The House of Pegh was interesting to say the least, at least in terms of what was presented and if you paid attention. First, the opening was very Star Trek like, as soon as the opening credit ran the Klingon ship cloaked in traditional style, that I liked, very episode feel to it. My first observation is that you put an LBGT couple in the game. In my view no big deal, but it doesn't make any sense for the Klingons to be accepting of this sort of thing considering their religious dogmas and the fact they are warrior race that talk an awful lot about the family unit, heck they live and die by it. I can see a human of course, the Romulans, sure, but for species like the Ferengi, Klingons and Vulcans who have codes they live by and well you know what the Ferengi are like they would be, well, less likely to partake at least on a military mission or on a Special Ops team. With that "house keeping" out of the way lets continue, so your companion is fitted with a Hyper cloak which is able to shield you from the Heralds, it seems to me the in game mechanics or bug allowed you to travel very far away from the vessel cloaking you, if the cloaking device is supposed to act like a shield extension does. So you fight the Heralds and beam down, with an added twist, Kahless comes down to play or at least his clone does. Kahless has grown from being a symbol of blasphemy to prominence since we last saw him, again Klingon faith plays a key role. So you talk to him and decide to finally go after the generators, the interior is incredible, and reminds me a lot of Tinman from Star Trek TNG, unless I am reading into it more than I am. You also recover information about the Krenim Imperium and the Vauds attacking their space first on orders from the Iconians to end the chance of "chroniton weapons" getting massed produced for obvious reasons, although our Krenim in this timeline is far less than the Imperium in VOY "Year of Hell" again, thanks for nothing Janeway. So you go in to fight the Heralds, and split up to find your targets, you succeed and get to a console to see the final generator, an Iconian shows up. We know taking an Iconian down is not only impossible but damn near. Kahless volunteers with his Batleth to go after her or him. Does his death song (which was cool when you are fighting Heralds to the final room) You head to a massive generator room and Kahless boasts about himself and its game on. You fight off the "cannon fodder" and help Kahless by charging up the Omega Generator and injure the Iconian. Whom Kahless amputates it's arm. Then T'Ket teleports and stabs Kahless, and he dies. We beam out and never set off the charges but we have the Vaudwuar Intel and transmit it after breaking the blockade. The last ground act reminded me of "Duel of the Fates' from Star Wars Episode 1 where Qui-Gon and Obi try and take out Darth Maul while the troops fight their way to the Viceroy. In all it was a nice touch we didn't win for a change and the fact the Vauds are coming back makes it better, I wonder what Eldex has been up to. Still felt rushed and short for such an important mission and killing off a Klingon Icon for the SECOND TIME but I guess someone has to make way for Miral and now she has that opening now the Emporer has bit the dust.
I really hope Nog gets to do a "sacrifice of angels" like raid on an Vaud or Iconian stronghold, that would be cool.
As for House of Pegh, I give it a 6.5. out of 10. Its okay but not the best.
Thank you for reading please share your thoughts below.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This planet smells, it must be the Klingons"
Augh! No more of this "Run away!" TRIBBLE! Seriously. The first time was good (Colliseum; I was angry, but I appreciated the writing that made me feel that). The second time was annoying (Forget SB 234, run away!). Now, "OMG, Kahless is dead! Beam away! Beam away!" Hello? The Iconian is weakened. This is our chance to finish it! Fleeing doesn't even make sense. Kill the blasted thing, not run away!
And in response to the OP, you seem to have a strange idea of honor and what a code of life entails. Being TRIBBLE is not dishonorable. Pretending to be something you are not for the approval of others is. Warrior cultures are not intrinsically opposed to being TRIBBLE. The Spartans, to take only one example, were a force to be reckoned with, and they certainly accepted it.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Just my guess here fellers, But I'm guessing we will have to have some time travel in the Future. It's not like they have a Khaless clone sitting around anymore.
Personally, I really liked this one. I mostly play Fed, but it is nice that the Klingons are getting some much needed attention.
My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
Best thing about it, it was short. Will make repeating it for the Specialization points bearable.
Otherwise, I have nothing good to say about it. And fear they are rushing through this story arc too quickly.
Also I'd rather they actually overmatched us, wiping out my character and away time and then have them do an emergency beam out- as it all these FEs do is make me think all the NPCs are noobs.
House Pegh was a fun mission, and the part of Kahless singing before the final battle was a nice touch i do agree
i didn't like the space battle afterwards though, found it to be boring and very anticlimactic, as we'd just seen Kahless killed at the cusp of victory and now we're fighting Herald ships like nothing happened
also as to the bit about B'Eler and her mate, this is old news, it was known B'Eler's mate was female back when Spin the Wheel came out, and the Empire is just as accepting of LGBT people as Starfleet long as they do their jobs and comport themselves as warriors should
honor, courage....these are what the Empire cares for, let a warriors conquests in the bedroom stay the business of them, their mates, and their House
KDF for Life! Romulan at Heart Fed cause they made me ~ :P
The House of Pegh was interesting to say the least, at least in terms of what was presented and if you paid attention. First, the opening was very Star Trek like, as soon as the opening credit ran the Klingon ship cloaked in traditional style, that I liked, very episode feel to it. My first observation is that you put an LBGT couple in the game. In my view no big deal, but it doesn't make any sense for the Klingons to be accepting of this sort of thing considering their religious dogmas and the fact they are warrior race that talk an awful lot about the family unit, heck they live and die by it. I can see a human of course, the Romulans, sure, but for species like the Ferengi, Klingons and Vulcans who have codes they live by and well you know what the Ferengi are like they would be, well, less likely to partake at least on a military mission or on a Special Ops team. With that "house keeping" out of the way lets continue, so your companion is fitted with a Hyper cloak which is able to shield you from the Heralds, it seems to me the in game mechanics or bug allowed you to travel very far away from the vessel cloaking you, if the cloaking device is supposed to act like a shield extension does. So you fight the Heralds and beam down, with an added twist, Kahless comes down to play or at least his clone does. Kahless has grown from being a symbol of blasphemy to prominence since we last saw him, again Klingon faith plays a key role. So you talk to him and decide to finally go after the generators, the interior is incredible, and reminds me a lot of Tinman from Star Trek TNG, unless I am reading into it more than I am. You also recover information about the Krenim Imperium and the Vauds attacking their space first on orders from the Iconians to end the chance of "chroniton weapons" getting massed produced for obvious reasons, although our Krenim in this timeline is far less than the Imperium in VOY "Year of Hell" again, thanks for nothing Janeway. So you go in to fight the Heralds, and split up to find your targets, you succeed and get to a console to see the final generator, an Iconian shows up. We know taking an Iconian down is not only impossible but damn near. Kahless volunteers with his Batleth to go after her or him. Does his death song (which was cool when you are fighting Heralds to the final room) You head to a massive generator room and Kahless boasts about himself and its game on. You fight off the "cannon fodder" and help Kahless by charging up the Omega Generator and injure the Iconian. Whom Kahless amputates it's arm. Then T'Ket teleports and stabs Kahless, and he dies. We beam out and never set off the charges but we have the Vaudwuar Intel and transmit it after breaking the blockade. The last ground act reminded me of "Duel of the Fates' from Star Wars Episode 1 where Qui-Gon and Obi try and take out Darth Maul while the troops fight their way to the Viceroy. In all it was a nice touch we didn't win for a change and the fact the Vauds are coming back makes it better, I wonder what Eldex has been up to. Still felt rushed and short for such an important mission and killing off a Klingon Icon for the SECOND TIME but I guess someone has to make way for Miral and now she has that opening now the Emporer has bit the dust.
I really hope Nog gets to do a "sacrifice of angels" like raid on an Vaud or Iconian stronghold, that would be cool.
As for House of Pegh, I give it a 6.5. out of 10. Its okay but not the best.
Thank you for reading please share your thoughts below.
Great episode. I thought the lgbt was an interesting touch, very 2015. And Khaless straight up pulled an obi-wan-kenobi from a new hope. All in all I liked it.
And served absolutely no purpose to this story whatsoever.
Not that i have anything against LGBT (I'm TRIBBLE after all) but it irritates the living **** out of me whenever they cram something like this in just to get bonus points from morally ambiguous culture drones. :rolleyes:
It serves no purpose and it's totally irrelevant. I really couldn't give a single flying **** so long as i have stuff to kill.
Not that i have anything against LGBT (I'm TRIBBLE after all) but it irritates the living **** out of me whenever they cram something like this in just to get bonus points from morally ambiguous culture drones. :rolleyes:
It serves no purpose and it's totally irrelevant. I really couldn't give a single flying **** so long as i have stuff to kill.
But you wouldn't have cared if it was a guy and a girl since it was barely mentioned, so it was hardly cramed down your throat. One line in a text hardly made it cramming.
To be perfectly honest it's rather offensive to LGBT folks to simply be used as a commodity to attain higher ratings. GLEE was notorious for pulling this kinda TRIBBLE to distract from the horrific acting/ singing and TRIBBLE poor scripting/ directing. But at-least they had a couple of gays and a transsexual, am i right? :rolleyes:
But you wouldn't have cared if it was a guy and a girl since it was barely mentioned, so it was hardly cramed down your throat. One line in a text hardly made it cramming.
To be specific the 'cramming' i referred to, was them adding an unneccesary, irrelevant, gimmick which felt like an afterthought, into this mission.
It forced me to click an extra 5+ times just to get through the irrelevant nonsense from that bull-TRIBBLE... i want my 2 minutes back! :D:D
Edit: Just so some idiot doesn't misinterpret, my use of the term 'Bull-TRIBBLE' was because i felt it an apt description of her personality/character. It's efficient and concise, how very Vulcan of me.
Well if it's no big deal, why mention it at all? Isn't this supposed to be the 25th century where no one cares about such things?
I kind of gathered it was the reasoning behind why the warrior half of the couple was so opposed to the Omega molecule. It gave her a reason to be leery, since basically she needed a reason to act out of Klingon character and not want it to happen.
Basically it's why your character called her a coward and not wanting to die. Otherwise people would have been up in arms that a Klingon warrior wasn't willing to sacrifice all for glory and honor.
To be specific the 'cramming' i referred to, was them adding an unneccesary, irrelevant, gimmick which felt like an afterthought, into this mission.
It forced me to click an extra 5+ times just to get through the irrelevant nonsense from that bull-TRIBBLE... i want my 2 minutes back! :D:D
Edit: Just so some idiot doesn't misinterpret my use of the term 'Bull-TRIBBLE' was because i felt it an apt description of her personality. It's efficient and concise, how very Vulcan of me.
But if it was a guy saying the same thing you would have shrugged and not even cared. Execpt instead of saying that the text was too much you focused right on the lgbt thing. Yeah you didn't have an issue with the "bull-TRIBBLE".
I kind of gathered it was the reasoning behind why the warrior half of the couple was so opposed to the Omega molecule. It gave her a reason to be leery, since basically she needed a reason to act out of Klingon character and not want it to happen.
Basically it's why your character called her a coward and not wanting to die. Otherwise people would have been up in arms that a Klingon warrior wasn't willing to sacrifice all for glory and honor.
*grumble mumble*
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Personally, I really liked this one. I mostly play Fed, but it is nice that the Klingons are getting some much needed attention.
I think you meant to link to this video
Otherwise, I have nothing good to say about it. And fear they are rushing through this story arc too quickly.
Also I'd rather they actually overmatched us, wiping out my character and away time and then have them do an emergency beam out- as it all these FEs do is make me think all the NPCs are noobs.
i didn't like the space battle afterwards though, found it to be boring and very anticlimactic, as we'd just seen Kahless killed at the cusp of victory and now we're fighting Herald ships like nothing happened
also as to the bit about B'Eler and her mate, this is old news, it was known B'Eler's mate was female back when Spin the Wheel came out, and the Empire is just as accepting of LGBT people as Starfleet long as they do their jobs and comport themselves as warriors should
honor, courage....these are what the Empire cares for, let a warriors conquests in the bedroom stay the business of them, their mates, and their House
Since nobody else seems to have done it...
Holy wall of text Batman!
And my ground trait I got is nowhere to be seen.
And caused absolutely no harm whatsoever.
Not that i have anything against LGBT (I'm TRIBBLE after all) but it irritates the living **** out of me whenever they cram something like this in just to get bonus points from morally ambiguous culture drones. :rolleyes:
It serves no purpose and it's totally irrelevant. I really couldn't give a single flying **** so long as i have stuff to kill.
But you wouldn't have cared if it was a guy and a girl since it was barely mentioned, so it was hardly cramed down your throat. One line in a text hardly made it cramming.
Thank You.
To be perfectly honest it's rather offensive to LGBT folks to simply be used as a commodity to attain higher ratings. GLEE was notorious for pulling this kinda TRIBBLE to distract from the horrific acting/ singing and TRIBBLE poor scripting/ directing. But at-least they had a couple of gays and a transsexual, am i right? :rolleyes:
To be specific the 'cramming' i referred to, was them adding an unneccesary, irrelevant, gimmick which felt like an afterthought, into this mission.
It forced me to click an extra 5+ times just to get through the irrelevant nonsense from that bull-TRIBBLE... i want my 2 minutes back!
Edit: Just so some idiot doesn't misinterpret, my use of the term 'Bull-TRIBBLE' was because i felt it an apt description of her personality/character. It's efficient and concise, how very Vulcan of me.
I kind of gathered it was the reasoning behind why the warrior half of the couple was so opposed to the Omega molecule. It gave her a reason to be leery, since basically she needed a reason to act out of Klingon character and not want it to happen.
Basically it's why your character called her a coward and not wanting to die. Otherwise people would have been up in arms that a Klingon warrior wasn't willing to sacrifice all for glory and honor.
But if it was a guy saying the same thing you would have shrugged and not even cared. Execpt instead of saying that the text was too much you focused right on the lgbt thing. Yeah you didn't have an issue with the "bull-TRIBBLE".
So basically 'Klingon Love?'
What an idiotic concept. :rolleyes:
See my above comment for a summary and response ^^