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Kahless the Fool [House of Pegh]



  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ...I don't think I've ever seen a battle where both sides were so stupid before.

    Seen First Contact lately? The end of it was just... gah.

    I don't envy the writing team for STO. The Iconians have been built up and shown to be gods. Trying to put together a solid story for defeating them without relying on some deus ex plotline will be difficult.

    Regardless of what they come up with, I doubt our characters will be more than spectators. Otherwise, the war would already be over...
  • gl2814egl2814e Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My head canon is that they didn't. they stole the tech from the Hur'Q instead of inventing it themselves.

    I actually thought this is what happened and completely explained the Feudal customs and government existing side by side with the technology of Star Trek.

    I had though they were a Feudal Empire of pre-gunpowder barbarians, were invaded by advanced aggressors, either drove those aggressors off or the Hurq grew bored with the Klingons and left on their own accord, and either way developed Warp Drive and other advanced technology by reverse engineering the scavenged remains of the Hurq's technology.

    But no, apparently that is insane head cannon two different people came up with.

  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    gl2814e wrote: »
    But no, apparently that is insane head cannon two different people came up with.


    It was soft-canon from some source that I've forgotten. It makes sense, and explains why in the novel version of the TNG pilot Worf notes that the reason the Klingon Empire allied with the Federation is that Star Fleet technology ran away from them.

    I like it, but it's all soft-canon as far as I know.
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Gotta say, it was disappointing to see Kahless turned into a "The Redshirt-Wearing Hero Dies". Injured and whisked away by KDF Intelligence would have made for a better story, in the sort of way that Dr. Cooper's fate was only discovered later on.
  • gl2814egl2814e Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It was soft-canon from some source that I've forgotten. It makes sense, and explains why in the novel version of the TNG pilot Worf notes that the reason the Klingon Empire allied with the Federation is that Star Fleet technology ran away from them.

    I like it, but it's all soft-canon as far as I know.

    Apparently it came from ST The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible:

    Which is weird because I don't remember reading that one, but I must of at some point.

    Soft-canon or not, it still makes more sense than Viking Samurai up and inventing the technologies needed for interstellar travel in Star Trek between drinking games and going on revenge quests all the damned time.
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well, let's see. Khaless challenged T'ket to a duel. T'Ket is billions of years old, can fly, shoot lasers out of his hands, and is invincible. Khaless cannot. This is apparently a fair fight in everyone's eyes.

    They fight for a while, and in spite of being, y'know, superior in every way that could ever matter in a fight, T'ket soon resorts to backing into a corner as far away from Khaless' sword as he can, and shooting him with a ranged weapon.

    Apparently, that's somehow not cheating in a swordfight (and neither is being invincible).

    You turn off his hax0r godmode cheat. This is apparently worse than shooting someone in the middle of a sword fight. Khaless makes a speech. The Iconian does not react, so then Khaless tries to plant his bat'leth in it's skull.

    T'ket puts up his arm to block it. He loses the arm and part of his head.

    Khaless sees that his enemy is apparently disabled. He says "Now to finish this", which is apparently the longest and most amazing speech that any of you have ever heard in your entire lives.

    The Iconian, who's apparently not as disabled as he was pretending to be, teleports behind him and stabs him in the back.

    You all immediately log into the forums to start complaining that Khaless is a dirty cheater because someone else took away T'ket's ability to cheat after he shot Khaless in a swordfight.

    Now, explain the STO Forums to me! I don't think they understand honor, either.

    Good post is good.
  • nostalgiamannostalgiaman Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    gl2814e wrote: »
    Apparently it came from ST The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible:

    Which is weird because I don't remember reading that one, but I must of at some point.

    Soft-canon or not, it still makes more sense than Viking Samurai up and inventing the technologies needed for interstellar travel in Star Trek between drinking games and going on revenge quests all the damned time.

    TOS Klingons were perfectly capable of using their brains. Kor was a sneaky TRIBBLE. After Christopher Loyd showed up with a lobster on his head, they got a bit stupid. Then they all turned into Worf's jerk-TRIBBLE, brain-dead cousins over the course of TNG. I just presumed Klingons in the TNG era were going though a reactionary period due to spending decades suckling at the Federation's teat after that whole nearly destroying their planet thing.

    Of course Enterprise and JJ Trek liked the idiot lobster version too much and made a mess out of that idea.
  • hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kozar2 wrote: »
    My 2 questions are:

    1. Why don't we start shooting from the balcony to help?

    2. Why does nobody give a TRIBBLE about losing the Sword of Kahless?

    Cause whoever wrote up this piece of @#$@#$ did not like their current form of existence. Id agree with point 1. you made after all we did provide the omega ray cheat on t'ket. why not just unleash all that upgraded firepower on the iconian while we were on the balcony? Me thinks its just badly forced story line with writers struggling to fill quotas for the month.
    Im really surprised what the "gamebreaking" bug was that kept the mission from being deployed last week lol

    2. I have an alt who played a bit of KDF. you get the sword of Kahless as a reward... its Cr#p useless and I changed it out after one mission lol .
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    hojain2020 wrote: »
    Cause whoever wrote up this piece of @#$@#$ did not like their current form of existence. Id agree with point 1. you made after all we did provide the omega ray cheat on t'ket. why not just unleash all that upgraded firepower on the iconian while we were on the balcony? Me thinks its just badly forced story line with writers struggling to fill quotas for the month.
    Im really surprised what the "gamebreaking" bug was that kept the mission from being deployed last week lol

    You don't understand. Without Kahless we are nothing. Witnessing his death destroyed our will to fight and pulling a trigger becaume impossible! So we decided to fly off to clone Kahless yet again and try again next week.

    Stay tuned for "House of Pegh - the second attempt" coming up next thursday
  • kozar2kozar2 Member Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    hojain2020 wrote: »
    2. I have an alt who played a bit of KDF. you get the sword of Kahless as a reward... its Cr#p useless and I changed it out after one mission lol .

    Ya I know, I have one too. But Kahless was going on an on about his being the true one. If it was really the most important artifact in Klingon history why does nobody care? It would be like the Vatican having the actual holy grail and someone tossing it into a fire and nobody in the entire world giving a TRIBBLE because the Pope also happened to have died that day.
  • hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    szim wrote: »
    You don't understand. Without Kahless we are nothing. Witnessing his death destroyed our will to fight and pulling a trigger becaume impossible! So we decided to fly off to clone Kahless yet again and try again next week.

    Stay tuned for "House of Pegh - the second attempt" coming up next thursday

    hahahaha nice one!!! ofcourse killing of space clones to transmit message after Kahlees's death was just gameplay as usual ;-)
  • hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kozar2 wrote: »
    Ya I know, I have one too. But Kahless was going on an on about his being the true one. If it was really the most important artifact in Klingon history why does nobody care? It would be like the Vatican having the actual holy grail and someone tossing it into a fire and nobody in the entire world giving a TRIBBLE because the Pope also happened to have died that day.


    Me thinks Kahlees died because he used a "free" mission reward to fight the mighty Ionians. I mean really the script was set in stone the minute he warped in and started assaulting the Iconian guard groups using that antique.
  • reafisreafis Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Anyone else notice we broke into a power plant, stabilized the omega particles (there by making it safer and produce more power) and then failed to blow it up. So basically we broke in and made it better. That's like having someone break into your house and redecorate it for you.
  • pigeonofclaypigeonofclay Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    reafis wrote: »
    Anyone else notice we broke into a power plant, stabized the omega particles (there by making it safer and produce more power) and then failed to blow it up. So basically we broke in and made it better. That's like having someone break into your house and redecorate it for you.

    There's a mental disorder name for that. :D "Crazy".
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Also, remember "Grab the cat!" from Lethal Weapon 3?! If you can think of the cat when the building you're in is about to explode, then you can pick up what's only your most sacred relic ever! :D

    There was an earlier clone of Kahless in the series, right? He also didn't quite measure up to the original. Sigh. Why is every Kah-less?
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    szim wrote: »

    Stay tuned for "House of Pegh - the second attempt" coming up next thursday

    We should name it "The House of Pech" for the occasion. :P (But you have to speak Dutch to understand that wee pun)
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well done. Let me add a bit more to your list.

    A covert Intelligence Agency so good at their job that you never heard of them. So they're effective and very good right?

    Well except:

    - Their leader is the symbolic leader of the Klingon Empire wielding it most symbolic weapon. And he choses to do missions that *nobody ever hears about*. Yeah, that's... really quite stupid isn't it?

    - What my be the only effective covert team in all of STO (because we never heard of them) is only covert as long as they are cloaked on their ship. After that it's pure run and gun like they were playing Quake or something. I think I know why we never heard of them- their teams always fail and die!

    -After our characters shoot the Ionian in the back with a freakin' Omega Cannon... ok, it's more like opening the Omega waste vents, but whatever- you get my point, i.e. an attacked based upon something that a single molecule of makes SuperNovas look like a snap caps --- this *honorable* upon seeing the backstab in his one-on-one combat Klingon then claims that the *honorable* warrior always wins!

    I begin to understand STO Klingons. Winning, no matter the means and claiming the acts of others as your own defines Honor...

    -Wait, after this whole mission fails and their Symbolic Leader dies stupidly, the Klingons are screaming about how honorable Kahlass was.

    I begin to understand STO Klingons. Losing, no matter the means defines Honor...

    This mission was... just horrible.

    I find myself still dumbfounded by just how terrible this mission was, on so many levels.

    Putting aside the social commentary and judging the mission on everything but that little nagging nitpick, there is so very little redeeming quality to the story.

    - Totally mis-characterized Legendary character.
    - Canon ignored completely in regards to the major plot device (Omega)
    - Every precept of common sense tossed out the nearest airlock.
    - Blanket stealth device? Really? You can stealth a ship, even at great distance from the power source?
    - Bull in a china shop approach to an intelligence operation.
    - Bad guy cliches abound.
    - For all intents and purposes both my crew and the Klingon crew should be dead 10x over.
    - Iconian ships addicted to ramming speed.
    - The final gameplay element served zero purpose, and in real life, would have further jeopardized the mission, as if the mission hadn't already gone 7 ways of sideways.

    And what of the supposed new mechanic this mission was supposed to incorporate that the episode was delayed a week? Was it the mini-game, because it's not that different than the mini-game on Mol'rihan, and I didn't find the mini-game to even work as well as the one on Mol'rihan.

    Completely and totally a waste of time playing this mission.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I find myself still dumbfounded by just how terrible this mission was, on so many levels.

    Putting aside the social commentary and judging the mission on everything but that little nagging nitpick, there is so very little redeeming quality to the story.

    - Totally mis-characterized Legendary character.
    - Canon ignored completely in regards to the major plot device (Omega)
    - Every precept of common sense tossed out the nearest airlock.
    - Blanket stealth device? Really? You can stealth a ship, even at great distance from the power source?
    - Bull in a china shop approach to an intelligence operation.
    - Bad guy cliches abound.
    - For all intents and purposes both my crew and the Klingon crew should be dead 10x over.
    - Iconian ships addicted to ramming speed.
    - The final gameplay element served zero purpose, and in real life, would have further jeopardized the mission, as if the mission hadn't already gone 7 ways of sideways.

    And what of the supposed new mechanic this mission was supposed to incorporate that the episode was delayed a week? Was it the mini-game, because it's not that different than the mini-game on Mol'rihan, and I didn't find the mini-game to even work as well as the one on Mol'rihan.

    Completely and totally a waste of time playing this mission.

    Yes, I fully agree on all accoutns. The mini-game was broken for me as well, by the way.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's nothing like Excalibur of legend. Excalibur was a magic weapon of extraordinary power, older than humanity and created by beings beyond our ken.

    You said yourself the Sword of Kahless was a SYMBOL, a relic, not an actual item of power. It's an old, valuable, and historically significant piece of metal but it's only a piece of metal. There's no magic to it. But the Klingons acted as if it were enchanted with the power to cut through gods. And that stupid belief got Clohnless killed and the mission shot to hell.
    For Klingons it doesn't matter if it's really enhanced or not, for them it is "magical" anyway.

    I find myself still dumbfounded by just how terrible this mission was, on so many levels.

    Putting aside the social commentary and judging the mission on everything but that little nagging nitpick, there is so very little redeeming quality to the story.

    - Totally mis-characterized Legendary character.
    - Canon ignored completely in regards to the major plot device (Omega)
    - Every precept of common sense tossed out the nearest airlock.
    - Blanket stealth device? Really? You can stealth a ship, even at great distance from the power source?
    - Bull in a china shop approach to an intelligence operation.
    - Bad guy cliches abound.
    - For all intents and purposes both my crew and the Klingon crew should be dead 10x over.
    - Iconian ships addicted to ramming speed.
    - The final gameplay element served zero purpose, and in real life, would have further jeopardized the mission, as if the mission hadn't already gone 7 ways of sideways.

    And what of the supposed new mechanic this mission was supposed to incorporate that the episode was delayed a week? Was it the mini-game, because it's not that different than the mini-game on Mol'rihan, and I didn't find the mini-game to even work as well as the one on Mol'rihan.

    Completely and totally a waste of time playing this mission.
    100% agreed,
    it was one of the most nonsensical episodes for a long time, and it's not like there where no disappointing missions lately imo.
    IDK what they where thinking when writing it.

    That mini-game was supposed to be the new game mechanic?:confused:
    A multi ending would have been much better, especially for such a disappointing mission.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Completely and totally a waste of time playing this mission.

    Not completely, I got a specialization point from playing it.

    And I found out why they added that rather awesome reward- because if they didn't few would re-play the mission and the metrics would have shown what a dud it was. With the Spec Point reward, that will be greatly offset.

    And that is how one fakes one's success. In the end, bribery works.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Kahles the great ventured into the lair of the beast, cut of said beasts arm with an old blade and once and for all shattered the Iconian bubble of myth and awe.

    T'ket lost an arm to something as insignificant as a sword. The High Tech wannabe deity got struck and was injured by the very first thing every civilization needs to learn on its way to greatness: metalworking.

    A skill older than feudalism.

    A blade forged thousands of years ago hurt the embodiment of tech equals magic.
    No amount of technology or heralds did help T'ket because the creature fell victim to the most cunning attacker: Faulty Judgement.

    This little tidbit of myth busting is sure to boost morale. What better, more honorable way is there to go for an old man like him? Not to mention as man who always was in question because of his circumstance of existing.
    A mere clone, armed with a old sword.

    Now, My captains are not clones of anyone, but we also have some damn nice swords.

    I liked the episode.
    I liked the singing too.
    STO is starting to develop character. I like that most.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Not completely, I got a specialization point from playing it.

    And I found out why they added that rather awesome reward- because if they didn't few would re-play the mission and the metrics would have shown what a dud it was. With the Spec Point reward, that will be greatly offset.

    And that is how one fakes one's success. In the end, bribery works.
    Hehe, i wouldn't be surprised if they'd say it was a huge success!

    The word "Pegh" accordingly vocalized, means "bad luck" in german. lol.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Member Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I somehow missed where we actually have the legendary badass warrior king Kahless with us, and not clone Kahless with memories populated by centuries of fanfic and who got owned in a manner of minutes by ol' Crazy Eyes Gowron. Clone King Arthur, fill his memories full of Arthurian legend, give him Excalibur, and I'm pretty sure you're not going to get Jack Bauer. Everything that did happen in the mission and 'honorable fight' was pretty much predictable.

    The 64000 GPL question is who the heck put Fanfic Kahless in charge of the Klingon OSS, and - more importantly - why.
    TOS Klingons were perfectly capable of using their brains. Kor was a sneaky TRIBBLE. After Christopher Loyd showed up with a lobster on his head, they got a bit stupid.

    Kluge was pretty intense, sure. Watch his actions with Errand Of Mercy and, more relevantly, The Undiscovered Country in mind, though. What high-ranking Klingon wouldn't be losing their baktag about the possibilities of the Genesis Device in a fairly inevitable Federation-Klingon War? For all we know, Kluge may even have been House Pegh himself.

    TNG and beyond era Klingons though... Well, that was Berman and Moore trying to clean up after Goddenberry.
  • stormstrykestormstryke Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Not completely, I got a specialization point from playing it.

    And I found out why they added that rather awesome reward- because if they didn't few would re-play the mission and the metrics would have shown what a dud it was. With the Spec Point reward, that will be greatly offset.

    And that is how one fakes one's success. In the end, bribery works.

    The spec point is once per account per week btw. So might still be a few replaying it or even playing it on their alts. You know the alts a lot of people made because of the recent delta recruit thing. Deltas back to the parking lot.

    Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
  • seintseintseintseint Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Probably he cuts his arm just for plot reasons: imho we will face the "Iconian with one arm", or something like this. Is a nice way to start a little revange story against a single enemy, so we can have a bad guy with a face and one story behind, and not just hate "iconians".
  • xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Instead of cutting off t'kets arm he should of just taken the head. I dont get it.

    Why was there any need to talk...it was battle...you kill your foes you dont stand their talking to them.

    maybe im missing something but either it was poor writing or just a set peice for a later FE. Which is kind of annoying. It would of been nice for the klingons to have something to rally behind, they still do now but like khaless losing is like a big no no for me made no sense at all. the entire scene. he should of just took off her head.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well, let's see. Khaless challenged T'ket to a duel. T'Ket is billions of years old, can fly, shoot lasers out of his hands, and is invincible. Khaless cannot. This is apparently a fair fight in everyone's eyes.

    They fight for a while, and in spite of being, y'know, superior in every way that could ever matter in a fight, T'ket soon resorts to backing into a corner as far away from Khaless' sword as he can, and shooting him with a ranged weapon.

    Apparently, that's somehow not cheating in a swordfight (and neither is being invincible).

    You turn off his hax0r godmode cheat. This is apparently worse than shooting someone in the middle of a sword fight. Khaless makes a speech. The Iconian does not react, so then Khaless tries to plant his bat'leth in it's skull.

    T'ket puts up his arm to block it. He loses the arm and part of his head.

    Khaless sees that his enemy is apparently disabled. He says "Now to finish this", which is apparently the longest and most amazing speech that any of you have ever heard in your entire lives.

    The Iconian, who's apparently not as disabled as he was pretending to be, teleports behind him and stabs him in the back.

    You all immediately log into the forums to start complaining that Khaless is a dirty cheater because someone else took away T'ket's ability to cheat after he shot Khaless in a swordfight.

    Heh ... I admit , I was amused ! :)
    Oh and +1 for noticing that T'ket also took damage to the head .

    now, explain the STO Forums to me! I don't think they understand honor, either.

    Too many gamers too few Trekkies ?

    ... that's what it feels like most of the time . Wasn't like this always ...
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    szim wrote: »
    You don't understand. Without Kahless we are nothing. Witnessing his death destroyed our will to fight and pulling a trigger becaume impossible!

    On the contrary !
    Kahless had a win-win scenario .

    If he won, he would have cemented himself as a living legend .
    If he lost, his loss would galvanize an entire people , and he still had himself (and his second coming) immortalized in song , lore & tradition .

    ... try that trick sometimes . Oh wait , you can't ...
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    the only thing i think he failed at was a cool last one liner

    when the iconia said we are gods kahless should of retorted "We Klingons have already killed OUR gods!"
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I could scarcely believe the ridiculousness of the scene where Kahless meets T'ket.
    You've just been handed an Iconian on a silver platter, ready for the kill and you pause to savor the moment by taunting them instead of just taking off their head?
    He deserved to get stabbed in the back.

    And for a short time, T'ket was vulnerable, if he'd just removed her head instead of talking, the mission would have succeeded.
    I'm even assuming T'ket was playing him, waiting for her techarmor to reboot so she could teleport behind him.

    I now have even less respect for Klingon "intelligence".

    And Rule 7 from the Evil Overlord list is particularly appropriate here:
    When I've captured my adversary and he says, "Look, before you kill me, will you at least tell me what this is all about?" I'll say, "No." and shoot him. No, on second thought I'll shoot him then say "No."

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
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