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Star Trek: Preatorian Stories of the 26th Fleet.



  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    All Hands, this is the Admiral. In 16 Hours, Personnel from this Starbase, and all of Joint Task Force Avalon will begin their mission to the Solonae Dyson Sphere.

    The Alliance is pushing the Voth and the Undine from the Solonae Dyson Sphere. In order for Operation: Delta Rising to be possible, the Sphere must be controlled by Alliance forces. Starfleet Command has plans to t urn the Jenolan Dyson Sphere into the C&C point for all Delta Quadrant Operations. In order to take control of the Jenolan, we must have secure and permanent control of the Solonae. This will require the combined efforts of the entire Alliance. Units from the 26th Fleet will make patrols of the airs and ground theaters inside the sphere.


    The Sphere was built by the Solanae, an Iconian servitor race, approximately 200,000 years ago. It was commissioned as an Iconian staging base when they were forced to abandon their homeworld after its orbital bombardment. The Sphere was capable of housing large armadas, sustaining a vast population, and traveling vast distances across the galaxy through subspace via a "jump" ability fueled by Omega Particles generated by the Sphere itself.

    When the Solanae activated the Sphere, a large scale industrial accident occurred which generated large amounts of tetryonic energy and significantly reduced the energy output of the Sphere's central star. The effect on the star can be inferred by the spires dotted across the interior surface of the Sphere being optimized for a different spectral band than the one produced by the star. It is implied that this accident changed the molecular structure of the surviving Solanae, forcing them to retreat into subspace to survive. The accident forced the Iconians to abandon the Sphere due to its flaws and left large amounts of residual tetryon particles which are still detectable in the present day.

    In 2409, the Federation detected a 2 AU-wide region of "blank space" in the Delta Quadrant using the MIDAS array. At a distance of 30,000 light years from Sol, the long-range science vessel U.S.S. Callisto was located close to the anomaly and being rerouted to its position. Looking at the same region of space, a sensor network of the Romulan Republic detected high concentrations of boronite, sarium, carbon-60 and kelbonite amongst others


    THE SPIRE: The Spire will be manned primarily by the SB381 staff, and any off loaded crewmen serving aboard attached Starships. When not on patrol, Avalon vessels will remain docked with the Spire. Security will be provided by MACO and Station Security Staff.

    GROUND OPERATIONS: Science Teams will be sent to the ground to conduct scans and analysis of Sphere systems and ecology. MACO and Security Teams will provide OPSEC for the ground operations.

    THE FLEET: JTF Avalon will secure the airspace in the sphere. The goal is to push Voth and Undine forces from the theater of operations. Captain Zekell will have appropriate mission orders when patrols are assigned.

    THE UNIFORM: Starfleet personnel will utilize the Tactical Uniform, and carry standard Starfleet or Republic sidearms, per their respective services, at all times. Rifles will be issued on an as need basis.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we are entering a new era of discovery. We are preparing to leap into the Delta Quadrant, an area of space some 50,000 Light Years from home. In order to do this, the Solonae Sphere must be held. Failure is not an option.

    (( As an OOC note, the 26th Fleet will be ICly spending the next week on the Fleet Spire. The map is a bit smaller, so it should make for a confined, stressful environment for our characters. All OSB guests are encouraged to swing by and take part in the events that we have planned. All OSB invites will be sent from the Spire when able. Since the game will likely split us up into instances, please use the SB381 channel to coordinate with us and other role players for grouping. We hope to see you out at the Solonae Sphere! ))

    Come join us at the Dyson Sphere this week for RP, Dino Punching and Bug Stomping! Get ready for the jump into the Delta Quadrant with the 26th!
  • mrmely95mrmely95 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ever wanted to play the mirror universe version of your character? Ever wanted to see how they'd cope with others of the mirror universe? Wanted to be the bad guy for once? Well heres your chance! The 26th will be running a Mirror Universe event that will be running all week, so get your Terran uniform on and come down to Battlestation 381!
  • mrmely95mrmely95 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Through out the various outfits that line Praetorian's promenade, a familiar voice on top of a catchy tune can be heard playing randomly through out your duty-shift. You may have ignored it once or twice, yet if you should move in and investigate you would come to find this advertisement being played on a nearby wall console.

  • mrmely95mrmely95 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Daimon Qul of QUAC Enterprises has received a strange latinum box from the Ferengi Central Reserve. As it transpires Qul's great uncle on his mothers side has a brother in law who knew a few people who ended up leaving Qul something in his will... Such an ornate case, made of pure latinum, who could ever turn such an object of majestic beauty down? Certainly not Qul!

    What could be hidden inside? All that is known is that a flash came from Qul's ship, sending those on and around Starbase 381 Praetorian into a strange dream-like state in which they are all Academy Students or professors in the same class... what could be happening? Will they ever return to reality?

    OOC: We will be spending the next week or so primarily RPing at Starfleet Academy. If you wish to get involved in the RP but can't find the instance we're in, ask in OOC on the SB381 channel and we'll be happy to let you know! OSB (Open Starbase) Will still be running however I ask you allow us time to return to base to invite you.
  • commanderzekellcommanderzekell Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A shout out tonight for our friends in Task Force Argo who pitched in with us earlier today and helped the 26th create a fun cross-fleet event!

    We look forward to the next round!

    26th Fleet, Fleet Admiral
  • bobsled624bobsled624 Member Posts: 267 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    From the Admiral's desk: Remembering the Dominion War

    Seal of the 26th Fleet

    It was a bloody, lasting conflict. Yes it ended with a victory for the allied Federation, Klingon and Romulan forces. But that victory did not come without a price. The casualty lists were extensive and at one point the Dominion even sprung an assault in the core worlds of the Federation. Though regardless of the odds, Starfleet and its allies defended the quadrant admirably and valiantly.

    We will take the following twenty four hours, stardate 92694.2, to remember the Dominion War together. Available at 0800 the Star Base Quartermaster will have replicated, working Dominion War era combadges available for all Starfleet personnel to wear for the entire day in commemoration of both the sung as well as unsung heroes and efforts of the historic War.

    Also during the day, two open forum sessions will be held with the Dominion War as the topic. At this time, you are welcomed to make and join in discussion as the forum unfolds. Veterans and activities will take the spot light of these sessions. Praetorian Operations will put out a memo of the schedule for each of the forums come the morning.

    Boldly go,

    Vice Admiral Collu Zekell
    Commanding Officer, 26th Fleet
    Commander of Overall Operations

    Captain Mark Shranz | bIng 'aj Ro'Tal | erei'Riov Koval tr'Liun

    "Your fun is not wrong" -Jeremy Randal@borticuscryptic

    Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
  • bobsled624bobsled624 Member Posts: 267 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015

    My friends,

    It is with great pride that we announce the change in command of the Sector Commander for Republic Forces deployed in The Outback. Effective this date, Riov Ineania t’Latta assumes command of all Republic forces attached to Starbase 381. Please join me in welcoming Riov t’Latta and wishing them fair winds and clear skies!

    Commander Mark Shranz,
    Executive officer,
    Starbase 381,

    RECIPIENT: All Kreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan Personnel
    SENDER: Riov Ineania t'Latta
    SUBJECT: General Orders and Mission Statement


    Over the past few days since being assigned as Sector Commander for Republic Forces I have been attempting to meet with and discuss the current status of Republic personnel and interests in the Outback. I feel these meetings have been very productive as ways to get to know everyone. If you have not yet had a chance to speak with me, please contact my ship's executive officer to arrange a time to meet with me.

    The first order of business is that there seems to be universal concerning about the lack of proper support personnel on Starbase 381. Centurion Tel'iss t'Serel has advised me of the current lack of sufficient engineers to fully maintain our present warbirds, and in similar vein Centurion Laurel Tho Ley advised focusing on older, more proven hulls rather than using the most advanced Republic vessels. It is my intention to petition Republic Militia Command to dispatch a full engineering support team to Starbase 381 as well as request additional Warbirds to support Republic operations.

    Due to the low number of senior Republic personnel stationed here, at this time I will not be appointing a second as Sector Commander. If the Republic assigns more personnel here, I will reevaluate.

    At this time, all Republic personnel will continue to act in support of Task Force Avalon and Starbase 381 as per their previous orders.

    Captain Mark Shranz | bIng 'aj Ro'Tal | erei'Riov Koval tr'Liun

    "Your fun is not wrong" -Jeremy Randal@borticuscryptic

    Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
  • bobsled624bobsled624 Member Posts: 267 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    ***The following report is filed on Stardate 91714.46 after a critical failure of Starbase 381's main reactor***

    ***Begin official report***

    Stardate: 91714.46
    Recording officer: Commander Mark T. Shranz, Executive officer, Starbase 381.
    Incident Summary: Failure, main reactor - Dilithium crystal fracture. Toxic flooding main engineering deck, Starbase 381.

    Report details
    At 2152 hrs (Federation central coordinated time), Starbase 381's main computer detected a critical failure in the base's main reactor. As per emergency protocol 13-27 Baker, the station was brought to Yellow Alert and all hands summoned to emergency stations.

    USS Clarke, USS Vendetta, USS Nomad and USS Tavistock, as per this emergency protocol, stood ready to lend any an all assistance.

    At 2157 hrs, with all emergency stations manned, I ordered Commander Jyanna Kai to assume command of Auxiliary control and lend any on site assistance to the engineering team as possible.

    2158: Atmosphere in main engineering and surrounding compartments reaches toxic levels, main computer initiates emergency transport of all personnel in the effected areas to medical under the care of Doctor K'ranis, recently arrived at 381. This left main engineering unmanned with the main reactor spinning out of control

    2208: EV team, under the command of Leftennant Junior Grade Genie Lim, being the most qualified engineer on site, enters hazard zone. Command Master Chief Petty officer N'Toth Salene stands as comms officer for the hazard team.

    2210: USS Noros - E arrives back after warp drive tests completed. Ambassador Terak (whom the ship was conveying) remained at 381 and assisted Leftennant Lim in stabalising the Antimatter Containment field.

    2212: In order to warn incoming starships of the ongoing emergency and the loss of main power, I used Starfleet emergency channel 17-Delta to broadcast an emergency alert. USS Noros, USS Destiny, USS Archer, and USS Nazara responded to alert, transporting teams of personnel in E.V. Gear to the effected sections of Starbase 381.

    2217: Commander Kai in Auxiliary control reports that antimatter containment dropped to 65%. Station protocol 43-Alpha comes into effect at 15%. By private comm, I informed Leftennant Lim of this and urged a speedy and effective resolution.

    2221: Comms from Ensign Cenayr and Leftennant Lim contact Ops requesting full atmospheric venting of engineering spaces. After calling a full evacuation and checking with Leftennant Commander D'Richol in Ops, I confirmed engineering spaces were cleared of non-equipped personnel.

    <Automatic Computer Entry> Authentication code accepted and verified with retinal scan - Commander M. T. Shranz.

    2223: With command codes entered and verified, I ordered a full atmospheric venting of all engineering spaces, excluding auxiliary control.

    2227: Decompression cycle completed.

    2229: Command Master Chief Salene reports that incursion team ready to take the main reactor offline. Coordinating with Commander Kai, we prepared to bring auxiliary generators online to restore power Starbase 381.

    2232: Before shutdown of main reactor, Commander Kai detected a large radiation spike in main reactor room, threatening all personnel aboard Praetorian. With radiation alarms starting to sound in compartments throughout the station, I contacted all orbiting starships to prepare to transport all personnel off the station.

    2239: Without warning, all systems throughout 381 shut down, with emergency batteries keeping minimal life-support in Ops, the Promenade and Auxiliary control, including emergency shelters.

    2240: With main reactor offline, radiation levels throughout the station began to return to normal. At the urging of Master Chief Salene, and coordinating with Commander Kai, we brought auxiliary generators 14-23 online, restoring partial power to decks 6-31.

    2255: Auxiliary control reports all systems returning to nominal, secondary reactors 1 through 4 are initiated, slowly bringing Praetorian back to 67% operating efficiency.

    2301: With the emergency averted and Starbase 381 returned to a portion of operational efficiency, the base is stood down and response teams are ordered to Medical for decontamination.

    ***End official report***

    It is with a heavy heart that I report that this entire incident has been caused by Voles in main engineering, damaging the main plasma cross-feed and the main O.D.N. relay. I recommend that Leftennant Commander Danote begin a full investigation into the extent of the Vole infestation.

    Special commendation and thanks should be given to the following personnel, critical for averting this disaster.

    Admiral Leonard Binelli, (OSB Guest)
    Captain Maximilian Blitz (OSB Guest)
    Commander J. Kai
    Leftennant J.G. Genie Lim
    Leftennant J.G. Caelan Hartman
    Ensign Cenayr Miara
    Master Chief Petty officer N'Toth Salene,
    Ambassador Terak (OSB Guest)

    Without the above named individuals, the damage to Starbase 381 would have been far greater and casualties would have been far more severe.

    If you have any further questions on this report, please don't hesitate to contact me.

    Captain Mark Shranz | bIng 'aj Ro'Tal | erei'Riov Koval tr'Liun

    "Your fun is not wrong" -Jeremy Randal@borticuscryptic

    Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
  • commanderzekellcommanderzekell Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    26th Fleet Recruitment Status: GREEN

    Keep in mind folks that now that we've found our footing for the new year, that the 26th Fleet has once again opened its doors open for recruitment!

    At the moment, we're turning attention to Starbase 381, "Praetorian" - If you are interested please visit ourwebsite, 26thFleet.Enjin.com and fill out an application or grab a member for questions that need answered. We all would be more than glad to help you with whatever we can!

    Available roles/positions:

    Starbase 381 Crew Member: The starbase is an immersive crew-based environment which serves as the central hub to the entire 26th fleet and a staging ground for operations and assignments. As stated, this division in the 26th fleet is very character-driven and centric to many matters in-terms of our story. Think Deep Space Nine. Crewmen and officers who make up the staff of the station will be expected to work in one of three departments [ Science, Operations/Engineering, Medical ] and engage in regular duties, reporting to their department head. Keep in mind that \this role really has the best room for character development, staying connected with regular on-goings, and getting the warm "crew feel." that you see in so many Star Trek television series. Applicable IC ranks for a crew slot aboard Praetorian are between Cadet and Lieutenant Commander. To progress further you will need to work at it through roleplay. However, it's our suggestion people start at the bottom and work their way up, it is so much more rewarding in the long haul and adds to the experience.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2015
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Stardate: 92794.29


    I was called to the bridge just after running a few simulations regarding trajectories for penetrating the dark matter layer of the Dark Expanse. The Captain was observing a few readouts at the science station and called me over to take a look. Long range sensors had picked up readings, or lack thereof indicating minimised transmission from a particular system. On more in depth sensor readings a phenomena was discovered, a phenomena that was very similar to an event in recent history, the Hobus supernova. It was discovered that the Hobus event was of artificial design and the Captain was curious as to how a similar event had occurred here. Perhaps it was some sort of test bed for the technology, perhaps it was used on another race, either way the thought was chilling.


    We set course for the system, I took the time to re calibrate the sensor array with the Chief in order to maximise readouts. On arrival I was recalled to the bridge and the sight of the remnants of the system was unbelievable. Entire planets and asteroids, torn into fragments, clouds of ionised elements igniting electrical storms throughout the field. I recommended we raised shields to prevent damage from the storms.

    Iconian facility

    Our investigations of the area found large quantities of artificial alloys and protomatter, there looked to be enough present to build an artificial structure. As we approached the largest planet fragment, we discovered a facility on the planets surface, shielded and still active. Scans of the facility suggested no life signs present but that the power levels were still high enough for the facility to remain active. The Captain ordered we beamed down to the surface to investigate this relic and find out if it was the facility responsible.


    When we beamed down, we found the facility bore a striking resemblance to areas of the Dyson spheres and other reported Iconian locations. Myself and the Captain proceeded to explore the facility, finding no signs of life but an active base as scans had suggested. We came across several computer processors and interfaces, these also bore resemblance to the Iconian designs and for me, a certain feeling of familiarity. I began to feel uncomfortable, remembering the events of a year ago when we were ordered to report to the Solonae Dyson sphere. During a seemingly dire situation and what I felt may have been the only way to save the lives of my colleagues, I attempted to link my assimilation nodes to a computer console and proceed to undo the violent power transfers. The interaction left me somewhat... crippled. My technological systems had been infected by an Iconian system virus, a defense mechanism of sorts that invaded and caused damage to my systems, an attack my Borg systems simply could not adapt to. Though my interactions were brief... I still saw some of the data, I recognised it in these consoles.


    The Captain wanted the console removed so that we could study it on a secure lab on the Hartford, a task that was easier said than done. I was unable to deactivate the console for removal from the station we were presently at, the adjacent room contained an Iconian gateway and more of the consoles, this set in stone the facilities builders. We explored the facility and the gate room, finding that energy still flowed here. I informed the Captain that I could reroute power to the gate room and activate the gateway, reducing power flow to the console we wished to retrieve making it easier to free and shut down. I instructed the Captain to fire upon the securing pylons on my mark before retrieving the console.

    Kumar activates the Iconian Gateway

    Upon activating the gateway I monitored the power flow to the other console, when it was at an appropriate power level, I gave the Captain his mark to which he was able to dislodge the console successfully. I took the opportunity to observe the places I could see on the other end of the gateway... it was fascinating to say the least... somewhat tempting. I could see alien world, places I'd never considered, things of interest and possibly importance. These gateways are phenomenal structures and there must be thousands possibly millions of them scattered across vast distances. The scientist in me was more than tempted to just run through and see where it took me... but I had my duties, my friends, people I care for, ideals I uphold... still I let myself think for a moment... perhaps too long. The Captain had returned to the chamber with the console and instructed me to power down the gateway. It was strange, I felt distracted, like the Captain's words weren't entirely clear, but I listened and responded, still my distraction and un-punctual behaviour was unacceptable.

    Kumar goes to shut down the gateway

    I must have allowed the sequence to go on too long, or perhaps I took it down too quickly, either way, the fault was mine and mine alone and I wish it to be known that I take full responsibility for the following incident. As I brought down the gateway there was a power surge from the structure. Noticing this I ran for the Captain to throw him out of the direction of the gateway. The power surge let out a burst of energy that knocked me off my feet and left me dazed and confused. The Captain ordered the Hartford to beam us up immediately and the next thing I remember is being dropped into the Captains chair, disoriented and with a splitting headache. Captain Llywarch ordered the helm to take us out, through the rear viewer we could see an energy wave spreading from the Iconian base. An anomaly akin to the gateways was forming, the gravimetric forces were holding us in place and putting immense strain on the hull. At this point I was beginning to come to my senses and the Captain suggested several courses of action. I latched onto a proposal of igniting warp plasma, if we could create a shock wave of sufficient force and reconfigure the deflector array, we would be able to ride the shock wave out of the event horizon and make an escape. Our attempts were successful and the Hartford was able to go to warp. We built up a distance from the incident before we came to a stop, drifting between planetary systems in deep space. Our power reserves were depleted and the matter-antimatter reaction had gone cold. At this point we weren't getting out of the situation on our own.

    The Captain ordered emergency survival orders. The bridge crew huddled together with blankets and whatever else could be spared and we waited. My headache was still there and at times I found it hard to concentrate... but the Captain spoke with me and kept me focused. We discussed a variety of issues including the Iconian station and its possible purpose. Though the Captain assured me it was accidental... I can't help but think there was an error in my judgement and practice that caused this to happen. I am just happy no one was hurt too badly and eventually JTFA starships found us adrift. Myself and the rest of the crew were beamed out and given any treatment we needed as the JTFA members jump started the Hartford.

    I must admit I am coming to consider the Captain's hypothesis of an artificial Outback. From the events that transpired, the discoveries we've made and the things I saw through the gateway... I can't help but wonder if this was some kind of test site or stronghold for the Iconians. I am eager to find out more and I'm certain that the Hartford's mission may prove just as important as the defence of our borders. Exploration can provide us with new knowledge and greater understanding. For now though, I'm looking forward to a nice long sleep in my own bed.

    - LTC Kumar, XO USS Hartford
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Ready to escape the Iconians and continue starfleets mission of exploration deep inside the Outback Dwarf galaxy?

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    "Mutando Conservamus"

    Project Hornets Nest - Feasibility Report

    Commander, Following your request me and the crew have studied the region and needs of such a base to an extend we now believe we can give sound advice. We will be using the TELOS principle for this. Meaning we will address every letter of the this manner to describe our findings and thoughts. Since you intend to create a base from scratch, this will be a bit less extensive, as we have not had any prior experience with such an operation or system. We have changed this principle from it's normal corporate usage. The L will stand for Location instead of legal issues and the S will stand for safety instead of the normal Scheduling.


    What is needed for such a project on the Technological scale? Project HN, as it will referenced to in the following text, is quite a feat of technology. As stated there was a need for several ships to be serviced, stationed and at the ready, as well as several docking ports. This is seemingly an easy feature, a standard station can service to that, yet when you wish to hide it so perfectly well that it does not stand out between asteroids, the problem arises. A massive facility has to be build with either holographic cloaking that goes around said facility or there should be a pre-existing spacial body that is hollowed out. One might look into asteroids, as Commander Adams has stated before. I do however wish to say that using such a spacial body might be troubling, due to the natural velocity of such a formation.

    Defiant Class - standard sizing
    Length: 170.68 meters
    Beam: 134.11 meters
    Height: 30.1 meters
    Crew: 40 Officers and Personel.

    With the request of storing six of these at the same time, means we minimally require a 3375 cubic meter area. It being in kilometer and half in lenght, a kilometer and a half in width and a kilometer in half in height. This is because of the docking bays, hangars and all other rooming which will be addressed in Operations.

    Such a spacial body needs to be hollowed out. This means equipment that involves digging. Such equipment is common, but any precious materials might be destroyed. Technology might not be such a problem in this case, mostly it's organisation issues, the location and the safety of the station under the name of Star Base 381 - Preatorian. A base such as this also requires it's own deflector arrays, weaponry and shielding system. Hence creating an operational base not far from Praetorian that is used for the storage of its Defiant Attachment. We advice it being run as a minor outpost.

    The defiant attachment require quick boarding, quick departure. We have thought of a solution for this. We build a separate hanger for ever ship. Meaning each ship can deploy at its own measure. We also advice eight hangers, yet this will be spoken about in Organisation.

    Easy to say, Star Fleet has limited resources. The fleet resources are not for us to account into and such we can not looking into this portion of the project, yet we do say that outside backers of the project are highly disqualified. This is a facility that requires great secrecy. With that being said, further communications should need encryption.


    We require a location within O-11 on the current Outback Star Chart that can be found here. This means the ships will be able to be near the station within 0.01 days of travel. Meaning fourteen minutes. Travel to the Caspian wormhole is farther than this station should be and such this means we either need to investigate the spacial bodies near the station or, as stated by Commander Adams, move an object near Station 381.

    Once placed at the sufficient space from the station, it needs thrusters and a guiding system so that it is at all time at this very same distance. The distance is crucial to the project. We also suggest creating a clear path between the two facilities. HN and SB381 need to have such a clear path, because of the nature of HN. Our favorite placement is between the Caspian wormhole and SB381


    This project takes a huge chunk from operational time and assets. The fleet is currently the only one in this dwarf galaxy, meaning that when this operation is taking place this will partially halt the current station in the region. This can be complemented with crew from any ship that is to be stationed at the new facility known as Hornets Nest. This could serve for at least eight crews, tallying to two hundred and forty extra crewmen to work on the project. The problem with this is the loss of our Defiant Attachment to the station for an extensive period of time. Our suggestion is using several repair teams from the station, several teams from the Defiant leaving them with a minimal crew and teams from ships such as the U.S.S. Regal as they are dedicated to Engineering.

    To continue with the size. A station with this size can easily house several hangers. We suggest eight in this matter as this will make sure that at all times there can be several Defiants at the ready, as well as others that are being serviced on. The remaining space in the facility can be used for housing of the crew and officers, as well as all the necessary systems that are needed on board of this station. This brings us, as the Regal crew, to our own interest in the project. We can use the remaining space and or a hanger for the needs of the Federation. Advanced Technology as well as Research and Development have been looking into the Outback as a means to station a new facility for research and development and testing of Star Ship development. A.T. Department could use this base for initial testing of new types of technologies. Commander Brot'la will regularly visit in that case for inspecition.

    Now that the facilities have been taking care of, the crew compliment comes. A station such as this requires a constant crew compliment of officers and crewmen. However, due to the nature of the station we think a constant communication with SB381 is necessary as well as making the head of this 'new' station (Hornets Nest) a department head within the organisational structure of the Starbase. This will make sure SB381 has control over the Defiant Attachment, yet will give Hornets Nest the capabilities to work closely together with the other departments within Praetorian.

    It is feasible to do all this, yet this requires a slight restructure of organisation within the current SB381.

    To secure Hornets nest standard phasers will be needed as well as shielding technology. Planetary grade phasers will suffice for this project. Mark - XIV to Mark - XV

    To secure Praetorian sufficiently the Defiants need to be able to quickly move from the station, hence the separate hangers. This secures their position and makes sure other ships are not troubling when dispatching the Defiant Attachment. Quickly, they need to go to warp after this. See the station as a large torpedo bay, that instead of shooting torpedoes shoots Defiants. How childish that may be, it seems the best comparison.

    The station is also capable of spreading our influence within the region, meaning we great a clear presence within the Outback. Having but a single station near the wormhole is a liability, yet with a station such as this we can easily secure more space near the Caspian Wormhole.

    Initial Requirements

    • Personnel and digging equipment.
    • Organisations Officers and Crew.
    • Engineering Officers and Crew.
    • Systems that include, but are not limited to Weapons, Replicators, Shields, Repair, Deflectors and Hangers.
    • Clear communications with SB381 and/or organisational synchronization.
    • A consistent detachment of Defiant ships, or the Romulan equivalent.

    Personal notes

    This project takes a lot of assets and will take focus from the fleet for an extensive amount of time before completion, but we do believe this is a good chance for expansion and safety within the region. Our presence can greater through the usage of this station.

    I personally believe this outpost might be a good way to spread out our assets throughout immediate nearby systems. This means if one of our facilities falls to hostile movement, another will be able to take over its place. SB381 being the only major station within the system is a liability. It is time for the fleet to reach out and create new avenues of expansion.

    Lieutenant Commander R.A.J. Kuiper
    Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Regal - Task Force Avalon
    Attached to Starbase 381 - "Praetorian"
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Outback Sector as done by one of our members. Want to explore it? It is updated constantly as our adventures continue.

  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    A Starship, Ultraman and a Space squid.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    FROM: Commander, Task Force Avalon
    TO: Task Force Avalon
    CC: Commander, 26th Fleet


    I have been watching this project since its inception, and I agree with much of the data and conclusions gathered so far. Eventually we will want more outposts built, as LCDR Kuiper suggests, in order to expand our sphere of influence within the Outback and enable deeper patrols and exploration with relative safety and available backup. With this in mind, I have stressed to Starfleet Command that this project is critical to the success of our mission within the Outback, and they have granted additional resources specifically toward it. That means that Project Hornet's Nest has official backing.

    To officiate the matter, I am authorizing the formation of a special Task Group associated with the project, to be recognized in official matters as Escort Squadron 263 (ES263). CMDR K'Meiuu M'Rella, effective Stardate 92833 you will assume command of this Task Group in addition to your current duties as commanding officer of the USS Tavistock. You will continue to report to this office as before.

    Your first task will be to establish the initial base. Conduct any research and development needed and see to it that we have the necessary resource requirements, as well as your time estimate on when you can have it constructed by. Furthermore, as your time permits, I would like for you to begin considering what ships you would like to comprise the squadron once it reaches operational status, and to begin training with each other before the base's completion, but ideally no more than 2-4 ships in addition to the Tavistock.

    For the time being, I am assigning the USS Regal and the USS John Paul Jones to ES263 temporarily to assist in location scouting for the prototype outpost.

    Acceptance Criteria:
    Small, easy to deploy in a variety of environments, and with fewest resources to construct and maintain (including personnel).
    Capable of providing housing, moderate repairs, and resupply to any visiting starship within the fleet.
    Low observability for the base itself.
    Armament and shielding comparable to or greater than a starship for defensive purposes.
    Long range communications and sensors capable of broadly monitoring the activities within its sphere of influence independently.

    This initial outpost will serve as a prototype for further outposts later, deeper within the Outback. It may be more expansive than the final outpost design for testing purposes, such as different dock designs to test feasibility, but keep in mind that it is important that the deep range outposts be practical and quick to build to operational readiness to keep up with our projected expansion and exploration of the Outback.

    CAPT T'Molina, Starfleet
    Commander, Task Force Avalon
    26th Fleet
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    Spoilers ahead. Something quick I made for fun.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Super busy turn out this weekend. Was a ton of fun to meet dozens of new rpers.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited April 2015
  • bobsled624bobsled624 Member Posts: 267 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015

    This is a GNN Exclusive

    With a developing situation, Seloz the Red, an infamous Orion pirate, formerly an asset of the Klingon High Council has taken two Federation citizens present. GNN has exclusively learned that the Federation Starfleet commander in the region, Admiral Corris Sprint, has authorised the deployment of several ships of the 26th fleet to assist in the rescue of these citizens.

    GNN can also reveal, that one of the Federation Citizens, Mr. Tov Jan Meit is a Starfleet officer, formerly the Deputy Chief Engineer of Starbase 381.

    Communications traffic between Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Forces in the Outback reveal a possible "developing" relationship between Starfleet and the KDF:
    TO: Admiral C. Sprint
    FROM: Major General Ro'Tal
    SUBJ: Seloz


    It has come to my attention that a former Imperial asset, Seloz Y'enom (known otherwise as Seloz the Red) has taken a member of Starfleet and his daughter hostage in an act of despicable dishonour.

    I would like to convey my absolute disgust at this action and that I have officially disavowed Y'enom and declared him an outlaw of the Empire.

    I would like to meet with you, Admiral, to discuss the situation, as I am also aware that several Starfleet assets from your own command have been sighted headed towards Klingon space. I do not need to stress the importance that these officers, (whether officially sanctioned or not) do not enter Imperial space for fear of jeopardising the Jenolan Accords and plunging both the Empire and Starfleet back into a state of war with one another.

    We are both only too aware of the looming threat from the Iconia system and we can ill afford the rash actions of young and inexperienced officers dooming us all.

    Please, respond to this message and let me know if you are willing to meet with me to discuss this situation. The Ma'Para is en route to the Caspian Wormhole and we will be passing 381 in approximately 12 hours.

    I await your response.
    TO: Major General Ro'Tal
    FROM: Admiral C. Sprint
    SUBJ: Seloz

    Major General -

    The Federation assets en route to Klingon territory are on a sanctioned rescue mission as ordered by this command. Due to quantum tunneling interference with the Caspian Wormhole, a message of forewarning was apparently intercepted and disrupted by naturally occurring phenomena. The units in question are under orders to maintain radio silence to ensure OPSEC.

    None of us wants a repeat of hostilities with the Iconians having established a beach head in the Alpha Quadrant.it is my hope that our regional forces can work together to bring this criminal to justice, and ensure the safe return of my officer and his offspring.

    USS Columbia is en-route to the region, and I would be willing to meet face to face to discuss the situation in greater detail.

    TO: Admiral C. Sprint
    FROM: Major General Ro'Tal
    SUBJ: Seloz


    I will ensure that the Ma'Para and the Columbia meet in rendevous so we can discuss this pressing topic.

    Perhaps we are about to see a new era in Starfleet/KDF relations...

    Stay tuned to GNN......Bringing you your news at WARP 9!

    Captain Mark Shranz | bIng 'aj Ro'Tal | erei'Riov Koval tr'Liun

    "Your fun is not wrong" -Jeremy Randal@borticuscryptic

    Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
  • kroloffkroloff Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Spurred by the threat of war against the Iconians, new recruits are flooding recruitment stations across the Federation, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic. Recruitment officers are overwhelmed with applications from prospective officers, and additional resources are being tasked with helping these new recruits get into the academies and basic training centers as soon as possible.

    An accelerated training process will get these Delta Recruits onto ships and helping the war effort. Additional training will be done in the field, where these recruits will learn all they need to know to defend the galaxy against the Iconians and their Herald servants.

    As the new 'Delta Recruit' program gets underway, freshly minted enlisted members are flooding Starfleet bases and installations. MACO Training centers are operating overtime, trying to weed out potential MACOs from the rest of Starfleet's newly minted members.

    To cope with the increase in enlisted personnel, Starfleet Academy anexes have begun truncated cirriculums, resulting in half semesters for Starfleet Cadets. Classes are focusing primarily on combat tactics military history, and physical education as opposed to the sciences, mathmatics, and diplomacy.

    That's not all, though. Private business is also preparing for the war effort. Lockhead-Martin-Martinez, Smith & Wesson, Virgin Galactic and other Starfleet Defense Contractors are in full scale production mode of their respective weapons systems. Hand Phasers and ship weapon systems are being rushed through assembly lines across the Federation.

    According to sources at the Octogon have reported that the General Electric Boat Company, once thought defunct after the 2378 fiscal crisis on Ceti-Alpha 5, has found new life in the form of Starship construction contracts. The one time mega conglomorate of the late 21st century, will be overseeing construction of hundreds of new Defiant and Gallant class escorts, many of which are rumored to be rushed into service without so much as the traditional hull numbers associated with Naval Construction Contracts, let alone their proper naming ceremonies!

    Can Starfleet and her allies truly count on the untrained masses flooding the service, or the untried and rushed equipment being pressed into service? Are things really so dire? And are the rumors of an impending draft, not seen since Earth's third world war, true?
  • kroloffkroloff Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Conflict is the basis of plot. Without conflict, there's no story to tell because there would be no change or growth.

    Robert Olen Butler puts it in terms of yearning:
    "Desire is the driving force behind plot. the character yearns, the character does something in pursuit of that yearning, and some force or other will block the attempt to fulfill that yearning."

    That's plot in a nutshell. Every story written by man follows this same basic premise. It is central to good story telling. Hell, it's central to ****ty story telling. Story tellers, novel writers, lore singers, and yard spinners share many different attributes with role players. However, there is one thing that separates us from them. They control the whole of the story. We control one aspect of the story telling experience.

    Our own characters.

    Why is it Important to Separate IC from OOC? It is extremely important to separate roleplay from reality because to confuse the two leads to miscommunication, drama, and unhappy people. One cannot objectively weave a fair and unbiased storyline if they cannot remove themselves from the equation. We’ve all heard stories of actors that went so far down the “rabbit hole” getting into character.

    Roleplay is really not at all unlike acting, and when you get into character, if you are living and breathing your character’s emotions, you’re open to letting every negative event (like your character being arrested) hurt you emotionally, and every positive event (like your character falling in love) lead you down a path to false happiness -- with more potential for emotional pain. Giving yourself a healthy distance from your character, and maintaining a very wide berth of detachment between the character’s emotions and your own, will make you a much better roleplayer.
  • dirtysteeldirtysteel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I really like the stories posted in here...I submitted an application, had a RP test/interview, and was told I would be contacted within 24 to 48 hours...that was last Thursday night...still have heard nothing.

    I regret I am going to pull my Application...I am looking for a more active fleet. But I do wish you the best and thank you for considering me...LIVE LONG ALL STO RPers!
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    TO: ADM Sprint
    CC: Senior Staff
    FROM: CPT Llywarch
    OPERATION: Heddwch

    By this time we have all read the report put in by Captain [redacted]. The Iconian's moved a Dyson Sphere filled with potential enemies to Iconia from an unknown spot in the Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is about 2,500,000 light years away from us here at the closest point in the Alpha Quadrant. The journey that would take us 381 years to complete at Warp 9.9 takes them an instant. Ordinarily what I am about suggest would be dismissed outright but if you read the rest of my proposal and sign off on it I think we can meet some serious gains for the coming conflict.
    Let me take the Hartford to the Andromeda Galaxy.


    Over the pass few weeks since I was demoted to Captain and set loose I have been very busy. I started by charting stellar anomalies, looking for things in the Outback that didn't fit. It was almost too much stuff at first, Nothing in the Outback makes sense. Pocket Dimensions that hold planets, Hobus like events that happened thousands of years before Hobus, Iconian gates pock marked all over the Outback, A giant man flying around space beating up monsters and the seemingly endless supply of planets I keep finding that are just dead worlds. Go over my logs, I cannot prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt but I fully believe that the Outback is of artificial design.

    The Iconian's built the Dyson spheres thru their servitors Two hundred thousand years ago. What if that is just the beginning of what they can do now. Why not make a massive expanse of space for yourself where no one can get in beside one small wormhole? I have been chasing this theory down since I left 381. Recently Myself and my XO stumbled across an Iconian Computer node. It took us several days and several theories but eventually we determined if we [redacted] and plugged neural spikes directly into our Cortex we could access the Computer interface directly.

    As I'm sure you are aware both I spent a week and a half inside a medical coma due to this. Alot happened but long story short of it both myself and my XO are aware of codes and gateway procedures that will open an Iconian gate to the Andromeda galaxy for a few minutes using the space gate in Romulan space.

    Why do this?:

    Its simple. No one has tried it yet. As far as I am aware a Federation ship has never made it to the Andromeda Galaxy. We would be pioneers, braving where no man has gone before. But more then that I want to take the Hartford into the Heart of what we know if Iconian controlled territory and see if we can find someone to talk to. Our only real sight of an Iconian was at the closure of the Klingon war in the Great hall on Qo'nos. There was no time to talk, open relations, engage in diplomacy. As Starfleet officers it is up to us to engage and try to open peaceful negotiations no matter the cost to us. While this might be an extreme longshot imagine what we might be able to do, how many lives we would save if we are able to avoid a war.

    Why the Hartford?:

    Frankly at the end of the day she is the most expandable ship Starfleet has. There is no battle plan Quinn or you or anyone is drawing up that has an aged Exeter Starship as the lynchpin or even as a frontline fighter. She can do two things, Survive weird conditions and Explore. If she is lost or destroyed it wouldn't be the same loss as if you lost an Oddy or a Defiant. She has an experienced crew who are used to dealing with strange things. Mostly importantly they are ok with the idea of not being able to make it back. The hope of peace has had them sign on for a one way trip if need be.

    What will we need?:

    Firstly, Anti-rad Meds. The Kelvans reported they left the Andromeda galaxy due to rising radiation everywhere. I am not 100% sure if they meant the Galaxy as a whole or their planet or their solar system. But I would rather be safe then sorry. Secondly, I need specialists in all fields. We don't know what we will come across at all. The Andromeda galaxy might not have the same Preserver DNA running thru its native populations, Based off the Kelvans I think we will be running across strange new worlds that will be very hard to understand. Yellow shirts, red shirts, blue shirts. Any and all help you can give me. They must know the danger they are coming across though, Must be volunteer only.
    ***Encrypted Llywarch Seven-three-six. Sprint's eyes only***
    Thirdly I want a Red Matter Capacitor. In the event that things go too bad to control I would play for time and stall and hinder the Iconian base/sphere where I could. A small black hole can't be good for even a object of that size.

    Final thoughts:

    I have CC'ed this plan to our friends in both the Romulan Republic and The Klingon defense force. I encourage them to send a rep aboard the Hartford if they wish to do so. I hope we can all come to a quick jump on this, the long we stand around waiting the closer the tipping point of this war starting becomes.

    Captain Rhys Scaoska Llywarch
    USS Hartford NX-93336
    "Damn the Torpedos! Full speed ahead!"
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    We all know what's coming in Season 10, and it's big. Very big. It is something which will undoubtedly upset the status quo, not just for the 26th, but for the universe. Normally this goes without saying or just a minor note, but given the size of this, we wanted to make clear our plans for how the 26th is going to incorporate ourselves into it.

    When Season 10 hits, the 26th's Timeline will NOT immediately zip to the end of whatever events transpire. Assume that the 26th's Timeline is set ~1-2 weeks before the events of Season 10. Over the next few weeks, we will build up the 26th's Timeline to flow into and "catch up" to the main storyline. We want to do this justice by taking our time with it, fully understanding all the events of Season 10, and writing into it accordingly.

    That said, the next point goes without saying: No Spoilers Anywhere. This is just to respect those who don't have the opportunity to play it immediately. It sucks to be in a position where you feel you have to rush to play it immediately to avoid having it all spoiled for you, so I want people to respect that, and let people take their time. That goes for any details, no matter how small.

    Finally, for OSB. We will almost certainly be getting people trying to RP the events of Season 10 tomorrow. We're sticking with our official stance on it for the storyline. Please make sure you the visitor understand that SB381 is still 1-2 weeks prior to the events of Season 10, and while we'll be getting there very soon, we aren't there yet as we want to do the events justice in our fleet.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    Check out our 100% totally IC new fleet theme.
  • llywarchllywarch Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    USS Hartford runs into V'ger
  • musicman711musicman711 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    FROM: Commander, Task Force Avalon
    TO: Commander, 26th Fleet
    CC: Starfleet Command


    Admiral, this is to serve as my official report on the attack on Starbase 381 with respect to my duties as Commander of Task Force Avalon. The attack was initiated by Herald forces at Stardate 93062.99, and began from the inside via Iconian Gateway, confirming that not only are the Iconians capable of generating gateways within the Outback, but of an accuracy and refinement equivalent to the Milky Way. That said, at this time it is unknown how much preparation was required in order to stage the necessary positioning for this attack, or if it was even significant.

    Shortly after the infiltration of Starbase 381 was discovered, an advance group of Herald frigates emerged, followed shortly thereafter by three cruisers at maximum range. Patrols were recalled and a task group was assigned to intercept and destroy. The sentiment that this was a draw was unanimous among the fleet captains of the fleet, and so only enough force to deal with them was ventured. Presumably, the draw's ineffectiveness became apparent to the enemy commander, as the advance group began more to more aggressively seek attention with ill-advised all out attacks on our command and control ships. Destiny and Lumerian Star successfully evaded a suicide run in the process.

    At this stage, the commander's flagship entered the battle itself with the bulk of the Herald attack force and designated the John Paul Jones, the ship providing primary command and control at the time under the callsign "Thunderhead", as an immediate and primary target upon its entry. Subsequently the dreadnought disabled the John Paul Jones through applied firepower. The dreadnought then began an attack run on the Starbase, where individual combat remained ongoing in Engineering. The Starbase Phaser Lance was charged and fired, but the discharge was anticipated. The Phaser Lance was intercepted by Iconian Gateway and redirected back at the Starbase, crippling if not destroying the Phaser Lance itself and crippling the Starbase ventral shielding.

    We had difficulty responding to their attack, in part due to their new tactical capabilities, and partially due to chaotic battle conditions brought on by Iconian Virus Probes and internal sabotage as reported by the USS Elysium. Why the Elysium was targeted, I can only speculate, perhaps it was simply an attack of opportunity. I had Haven, Lumerian Star, and Destiny move between the dreadnought and the starbase to offer some cover until they could get their ventral shielding back online. The dreadnought was, however, adamently advancing on deck 72 and began a bombardment until it could secure a classified object, the nature of which was determined by my science officer. The on duty bridge crew has been debriefed on its classified nature and the relevant scans classified and included in this report under encrypted channels. Despite heavy bomardment, the Dreadnought held, possibly having its shields powered by gateway or other means, or potentially being a new, stronger shield.

    The object was secured via tractor beam while the Herald ships began to focus on lighter ships, seemingly intent on causing as much damage as possible to the fleet as they began a retreat. A request to destroy the classified object to prevent it from falling into enemy hands was advised against, due to the danger such an act would pose to the fleet and the Starbase. With no objective to pursue and an enemy in retreat, seemingly with their own objective secured, I ordered the fleet to break off pursuit rather than risk further casualties.

    Search and rescue and damage control is still underway, however Starbase 381 was held. Unfortunately, the classified object was secured by enemy forces. This was predicted by some tacticians, and I can only take responsibility as commander of the fleet present for the failure to adequately defend against this event. The positioning of ships to cover the station, poor coordination of the fleet after the John Paul Jones was eliminated, and failure to eliminate all of the Iconian Virus Probes all contributed to the loss of the classified object, in addition to uncontrollable and unknown factors such as weapon redirection by Gateway, and internal sabotage by interior gateways. Ultimately the forces involved were approximately even in number, though losses were primarily a result of attrition. Fortunately, our ships were mostly disabled while their ships were largely destroyed, or remained in our controlled space following the Herald retreat. Teams are even now combing the wreckage for anything which may give us an advantage.

    At this time, Starbase 381 is defended. Patrols have resumed, and we remain at high alert. After decoding an enemy transmission, it is unclear at this time if a second attempt may be made.

    CAPT T'Molina, Starfleet
    Commander, Task Force Avalon
    26th Fleet


    *** 26th Fleet Story Policy ***
    Overview - The 26th Fleet prides itself on offering an immersive, Starfleet experience in the world of Star Trek Online. Our common goal is to tell compelling, character-driven stories in these challenging times for the Federation and Starfleet. When we recruit new members to the Fleet, our goal is to ensure a good fit. It is important that your character, your ship and your understanding of what in-character lines should or should not be crossed is established.

    What this policy is not - This policy is not about telling you how to RP. There are many styles, and many ways to actually RP. Do you prefer simulation more than story telling? Do you roll with just about any situation that pops up in RP, or do you like to /emote RollDice to determine how your character will react in a situation? Play your way, but also be considerate of the goals and time investment your fellow fleet-mates are making too.

    What this policy is - This policy is about identifying problematic RP situations, and asking you to plan around them at the beginning of your recruitment process. Since the 26th Fleet formed, there have been countless instances of amazing, Trek-appropriate RP in our fleet. Some of it has been heroic, some of it villainous. Some RP has made us laugh, while sometimes we've cried... for good reasons. Some situations make us cry for bad reasons. These situations, often laden with 'drama' need to be prevented, and we ask for your help in doing this.

    ***Character Design Goals***

    1) Starfleet Compatible Backstory - Your character should be someone we'd expect to find leading a crew, or being on a crew. We're not asking for saints, here! If you're character is a wanted criminal, a member of a hostile faction or in a situation too unique to be a member of Starfleet, we really need to stop and think about this.

    1a) No Black Ops. Spec Forces, etc. Maybe some covert action is on your file, but the 26th Fleet is a Regular fleet. We get involved in all kinds of actions, so there will be a chance to put on the 'TNG Black Sweater' and do something in a sneaky way, but we simply can't support running an outsourced Section 31 program and keep true to our Fleet's theme.

    1b) No superheros. This could include recovered Borg characters who can control every computer they come across, the genetic augment of the week, the super-spy, and a frequent favorite - the AI. The problem isn't so much with the concept embedded in these characters, but in the idea that you're asking for superman without any kryptonite. Try to avoid this, or be prepared to tell us how the story of your character's development could contribute a lot to the Fleet's RP.

    1c) Time Travel is tricky. We do have characters from the past who cannot get home. We have characters from alternate timelines and even the Mirror Universe. It is much harder to envision how a regular division of Starfleet would adhere to the Temporal Prime Directive for someone who came from the future. Navigate these waters carefully, please.

    2) Resist being over-powered (OP) - You've seen it before, perhaps even played one. You're the recovered-Borg, Spock-melded, Vice Admiral decedent of Picard from another timeline who rejected the presidency of the UFP because you hate desk work. One could use terms like Mary-Sue, Marty-Sue, X-Sue here, but let's be clear - this isn't about inserting a bit of yourself into your character. This is about not making your character so all-capable and powerful that you'll never ever be challenged. OP characters also take away opportunities from other characters on their team. What is the point of having a team, if you can succeed at everything?

    ***Starship Design Goals***

    1) Review our acceptable starship policy. Please.

    2) Modified Acceptable Use Ships - Do not be desperate to run a Galaxy class ship who's IC story is that it has completely Borg-guts, fires Polaron weapons and disruptors. Since the 26th Fleet's IC Story is that it is a regular division of Starfleet, we are a bad place to bring your one-off ship with special requirements. According to our ongoing story, we supply photon and quantum torpedoes, service phaser arrays, warp drives and Starfleet-based small craft. The IC decision to see a snowflake like ship enter service in the 26th Fleet just isn't there.

    Caveat - Let's say you started with a vessel that was essentially Starfleet standard equipment and wanted to RP modifications to the ship over time... because this can lead to some cool RP with other players, we might actually be able to support this.

    3) Captured ships - As we suggest in the starship policy, we're not in the business of putting captured enemy vessels to work in our fleet. There might be some good story around the capturing and study of such a ship, so try to think of it like that - we could support the limited time running of a non-Starfleet ship to support a story.

    4) AI Driven ships - Again, this is non Starfleet standard and will usually be denied. If this is a compelling part of your character's RP vision, do declare this early and work with us to understand how this will work, and how the story will evolve and bring lots of people together to RP.

    ***Trek Universe Design Goals***

    1) Keeping Canon - The 26th Fleet keeps to canon very closely. We know... STO takes some liberties, and some parts of Trek canon seem to contradict others, but in general we do consider canon when approving your character, your ships and plots that occurs in our Fleet's RP.

    1a) No JJ-ing our universe! - This is meant a bit tongue in cheek, as many of us love the newer Trek films. The intent here is to let you know that were not going to be re-writing continuity of the STO timeline.

    1b) What year is it? - We have a link to a Stardate calculator on our site, and you should use that to keep some kind of sequencing in any IC posts you make to our forums.

    2) Keeping Trek - The spirit of Star Trek is said to be one of a journey into being human. We see this explored in many thematic ways, but there are some things we can count on. Good is going to win, but at what cost? The things that motivate our characters should the kinds of things that motivated the characters in our favorite Star Trek TV shows and films. Maybe with less lens flares.

    3) No Plot Hammers from Starfleet Command - It happens fairly often, that a player will post some communique from Starfleet Command ordering the 26th's IC leadership to suck it up and accept the transfer of some secret-special ship and a unique AI-telepathic character to the Fleet. It isn't going to work that way. The IC leaders of the fleet are often the OOC leaders as well. We care about the ongoing, smooth running of the fleet, and therefore, we deserve to be consulted about potentially controversial story elements that could affect the entire 'universe' or game-world of our story.

    How to join as a Federation officer

    The first step in joining the 26th Fleet is to visit our Enjin site at http://26thfleet.enjin.com/home
    After that its simple, please read over the rules and regulations under the tab "The Story"
    Fill out an Application and wait for one of our fleet recruiters to get into contact with you.

    How to Join as a Romulan

    New applications to the 26th Fleet will first be required to establish a Starfleet character before they will be permitted to add a Romulan character. Tthe 26th is primarily a Starfleet guild and will continue to be so.

    Point of Contact

    Lorien Toprill@kroloff
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