, with exactly your same build and a real fight ;-)

      Reminds me of the Doppelgangers from CoX. I miss that game so much. :(​​
      In Champions you can make your nemesis look like you. :p Or not.

      I wanna bring over my fox tail from Champions into STO.
      I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
      The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
      normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
      colored text = mod mode
    • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
      Since Cryptic deemed the MU ships as unworthy of upgrades, it's pretty much irrelevant to me whether they allow a playable MU captain. Instead, I can just as easily do a uniform change on existing toons, and pretend that I'm a contrarian, except I won't be able to actually fight the Federation... :/

      I wondered why they did not include the Mirror Universe ships in the upgrade system. With the upcoming next season, I understand why.

      Joined STO in September 2010.
    • xepthrixepthri Member Posts: 56 Arc User
      edited August 2015
      You know the TNG episode Parallels?

      There should be a Featured Episode just like that. Based on your character.
      'Sir, incoming 48213 hails, what shall I do?"

      "No, I don't want to return to my timeline where the Tholians win!"

      "I don't want to go back to the Borg!"

      In true STO fashion, all of your universe counterpart fight, with different loadouts but similar ships. And you have one shuttle to drive into a temporal wormhole to set it right. Pray you don't get targeted. And say you enjoy STO casually and do your own style of roleplay, maybe you're an Engineer or Science captain. You better hope a mirror universe DPS Tactical doesn't aim you with BFAW.
    • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
      Actually... I kinda like the idea of a Parallels style episode.
      I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
      The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
      normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
      colored text = mod mode
    • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
      lordinsane wrote: »
      veryth12 wrote: »
      On a side note, morality seems to be opposite in the mirror universe, so their Iconians should not be acting like our Iconians at all, so if they are having an iconian war, I would hope that it is because the Terran empire was invading the Iconians and not the other way around.
      Right from Mirror, Mirror it was clear that it was not so simple as a universal reversal of morality (the Halkans were the same as they were in the ordinary reality, and Spock was shifted more as 'Spock in the context of a militaristic expansionist totalitarian backstabbing regime' than 'Spock with basic morality reversed'), so no, I would expect and hope the Iconians to be fundamentally the same - if not having done the same things, the situation being different on the Mirror side of things.

      The only episode which points to Mirrored morality is The Emperor's New Cloak, which has a number of issues.

      In general, I think everything points to the humans being violent and contaminating everyone else with their violence. I really think it's a butterfly type thing and it somehow deals with an event that changed on earth, with cascading effects.

      Now, yes, I'd expect the Iconians to be the same but we do know Picard and Taris and that other Fed captain basically woke them up. That's a major point IN the Butterfly mission. They could have remained dormant longer.

      So my guess would be in the Mirror Iconian War that while the Iconians were probably the same, the Terrans and/or Mirror Romulans would have made the first strike after unearthing the Iconian Gateway network.

      "Oh. Look. Sleeping Iconians. Let's slice off this one's arm while we're here and take it home to study it for biological weapons analysis. Don't kill it. Just take its arm. We might have to come back and do more experiments on it."
    • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      rattler2 wrote: »
      Actually... I kinda like the idea of a Parallels style episode.

      I always wanted to see what happened in the universe where the Borg won.​​
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
    • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
      Aren't WE technically the mirror universe after the latest FE?

      So does that mean we run into ourselves from before/without the two temporal incursions? How about a universe with cardassian first contact instead of those lazy vulcans.
      This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
    • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      questerius wrote: »
      Aren't WE technically the mirror universe after the latest FE?

      So does that mean we run into ourselves from before/without the two temporal incursions? How about a universe with cardassian first contact instead of those lazy vulcans.
      Not every alternate timeline is a mirror universe.​​
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
    • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
      rattler2 wrote: »
      Actually... I kinda like the idea of a Parallels style episode.
      I always wanted to see what happened in the universe where the Borg won.​​
      My best guess is that in that universe they failed to save Picard from the Borg and in the process never learned how to beat the Borg.
      My character Tsin'xing
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