In the wake of the damages caused by the Vaadwaur onslaught in the Delta Quadrant, a new coalition has risen from the ashes of once-great civilizations such as the Krenim.
Read more about it here:
(Also, I have nicknamed this the Beagle Box)
Nice rewards from the much anticipated Krenim "Year of Hell" lockbox
Trendy you changed the thread title on me
One of the biggest issues ingame at the moment is the fact that due to the current metagame, certain older items - like Plasmonic Leech, like Zemok, etc - are extremely useful in builds and are in very high demand. But as these are from older lockboxes, their supply is extremely constrained. Some of the steps you have taken will begin to help to address this issue. Thank you, and I hope positive steps like this continue.
Also, Dog pets! Yay!
"Our history, our past, our present and our future is now forever changed. All we can do is preserve what is left and continue onwards. This is not a surrender nor defeat, we will continue the fight. This is our last hope, our last chance... for victory."
Vlasek D. Lasor - 4.19.3580
Star Trek Online: Foundry Storyline Series
Yeah getting that dreaded feeling as well, scam us into buying that TRIBBLE. Honestly the LAST thing I can use is ironically enough more Doffs. Got all the ones I need and as a Sci captain I don't see a single point in the new Doff traits they're giving those Delta doffs... ugh, Cryptic FLAWED logic if you ask me...
The in-game item is called the "Year of Hell Lock Box".
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
This. *sigh* I was afraid of this. It's the voth / elachi dreadnought mess all over again. And seeing as this is the first sci dreadnought in game (someone check me on this), I bet they will be on the exchange for 500 mil.
From the article:
"To reiterate:
Removed R&D Mini-Packs
Added brand new Extra Large Boost prizes
A choice of Weapon Type from Weapon Packs
All higher-tier prizes become slightly more common"
Sadly, I wish you were right.
2. I'm not sure if you've seen a Beagle before, because whatever those dogs are, they look like bloodhounds that have had botched plastic surgery.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
What a load of... TRIBBLE. Absolute TRIBBLE. This is not even CLOSE to what I was expecting... and they've decreased the odds of getting new weapons even further. Just awesome -- more chances to blow $$$ or dilth/EC on boosts that I don't need.
Well it had to happen eventually, I guess this is the end of the lockbox thing for me.
But of course the ultimate reasons is to keep lockbox sales high or even increase them.
Oh, and it almost looks as if the new Krenim ship will also cause people to wonder why their ship is flying backwards.
Regarding the time ship - I think the inclusion in a DOFF Promo or a R&D Pack promo is likely, but I also won't discount the possibility that it might be part of an event reward. But that might be overly optimistic.
PS: lockbox changes are good and finally Reciprocity for KDF/ROMs, guess what item will be 100m+ EC shortly after this box ends. Also Krenim warship seems nice, warship(8 weapons, destroyer stats again?) and pilot + intel hybrid seats bundled in one ship?...
HAHAHA, that's great.
Science Dreadnaught? Are you guys referring to the Krenim Temporal Weapons Ship? No way in hell do we get to fly that as a our own ship. At best it will be a special mission where we get to control it. My guess is we'll be escorting it to the Andromeda Sphere to escort the sphere out of existence. That ship is WAY too broken as a regular ship.
In any event these changes seem very positive. Time will tell as the other lockboxes cycle through and we all see how it shakes out with the past items.