So they've already announced that Mirror Leeta will be appearing in Season 11, which obviously means that the mirror universe will make its return. I think it would be really cool to meet our character's mirror universe counterpart. Does anyone else agree?
Knowing they've done something similar to this with the Delta Recruits talking to their future self does indicate that there's already a solid base to build this on, agreed? So it wouldn't be that hard to do, right?
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Yeah, I didn't think much about that. If they were to give our mirror characters a backstory, then it would likely be the same one for all characters regardless of race, gender, and faction. Which I'd guess would be disconcerting.
Maybe that sort of "quick cameo" would be the right idea then
Edinger Deet was first host in both prime and mirror Universe. Represented in STO, Mirror Edinger is one of Prime Edingers costumes.
Aznia is the second host in both prime and mirror Universe. Mirror Aznia is now resides in the Prime STO Universe, operating within the KDF under the name Ainza.
Gus is the eight host of the Mirror Deet symbiont, come back in time from the 29th century, and bringing a KDF Timeship with him.
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"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
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I made Mirror Universe versions of my main FED, KDF, and ROM and use Mirror ships with them. I'm excited about the upcoming Mirror Reputation to gear them up with.
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"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
Maybe instead of meeting your mirror counterpart, you could pretend to be them for an episode. Like Sisko did in an episode of DS9.
I got a whole collection of Mirror outfits ranging from Enterprise era all the way to STO and even a Wells variant.
Just a few examples from before I made the TMP one. The existing TOS and Ent outfits were not included.
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I really am not convinced that the Mirror Universe has Borg active in it. I kind of prefer for that aspect to be different. Most of the incidents that provoked the Borg (Q Who, First Contact, Regeneration) couldn't have happened there. I also interpret the line from First Contact about three dimensional thinking to suggest that the Borg have a single hive mind across universes. And that's how the Queen keeps popping back up.
I'm also less than font of anything which paints the Mirror Universe as "the opposite universe". I think there is a single event which sent them on a different track and that event was almost certainly on earth, pre-20th century. Shakespeare is "equally grim" so that could be a clue.
The Terran Empire was established prior to 1955 according to Archer on Enterprise (who describes it as centuries old) and we see a Terran flag used in the moon landing. This name poses some interesting questions (The name "Terran Empire" suggests they need to identify themselves to non-Terrans) along with the ability of the residents of Bozeman, Montana to conquer Vulcan.
It seems to me that:
Cochrane's flight was a ruse to capture Vulcans. The humans still knew the Vulcans were coming.
The Terrans landed on the moon in 1969 but had off-world contact. Because the name "Terran".
The Terrans show significant Roman influence.
We know the Romulans were a plausible backer for a Terran rebellion on DS9.
I lean towards the idea that the Terran Empire was a puppet state for Romulus and that the Romulans culturally contaminated earth after leaving Vulcan, much like Earth culturally contaminated the Iotians in "A Piece of the Action" and the planet in "Patterns of Force". I suppose that the Romulans kept earth roughly on its original course but humans knew of aliens... And given the Romulans' relative elusiveness, they abandoned earth or used it as a covert hedge against the Vulcans and Klingons.
This could also add some plausibility to the resurgence of the Terran Empire if the Romulans had an intact Romulus and were arming and building ships for the Terrans to send them off against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.
We do know they've been fighting an Iconian War according to dev statements at Las Vegas but I think it might be interesting if the Mirror Iconians blew up a different planet. Maybe Qo'noS. That said, if they blew up any planets over there, the explosion wave would have been difficult to contain. No Vulcan Science Academy to provide the red matter or the Jellyfish. No Spock or reunificationist effort that I am aware of.
I think we can infer from what we have seen of the Mirror Universe that either Romulus is intact because no strike was made (possible) or that the attack was far worse (because the conditions that allowed us to stop it didn't exist there), in which case there's a question of how the galaxy-nuking attack was stopped at all. The Mirror Universe might have lost 3/4ths of its Milky Way galaxy to the Iconians.
I am curious to see how the mirror universe fared in an Iconian War (they might've found a better solution to winning than the Krenim Time Weapon
SO if she met her "mirror self" she'd be meeting her main-line version. Who is very likely nowhere near as calculating, combat capable or charismatic, and who likely swallows the Federations BS hook, line and sinker.
-Dedication plaque of the Federation Starship U.S.S. Merkava
That said I think the Satanians would be a good fit for the mirror universe.
I've found the concept of 'Mirror universe' somewhat.. humorous and cartoonishly 'opposite' of the prime-verse personally, and it was one of the weakest points of entire DS9 series. For comedic purposes, sure, neat.. but anything else than that... *shrug*
DS9 had far better defining moments than the lackluster Mirror universe plot. >_<
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
also note... almost all of their villains are 'cartoonish'
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
*points at Hakeev and the Tal Shiar*And your point is? We already have Snidley Whiplash and his clone troops
People have been asking for this since before the game launched. No one knows why it hasn't been done yet.
Runs into complete and utter logical fail if you're either KDF or Bajoran, since they're not members of the Terran Empire. Cryptic would have to make two entirely different versions of the mission for red and blue, which is something they're not doing anymore.
You want to see the mirror universe version of your player character? Make one up and write about it. That's what I did: Eleya's counterpart is the XO on a Cardassian battleship.
No argument there. The use of the Mirror Universe in DS9 got so tedious, especially since they used it for comedic purposes when there was little or nothing comedic about it. I think what made it so annoying was how someone always had to be "crossing over" for us to see the mirror universe. And with it, all the lines of "You're nothing like my (so-and-so)!", like it needed to be spelled out each time they met someone they new on the other side. (Watch DS9's "The Emperor's New Cloak" to really understand what I mean).
Suffice to say, I am skeptical that that's how the mirror universe will appear in the upcoming season.
By far the best use of the Mirror Universe came from Enterprise, where they didn't bother to have anyone cross over; they just up and did a two-part episode because because. And those two episodes were much better.
The problem with that is people from DS9 had counterparts as well. There was a mirror Sisko, mirror Dax, mirror Ezri, mirror Bashir, mirror O'Brien...
There was even a mirror Jennifer Sisko, while her prime universe counterpart died at Wolf 359.
Also the people who are saying that there was a Terran flag on the Moon... the guy was wearing an Enterprise era EV Suit.
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