They want to maintain exclusivity, which is something the players don't want.
It's pretty easy to gather that much.
I know I don't want that, anyway.
The winter carrier is the first event ship to really interest me, and I got screwed out of it by this decision
Without knowing everything that's going through their minds, I'd say it would be better to open an Event store and let people spend their temporary currency to obtain any one ship they want, past or present.
They haven't yet said what they're going to do about the Breen ships. They may not have even made up their minds yet. I would hope that they aren't going to throw out the T6 carrier after only one year.
On the other hand, I've always wondered what they were going to do when they created the sets. Themes are nice, but they can also lock you in to trying to do something new without being too original.
Maybe they'll update all of the prizes to T6 over time... or maybe they'll introduce an entirely new theme and line of ships... who knows? Too soon for them to tell us that, even if that's what they're planning to do, if they follow their normal pattern of being hype-tastic.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Maybe I'm reading this completely wrong but to me it sounds like whatever ships you have on any characters - you now will have them on all characters, so I don't see the complaint from old timers. I can see it from people going to their first Risa. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it seemed pretty clear to me.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Maybe, but this "exploit" has been planned, released and improved by cryptic. We were simply using it.
Of course there had been special limited offerings like the anniversary ships, like some tribbles or more, but we always KNEW of the temporary nature of those things and nobody complained and all accepted it.
This one is different. We were playing by the rules given to us. Nobody exploited. Now there is a change of heart and what happens is that players get punished for living by the rules.
A companies biggest asset is the trust people have in their decisions. If you cannot trust said company you take your wallet to another company.
Well. I stay to play, but it will be strictly F2P for me from this time onward.
I'll continue until you mess up the game that much, that I'm not interested anymore.
Once you loose trust of your customers, it is hard to earn it back!
The event ships were originally temporary, one-time-only things. Cryptic changed that for probably a number of reasons, but the main one was likely the complaint that we couldn't claim the ships on all of our alts because it was too grindy. Another reason was that when the first event ship rolled out, there weren't any equipment sets to collect.
Well, now they've addressed the alt issue. Earn it once, earn it always. I don't see the need for exclusivity either, but that's another argument.
The biggest issue right now is probably not being able to collect all of the Risian set, if you didn't have it already. They could address that without allowing the currency situation to continue, or so I would hope. There's still time for them to reverse their decision about retiring the ships... or to give us a good reason why. That's worth campaigning for.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Very good to hear. Yet another decision demonstrating, in my opinion, a positive direction of the game's management, hence the reason why I've started spending money on the game again after about a year long hiatus.
Maybe I'm reading this completely wrong but to me it sounds like whatever ships you have on any characters - you now will have them on all characters, so I don't see the complaint from old timers. I can see it from people going to their first Risa. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it seemed pretty clear to me.
Meanwhile, 3+ year old bugs and the onslaught of grinding ensues.
The event ships were originally temporary, one-time-only things. Cryptic changed that for probably a number of reasons, but the main one was likely the complaint that we couldn't claim the ships on all of our alts because it was too grindy. Another reason was that when the first event ship rolled out, there weren't any equipment sets to collect.
Well, now they've addressed the alt issue. Earn it once, earn it always. I don't see the need for exclusivity either, but that's another argument.
The biggest issue right now is probably not being able to collect all of the Risian set, if you didn't have it already. They could address that without allowing the currency situation to continue, or so I would hope. There's still time for them to reverse their decision about retiring the ships... or to give us a good reason why. That's worth campaigning for.
I don't remember the Event ships ever being temporary. They mentioned the Breen ships not coming back, but then reversed course on that. Probably because they came up with the ship set idea.
Yes, the alt issue is resolved, but I feel we still need to argue against the notion of "exclusivity". It's ridiculous AND it flies in the face of them wanting players to spend more time in the Event. More rewards to claim means more time spent in the Event to earn them.
Risian set? You mean the 2 ship set, right? Because we don't know what this year's ship is yet. We're all just assuming that it'll be another Risian ship with a console that plays into a 3 piece set with the previous 2 ships. Except that there's no logic there if they're retiring the Corvette and the Luxury Liner. If players that didn't get those 2 ships before are unable to get them now, they'll be less likely to grind for a ship that possesses piece #3 of a set they'll never complete. Surely Cryptic can see that. This Event would be dead on arrival for those that cannot claim the previous 2 ships.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I have enough pearls to get a new ship after one more go on the glider, AND I was hoping to get the corvette and cruiser for my Delta recruit. Not happy with this at all.
Figures, I decided to continue the grind during the Winter event to get half the photos I need for next years ship, and now they're no good. I don't see where this makes sense. We have to do the grind either way. I spend my tokens to get the ship on day 1, I still have to do the grind to get the tokens for next years ship.
It's ok Bluegeek , it's nice to see some humanity shine through ... , and no , you didn't upset me .
... but I thought to let you know that instead of going at it in a more detailed answer to your additional response . If you want an answer to that , let me know , but I didn't want to flame the flames with my response to your stuff that ended with the above , so I thought to defuse the above first .
Mind you my further response will be in my usually abrasive tone . Fair warning and all that ... :P
Are there other conditions not listed to be able to purchase anything other than the tech upgrades? One of my characters has 1,000 pearls, is at level 60, already has specialization points spent, but can't purchase anything from the buyback store other than tech upgrades.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
Oh come on don't tell me you believe this exclusivity bs they are preaching.
None of those ships were exclusive. Now they are turned into something "exclusive" and nobody got any idea why. If they want to retire the currency fine. Let the people use the currency one last time and then get rid of it. Make the new ship require the new currency but the other projects still can be done with the old currency in addition to the new one.
There is no reason to retire the old ships. Even if they will get replaced with new versions of those ships. There is nothing bad about having redundant ships available. There are tons of those in game a few more will not break the game.
This is no victory. This is a crushing deafeat where some were able to get out alive.
I never said I believe or support such exclusivity, I actually am opposed to it and believe all previous year's ships should be available during the events, I only said I 'understood' their actions.
I am still holding out a slim hope that they maintain the old ships in the new system (using the current 'currency of the year' though).
Yeah, the "me me me" -crowd is calling it a win. Because being able to bank a ship box on a few more toons is totally the most important issue here. :rolleyes:
Umm, what?
I don't consider myself to be in such a crowd, however, making event ships account wide benefits everyone who uses more than one toon. Which is what I'm happy with.
Careful. Not flying into a blood spitting rage at every change Cryptic makes or implying players put effort into obtaining an in game reward will get you labeled a "White Knight" round these parts.
Then I guess I'll have to live with the label, because I generally don't get into a 'blood spitting rage'.
I understand that companies (like Cryptic/PWE) are going to do everything they can to seperate me from the contents of my wallet, so when developers say they are going to discontinue a currency, I'm not surprised or terribly upset by it. But when they give a little and do something that benefits players I AM surprised and feel that said developers should be thanked for breaking from the established norms of seperating players from their money.
I'm actually somewhat confused about all the rage still present in this thread, the Devs could have just ignored this until we (players) got tired of complaining and just lived with the changes from the Dev Blog, but instead they made an effort and compromised a little. There are still some things that could use attention, but to dismiss the efforts of the Devs and continue to scream at them for changes makes me think that everyone here on the STO forums should be in the 'me, me, me' crowd...:(
3) The Alt system introduced was always an "EXPLOIT" in general STO terms, like many others that have been closed, if you could not see this coming you are
a) A new player
b) Stupid
c) Clueless
Irrelevant of how you see it as wrong or right, that's the simple truth, "EXPLOIT CLOSED" in STO's gameplay eyes!
Using systems as they are designed and promoted is generally not considered an "EXPLOIT" in game terms. For example, from promotional materials and Q&A from last year's Summer Event:
How much will it cost us? (On the first character? On alts on that account?)
The first project on any character is 1000 Pearls. This applies an account unlock that reduces the cost of the next ship of the same time to 40 pearls (1 daily's worth) on ALL characters on that account. So, an efficient way of doing this would be to earn the 1000 on one character and unlock the account ship discount and then do a single daily mission on your alts.
Once you have claimed a Risian corvette on one character, the price drops for all of your characters on the same account.
The same feature applies with the Risian luxury cruiser -- once you have claimed one, the price drops for all others.
Note that this discount applies on a ship-specific basis: having the discount on the cruiser doesn't give the discount on the corvette, and vice-versa. So, unlock the ship you want, and then you can get it easily on all of your other characters.
The devs basically went out of their way to tell new and returning players how to gain access to both years' ships, assuming those players were willing to put in the time. I think that's the crux of the issue, though, as far as running multiple versions of the (Seasonal) Event projects... you still had to put in the time to unlock both discounts. A long-time player would only need to do 40 races on one character, +1 per additional ship, to unlock the discount and acquire the ships. By contrast, a new or returning player would need to do 80 races to unlock the ships on two different characters, +1 per additional ship (including getting the second ship on each of the two running their respective 40 races).
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
First of all, thanks to trendy for bearing with us, and salamiinferno for stepping in and giving a word to the community.
I can understand that you feel the system that was put in was a mistake that needed to be corrected, and that more than one game company would have simply done a reset or removed the items in question, rather than stepping in and calling a halt at the current point and leaving things as they stand. I also understand the actions have already been implemented and cannot be undone at this stage, so I appreciate your attempt to put in something else to reduce the impact of this while maintaining the model of exclusivity you want to promote in the Events.
However, much as I applaud your efforts on this one issue, I have not seen anything mentioned about the other, much more important issue here.
Are the starship emotes that completely break game immersion for those of us who are serious about our STO gameplay going to be made able to be toggled viewable or not viewable by players?
The pearls issue is something I feel is limited to a set part of the game that was always 'earn it or don't expect to get it later', and there are other items in the game that remain exclusive to those who participated in certain parts of the game (Red Matter Capacitors coming back anytime soon?). That doesn't bother me as much as the introduction of something that will change -every- part of the game, and has such potential for abuse based on how other, similar items that have been introduced in the past have fallen victim to.
So. Can those of us who find this part of the Retirement implementation utterly wrong have any hope of something as well, or do we simply have to accept that STO is not for those who are serious about their gameplay?
This is no victory. This is a crushing deafeat where some were able to get out alive.
Drama much?! :P
Seriously, Mr. Salami and his team did good. They made the decision to retire the old ships, carefully, and respectfully explained why, and even offered you the option to buy Spec points (!) with your old currency. I say, short of things going exactly the way you wanted, you've been given a very equitable deal: pray he doesn't alter in any further.
The biggest issue right now is probably not being able to collect all of the Risian set, if you didn't have it already
What they should do now that they want to sunset availability is to STOP making gear sets for such ships. Give it a stand-alone console or no console at all. Too many freaking 'special' consoles in the game already.
Seriously, Mr. Salami and his team did good. They made the decision to retire the old ships, carefully, and respectfully explained why, and even offered you the option to buy Spec points (!) with your old currency. I say, short of things going exactly the way you wanted, you've been given a very equitable deal: pray he doesn't alter in any further.
"equitable deal"? 5 points (to one toon) are worth a new ship? Let's not even start with the 40 pearls per alt for a new ship value. The only way this is an equitable deal is that Cryptic could have flipped the players a middle finger, made everyone's pearls disappear and no one could have done a damn thing about it. So if Emperor Cryptic reneges on a deal but tosses you some scraps from the dinner table, that's equitable?
Seriously, Mr. Salami and his team did good. They made the decision to retire the old ships, carefully, and respectfully explained why, and even offered you the option to buy Spec points (!) with your old currency. I say, short of things going exactly the way you wanted, you've been given a very equitable deal: pray he doesn't alter in any further.
Exactly, don't rock the boat, we lost some stuff but gained some other stuff.
"I believe someone once defined a compromise as... a solution that neither side is happy with."
- Jonathan Archer
Nothing about why older ships are removed? Am I missing it? Why remove them? Least make it so that are available, at least this year, with this year currency! There... metrics satisfied!
Being removed from the game would mean they'd be taken from your inventory/shipyard. They are not. These are merely event ships are no longer available after the, erm, event. Perhaps some people had the idea of maybe getting the ship next year. Well, tough on them! If you snooze, you lose. Seriously, sometimes you just have to seize the moment, and not blame others when, one day, you find out the offer has expired.
And yes, that applies to me as well. Still wanted that Breen carrier, but didn't obtain it when I still could. Too bad. I'm sure there'll be an even shinier ship at the horizon this year.
Being removed from the game would mean they'd be taken from your inventory/shipyard. They are not. These are merely event ships are no longer available after the, erm, event. Perhaps some people had the idea of maybe getting the ship next year. Well, tough on them! If you snooze, you lose. Seriously, sometimes you just have to seize the moment, and not blame others when, one day, you find out the offer has expired.
And yes, that applies to me as well. Still wanted that Breen carrier, but didn't obtain it when I still could. Too bad. I'm sure there'll be an even shinier ship at the horizon this year.
I don't want a shinier ship, I want the carrier.
Is it that hard to understand
Due to established precedent, I was under the assumption that despite missing the back half of both summer events and completely missing the latest winter event, I'd be able to get those ships
Cryptic is bending people like me over the barrel and offering a paltry consolation prize in recompense.
I'm not happy, and I won't be happy, until I can get the ships I put as much effort as I could into getting
They haven't fixed the XP gain from 50-60, so there are plenty of people and alts that haven't gotten there yet.
Am I expected to waste all my pearls on RnD mats or useless tech upgrades because I'm a casual player and couldn't grind my way to 60?
Or you could do the unthinkable, and exercise a modicum of patience, untill you reached lv. 60, and then fill up your various Spec trees. There's no law that says you have to spend it right this very instance.
And that alleged 'gap' between 50-60, why, it wasn't fixed for me either, yet I plowed thru it on my alt nonetheless, like everyone else.
It's ok Bluegeek , it's nice to see some humanity shine through ... , and no , you didn't upset me .
... but I thought to let you know that instead of going at it in a more detailed answer to your additional response . If you want an answer to that , let me know , but I didn't want to flame the flames with my response to your stuff that ended with the above , so I thought to defuse the above first .
Mind you my further response will be in my usually abrasive tone . Fair warning and all that ... :P
An abrasive tone through text can easily turn into comments that are inciting.
Saying things like
... I swear some ppl's heads here are so empty , they start to wag their collective tails when someone (anyone) pats them on the head ...
does nothing but add antagonistic sideline comments that further derail the conversation from civility. That's the explanation.
Or you could do the unthinkable, and exercise a modicum of patience, untill you reached lv. 60, and then fill up your various Spec trees. There's no law that says you have to spend it right this very instance.
And that alleged 'gap' between 50-60, why, it wasn't fixed for me either, yet I plowed thru it on my alt nonetheless, like everyone else.
You can't even claim the boxes until you're 60, and it's implied the store closes at the end of the event.
I'm a casual player, I don't have the time to log on every day and grind out the best XP systems.
And with the recent 12 hour doffing nerf, I can't even rely on that.
And it's not alleged, there is one.
It takes more xp to get from 50-60 than it takes to get from 1-50.
This isn't the thread to argue about this, however.
Being removed from the game would mean they'd be taken from your inventory/shipyard. They are not. These are merely event ships are no longer available after the, erm, event. Perhaps some people had the idea of maybe getting the ship next year. Well, tough on them! If you snooze, you lose. Seriously, sometimes you just have to seize the moment, and not blame others when, one day, you find out the offer has expired.
And yes, that applies to me as well. Still wanted that Breen carrier, but didn't obtain it when I still could. Too bad. I'm sure there'll be an even shinier ship at the horizon this year.
Hey I was in the hospital for the duration of the first event and various Real life things got in the way of me doing it the next year. I was really hoping to get the ships this year since I should be fine but now I guess not.
More importantly though, has the issue of removing the Corvette and Cruiser from the event been discussed by the Devs much?
Newer players (and even players who decided to let them wait until next year, assuming they'd be there) would never be able to get these ships if they are no longer made available during the summer events. I'm aware that a T5(U) ship isn't state-of-the art, but with (I assume) a T6 being made available this year, people should at least be given an opportunity to claim these excellent ships.
Originally Posted by helgmorn View Post
3) The Alt system introduced was always an "EXPLOIT" in general STO terms, like many others that have been closed, if you could not see this coming you are
a) A new player
b) Stupid
c) Clueless
Irrelevant of how you see it as wrong or right, that's the simple truth, "EXPLOIT CLOSED" in STO's gameplay eyes!
Using systems as they are designed and promoted is generally not considered an "EXPLOIT" in game terms. For example, from promotional materials and Q&A from last year's Summer Event:
The devs basically went out of their way to tell new and returning players how to gain access to both years' ships, assuming those players were willing to put in the time. I think that's the crux of the issue, though, as far as running multiple versions of the (Seasonal) Event projects... you still had to put in the time to unlock both discounts. A long-time player would only need to do 40 races on one character, +1 per additional ship, to unlock the discount and acquire the ships. By contrast, a new or returning player would need to do 80 races to unlock the ships on two different characters, +1 per additional ship (including getting the second ship on each of the two running their respective 40 races).
I will highlight on this
3) The Alt system introduced was always an "EXPLOIT" in general STO terms, like many others that have been closed, if you could not see this coming you are
a) A new player
b) Stupid
c) Clueless
Irrelevant of how you see it as wrong or right, that's the simple truth, "EXPLOIT CLOSED" in STO's gameplay eyes!
This brings me on to Number 4 of my rambling post-
4) You do not have a say in how this game runs, irrelevant of how much moaning on a forum you do!
I know its sad, but thats just the way it is If it looks like an exploit, or too good to be true, or defeats the grind set out by STO that we have all spent immense amounts of time arguing over, you 100% know it WILL be closed!, and back to point number 4
So, just playing Devil's Advocate or are you honestly supporting this decision
And you do have a say in how the game runs.
Ever hear the term "speak with your wallet"
Well, there you go.
1 person won't change a decision like this, but as can be evidenced by this very thread, enough people start complaining and stuff will happen.
I won't stop complaining until I get what I want out of this, and I urge others to do the same.
I like STO, truly, but recent decisions are making it hard to continue to do so.
Without knowing everything that's going through their minds, I'd say it would be better to open an Event store and let people spend their temporary currency to obtain any one ship they want, past or present.
They haven't yet said what they're going to do about the Breen ships. They may not have even made up their minds yet. I would hope that they aren't going to throw out the T6 carrier after only one year.
On the other hand, I've always wondered what they were going to do when they created the sets. Themes are nice, but they can also lock you in to trying to do something new without being too original.
Maybe they'll update all of the prizes to T6 over time... or maybe they'll introduce an entirely new theme and line of ships... who knows? Too soon for them to tell us that, even if that's what they're planning to do, if they follow their normal pattern of being hype-tastic.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I do.
I was here for the last 2 winter events, missed the most recent one, and somehow that means I'm not allowed to get the carrier ever.
The event ships were originally temporary, one-time-only things. Cryptic changed that for probably a number of reasons, but the main one was likely the complaint that we couldn't claim the ships on all of our alts because it was too grindy. Another reason was that when the first event ship rolled out, there weren't any equipment sets to collect.
Well, now they've addressed the alt issue. Earn it once, earn it always. I don't see the need for exclusivity either, but that's another argument.
The biggest issue right now is probably not being able to collect all of the Risian set, if you didn't have it already. They could address that without allowing the currency situation to continue, or so I would hope. There's still time for them to reverse their decision about retiring the ships... or to give us a good reason why. That's worth campaigning for.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Very good to hear. Yet another decision demonstrating, in my opinion, a positive direction of the game's management, hence the reason why I've started spending money on the game again after about a year long hiatus.
Meanwhile, 3+ year old bugs and the onslaught of grinding ensues.
I don't remember the Event ships ever being temporary. They mentioned the Breen ships not coming back, but then reversed course on that. Probably because they came up with the ship set idea.
Yes, the alt issue is resolved, but I feel we still need to argue against the notion of "exclusivity". It's ridiculous AND it flies in the face of them wanting players to spend more time in the Event. More rewards to claim means more time spent in the Event to earn them.
Risian set? You mean the 2 ship set, right? Because we don't know what this year's ship is yet. We're all just assuming that it'll be another Risian ship with a console that plays into a 3 piece set with the previous 2 ships. Except that there's no logic there if they're retiring the Corvette and the Luxury Liner. If players that didn't get those 2 ships before are unable to get them now, they'll be less likely to grind for a ship that possesses piece #3 of a set they'll never complete. Surely Cryptic can see that. This Event would be dead on arrival for those that cannot claim the previous 2 ships.
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you and me both on the delta char part.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
It's ok Bluegeek , it's nice to see some humanity shine through ... , and no , you didn't upset me .
... but I thought to let you know that instead of going at it in a more detailed answer to your additional response . If you want an answer to that , let me know , but I didn't want to flame the flames with my response to your stuff that ended with the above , so I thought to defuse the above first .
Mind you my further response will be in my usually abrasive tone . Fair warning and all that ... :P
> <
> <
I never said I believe or support such exclusivity, I actually am opposed to it and believe all previous year's ships should be available during the events, I only said I 'understood' their actions.
I am still holding out a slim hope that they maintain the old ships in the new system (using the current 'currency of the year' though).
Umm, what?
I don't consider myself to be in such a crowd, however, making event ships account wide benefits everyone who uses more than one toon. Which is what I'm happy with.
Then I guess I'll have to live with the label, because I generally don't get into a 'blood spitting rage'.
I understand that companies (like Cryptic/PWE) are going to do everything they can to seperate me from the contents of my wallet, so when developers say they are going to discontinue a currency, I'm not surprised or terribly upset by it. But when they give a little and do something that benefits players I AM surprised and feel that said developers should be thanked for breaking from the established norms of seperating players from their money.
I'm actually somewhat confused about all the rage still present in this thread, the Devs could have just ignored this until we (players) got tired of complaining and just lived with the changes from the Dev Blog, but instead they made an effort and compromised a little. There are still some things that could use attention, but to dismiss the efforts of the Devs and continue to scream at them for changes makes me think that everyone here on the STO forums should be in the 'me, me, me' crowd...:(
Using systems as they are designed and promoted is generally not considered an "EXPLOIT" in game terms. For example, from promotional materials and Q&A from last year's Summer Event:
The devs basically went out of their way to tell new and returning players how to gain access to both years' ships, assuming those players were willing to put in the time. I think that's the crux of the issue, though, as far as running multiple versions of the (Seasonal) Event projects... you still had to put in the time to unlock both discounts. A long-time player would only need to do 40 races on one character, +1 per additional ship, to unlock the discount and acquire the ships. By contrast, a new or returning player would need to do 80 races to unlock the ships on two different characters, +1 per additional ship (including getting the second ship on each of the two running their respective 40 races).
I can understand that you feel the system that was put in was a mistake that needed to be corrected, and that more than one game company would have simply done a reset or removed the items in question, rather than stepping in and calling a halt at the current point and leaving things as they stand. I also understand the actions have already been implemented and cannot be undone at this stage, so I appreciate your attempt to put in something else to reduce the impact of this while maintaining the model of exclusivity you want to promote in the Events.
However, much as I applaud your efforts on this one issue, I have not seen anything mentioned about the other, much more important issue here.
Are the starship emotes that completely break game immersion for those of us who are serious about our STO gameplay going to be made able to be toggled viewable or not viewable by players?
The pearls issue is something I feel is limited to a set part of the game that was always 'earn it or don't expect to get it later', and there are other items in the game that remain exclusive to those who participated in certain parts of the game (Red Matter Capacitors coming back anytime soon?). That doesn't bother me as much as the introduction of something that will change -every- part of the game, and has such potential for abuse based on how other, similar items that have been introduced in the past have fallen victim to.
So. Can those of us who find this part of the Retirement implementation utterly wrong have any hope of something as well, or do we simply have to accept that STO is not for those who are serious about their gameplay?
Thank you for your time.
Drama much?! :P
Seriously, Mr. Salami and his team did good. They made the decision to retire the old ships, carefully, and respectfully explained why, and even offered you the option to buy Spec points (!) with your old currency. I say, short of things going exactly the way you wanted, you've been given a very equitable deal: pray he doesn't alter in any further.
What they should do now that they want to sunset availability is to STOP making gear sets for such ships. Give it a stand-alone console or no console at all. Too many freaking 'special' consoles in the game already.
"equitable deal"? 5 points (to one toon) are worth a new ship? Let's not even start with the 40 pearls per alt for a new ship value. The only way this is an equitable deal is that Cryptic could have flipped the players a middle finger, made everyone's pearls disappear and no one could have done a damn thing about it. So if Emperor Cryptic reneges on a deal but tosses you some scraps from the dinner table, that's equitable?
Exactly, don't rock the boat, we lost some stuff but gained some other stuff.
"I believe someone once defined a compromise as... a solution that neither side is happy with."
- Jonathan Archer
Only if you're already level 60.
They haven't fixed the XP gain from 50-60, so there are plenty of people and alts that haven't gotten there yet.
Am I expected to waste all my pearls on RnD mats or useless tech upgrades because I'm a casual player and couldn't grind my way to 60?
Being removed from the game would mean they'd be taken from your inventory/shipyard. They are not. These are merely event ships are no longer available after the, erm, event.
And yes, that applies to me as well. Still wanted that Breen carrier, but didn't obtain it when I still could. Too bad. I'm sure there'll be an even shinier ship at the horizon this year.
I don't want a shinier ship, I want the carrier.
Is it that hard to understand
Due to established precedent, I was under the assumption that despite missing the back half of both summer events and completely missing the latest winter event, I'd be able to get those ships
Cryptic is bending people like me over the barrel and offering a paltry consolation prize in recompense.
I'm not happy, and I won't be happy, until I can get the ships I put as much effort as I could into getting
Or you could do the unthinkable, and exercise a modicum of patience, untill you reached lv. 60, and then fill up your various Spec trees.
And that alleged 'gap' between 50-60, why, it wasn't fixed for me either, yet I plowed thru it on my alt nonetheless, like everyone else.
Saying things like
does nothing but add antagonistic sideline comments that further derail the conversation from civility. That's the explanation.
You can't even claim the boxes until you're 60, and it's implied the store closes at the end of the event.
I'm a casual player, I don't have the time to log on every day and grind out the best XP systems.
And with the recent 12 hour doffing nerf, I can't even rely on that.
And it's not alleged, there is one.
It takes more xp to get from 50-60 than it takes to get from 1-50.
This isn't the thread to argue about this, however.
Well, thank you for clearing that up, at least.
Still doesn't do anything to please me about this decision though.
Hey I was in the hospital for the duration of the first event and various Real life things got in the way of me doing it the next year. I was really hoping to get the ships this year since I should be fine but now I guess not.
Cool, saves a question.
More importantly though, has the issue of removing the Corvette and Cruiser from the event been discussed by the Devs much?
Newer players (and even players who decided to let them wait until next year, assuming they'd be there) would never be able to get these ships if they are no longer made available during the summer events. I'm aware that a T5(U) ship isn't state-of-the art, but with (I assume) a T6 being made available this year, people should at least be given an opportunity to claim these excellent ships.
I will highlight on this
3) The Alt system introduced was always an "EXPLOIT" in general STO terms, like many others that have been closed, if you could not see this coming you are
a) A new player
b) Stupid
c) Clueless
Irrelevant of how you see it as wrong or right, that's the simple truth, "EXPLOIT CLOSED" in STO's gameplay eyes!
This brings me on to Number 4 of my rambling post-
4) You do not have a say in how this game runs, irrelevant of how much moaning on a forum you do!
I know its sad, but thats just the way it is
So, just playing Devil's Advocate or are you honestly supporting this decision
And you do have a say in how the game runs.
Ever hear the term "speak with your wallet"
Well, there you go.
1 person won't change a decision like this, but as can be evidenced by this very thread, enough people start complaining and stuff will happen.
I won't stop complaining until I get what I want out of this, and I urge others to do the same.
I like STO, truly, but recent decisions are making it hard to continue to do so.